Tonight's Hannity interview with Solomon and Carter. (Monday will be a BIG day)

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
400 ^


<"John Solomon - I’ll give you some Breaking News right now Sean. Federal prosecutors assigned to John Huber reached out to a whistleblower in the Clinton Foundation. For the first time we’ve seen contact between a CF whistleblower and the IG’s office. More to come ...">

Honestly, it is about time that the RIGHT struck back at the ABNORMALS, and TREASONOUS BASTARDS!!!

Rumors all over the net that Mueller is in big trouble with the U1 investigation.

The Clintoons FINALLY might be goin’ down! ^


<"John Solomon - I’ll give you some Breaking News right now Sean. Federal prosecutors assigned to John Huber reached out to a whistleblower in the Clinton Foundation. For the first time we’ve seen contact between a CF whistleblower and the IG’s office. More to come ...">

Honestly, it is about time that the RIGHT struck back at the ABNORMALS, and TREASONOUS BASTARDS!!!

Rumors all over the net that Mueller is in big trouble with the U1 investigation.

The Clintoons FINALLY might be goin’ down!
Yeah, going to be a BIG monday! :lmao: ^


<"John Solomon - I’ll give you some Breaking News right now Sean. Federal prosecutors assigned to John Huber reached out to a whistleblower in the Clinton Foundation. For the first time we’ve seen contact between a CF whistleblower and the IG’s office. More to come ...">

Honestly, it is about time that the RIGHT struck back at the ABNORMALS, and TREASONOUS BASTARDS!!!

Rumors all over the net that Mueller is in big trouble with the U1 investigation.

The Clintoons FINALLY might be goin’ down!
Attempted distraction to keep folks.from realizing how deep a hole tRump and his spawn are in.

Nobody will remember this come Monday. ^


<"John Solomon - I’ll give you some Breaking News right now Sean. Federal prosecutors assigned to John Huber reached out to a whistleblower in the Clinton Foundation. For the first time we’ve seen contact between a CF whistleblower and the IG’s office. More to come ...">

Honestly, it is about time that the RIGHT struck back at the ABNORMALS, and TREASONOUS BASTARDS!!!

Rumors all over the net that Mueller is in big trouble with the U1 investigation.

The Clintoons FINALLY might be goin’ down!

No way I'm watching a half hour of hannity. You wanna give a hint of what you think is expected Monday?
Wake me when high ranking GOVT from the last 10 years are put in handcuffs. Not fringe Civilians.
I doubt much of anything is really going to come out of this.
It would expose the deep corruption of both parties. ^


<"John Solomon - I’ll give you some Breaking News right now Sean. Federal prosecutors assigned to John Huber reached out to a whistleblower in the Clinton Foundation. For the first time we’ve seen contact between a CF whistleblower and the IG’s office. More to come ...">

Honestly, it is about time that the RIGHT struck back at the ABNORMALS, and TREASONOUS BASTARDS!!!

Rumors all over the net that Mueller is in big trouble with the U1 investigation.

The Clintoons FINALLY might be goin’ down!

Not going to hold my breath for any indictments on the Clinton or Hussein camps. They are too well connected and government agents don’t want to end up dead.
When will this Hillary Bullsht end? You really do have to be a loser to keep bringing her up. Face it Trumpers, Trump is in trouble and is going down. Maybe not impeached, but he is heading for the exit unfortunately not soon enough.
EXCLUSIVE: FBI Raids Home Of Whistleblower On Clinton Foundation, Lawyer Says
EXCLUSIVE: FBI Raids Home Of Whistleblower On Clinton Foundation, Lawyer Says

  • The FBI raided the home of a whistleblower who was in possession of documents regarding the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One, according to the whistleblower’s lawyer, Michael Socarras.
  • The whistleblower, Dennis Nathan Cain, had turned the documents over to the Department of Justice’s inspector general and both the House and Senate Intelligence committees, according to the lawyer.
  • The FBI rummaged through Cain’s home for six hours, even after the whistleblower handed over the documents, according to Socarras.

". . . The delivered documents also show that then-FBI Director Robert Mueller failed to investigate allegations of criminal misconduct pertaining to Rosatom and to other Russian government entities attached to Uranium One, the document reviewed by TheDCNF alleges. Mueller is now the special counsel investigating whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election.

“The bureau raided my client to seize what he legally gave Congress about the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One,” the whistleblower’s lawyer, Michael Socarras, told TheDCNF, noting that he considered the FBI’s raid to be an “outrageous disregard” of whistleblower protections. (RELATED: FBI Takes Aim At The Clinton Foundation). . . "


". . . Frightened and intimidated, Cain promptly handed over the documents, Socarras told TheDCNF. Yet even after surrendering the information to the FBI, the agents continued to rummage through the home for six hours.

“After asking and getting my approval to do so, DOJ IG Michael Horowitz had a member of his staff physically take Mr. Cain’s classified document disclosure to the House and Senate Intelligence committees,” Socarras told TheDCNF.

“For the bureau to show up at Mr. Cain’s home suggesting that those same documents are stolen federal property, and then proceed to seize copies of the same documents after being told at the house door that he is a legally protected whistleblower who gave them to Congress, is an outrageous disregard of the law,” he continued. . . . "

Mueller is now out of control, up to his old tricks, and basically acting lawless, expecting the incoming congress to cover for his behavior. He best come up with something for all these storm trooper, stasi tactics.
When will this Hillary Bullsht end? You really do have to be a loser to keep bringing her up. Face it Trumpers, Trump is in trouble and is going down. Maybe not impeached, but he is heading for the exit unfortunately not soon enough.

This isn't about Trump anymore.

Nor is it about Hillary.

This is about the lawless nature of the Deep State.

This is about the power, and lack of checks the public has on Mueller, the FBI, the CIA, and all the other lettered agencies that Assange, Snowden and every other whistle blower has warned us about. It really isn't a partisan issue. The media WANTS to make it seem that way, to distract you from the real problem. The legacy media is embedded with spooks, so is Hollywood and the music industry.

We have always had this problem since WWII though, it is like a cancer since then, and it always needs to be put in check.

It was bad during the days of J. Edgar Hoover, and the Dulles Brothers, and it is now exponentially bad with computer technology. Wake up before it is too late.
When will this Hillary Bullsht end? You really do have to be a loser to keep bringing her up. Face it Trumpers, Trump is in trouble and is going down. Maybe not impeached, but he is heading for the exit unfortunately not soon enough.

This isn't about Trump anymore.

Nor is it about Hillary.

This is about the lawless nature of the Deep State.

This is about the power, and lack of checks the public has on Mueller, the FBI, the CIA, and all the other lettered agencies that Assange, Snowden and every other whistle blower has warned us about. It really isn't a partisan issue. The media WANTS to make it seem that way, to distract you from the real problem. The legacy media is embedded with spooks, so is Hollywood and the music industry.

We have always had this problem since WWII though, it is like a cancer since then, and it always needs to be put in check.

It was bad during the days of J. Edgar Hoover, and the Dulles Brothers, and it is now exponentially bad with computer technology. Wake up before it is too late.

No. It's about nut bags that have been convinced there is such a thing as the "deep state". Hopefully, some day you will realize all those conspiracy theories you fell for are just unethical lies.
When will this Hillary Bullsht end? You really do have to be a loser to keep bringing her up. Face it Trumpers, Trump is in trouble and is going down. Maybe not impeached, but he is heading for the exit unfortunately not soon enough.

This isn't about Trump anymore.

Nor is it about Hillary.

This is about the lawless nature of the Deep State.

This is about the power, and lack of checks the public has on Mueller, the FBI, the CIA, and all the other lettered agencies that Assange, Snowden and every other whistle blower has warned us about. It really isn't a partisan issue. The media WANTS to make it seem that way, to distract you from the real problem. The legacy media is embedded with spooks, so is Hollywood and the music industry.

We have always had this problem since WWII though, it is like a cancer since then, and it always needs to be put in check.

It was bad during the days of J. Edgar Hoover, and the Dulles Brothers, and it is now exponentially bad with computer technology. Wake up before it is too late.

No. It's about nut bags that have been convinced there is such a thing as the "deep state". Hopefully, some day you will realize all those conspiracy theories you fell for are just unethical lies.
When you read some books by educated men, we'll talk.

Till then, about you don't insult me, and I won't insult you?
TDS folks, how can you spew your delusional nonsense without actually watching Hannity, for example, and addressing the facts he presents? Yes, your butt will hurt, butt :p at least will be in a position to accept the facts or simply deny the facts as your TDS insists you do.

When will this Hillary Bullsht end? You really do have to be a loser to keep bringing her up. Face it Trumpers, Trump is in trouble and is going down. Maybe not impeached, but he is heading for the exit unfortunately not soon enough.

This isn't about Trump anymore.

Nor is it about Hillary.

This is about the lawless nature of the Deep State.

This is about the power, and lack of checks the public has on Mueller, the FBI, the CIA, and all the other lettered agencies that Assange, Snowden and every other whistle blower has warned us about. It really isn't a partisan issue. The media WANTS to make it seem that way, to distract you from the real problem. The legacy media is embedded with spooks, so is Hollywood and the music industry.

We have always had this problem since WWII though, it is like a cancer since then, and it always needs to be put in check.

It was bad during the days of J. Edgar Hoover, and the Dulles Brothers, and it is now exponentially bad with computer technology. Wake up before it is too late.

No. It's about nut bags that have been convinced there is such a thing as the "deep state". Hopefully, some day you will realize all those conspiracy theories you fell for are just unethical lies.
When you read some books by educated men, we'll talk.

Till then, about you don't insult me, and I won't insult you?

Educated? You mean like Corsi, or that DeSousa idiot? ^


<"John Solomon - I’ll give you some Breaking News right now Sean. Federal prosecutors assigned to John Huber reached out to a whistleblower in the Clinton Foundation. For the first time we’ve seen contact between a CF whistleblower and the IG’s office. More to come ...">

Honestly, it is about time that the RIGHT struck back at the ABNORMALS, and TREASONOUS BASTARDS!!!

Rumors all over the net that Mueller is in big trouble with the U1 investigation.

The Clintoons FINALLY might be goin’ down!

what is this suppose to be about, who is Solomon and carter?
John F. Solomon - Wikipedia

This is about Solomon and Carter are regulars on Sean Hannity, the three are peas in the same pod.

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