Tonight's Hannity interview with Solomon and Carter. (Monday will be a BIG day)

Bigger than the FISA memo? LOL
When will this Hillary Bullsht end? You really do have to be a loser to keep bringing her up. Face it Trumpers, Trump is in trouble and is going down. Maybe not impeached, but he is heading for the exit unfortunately not soon enough.

This isn't about Trump anymore.

Nor is it about Hillary.

This is about the lawless nature of the Deep State.

This is about the power, and lack of checks the public has on Mueller, the FBI, the CIA, and all the other lettered agencies that Assange, Snowden and every other whistle blower has warned us about. It really isn't a partisan issue. The media WANTS to make it seem that way, to distract you from the real problem. The legacy media is embedded with spooks, so is Hollywood and the music industry.

We have always had this problem since WWII though, it is like a cancer since then, and it always needs to be put in check.

It was bad during the days of J. Edgar Hoover, and the Dulles Brothers, and it is now exponentially bad with computer technology. Wake up before it is too late.
and still -- we have plenty federal buildings named after Hoover and the Dulles' have an airport.....apparently plenty of conservatives didn't have a problem with this "Deep State" for quite a while....

it wasn't until their cult leader got his dumb ass investigated, now you folks are willing to care about the Deep State....
When will this Hillary Bullsht end? You really do have to be a loser to keep bringing her up. Face it Trumpers, Trump is in trouble and is going down. Maybe not impeached, but he is heading for the exit unfortunately not soon enough.

This isn't about Trump anymore.

Nor is it about Hillary.

This is about the lawless nature of the Deep State.

This is about the power, and lack of checks the public has on Mueller, the FBI, the CIA, and all the other lettered agencies that Assange, Snowden and every other whistle blower has warned us about. It really isn't a partisan issue. The media WANTS to make it seem that way, to distract you from the real problem. The legacy media is embedded with spooks, so is Hollywood and the music industry.

We have always had this problem since WWII though, it is like a cancer since then, and it always needs to be put in check.

It was bad during the days of J. Edgar Hoover, and the Dulles Brothers, and it is now exponentially bad with computer technology. Wake up before it is too late.
and still -- we have plenty federal buildings named after Hoover and the Dulles' have an airport.....apparently plenty of conservatives didn't have a problem with this "Deep State" for quite a while....

it wasn't until their cult leader got his dumb ass investigated, now you folks are willing to care about the Deep State....

It was because of deep State that got Trump elected.
An outsider.
When will this Hillary Bullsht end? You really do have to be a loser to keep bringing her up. Face it Trumpers, Trump is in trouble and is going down. Maybe not impeached, but he is heading for the exit unfortunately not soon enough.

This isn't about Trump anymore.

Nor is it about Hillary.

This is about the lawless nature of the Deep State.

This is about the power, and lack of checks the public has on Mueller, the FBI, the CIA, and all the other lettered agencies that Assange, Snowden and every other whistle blower has warned us about. It really isn't a partisan issue. The media WANTS to make it seem that way, to distract you from the real problem. The legacy media is embedded with spooks, so is Hollywood and the music industry.

We have always had this problem since WWII though, it is like a cancer since then, and it always needs to be put in check.

It was bad during the days of J. Edgar Hoover, and the Dulles Brothers, and it is now exponentially bad with computer technology. Wake up before it is too late.

No. It's about nut bags that have been convinced there is such a thing as the "deep state". Hopefully, some day you will realize all those conspiracy theories you fell for are just unethical lies.
When you read some books by educated men, we'll talk.

Till then, about you don't insult me, and I won't insult you?

Educated? You mean like Corsi, or that DeSousa idiot?
No, like University of Berkeley's professor emeritus Peter Dale Scott, or noted and respected journalist of the San Franciso Chronicle, editor and founder of Salon, David Talbot, or longtime congressional staffer Mike Lofgren.

How about the highest rank authorized at that time, and at the time of his death the most decorated Marine in U.S history, Smedley Butler?
When will this Hillary Bullsht end? You really do have to be a loser to keep bringing her up. Face it Trumpers, Trump is in trouble and is going down. Maybe not impeached, but he is heading for the exit unfortunately not soon enough.

This isn't about Trump anymore.

Nor is it about Hillary.

This is about the lawless nature of the Deep State.

This is about the power, and lack of checks the public has on Mueller, the FBI, the CIA, and all the other lettered agencies that Assange, Snowden and every other whistle blower has warned us about. It really isn't a partisan issue. The media WANTS to make it seem that way, to distract you from the real problem. The legacy media is embedded with spooks, so is Hollywood and the music industry.

We have always had this problem since WWII though, it is like a cancer since then, and it always needs to be put in check.

It was bad during the days of J. Edgar Hoover, and the Dulles Brothers, and it is now exponentially bad with computer technology. Wake up before it is too late.
and still -- we have plenty federal buildings named after Hoover and the Dulles' have an airport.....apparently plenty of conservatives didn't have a problem with this "Deep State" for quite a while....

it wasn't until their cult leader got his dumb ass investigated, now you folks are willing to care about the Deep State....

Agreed. Though, to be fair, I don't think anything named "Hoover" is in memory of the Tyrant of the FBI, if it is, they are striping his name off of it.

The J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building Needs A New Name - The Atlantic

All other references are to HERBERT HOOVER, the president.

And as far as the Dulles brothers? Time, it just takes time to get the truth out. Folks tore down civil war monuments, and they were far less offensive. That took 150 years. It will happen eventually.

Before Trump, folks cared, but it had been mostly the left. Most of the books I read on it are from left wing authors. It blows my mind that the left is now even to the point of denying that the military-industrial complex, fostered by the spooks and wall-street, that even this system of elites even exists. It's mind blowing. These powerful elites with money have always run the show, and it was the left that had always warned America about their dangers. And now they just want us to pretend it doesn't exist? wtf?

This poster Bulldog is a prime example. Either he is a spook himself, or he is so far left and in denial, he is terminally stupid. It just doesn't make sense. Maybe he is just really young? :dunno: Of course there are clandestine interest groups. Everyone over forty knows this. How could anyone be so obtuse?

When will this Hillary Bullsht end? You really do have to be a loser to keep bringing her up. Face it Trumpers, Trump is in trouble and is going down. Maybe not impeached, but he is heading for the exit unfortunately not soon enough.

This isn't about Trump anymore.

Nor is it about Hillary.

This is about the lawless nature of the Deep State.

This is about the power, and lack of checks the public has on Mueller, the FBI, the CIA, and all the other lettered agencies that Assange, Snowden and every other whistle blower has warned us about. It really isn't a partisan issue. The media WANTS to make it seem that way, to distract you from the real problem. The legacy media is embedded with spooks, so is Hollywood and the music industry.

We have always had this problem since WWII though, it is like a cancer since then, and it always needs to be put in check.

It was bad during the days of J. Edgar Hoover, and the Dulles Brothers, and it is now exponentially bad with computer technology. Wake up before it is too late.
and still -- we have plenty federal buildings named after Hoover and the Dulles' have an airport.....apparently plenty of conservatives didn't have a problem with this "Deep State" for quite a while....

it wasn't until their cult leader got his dumb ass investigated, now you folks are willing to care about the Deep State....

It was because of deep State that got Trump elected.
An outsider.

No. It was because of crazy conspiracy theory nuts who believed the so called "deep state" is a real thing
When will this Hillary Bullsht end? You really do have to be a loser to keep bringing her up. Face it Trumpers, Trump is in trouble and is going down. Maybe not impeached, but he is heading for the exit unfortunately not soon enough.

This isn't about Trump anymore.

Nor is it about Hillary.

This is about the lawless nature of the Deep State.

This is about the power, and lack of checks the public has on Mueller, the FBI, the CIA, and all the other lettered agencies that Assange, Snowden and every other whistle blower has warned us about. It really isn't a partisan issue. The media WANTS to make it seem that way, to distract you from the real problem. The legacy media is embedded with spooks, so is Hollywood and the music industry.

We have always had this problem since WWII though, it is like a cancer since then, and it always needs to be put in check.

It was bad during the days of J. Edgar Hoover, and the Dulles Brothers, and it is now exponentially bad with computer technology. Wake up before it is too late.
and still -- we have plenty federal buildings named after Hoover and the Dulles' have an airport.....apparently plenty of conservatives didn't have a problem with this "Deep State" for quite a while....

it wasn't until their cult leader got his dumb ass investigated, now you folks are willing to care about the Deep State....

It was because of deep State that got Trump elected.
An outsider.

No. It was because of crazy conspiracy theory nuts who believed the so called "deep state" is a real thing

Just b/c you don't believe it, doesn't make it not true.

Why don't you edit the page in Wikipedia and tell the entire world that you are right and every single person on the planet but you is a crazy conspiracy nut? Or tell the administrators to just delete the page, b/c, well, it isn't a "real thing." If we can't even agree on terms, how can we have a rational civil discussion? You have a real problem.

Deep state in the United States - Wikipedia

When will this Hillary Bullsht end? You really do have to be a loser to keep bringing her up. Face it Trumpers, Trump is in trouble and is going down. Maybe not impeached, but he is heading for the exit unfortunately not soon enough.

This isn't about Trump anymore.

Nor is it about Hillary.

This is about the lawless nature of the Deep State.

This is about the power, and lack of checks the public has on Mueller, the FBI, the CIA, and all the other lettered agencies that Assange, Snowden and every other whistle blower has warned us about. It really isn't a partisan issue. The media WANTS to make it seem that way, to distract you from the real problem. The legacy media is embedded with spooks, so is Hollywood and the music industry.

We have always had this problem since WWII though, it is like a cancer since then, and it always needs to be put in check.

It was bad during the days of J. Edgar Hoover, and the Dulles Brothers, and it is now exponentially bad with computer technology. Wake up before it is too late.
and still -- we have plenty federal buildings named after Hoover and the Dulles' have an airport.....apparently plenty of conservatives didn't have a problem with this "Deep State" for quite a while....

it wasn't until their cult leader got his dumb ass investigated, now you folks are willing to care about the Deep State....

Agreed. Though, to be fair, I don't think anything named "Hoover" is in memory of the Tyrant of the FBI, if it is, they are striping his name off of it.

The J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building Needs A New Name - The Atlantic

All other references are to HERBERT HOOVER, the president.

And as far as the Dulles brothers? Time, it just takes time to get the truth out. Folks tore down civil war monuments, and they were far less offensive. That took 150 years. It will happen eventually.

Before Trump, folks cared, but it had been mostly the left. Most of the books I read on it are from left wing authors. It blows my mind that the left is now even to the point of denying that the military-industrial complex, fostered by the spooks and wall-street, that even this system of elites even exists. It's mind blowing. These powerful elites with money have always run the show, and it was the left that had always warned America about their dangers. And now they just want us to pretend it doesn't exist? wtf?

This poster Bulldog is a prime example. Either he is a spook himself, or he is so far left and in denial, he is terminally stupid. It just doesn't make sense. Maybe he is just really young? :dunno: Of course there are clandestine interest groups. Everyone over forty knows this. How could anyone be so obtuse?

Herbert Hoover, as in the Hoover Hog? He was a real winner.
When will this Hillary Bullsht end? You really do have to be a loser to keep bringing her up. Face it Trumpers, Trump is in trouble and is going down. Maybe not impeached, but he is heading for the exit unfortunately not soon enough.

This isn't about Trump anymore.

Nor is it about Hillary.

This is about the lawless nature of the Deep State.

This is about the power, and lack of checks the public has on Mueller, the FBI, the CIA, and all the other lettered agencies that Assange, Snowden and every other whistle blower has warned us about. It really isn't a partisan issue. The media WANTS to make it seem that way, to distract you from the real problem. The legacy media is embedded with spooks, so is Hollywood and the music industry.

We have always had this problem since WWII though, it is like a cancer since then, and it always needs to be put in check.

It was bad during the days of J. Edgar Hoover, and the Dulles Brothers, and it is now exponentially bad with computer technology. Wake up before it is too late.
and still -- we have plenty federal buildings named after Hoover and the Dulles' have an airport.....apparently plenty of conservatives didn't have a problem with this "Deep State" for quite a while....

it wasn't until their cult leader got his dumb ass investigated, now you folks are willing to care about the Deep State....

It was because of deep State that got Trump elected.
An outsider.

No. It was because of crazy conspiracy theory nuts who believed the so called "deep state" is a real thing

It's real, wake up.
Both parties are corrupt.

Overwhelming Majority of Americans Believe Both Parties Are Too Corrupt to Change Anything ... "This, In Fact, Is A Revolution" | Zero Hedge | Zero Hedge

a group of Republican and Democratic pollsters and political strategists reviewed polling data last week, and revealed some stunning results:

  • 84% of all Americans believe political leaders are more interested in protecting their power and privilege than doing what is right
  • 81% percent believe the power of ordinary people to control our country is getting weaker every day as politicians of both parties fight to protect their own power and privilege
  • 80% believe the federal government is its own special interest primarily looking out for itself
  • 79% of all voters believe we need to recruit and support more candidates for office, at all levels of government, who are ordinary citizens, rather than professional politicians and lawyers
  • 78% believe that the Democratic and Republican Parties are essentially useless in changing anything, because both political parties are too beholden to special interests to create any meaningful change
When will this Hillary Bullsht end? You really do have to be a loser to keep bringing her up. Face it Trumpers, Trump is in trouble and is going down. Maybe not impeached, but he is heading for the exit unfortunately not soon enough.

This isn't about Trump anymore.

Nor is it about Hillary.

This is about the lawless nature of the Deep State.

This is about the power, and lack of checks the public has on Mueller, the FBI, the CIA, and all the other lettered agencies that Assange, Snowden and every other whistle blower has warned us about. It really isn't a partisan issue. The media WANTS to make it seem that way, to distract you from the real problem. The legacy media is embedded with spooks, so is Hollywood and the music industry.

We have always had this problem since WWII though, it is like a cancer since then, and it always needs to be put in check.

It was bad during the days of J. Edgar Hoover, and the Dulles Brothers, and it is now exponentially bad with computer technology. Wake up before it is too late.
and still -- we have plenty federal buildings named after Hoover and the Dulles' have an airport.....apparently plenty of conservatives didn't have a problem with this "Deep State" for quite a while....

it wasn't until their cult leader got his dumb ass investigated, now you folks are willing to care about the Deep State....

It was because of deep State that got Trump elected.
An outsider.

No. It was because of crazy conspiracy theory nuts who believed the so called "deep state" is a real thing

Just b/c you don't believe it, doesn't make it not true.

Why don't you edit the page in Wikipedia and tell the entire world that you are right and every single person on the planet but you is a crazy conspiracy nut? Or tell the administrators to just delete the page, b/c, well, it isn't a "real thing." If we can't even agree on terms, how can we have a rational civil discussion? You have a real problem.

Deep state in the United States - Wikipedia


You think everybody believes the so called "deep state" is a real thing. That's funny, and a little sad. ^


<"John Solomon - I’ll give you some Breaking News right now Sean. Federal prosecutors assigned to John Huber reached out to a whistleblower in the Clinton Foundation. For the first time we’ve seen contact between a CF whistleblower and the IG’s office. More to come ...">

Honestly, it is about time that the RIGHT struck back at the ABNORMALS, and TREASONOUS BASTARDS!!!

Rumors all over the net that Mueller is in big trouble with the U1 investigation.

The Clintoons FINALLY might be goin’ down!
After all the QAnon false alarms, I'll believe this when I see it.
When will this Hillary Bullsht end? You really do have to be a loser to keep bringing her up. Face it Trumpers, Trump is in trouble and is going down. Maybe not impeached, but he is heading for the exit unfortunately not soon enough.

This isn't about Trump anymore.

Nor is it about Hillary.

This is about the lawless nature of the Deep State.

This is about the power, and lack of checks the public has on Mueller, the FBI, the CIA, and all the other lettered agencies that Assange, Snowden and every other whistle blower has warned us about. It really isn't a partisan issue. The media WANTS to make it seem that way, to distract you from the real problem. The legacy media is embedded with spooks, so is Hollywood and the music industry.

We have always had this problem since WWII though, it is like a cancer since then, and it always needs to be put in check.

It was bad during the days of J. Edgar Hoover, and the Dulles Brothers, and it is now exponentially bad with computer technology. Wake up before it is too late.
and still -- we have plenty federal buildings named after Hoover and the Dulles' have an airport.....apparently plenty of conservatives didn't have a problem with this "Deep State" for quite a while....

it wasn't until their cult leader got his dumb ass investigated, now you folks are willing to care about the Deep State....

It was because of deep State that got Trump elected.
An outsider.

No. It was because of crazy conspiracy theory nuts who believed the so called "deep state" is a real thing

It's real, wake up.
Both parties are corrupt.

Overwhelming Majority of Americans Believe Both Parties Are Too Corrupt to Change Anything ... "This, In Fact, Is A Revolution" | Zero Hedge | Zero Hedge

a group of Republican and Democratic pollsters and political strategists reviewed polling data last week, and revealed some stunning results:

  • 84% of all Americans believe political leaders are more interested in protecting their power and privilege than doing what is right
  • 81% percent believe the power of ordinary people to control our country is getting weaker every day as politicians of both parties fight to protect their own power and privilege
  • 80% believe the federal government is its own special interest primarily looking out for itself
  • 79% of all voters believe we need to recruit and support more candidates for office, at all levels of government, who are ordinary citizens, rather than professional politicians and lawyers
  • 78% believe that the Democratic and Republican Parties are essentially useless in changing anything, because both political parties are too beholden to special interests to create any meaningful change

Wow. You think Zero Hedge is a credible source. You poor deluded thing.
Last edited:
You think everybody believes the so called "deep state" is a real thing. That's funny, and a little sad.
You really so naive and obtuse that you can't even recognize that the thousands upon thousands of unaccountable bureaucrats, whom nobody elects and stay in their positions for decades, are the ones really running the show and pulling the strings?....Really?
You think everybody believes the so called "deep state" is a real thing. That's funny, and a little sad.
You really so naive and obtuse that you can't even recognize that the thousands upon thousands of unaccountable bureaucrats, whom nobody elects and stay in their positions for decades, are the ones really running the show and pulling the strings?....Really?

Bureaucrats don't pass our laws.
This isn't about Trump anymore.

Nor is it about Hillary.

This is about the lawless nature of the Deep State.

This is about the power, and lack of checks the public has on Mueller, the FBI, the CIA, and all the other lettered agencies that Assange, Snowden and every other whistle blower has warned us about. It really isn't a partisan issue. The media WANTS to make it seem that way, to distract you from the real problem. The legacy media is embedded with spooks, so is Hollywood and the music industry.

We have always had this problem since WWII though, it is like a cancer since then, and it always needs to be put in check.

It was bad during the days of J. Edgar Hoover, and the Dulles Brothers, and it is now exponentially bad with computer technology. Wake up before it is too late.
and still -- we have plenty federal buildings named after Hoover and the Dulles' have an airport.....apparently plenty of conservatives didn't have a problem with this "Deep State" for quite a while....

it wasn't until their cult leader got his dumb ass investigated, now you folks are willing to care about the Deep State....

It was because of deep State that got Trump elected.
An outsider.

No. It was because of crazy conspiracy theory nuts who believed the so called "deep state" is a real thing

Just b/c you don't believe it, doesn't make it not true.

Why don't you edit the page in Wikipedia and tell the entire world that you are right and every single person on the planet but you is a crazy conspiracy nut? Or tell the administrators to just delete the page, b/c, well, it isn't a "real thing." If we can't even agree on terms, how can we have a rational civil discussion? You have a real problem.

Deep state in the United States - Wikipedia


You think everybody believes the so called "deep state" is a real thing. That's funny, and a little sad.

Doesn't matter what people believe, when they are coming out and admitting it, right?

Opinion | I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration
You think everybody believes the so called "deep state" is a real thing. That's funny, and a little sad.
You really so naive and obtuse that you can't even recognize that the thousands upon thousands of unaccountable bureaucrats, whom nobody elects and stay in their positions for decades, are the ones really running the show and pulling the strings?....Really?

Bureaucrats don't pass our laws.
I'll score the answer to my question a big "YES".
and still -- we have plenty federal buildings named after Hoover and the Dulles' have an airport.....apparently plenty of conservatives didn't have a problem with this "Deep State" for quite a while....

it wasn't until their cult leader got his dumb ass investigated, now you folks are willing to care about the Deep State....

It was because of deep State that got Trump elected.
An outsider.

No. It was because of crazy conspiracy theory nuts who believed the so called "deep state" is a real thing

Just b/c you don't believe it, doesn't make it not true.

Why don't you edit the page in Wikipedia and tell the entire world that you are right and every single person on the planet but you is a crazy conspiracy nut? Or tell the administrators to just delete the page, b/c, well, it isn't a "real thing." If we can't even agree on terms, how can we have a rational civil discussion? You have a real problem.

Deep state in the United States - Wikipedia


You think everybody believes the so called "deep state" is a real thing. That's funny, and a little sad.

Doesn't matter what people believe, when they are coming out and admitting it, right?

Opinion | I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration

You understand that resistance to trumps crap, and the so called "deep state" are totally different words, with totally different meanings, don't you?
You think everybody believes the so called "deep state" is a real thing. That's funny, and a little sad.
You really so naive and obtuse that you can't even recognize that the thousands upon thousands of unaccountable bureaucrats, whom nobody elects and stay in their positions for decades, are the ones really running the show and pulling the strings?....Really?

Bureaucrats don't pass our laws.
I'll score the answer to my question a big "YES".

Example? ^


<"John Solomon - I’ll give you some Breaking News right now Sean. Federal prosecutors assigned to John Huber reached out to a whistleblower in the Clinton Foundation. For the first time we’ve seen contact between a CF whistleblower and the IG’s office. More to come ...">

Honestly, it is about time that the RIGHT struck back at the ABNORMALS, and TREASONOUS BASTARDS!!!

Rumors all over the net that Mueller is in big trouble with the U1 investigation.

The Clintoons FINALLY might be goin’ down!
Any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...
It was because of deep State that got Trump elected.
An outsider.

No. It was because of crazy conspiracy theory nuts who believed the so called "deep state" is a real thing

Just b/c you don't believe it, doesn't make it not true.

Why don't you edit the page in Wikipedia and tell the entire world that you are right and every single person on the planet but you is a crazy conspiracy nut? Or tell the administrators to just delete the page, b/c, well, it isn't a "real thing." If we can't even agree on terms, how can we have a rational civil discussion? You have a real problem.

Deep state in the United States - Wikipedia


You think everybody believes the so called "deep state" is a real thing. That's funny, and a little sad.

Doesn't matter what people believe, when they are coming out and admitting it, right?

Opinion | I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration

You understand that resistance to trumps crap, and the so called "deep state" are totally different words, with totally different meanings, don't you?

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