Tonight's Hannity interview with Solomon and Carter. (Monday will be a BIG day)

EXCLUSIVE: FBI Raids Home Of Whistleblower On Clinton Foundation, Lawyer Says
EXCLUSIVE: FBI Raids Home Of Whistleblower On Clinton Foundation, Lawyer Says

  • The FBI raided the home of a whistleblower who was in possession of documents regarding the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One, according to the whistleblower’s lawyer, Michael Socarras.
  • The whistleblower, Dennis Nathan Cain, had turned the documents over to the Department of Justice’s inspector general and both the House and Senate Intelligence committees, according to the lawyer.
  • The FBI rummaged through Cain’s home for six hours, even after the whistleblower handed over the documents, according to Socarras.

". . . The delivered documents also show that then-FBI Director Robert Mueller failed to investigate allegations of criminal misconduct pertaining to Rosatom and to other Russian government entities attached to Uranium One, the document reviewed by TheDCNF alleges. Mueller is now the special counsel investigating whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election.

“The bureau raided my client to seize what he legally gave Congress about the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One,” the whistleblower’s lawyer, Michael Socarras, told TheDCNF, noting that he considered the FBI’s raid to be an “outrageous disregard” of whistleblower protections. (RELATED: FBI Takes Aim At The Clinton Foundation). . . "


". . . Frightened and intimidated, Cain promptly handed over the documents, Socarras told TheDCNF. Yet even after surrendering the information to the FBI, the agents continued to rummage through the home for six hours.

“After asking and getting my approval to do so, DOJ IG Michael Horowitz had a member of his staff physically take Mr. Cain’s classified document disclosure to the House and Senate Intelligence committees,” Socarras told TheDCNF.

“For the bureau to show up at Mr. Cain’s home suggesting that those same documents are stolen federal property, and then proceed to seize copies of the same documents after being told at the house door that he is a legally protected whistleblower who gave them to Congress, is an outrageous disregard of the law,” he continued. . . . "

Mueller is now out of control, up to his old tricks, and basically acting lawless, expecting the incoming congress to cover for his behavior. He best come up with something for all these storm trooper, stasi tactics.

now, when you can link this with a credible unbiased link, i'll consider it... until & unless that happens - it will be dismissed. the daily caller is not very reliable.
Thanks for the heads up on the Daily Caller. :113:
Daily Caller - Media Bias/Fact Check
You think everybody believes the so called "deep state" is a real thing. That's funny, and a little sad.
You really so naive and obtuse that you can't even recognize that the thousands upon thousands of unaccountable bureaucrats, whom nobody elects and stay in their positions for decades, are the ones really running the show and pulling the strings?....Really?

Bureaucrats don't pass our laws.
Most of them don't help lie us into a disastrous war either.

Robert Mueller pushed WMD lie which caused invasion of Iraq
You think everybody believes the so called "deep state" is a real thing. That's funny, and a little sad.
You really so naive and obtuse that you can't even recognize that the thousands upon thousands of unaccountable bureaucrats, whom nobody elects and stay in their positions for decades, are the ones really running the show and pulling the strings?....Really?

Bureaucrats don't pass our laws.
Most of them don't help lie us into a disastrous war either.

Robert Mueller pushed WMD lie which caused invasion of Iraq

What a pathetic attempt. He said that was the concern. He didn't say that was determined. Bush lied when he said we knew WMDs existed. Don't try to blame anyone else at this point. You know better.
You think everybody believes the so called "deep state" is a real thing. That's funny, and a little sad.
You really so naive and obtuse that you can't even recognize that the thousands upon thousands of unaccountable bureaucrats, whom nobody elects and stay in their positions for decades, are the ones really running the show and pulling the strings?....Really?

Bureaucrats don't pass our laws.
Most of them don't help lie us into a disastrous war either.

Robert Mueller pushed WMD lie which caused invasion of Iraq

What a pathetic attempt. He said that was the concern. He didn't say that was determined. Bush lied when he said we knew WMDs existed. Don't try to blame anyone else at this point. You know better.
Nope, Mueller supported him all the way. He is Deep State.

You are being a fool, and you don't want to admit it because you hate Trump SO BAD.

Here is a piece which clearly and succinctly tells you that the "RESISTANCE" is the Deep State, and it is coming from the left.

So wake the fuck up already.

The Rehabilitation of Robert Mueller
The Rehabilitation of Robert Mueller

"The Resistance is the voice of the Deep State – Pro-war, pro-globalisation, pro-Imperialism. It just hides its true face behind a mask of “progressive values”. They prove this with their own actions – opposing Trump’s moves toward peace with North Korea and finding common ground with Russia.

In fact, though the resistance lives to criticize the Trump administration, they have been notably quiet – even in favour of – three key issues: The bombing of Syria, the tearing up of the INF treaty and the prosecution of Julian Assange.

They tell us, in clear voices, who they are and what they want and millions of people refuse to listen. So totally brain-washed by the “Orange Man Bad” hysteria, that they will side with anyone hitting the same talking points, spouting the right buzzwords, using the same hashtags.

This process has contrived to turn hard-line, inveterate warmongers into a pantheon of “liberal” heroes. John “bomb bomb Iran” McCain was mourned across the media as if he were a champion of civil rights, while Bill Kristol and his ilk are suddenly regular guests on notionally “liberal” channels.

…and Robert Mueller receives a glowing write-up in the Guardian, being praised as “America’s straightest arrow”. . . . "


". . . It doesn’t matter how many Vietnamese peasants took pot-shots at him, it doesn’t matter how tidy his hair is, or how cheap his watch. It doesn’t matter if he looks like Cooper or speaks like Eastwood or walks like Wayne. He is a proven liar – a man culpable in the greatest crime of the 21st century. He is, and always will be, a servant of the Deep State.

A proven liar. A proven killer. An Imperialist. A criminal.

Is this the stuff of which political heroes should be made?

Only in “the Resistance”.

Obviously, Trump’s administration is dangerous – it still stokes warlike approaches to Iran and Russia. It has directly threatened Venezuela and Cuba. But you can’t fight the right-hand of the Deep State by clasping the left. They all join in the middle. They’re the same monster.

Anti-Trumpers, all over the world, need to take a good look at WHO they’re fighting alongside, and ask themselves WHAT they are fighting for."


You think everybody believes the so called "deep state" is a real thing. That's funny, and a little sad.
You really so naive and obtuse that you can't even recognize that the thousands upon thousands of unaccountable bureaucrats, whom nobody elects and stay in their positions for decades, are the ones really running the show and pulling the strings?....Really?

Bureaucrats don't pass our laws.
Most of them don't help lie us into a disastrous war either.

Robert Mueller pushed WMD lie which caused invasion of Iraq

What a pathetic attempt. He said that was the concern. He didn't say that was determined. Bush lied when he said we knew WMDs existed. Don't try to blame anyone else at this point. You know better.
Nope, Mueller supported him all the way. He is Deep State.

You are being a fool, and you don't want to admit it because you hate Trump SO BAD.

Here is a piece which clearly and succinctly tells you that the "RESISTANCE" is the Deep State, and it is coming from the left.

So wake the fuck up already.

The Rehabilitation of Robert Mueller
The Rehabilitation of Robert Mueller

"The Resistance is the voice of the Deep State – Pro-war, pro-globalisation, pro-Imperialism. It just hides its true face behind a mask of “progressive values”. They prove this with their own actions – opposing Trump’s moves toward peace with North Korea and finding common ground with Russia.

In fact, though the resistance lives to criticize the Trump administration, they have been notably quiet – even in favour of – three key issues: The bombing of Syria, the tearing up of the INF treaty and the prosecution of Julian Assange.

They tell us, in clear voices, who they are and what they want and millions of people refuse to listen. So totally brain-washed by the “Orange Man Bad” hysteria, that they will side with anyone hitting the same talking points, spouting the right buzzwords, using the same hashtags.

This process has contrived to turn hard-line, inveterate warmongers into a pantheon of “liberal” heroes. John “bomb bomb Iran” McCain was mourned across the media as if he were a champion of civil rights, while Bill Kristol and his ilk are suddenly regular guests on notionally “liberal” channels.

…and Robert Mueller receives a glowing write-up in the Guardian, being praised as “America’s straightest arrow”. . . . "


". . . It doesn’t matter how many Vietnamese peasants took pot-shots at him, it doesn’t matter how tidy his hair is, or how cheap his watch. It doesn’t matter if he looks like Cooper or speaks like Eastwood or walks like Wayne. He is a proven liar – a man culpable in the greatest crime of the 21st century. He is, and always will be, a servant of the Deep State.

A proven liar. A proven killer. An Imperialist. A criminal.

Is this the stuff of which political heroes should be made?

Only in “the Resistance”.

Obviously, Trump’s administration is dangerous – it still stokes warlike approaches to Iran and Russia. It has directly threatened Venezuela and Cuba. But you can’t fight the right-hand of the Deep State by clasping the left. They all join in the middle. They’re the same monster.

Anti-Trumpers, all over the world, need to take a good look at WHO they’re fighting alongside, and ask themselves WHAT they are fighting for."


Monday (or is it Wednesday) hasn't even come yet and the "he's Deep State" excuses are already coming.
You really so naive and obtuse that you can't even recognize that the thousands upon thousands of unaccountable bureaucrats, whom nobody elects and stay in their positions for decades, are the ones really running the show and pulling the strings?....Really?

Bureaucrats don't pass our laws.
Most of them don't help lie us into a disastrous war either.

Robert Mueller pushed WMD lie which caused invasion of Iraq

What a pathetic attempt. He said that was the concern. He didn't say that was determined. Bush lied when he said we knew WMDs existed. Don't try to blame anyone else at this point. You know better.
Nope, Mueller supported him all the way. He is Deep State.

You are being a fool, and you don't want to admit it because you hate Trump SO BAD.

Here is a piece which clearly and succinctly tells you that the "RESISTANCE" is the Deep State, and it is coming from the left.

So wake the fuck up already.

The Rehabilitation of Robert Mueller
The Rehabilitation of Robert Mueller

"The Resistance is the voice of the Deep State – Pro-war, pro-globalisation, pro-Imperialism. It just hides its true face behind a mask of “progressive values”. They prove this with their own actions – opposing Trump’s moves toward peace with North Korea and finding common ground with Russia.

In fact, though the resistance lives to criticize the Trump administration, they have been notably quiet – even in favour of – three key issues: The bombing of Syria, the tearing up of the INF treaty and the prosecution of Julian Assange.

They tell us, in clear voices, who they are and what they want and millions of people refuse to listen. So totally brain-washed by the “Orange Man Bad” hysteria, that they will side with anyone hitting the same talking points, spouting the right buzzwords, using the same hashtags.

This process has contrived to turn hard-line, inveterate warmongers into a pantheon of “liberal” heroes. John “bomb bomb Iran” McCain was mourned across the media as if he were a champion of civil rights, while Bill Kristol and his ilk are suddenly regular guests on notionally “liberal” channels.

…and Robert Mueller receives a glowing write-up in the Guardian, being praised as “America’s straightest arrow”. . . . "


". . . It doesn’t matter how many Vietnamese peasants took pot-shots at him, it doesn’t matter how tidy his hair is, or how cheap his watch. It doesn’t matter if he looks like Cooper or speaks like Eastwood or walks like Wayne. He is a proven liar – a man culpable in the greatest crime of the 21st century. He is, and always will be, a servant of the Deep State.

A proven liar. A proven killer. An Imperialist. A criminal.

Is this the stuff of which political heroes should be made?

Only in “the Resistance”.

Obviously, Trump’s administration is dangerous – it still stokes warlike approaches to Iran and Russia. It has directly threatened Venezuela and Cuba. But you can’t fight the right-hand of the Deep State by clasping the left. They all join in the middle. They’re the same monster.

Anti-Trumpers, all over the world, need to take a good look at WHO they’re fighting alongside, and ask themselves WHAT they are fighting for."


Monday (or is it Wednesday) hasn't even come yet and the "he's Deep State" excuses are already coming.
The template has been in place for some time now. Started with Mark Levin, talk radio.

Mark Levin’s new book explains the origins of the deep state
Bureaucrats don't pass our laws.
Most of them don't help lie us into a disastrous war either.

Robert Mueller pushed WMD lie which caused invasion of Iraq

What a pathetic attempt. He said that was the concern. He didn't say that was determined. Bush lied when he said we knew WMDs existed. Don't try to blame anyone else at this point. You know better.
Nope, Mueller supported him all the way. He is Deep State.

You are being a fool, and you don't want to admit it because you hate Trump SO BAD.

Here is a piece which clearly and succinctly tells you that the "RESISTANCE" is the Deep State, and it is coming from the left.

So wake the fuck up already.

The Rehabilitation of Robert Mueller
The Rehabilitation of Robert Mueller

"The Resistance is the voice of the Deep State – Pro-war, pro-globalisation, pro-Imperialism. It just hides its true face behind a mask of “progressive values”. They prove this with their own actions – opposing Trump’s moves toward peace with North Korea and finding common ground with Russia.

In fact, though the resistance lives to criticize the Trump administration, they have been notably quiet – even in favour of – three key issues: The bombing of Syria, the tearing up of the INF treaty and the prosecution of Julian Assange.

They tell us, in clear voices, who they are and what they want and millions of people refuse to listen. So totally brain-washed by the “Orange Man Bad” hysteria, that they will side with anyone hitting the same talking points, spouting the right buzzwords, using the same hashtags.

This process has contrived to turn hard-line, inveterate warmongers into a pantheon of “liberal” heroes. John “bomb bomb Iran” McCain was mourned across the media as if he were a champion of civil rights, while Bill Kristol and his ilk are suddenly regular guests on notionally “liberal” channels.

…and Robert Mueller receives a glowing write-up in the Guardian, being praised as “America’s straightest arrow”. . . . "


". . . It doesn’t matter how many Vietnamese peasants took pot-shots at him, it doesn’t matter how tidy his hair is, or how cheap his watch. It doesn’t matter if he looks like Cooper or speaks like Eastwood or walks like Wayne. He is a proven liar – a man culpable in the greatest crime of the 21st century. He is, and always will be, a servant of the Deep State.

A proven liar. A proven killer. An Imperialist. A criminal.

Is this the stuff of which political heroes should be made?

Only in “the Resistance”.

Obviously, Trump’s administration is dangerous – it still stokes warlike approaches to Iran and Russia. It has directly threatened Venezuela and Cuba. But you can’t fight the right-hand of the Deep State by clasping the left. They all join in the middle. They’re the same monster.

Anti-Trumpers, all over the world, need to take a good look at WHO they’re fighting alongside, and ask themselves WHAT they are fighting for."


Monday (or is it Wednesday) hasn't even come yet and the "he's Deep State" excuses are already coming.
The template has been in place for some time now. Started with Mark Levin, talk radio.

Mark Levin’s new book explains the origins of the deep state

Mark Levin? That whiny little nut bag? That's funny.
Most of them don't help lie us into a disastrous war either.

Robert Mueller pushed WMD lie which caused invasion of Iraq

What a pathetic attempt. He said that was the concern. He didn't say that was determined. Bush lied when he said we knew WMDs existed. Don't try to blame anyone else at this point. You know better.
Nope, Mueller supported him all the way. He is Deep State.

You are being a fool, and you don't want to admit it because you hate Trump SO BAD.

Here is a piece which clearly and succinctly tells you that the "RESISTANCE" is the Deep State, and it is coming from the left.

So wake the fuck up already.

The Rehabilitation of Robert Mueller
The Rehabilitation of Robert Mueller

"The Resistance is the voice of the Deep State – Pro-war, pro-globalisation, pro-Imperialism. It just hides its true face behind a mask of “progressive values”. They prove this with their own actions – opposing Trump’s moves toward peace with North Korea and finding common ground with Russia.

In fact, though the resistance lives to criticize the Trump administration, they have been notably quiet – even in favour of – three key issues: The bombing of Syria, the tearing up of the INF treaty and the prosecution of Julian Assange.

They tell us, in clear voices, who they are and what they want and millions of people refuse to listen. So totally brain-washed by the “Orange Man Bad” hysteria, that they will side with anyone hitting the same talking points, spouting the right buzzwords, using the same hashtags.

This process has contrived to turn hard-line, inveterate warmongers into a pantheon of “liberal” heroes. John “bomb bomb Iran” McCain was mourned across the media as if he were a champion of civil rights, while Bill Kristol and his ilk are suddenly regular guests on notionally “liberal” channels.

…and Robert Mueller receives a glowing write-up in the Guardian, being praised as “America’s straightest arrow”. . . . "


". . . It doesn’t matter how many Vietnamese peasants took pot-shots at him, it doesn’t matter how tidy his hair is, or how cheap his watch. It doesn’t matter if he looks like Cooper or speaks like Eastwood or walks like Wayne. He is a proven liar – a man culpable in the greatest crime of the 21st century. He is, and always will be, a servant of the Deep State.

A proven liar. A proven killer. An Imperialist. A criminal.

Is this the stuff of which political heroes should be made?

Only in “the Resistance”.

Obviously, Trump’s administration is dangerous – it still stokes warlike approaches to Iran and Russia. It has directly threatened Venezuela and Cuba. But you can’t fight the right-hand of the Deep State by clasping the left. They all join in the middle. They’re the same monster.

Anti-Trumpers, all over the world, need to take a good look at WHO they’re fighting alongside, and ask themselves WHAT they are fighting for."


Monday (or is it Wednesday) hasn't even come yet and the "he's Deep State" excuses are already coming.
The template has been in place for some time now. Started with Mark Levin, talk radio.

Mark Levin’s new book explains the origins of the deep state

Mark Levin? That whiny little nut bag? That's funny.
He's one of the big three talkers controlling the party right now.
What a pathetic attempt. He said that was the concern. He didn't say that was determined. Bush lied when he said we knew WMDs existed. Don't try to blame anyone else at this point. You know better.
Nope, Mueller supported him all the way. He is Deep State.

You are being a fool, and you don't want to admit it because you hate Trump SO BAD.

Here is a piece which clearly and succinctly tells you that the "RESISTANCE" is the Deep State, and it is coming from the left.

So wake the fuck up already.

The Rehabilitation of Robert Mueller
The Rehabilitation of Robert Mueller

"The Resistance is the voice of the Deep State – Pro-war, pro-globalisation, pro-Imperialism. It just hides its true face behind a mask of “progressive values”. They prove this with their own actions – opposing Trump’s moves toward peace with North Korea and finding common ground with Russia.

In fact, though the resistance lives to criticize the Trump administration, they have been notably quiet – even in favour of – three key issues: The bombing of Syria, the tearing up of the INF treaty and the prosecution of Julian Assange.

They tell us, in clear voices, who they are and what they want and millions of people refuse to listen. So totally brain-washed by the “Orange Man Bad” hysteria, that they will side with anyone hitting the same talking points, spouting the right buzzwords, using the same hashtags.

This process has contrived to turn hard-line, inveterate warmongers into a pantheon of “liberal” heroes. John “bomb bomb Iran” McCain was mourned across the media as if he were a champion of civil rights, while Bill Kristol and his ilk are suddenly regular guests on notionally “liberal” channels.

…and Robert Mueller receives a glowing write-up in the Guardian, being praised as “America’s straightest arrow”. . . . "


". . . It doesn’t matter how many Vietnamese peasants took pot-shots at him, it doesn’t matter how tidy his hair is, or how cheap his watch. It doesn’t matter if he looks like Cooper or speaks like Eastwood or walks like Wayne. He is a proven liar – a man culpable in the greatest crime of the 21st century. He is, and always will be, a servant of the Deep State.

A proven liar. A proven killer. An Imperialist. A criminal.

Is this the stuff of which political heroes should be made?

Only in “the Resistance”.

Obviously, Trump’s administration is dangerous – it still stokes warlike approaches to Iran and Russia. It has directly threatened Venezuela and Cuba. But you can’t fight the right-hand of the Deep State by clasping the left. They all join in the middle. They’re the same monster.

Anti-Trumpers, all over the world, need to take a good look at WHO they’re fighting alongside, and ask themselves WHAT they are fighting for."


Monday (or is it Wednesday) hasn't even come yet and the "he's Deep State" excuses are already coming.
The template has been in place for some time now. Started with Mark Levin, talk radio.

Mark Levin’s new book explains the origins of the deep state

Mark Levin? That whiny little nut bag? That's funny.
He's one of the big three talkers controlling the party right now.

That's why they sound so goofy.
You really so naive and obtuse that you can't even recognize that the thousands upon thousands of unaccountable bureaucrats, whom nobody elects and stay in their positions for decades, are the ones really running the show and pulling the strings?....Really?

Bureaucrats don't pass our laws.
Most of them don't help lie us into a disastrous war either.

Robert Mueller pushed WMD lie which caused invasion of Iraq

What a pathetic attempt. He said that was the concern. He didn't say that was determined. Bush lied when he said we knew WMDs existed. Don't try to blame anyone else at this point. You know better.
Nope, Mueller supported him all the way. He is Deep State.

You are being a fool, and you don't want to admit it because you hate Trump SO BAD.

Here is a piece which clearly and succinctly tells you that the "RESISTANCE" is the Deep State, and it is coming from the left.

So wake the fuck up already.

The Rehabilitation of Robert Mueller
The Rehabilitation of Robert Mueller

"The Resistance is the voice of the Deep State – Pro-war, pro-globalisation, pro-Imperialism. It just hides its true face behind a mask of “progressive values”. They prove this with their own actions – opposing Trump’s moves toward peace with North Korea and finding common ground with Russia.

In fact, though the resistance lives to criticize the Trump administration, they have been notably quiet – even in favour of – three key issues: The bombing of Syria, the tearing up of the INF treaty and the prosecution of Julian Assange.

They tell us, in clear voices, who they are and what they want and millions of people refuse to listen. So totally brain-washed by the “Orange Man Bad” hysteria, that they will side with anyone hitting the same talking points, spouting the right buzzwords, using the same hashtags.

This process has contrived to turn hard-line, inveterate warmongers into a pantheon of “liberal” heroes. John “bomb bomb Iran” McCain was mourned across the media as if he were a champion of civil rights, while Bill Kristol and his ilk are suddenly regular guests on notionally “liberal” channels.

…and Robert Mueller receives a glowing write-up in the Guardian, being praised as “America’s straightest arrow”. . . . "


". . . It doesn’t matter how many Vietnamese peasants took pot-shots at him, it doesn’t matter how tidy his hair is, or how cheap his watch. It doesn’t matter if he looks like Cooper or speaks like Eastwood or walks like Wayne. He is a proven liar – a man culpable in the greatest crime of the 21st century. He is, and always will be, a servant of the Deep State.

A proven liar. A proven killer. An Imperialist. A criminal.

Is this the stuff of which political heroes should be made?

Only in “the Resistance”.

Obviously, Trump’s administration is dangerous – it still stokes warlike approaches to Iran and Russia. It has directly threatened Venezuela and Cuba. But you can’t fight the right-hand of the Deep State by clasping the left. They all join in the middle. They’re the same monster.

Anti-Trumpers, all over the world, need to take a good look at WHO they’re fighting alongside, and ask themselves WHAT they are fighting for."


Monday (or is it Wednesday) hasn't even come yet and the "he's Deep State" excuses are already coming.
I'm sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about.

Excuse for what?
Bureaucrats don't pass our laws.
Most of them don't help lie us into a disastrous war either.

Robert Mueller pushed WMD lie which caused invasion of Iraq

What a pathetic attempt. He said that was the concern. He didn't say that was determined. Bush lied when he said we knew WMDs existed. Don't try to blame anyone else at this point. You know better.
Nope, Mueller supported him all the way. He is Deep State.

You are being a fool, and you don't want to admit it because you hate Trump SO BAD.

Here is a piece which clearly and succinctly tells you that the "RESISTANCE" is the Deep State, and it is coming from the left.

So wake the fuck up already.

The Rehabilitation of Robert Mueller
The Rehabilitation of Robert Mueller

"The Resistance is the voice of the Deep State – Pro-war, pro-globalisation, pro-Imperialism. It just hides its true face behind a mask of “progressive values”. They prove this with their own actions – opposing Trump’s moves toward peace with North Korea and finding common ground with Russia.

In fact, though the resistance lives to criticize the Trump administration, they have been notably quiet – even in favour of – three key issues: The bombing of Syria, the tearing up of the INF treaty and the prosecution of Julian Assange.

They tell us, in clear voices, who they are and what they want and millions of people refuse to listen. So totally brain-washed by the “Orange Man Bad” hysteria, that they will side with anyone hitting the same talking points, spouting the right buzzwords, using the same hashtags.

This process has contrived to turn hard-line, inveterate warmongers into a pantheon of “liberal” heroes. John “bomb bomb Iran” McCain was mourned across the media as if he were a champion of civil rights, while Bill Kristol and his ilk are suddenly regular guests on notionally “liberal” channels.

…and Robert Mueller receives a glowing write-up in the Guardian, being praised as “America’s straightest arrow”. . . . "


". . . It doesn’t matter how many Vietnamese peasants took pot-shots at him, it doesn’t matter how tidy his hair is, or how cheap his watch. It doesn’t matter if he looks like Cooper or speaks like Eastwood or walks like Wayne. He is a proven liar – a man culpable in the greatest crime of the 21st century. He is, and always will be, a servant of the Deep State.

A proven liar. A proven killer. An Imperialist. A criminal.

Is this the stuff of which political heroes should be made?

Only in “the Resistance”.

Obviously, Trump’s administration is dangerous – it still stokes warlike approaches to Iran and Russia. It has directly threatened Venezuela and Cuba. But you can’t fight the right-hand of the Deep State by clasping the left. They all join in the middle. They’re the same monster.

Anti-Trumpers, all over the world, need to take a good look at WHO they’re fighting alongside, and ask themselves WHAT they are fighting for."


Monday (or is it Wednesday) hasn't even come yet and the "he's Deep State" excuses are already coming.
The template has been in place for some time now. Started with Mark Levin, talk radio.

Mark Levin’s new book explains the origins of the deep state
Nice piece. Yeah, bureaucracies sort of are the original deep state. They work more in the light than the dark. In the dark they become the Deep State. Intelligence agencies are nothing more than bureaucracies operating under the cloak of secrecy.

My first experience with the reality of them was as an honors student reading Kafka's "The Trial." Whenever you hear someone in the media sound off about someone was treated by the establishment in a Kafkaesque way. . . it is that to which they refer. I have heard them refer to these special prosecutor and Mueller investigations many times in such a manner.


There are going to be a LOT of hurt feelings (and panic) should the expected result come out Monday. There are a whole bunch of areas reporting that Mueller is going to be formally charged for his part in the Uranium One scandal. This raid on the whistleblower seems like an attempt to get rid of incriminating documents. If so they failed miserably.
Sure....let's come back to this thread and this post after Monday, shall we? :71:

If you think Trump isn't going to have every I dotted and every T crossed before dropping the hammer you're dumber than your avatar. When it does happen (and I never guaranteed Monday so you show your illiteracy as well) we'll pull your head out of Obozo's behind long enough to rub your face in it.
There are going to be a LOT of hurt feelings (and panic) should the expected result come out Monday. There are a whole bunch of areas reporting that Mueller is going to be formally charged for his part in the Uranium One scandal. This raid on the whistleblower seems like an attempt to get rid of incriminating documents. If so they failed miserably.
Sure....let's come back to this thread and this post after Monday, shall we? :71:

If you think Trump isn't going to have every I dotted and every T crossed before dropping the hammer you're dumber than your avatar. When it does happen (and I never guaranteed Monday so you show your illiteracy as well) we'll pull your head out of Obozo's behind long enough to rub your face in it.

That would be the first time Trump paid attention to detail.
Most of them don't help lie us into a disastrous war either.

Robert Mueller pushed WMD lie which caused invasion of Iraq

What a pathetic attempt. He said that was the concern. He didn't say that was determined. Bush lied when he said we knew WMDs existed. Don't try to blame anyone else at this point. You know better.
Nope, Mueller supported him all the way. He is Deep State.

You are being a fool, and you don't want to admit it because you hate Trump SO BAD.

Here is a piece which clearly and succinctly tells you that the "RESISTANCE" is the Deep State, and it is coming from the left.

So wake the fuck up already.

The Rehabilitation of Robert Mueller
The Rehabilitation of Robert Mueller

"The Resistance is the voice of the Deep State – Pro-war, pro-globalisation, pro-Imperialism. It just hides its true face behind a mask of “progressive values”. They prove this with their own actions – opposing Trump’s moves toward peace with North Korea and finding common ground with Russia.

In fact, though the resistance lives to criticize the Trump administration, they have been notably quiet – even in favour of – three key issues: The bombing of Syria, the tearing up of the INF treaty and the prosecution of Julian Assange.

They tell us, in clear voices, who they are and what they want and millions of people refuse to listen. So totally brain-washed by the “Orange Man Bad” hysteria, that they will side with anyone hitting the same talking points, spouting the right buzzwords, using the same hashtags.

This process has contrived to turn hard-line, inveterate warmongers into a pantheon of “liberal” heroes. John “bomb bomb Iran” McCain was mourned across the media as if he were a champion of civil rights, while Bill Kristol and his ilk are suddenly regular guests on notionally “liberal” channels.

…and Robert Mueller receives a glowing write-up in the Guardian, being praised as “America’s straightest arrow”. . . . "


". . . It doesn’t matter how many Vietnamese peasants took pot-shots at him, it doesn’t matter how tidy his hair is, or how cheap his watch. It doesn’t matter if he looks like Cooper or speaks like Eastwood or walks like Wayne. He is a proven liar – a man culpable in the greatest crime of the 21st century. He is, and always will be, a servant of the Deep State.

A proven liar. A proven killer. An Imperialist. A criminal.

Is this the stuff of which political heroes should be made?

Only in “the Resistance”.

Obviously, Trump’s administration is dangerous – it still stokes warlike approaches to Iran and Russia. It has directly threatened Venezuela and Cuba. But you can’t fight the right-hand of the Deep State by clasping the left. They all join in the middle. They’re the same monster.

Anti-Trumpers, all over the world, need to take a good look at WHO they’re fighting alongside, and ask themselves WHAT they are fighting for."


Monday (or is it Wednesday) hasn't even come yet and the "he's Deep State" excuses are already coming.
The template has been in place for some time now. Started with Mark Levin, talk radio.

Mark Levin’s new book explains the origins of the deep state

Mark Levin? That whiny little nut bag? That's funny.
Yeah...can never get to the content of his show...the whiny is like fingernails on a chalkboard....some people just shouldn't make it in broadcasting.
There are going to be a LOT of hurt feelings (and panic) should the expected result come out Monday. There are a whole bunch of areas reporting that Mueller is going to be formally charged for his part in the Uranium One scandal. This raid on the whistleblower seems like an attempt to get rid of incriminating documents. If so they failed miserably.
Sure....let's come back to this thread and this post after Monday, shall we? :71:

If you think Trump isn't going to have every I dotted and every T crossed before dropping the hammer you're dumber than your avatar. When it does happen (and I never guaranteed Monday so you show your illiteracy as well) we'll pull your head out of Obozo's behind long enough to rub your face in it.
You sound shrill....all ready for this thread to keep coming back up like gassy food?

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