Tonights Hypothetical Discussion:What If Trump Chose God Or Jesus For S.C. Judge VS The Democrats?

:argue: :dunno: :hellno: Being it seems no matter who Trump would have chosen to be his supreme court pick, most of the Dem's would of said no, no matter what an ideal judge he/she would be for the court, Have any of us said to ourselves something like,,"God! Trump could of chosen Jesus Christ himself",,and the rats would all vote against him,,right?,,,Can you guys just imagine all of those Rattish Democrats trying to grill God or Jesus? Now that would be one hell of a two hour show, especially as we would anticipate God or Jesus rip apart all of them one by one revealing embarrassing secrets right to their faces! and right in front of 200 Million Americans!. Too Bad Bill Clinton wasn't one of them:laugh2:

Yes I can imagine- if Obama had chosen Jesus Christ as a nominee in 2015- the GOP would be claiming that they needed to wait for the American voters to decide before they considered Jesus for the court.
You are going about this the wrong way.

There is no need to be a lawyer or a judge to be on the SCOTUS.

So to get his nominees past the democrats all he needs nominate is an abortion doctor who has killed maybe 10,000 unborn children.

Or a sodomite that is attracted to children.

Or Beelzebub himself
Tomorrow night's hypothetical discussion: If my aunt had balls, would she be my uncle?
Is this a trick question? To the left an aunt claiming to have balls and showing up in camo would immediately become your uncle and if any other family member objected they would be kicked from the family. It doesn't matter if your aunt has balls or not. It doesn't even matter if your aunt is really a male. You will let him/her/it be whatever it claims to be.
Just substitute Merrick Garland and The Republicans for 'the nominee' and 'The Democrats'.

Republicans stole a Supreme Court appointment from a sitting president.

Democrats should say no to anyone and then say "well we're waiting for the 2018 election so the people can have their say". Suck it up conservatives, you will now eat the shit you gleefully shovel. On everything. That Karma is a bitch isn't it.
put the situation in Reverse, Hillary would of nominated Adolf Hitler, and the Rats would of accused all the GOP of being racists for not planning to vote for him.

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