Is it the Trump effect or have Republicans lost their minds?

If you're satisfied with the status quo in America right now then who am I to argue. I just don't want to be here when Russia and China dumps their entire nuclear arsenal on us.

You have never heard of mutually assured destruction then.
Is it the Trump effect or have Republicans lost their minds?
Part one and part the other I expect.

These Rubes are kissin'-cousins to the idiots who bought into Rump's Real-Estate University...

Throw in your $20 or $50 or $100 for the campaign and it goes to Rump's stratospheric legal fees...

Rump is the FleecER and these rubes are the FleecEEEs. :icon_rolleyes:

P.T. Barnum was right....

"There's a sucker born every minute." ... :cuckoo:
The Republicans have a number of candidates that are running for the Presidency. I personally am inclined to support Nikki Halley.

So where is it written that only Trump is allowed to win? Where is it written that announcing your candidacy makes you immune to prosecution?
You're going to vote Biden.

Who do you think you are fooling?
You're going to vote Biden.

Who do you think you are fooling?

I didn’t vote in 2020. I voted for Trump in 2016.

I will vote Biden if you idiots nominate Trump again. Even though he is a steaming pile of shit I think the last couple years have shown that Trump is such a huge pile of shit that he could fertilize the entire state of Kansas and have enough leftover to make a serious dent in Nebraska.
We all know now that Donald Trump set the record for the most outrageous bad loser in American History. However the trend seems to be spreading.

Republicans in Tennessee threw a hissy fit and expelled three Black Democrats. The three state representatives were sent back by their districts and Republicans looked like petulant children.

So after that kind of bad press and Frank failure, one would think Republicans would want to grow up and at least act like adults instead of Spoiled Children.

Not so.

Republicans furious at losing the election for the State Supreme Court in Wisconsin are already planning on Impeaching the Democrat. Not for any misconduct or unethical behavior. But for winning the election. This is intolerable to the Republicans who are unable to get their undies out of that knot.

Right Wing Agitators in this nation scream that there is a double standard. Ok. So stop being such bad losers. Grow up and learn how to deal with defeat.

What kind of entitled spoiled children are getting elected as Republicans?
Meh, seems to be the norm these days…dems go after repubs…repubs go after dems. Welcome to politics in 2023…
So where is it written that only Trump is allowed to win? Where is it written that announcing your candidacy makes you immune to prosecution?
Trump is who the Republicans want, douchebag. Biden defends claim that announcing your candidacy makes you immune to prosecution. That's why they impeached Trump.

Is there any group of humans scummier and dumber than progs?
I voted to keep Trump out of office and I’m happy with that outcome.

You donated money to Kolfage. You’re an idiot. :laugh:
You're happy about 8% inflation and 8% mortage rates?

You're a fucking moron. Why don't you go pound yourself on the head with a sledge hammer?
I didn’t vote in 2020. I voted for Trump in 2016.

I will vote Biden if you idiots nominate Trump again. Even though he is a steaming pile of shit I think the last couple years have shown that Trump is such a huge pile of shit that he could fertilize the entire state of Kansas and have enough leftover to make a serious dent in Nebraska.
You just showed that you're an idiot. You plan to vote for a criminal.

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