Is it the Trump effect or have Republicans lost their minds?

So long as Dems keep rigging and cheating in elections, we'll continue to call out their rigging and cheating. Just deal with it snowflakes, go cry into a towel you pussies.
You can whine conspiracy theories all you like. It doesn’t change the outcome. ;)
Considering 80% of what you said was just you calling names, purposefully trying to be inflammatory, and intentionally trying to piss off people I see no reason to actually try to pick out the actual thing you're talking about amongst all of your trolling commentary.

Maybe next time leave out the immaturity and people like me can see the conversation.

And try better sources. I'm not clicking on a link that literally says the website is called dynuz
I see you've figured out SavannahMann.
We all know now that Donald Trump set the record for the most outrageous bad loser in American History. However the trend seems to be spreading.

Republicans in Tennessee threw a hissy fit and expelled three Black Democrats. The three state representatives were sent back by their districts and Republicans looked like petulant children.

So after that kind of bad press and Frank failure, one would think Republicans would want to grow up and at least act like adults instead of Spoiled Children.

Not so.

Republicans furious at losing the election for the State Supreme Court in Wisconsin are already planning on Impeaching the Democrat. Not for any misconduct or unethical behavior. But for winning the election. This is intolerable to the Republicans who are unable to get their undies out of that knot.

Right Wing Agitators in this nation scream that there is a double standard. Ok. So stop being such bad losers. Grow up and learn how to deal with defeat.

What kind of entitled spoiled children are getting elected as Republicans?

The Republican Party has become the Stupid Party. They let the inmates take control of the asylum.
You want Biden to win by legal prosecution. Are you saying this election will be fair?

The Republicans have a number of candidates that are running for the Presidency. I personally am inclined to support Nikki Halley.

So where is it written that only Trump is allowed to win? Where is it written that announcing your candidacy makes you immune to prosecution?


As I’m not a conservative, I would think not like a conservative at any time, real or imagined.


See above.

See above; I’m not a conservative.

NATO is now just another tool of USG terror; perhaps always.

Well, it’s detestable.

Some do; liberals embrace bigotry, warmongering and hysteria - much more dangerous.

I think they want the violence/invasion to stop.

I’m not sure I agree, but yours is just one pespective.

Modern liberals are INCREDIBLY deranged and dangerous.



Bush II?

Absolutely not.
Eisenhower was never a Conservative

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