Is it the Trump effect or have Republicans lost their minds?

Well, that’s simply not true…The fact of the matter is that dems gained power, and as usual with dems, they were/are the ones that went batshit crazy. Wildly overplaying their hand.

A full 3/4 of Americans think we are on the wrong track. Don’t believe me? Then listen to Chuck Todd….

I never said Biden was loved. I said 44% of the people who voted for Biden were primarily motivated to vote against Trump.

Biden has an abysmal approval rating. But so does Trump. The majority don’t like him either. Neither of these guys would win a popularity contest against Herpes in the first round.

They are tied. But you won’t see that. All you see is how unhappy people are with Joe.
Well, Democrats impeached Trump after Trump had already lost the election. Or, are you saying that Trump didn't lose?

They impeached Trump because of his actions after losing the election. Including his actions regarding January 6.

I don’t get it. I really don’t. Do you run around trying to find something to be outraged about? Because nobody sane could maintain that level of furious outrage for long without suffering a Stroke.
They impeached Trump because of his actions after losing the election. Including his actions regarding January 6.

I don’t get it. I really don’t. Do you run around trying to find something to be outraged about? Because nobody sane could maintain that level of furious outrage for long without suffering a Stroke.
Thanks for bringing that up. I had forgotten that the Senate held a trial and found Trump not guilty. So, I guess that means that 14A can't possibly apply since he was not found guilty.
Thanks for bringing that up. I had forgotten that the Senate held a trial and found Trump not guilty. So, I guess that means that 14A can't possibly apply since he was not found guilty.

Well what you should do is use that little search icon up there and find where I said it applied.

What I have said is that Georgia is the greatest threat to Trump’s campaign and presidency. If he is convicted he has to go to Prison. There is no other option under Georgia Law.

And since the Judge has granted the defense requests in two of the defendants and a trial is scheduled to start in 40 days, we may see it sinner than expected.

If the judge does not sever the trials, Trump could start his trial in 40 days in Georgia.
This is another chapter in the Republican playbook of how to obtain and keep political power despite not having the support of the electorate.
They impeached Trump because of his actions after losing the election. Including his actions regarding January 6.

I don’t get it. I really don’t. Do you run around trying to find something to be outraged about? Because nobody sane could maintain that level of furious outrage for long without suffering a Stroke.
It is simple. We live with Democracy. And not a Republic. So, if the Prog Senate and Representatives are near 50% with a President the same, we can enact legislation where someone can have an adult phuk a child up the ass. While the other side with the same or near the same would not. Democracy and Republic. Understand what Democracy is. It is not freedom.
Well what you should do is use that little search icon up there and find where I said it applied.

What I have said is that Georgia is the greatest threat to Trump’s campaign and presidency. If he is convicted he has to go to Prison. There is no other option under Georgia Law.

And since the Judge has granted the defense requests in two of the defendants and a trial is scheduled to start in 40 days, we may see it sinner than expected.

If the judge does not sever the trials, Trump could start his trial in 40 days in Georgia.
Not gonna happin. She will be gone by then. She will be exposed for the abuse of power she has been doing, trampling on justice for her personal vandetta.
First for those who don’t know.
Thanks for posting the clarification. :)
That acronym is one traditionally used by Racists striving for false equivalency.
You capitalized racists? :rolleyes:

That’s as moronic as believing I am one. :)

In this case he is trying to equate morons in the left who shouted no my president when they lost to the idiots who committed multiple felonies trying to overturn the election.
^ Makes absolutely no sense.
What else you have mate?
A question.

Are you super-high, super-stupid, or both…?

Thanks for posting the clarification. :)

You capitalized racists? :rolleyes:

That’s as moronic as believing I am one. :)

^ Makes absolutely no sense.

A question.

Are you super-high, super-stupid, or both…?


Awww. Did I hurt your feelings?
Both it is.

But yeah - liberals lost their minds 9 years ago and counting; conservatives are pretty much as they’ve always been.

No. Conservatives have embraced radical. The insane extreme of the party. I was alive and joined the Army when Reagan was President. I fought my war when Bush was President. I left the Army when Clinton was President. You all are nothing like the Conservatives in those days.

I admired the genius of Newt’s Contract with America. For that he listened to the public and picked ten populist issues to embrace. Today you all shout at the Public that they have to believe as you do.

Conservatives of Yesteryear embraced NATO. They understood that such defensive alliances kept the risk of war lower. It is simple. You attack my friend, and I’ll attack you. My friend will never attack you. We will only respond if you attack us.

Today Conservatives detest NATO. They embrace Isolationism and Nationalism. Moreover they embrace insane ideals like invading Mexico.

Conservatives are nothing like they used to be. They used to be someone that could be respected.
No. Conservatives have embraced radical.
The insane extreme of the party. I was alive and joined the Army when Reagan was President. I fought my war when Bush was President. I left the Army when Clinton was President.
You all are nothing like the Conservatives in those days.
As I’m not a conservative, I would think not like a conservative at any time, real or imagined.
I admired the genius of Newt’s Contract with America.
For that he listened to the public and picked ten populist issues to embrace.
See above.
Today you all shout at the Public that they have to believe as you do.
See above; I’m not a conservative.
Conservatives of Yesteryear embraced NATO. They understood that such defensive alliances kept the risk of war lower. It is simple. You attack my friend, and I’ll attack you. My friend will never attack you. We will only respond if you attack us.
NATO is now just another tool of USG terror; perhaps always.
Today Conservatives detest NATO.
Well, it’s detestable.
They embrace Isolationism and Nationalism.
Some do; liberals embrace bigotry, warmongering and hysteria - much more dangerous.
Moreover they embrace insane ideals like invading Mexico.
I think they want the violence/invasion to stop.
Conservatives are nothing like they used to be.
I’m not sure I agree, but yours is just one pespective.

Modern liberals are INCREDIBLY deranged and dangerous.
They used to be someone that could be respected.


Bush II?

Absolutely not.
We all know now that Donald Trump set the record for the most outrageous bad loser in American History. However the trend seems to be spreading.

Republicans in Tennessee threw a hissy fit and expelled three Black Democrats. The three state representatives were sent back by their districts and Republicans looked like petulant children.

So after that kind of bad press and Frank failure, one would think Republicans would want to grow up and at least act like adults instead of Spoiled Children.

Not so.

Republicans furious at losing the election for the State Supreme Court in Wisconsin are already planning on Impeaching the Democrat. Not for any misconduct or unethical behavior. But for winning the election. This is intolerable to the Republicans who are unable to get their undies out of that knot.

Right Wing Agitators in this nation scream that there is a double standard. Ok. So stop being such bad losers. Grow up and learn how to deal with defeat.

What kind of entitled spoiled children are getting elected as Republicans?

^^^Look everyone, the guy who believes men can get pregnant wants to talk about losing one's mind!

The more that comes to light of Trump's crimes and despicable character, the more the Trumptards will find it necessary to demonize the Democrats.

Donald Trump stole from cancer kids. That's a real fact.

If that was anyone else, it would have been the immediate death of their political career.

"Yeahbut Democrats eat babies!"
If the Wisconsin Republicans impeach the judge, the backlash is going to be vicious.

They will become the minority party in the legislature at the next election, and never again enjoy the majority.
Why doesn't the DA just arrest him for some bogus crime like Democrats do?
Secure borders, cheap energy, a president who can complete a sentence, logical foreign policy and parental control of our kids. If that's an example of losing your mind the left has already lost it.

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