Is it the Trump effect or have Republicans lost their minds?

We all know now that Donald Trump set the record for the most outrageous bad loser in American History. However the trend seems to be spreading.

Republicans in Tennessee threw a hissy fit and expelled three Black Democrats. The three state representatives were sent back by their districts and Republicans looked like petulant children.

So after that kind of bad press and Frank failure, one would think Republicans would want to grow up and at least act like adults instead of Spoiled Children.

Not so.

Republicans furious at losing the election for the State Supreme Court in Wisconsin are already planning on Impeaching the Democrat. Not for any misconduct or unethical behavior. But for winning the election. This is intolerable to the Republicans who are unable to get their undies out of that knot.

Right Wing Agitators in this nation scream that there is a double standard. Ok. So stop being such bad losers. Grow up and learn how to deal with defeat.

What kind of entitled spoiled children are getting elected as Republicans?
No we're normal Americans
You nazi fags are bent over boot lickers
We all know now that Donald Trump set the record for the most outrageous bad loser in American History. However the trend seems to be spreading.

Republicans in Tennessee threw a hissy fit and expelled three Black Democrats. The three state representatives were sent back by their districts and Republicans looked like petulant children.

So after that kind of bad press and Frank failure, one would think Republicans would want to grow up and at least act like adults instead of Spoiled Children.

Not so.

Republicans furious at losing the election for the State Supreme Court in Wisconsin are already planning on Impeaching the Democrat. Not for any misconduct or unethical behavior. But for winning the election. This is intolerable to the Republicans who are unable to get their undies out of that knot.

Right Wing Agitators in this nation scream that there is a double standard. Ok. So stop being such bad losers. Grow up and learn how to deal with defeat.

What kind of entitled spoiled children are getting elected as Republicans?

Your game.

Your rules.

You will hate it.
Help me out. How are you still online if they are out to punish you for saying the election was stolen? Why haven’t the Feds just rounded you up and sent you to the reeducation camps? Is it because they’re afraid of you? More afraid of you than they are Trump?
The gauntlet is narrowing. Western Europe is further along. Canada is further along. Australia and New Zealand is further along. Then we are. We already have seen social media decline free speech. This is not about being against agendas as much what is right and wrong.
Your game.

Your rules.

You will hate it.

Democrats never did anything like this. The worst that can be said is questionable witnesses challenging someone during a hearing. And those witnesses were routinely castigated in the press.

This is a new game. Your game. And like the get tough on crime laws pushed by the Republicans you don’t like it when it’s done to you.
The gauntlet is narrowing. Western Europe is further along. Canada is further along. Australia and New Zealand is further along. Than we are. We already have seen social media decline free speech. This is not about being against agendas as much what is right and wrong.
Really? Musk is out there blaming the Jews for the difficulties suffered by X (formally Twitter). He’s pushing antisemitism daily. Last weekend it was the hashtag #Bantheadl.

Now he is even saying he is going to sue the Jews for his problems.

Has the Government canceled contracts with SpaceX? Have they banned Tesla’s? Have they held hearings demanding that X be banned?

So what other crazy delusions do you have to make vague claims about?
Democrats never did anything like this. The worst that can be said is questionable witnesses challenging someone during a hearing. And those witnesses were routinely castigated in the press.

This is a new game. Your game. And like the get tough on crime laws pushed by the Republicans you don’t like it when it’s done to you.

Your president is Joe Biden.

That's the state of your game play at the moment
Your president is Joe Biden.

That's the state of your game play at the moment

That bastard. Winning an election because more than enough people were sick of the stupidity of Trump.

44% of the people who voted for Biden were primarily motivated to vote against Trump.

Those bastards electing Democrats when they were told often, how awful Democrats were.

The hatred, the insanity of you all makes voting Democrat a reasonable choice. I didn’t vote in 2020. I didn’t like either man. Right now, based upon the insane actions of the RW, I have no choice but to vote in 2024.

You and the rest of the Crazies have made Republicans the party of insanity.

You all did this. The election wasn’t stolen. You all keep screaming look at the evidence. You all won’t even look at the investigations. You keep swearing it is a bigger and bigger conspiracy. It already has a cast of millions. But you swear that you are right.

This insanity isn’t anyone’s doing except yours. You all went full batshit crazy.
America needs the Republican Party to somehow recover from this madness. We need two strong parties (at least) to keep the other in check.

This isn't going away soon, but hopefully it will fail before it's too late. The world has seen this before, and it never ends well.
Says the man who agrees with jailing political opposition.
That bastard. Winning an election because more than enough people were sick of the stupidity of Trump.

44% of the people who voted for Biden were primarily motivated to vote against Trump.

Those bastards electing Democrats when they were told often, how awful Democrats were.

The hatred, the insanity of you all makes voting Democrat a reasonable choice. I didn’t vote in 2020. I didn’t like either man. Right now, based upon the insane actions of the RW, I have no choice but to vote in 2024.

You and the rest of the Crazies have made Republicans the party of insanity.

You all did this. The election wasn’t stolen. You all keep screaming look at the evidence. You all won’t even look at the investigations. You keep swearing it is a bigger and bigger conspiracy. It already has a cast of millions. But you swear that you are right.

This insanity isn’t anyone’s doing except yours. You all went full batshit crazy.

How funny you're trying to convince yourself of this, after you decided that YOU could not live with Trump for four years and impeached him multiple times and are now trying to jail him.

Go sell this swill somewhere else; no one is buying it here.
That bastard. Winning an election because more than enough people were sick of the stupidity of Trump.

44% of the people who voted for Biden were primarily motivated to vote against Trump.

Those bastards electing Democrats when they were told often, how awful Democrats were.

The hatred, the insanity of you all makes voting Democrat a reasonable choice. I didn’t vote in 2020. I didn’t like either man. Right now, based upon the insane actions of the RW, I have no choice but to vote in 2024.

You and the rest of the Crazies have made Republicans the party of insanity.

You all did this. The election wasn’t stolen. You all keep screaming look at the evidence. You all won’t even look at the investigations. You keep swearing it is a bigger and bigger conspiracy. It already has a cast of millions. But you swear that you are right.

This insanity isn’t anyone’s doing except yours. You all went full batshit crazy.
Well, that’s simply not true…The fact of the matter is that dems gained power, and as usual with dems, they were/are the ones that went batshit crazy. Wildly overplaying their hand.

A full 3/4 of Americans think we are on the wrong track. Don’t believe me? Then listen to Chuck Todd….

I would object, if that is what was happening. It isn’t. So why lie about it?
Oh there’s no doubt about it….That’s what’s happening with Trump, and that’s what’d happen with all of those of us who voted for Trump if y’all had your way.
How funny you're trying to convince yourself of this, after you decided that YOU could not live with Trump for four years and impeached him multiple times and are now trying to jail him.

Go sell this swill somewhere else; no one is buying it here.

I voted for Trump in 2016. Dunce.
Oh there’s no doubt about it….That’s what’s happening with Trump, and that’s what’d happen with all of those of us who voted for Trump if y’all had your way.

Oh bullshit. If a Mafia Boss tells a subordinate to murder someone. Is that free speech? Nope. Never has been. And they were not dumb enough to claim it was.

You can’t order people to commit crimes. You can’t threaten people to commit crimes. You can’t claim free speech for that. It isn’t free speech.
We all know now that Donald Trump set the record for the most outrageous bad loser in American History. However the trend seems to be spreading.

Republicans in Tennessee threw a hissy fit and expelled three Black Democrats. The three state representatives were sent back by their districts and Republicans looked like petulant children.

So after that kind of bad press and Frank failure, one would think Republicans would want to grow up and at least act like adults instead of Spoiled Children.

Not so.

Republicans furious at losing the election for the State Supreme Court in Wisconsin are already planning on Impeaching the Democrat. Not for any misconduct or unethical behavior. But for winning the election. This is intolerable to the Republicans who are unable to get their undies out of that knot.

Right Wing Agitators in this nation scream that there is a double standard. Ok. So stop being such bad losers. Grow up and learn how to deal with defeat.

What kind of entitled spoiled children are getting elected as Republicans?
Well, Democrats impeached Trump after Trump had already lost the election. Or, are you saying that Trump didn't lose?

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