Tonight’s Rallies: Harris pulls 15X’s Trump’s crowd size

Loses election - Trump was cheated
Loses debate - Moderators were unfair to him
Harris crowd larger - It's AI
No, it's real people - then they were bussed in

It never ends.
Have you not read about the many rallies that Trump has had that the rally goers were left in chaos because the busses to take them to various long distance parking lots were disorganized and not picking them up, and the followers were freezing...some walking miles to get to their cars?

Buses are commonly used to transport rally goers....some from parking lots, some from outside the arena destination pick up spots, and some sponsored by political action groups.

Thanks for the link.
Harris has two tonight: Charlotte 9,000 and Greensboro 22,000 person arenas

Trump is in Arizona at a 2,200 seat auditorium.

According to Trump math, Harris should win the election




For the most part, Harris has rallies in the big blue cities while Trump usually does rallies in the smaller, rural areas.
citygator was against crowd size before he was for crowd size. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Trump issues: Crowd size

Real effective

The emperor has no clothes. Amazing speech Mr President! What a wonderful job you did babbling incoherently about crowd size and a dystopian America that doesn’t exist. Mass delirium is a thing.

You a really think taking over the bodily choices of 170M American women is offset by bigotry against a few hundred trans folks? Maybe start there.

You really think normal people look at Trump with his ourtrageous lies about simple things like MLK vs his crowd size and helicopter rides to big things like the election was stolen without scaring the shit out of normies?

Her opponent is talking crowd size, WWIII, and about a dystopian American that doesnt exist. That is who has no message.
You are a flip-flopping dunce like your installed candidate Kommiela.
CSM. Crowd Size Matters!

Why aren’t people coming to the Trump circus anymore? Is it an indication of waning support? Asking for a friend named Nostradumbass.
You guys are so butt hurt. How about a simple "Harris is pulling large rallies, but its not over yet". You see? It acknowledges reality but leaves you with an out and some hope. Compare that to fake news responses you guys are doing.
Another packed and energized venue tonight for Harris meanwhile Trump had 22 people listening to a low energy golf resort timeshare pitch.

Trump’s “Rally”


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