Tonight's state of the lying address.......


"Me Me Me I am great. I know more than everyone. THE WALL!!!!!!!!!!!! Blah Blah Blah lie lie lie
Me Me Me"

We look past Trump's deficiencies and are grateful for his ideas and boldness in the face of massive opposition and dishonesty. There was nothing of value to look past Obama's ego and phoniness. He was so hard to stomach.
And you can say that shit with a straight face????? There is not one person affiliated with Trump that's not either turning state evidence or convicted of some crime....and you found it hard to stomach Obama?? Imagine the shit we're trying to stomach with that clown you idiots worship? One thing is certain, you Trump admirers, have no creds ever to critique any fuckin body, ever!!!!

You are pretty impossible to have an honest discourse with. I am quite comfortable with the sincere efforts Donald Trump has put forward since elected, most all very good for Americans. I am totally incensed and disgusted with the republicans in congress and the senate who betrayed him these first two years. They are the worst of the worst. And that includes a criminal, corrupt, angry useless gaggle of democrat leaders, traitors in govt agencies, the whole DNC. It also includes a villainous MSM who covered up every scandal, crime, lie, and sin your party has obviously been involved in. Trump is mostly a hero, but I fear the demons in power and in society may ultimately destroy him.
You are living proof that you can't argue with a Trumpette because they deny everything and run in circles screaming "Fake News!!! Fake News!!!!"

It is mostly fake news... to deny it is foolhardy....

"Me Me Me I am great. I know more than everyone. THE WALL!!!!!!!!!!!! Blah Blah Blah lie lie lie
Me Me Me"

We look past Trump's deficiencies and are grateful for his ideas and boldness in the face of massive opposition and dishonesty. There was nothing of value to look past Obama's ego and phoniness. He was so hard to stomach.
And you can say that shit with a straight face????? There is not one person affiliated with Trump that's not either turning state evidence or convicted of some crime....and you found it hard to stomach Obama?? Imagine the shit we're trying to stomach with that clown you idiots worship? One thing is certain, you Trump admirers, have no creds ever to critique any fuckin body, ever!!!!

You are pretty impossible to have an honest discourse with. I am quite comfortable with the sincere efforts Donald Trump has put forward since elected, most all very good for Americans. I am totally incensed and disgusted with the republicans in congress and the senate who betrayed him these first two years. They are the worst of the worst. And that includes a criminal, corrupt, angry useless gaggle of democrat leaders, traitors in govt agencies, the whole DNC. It also includes a villainous MSM who covered up every scandal, crime, lie, and sin your party has obviously been involved in. Trump is mostly a hero, but I fear the demons in power and in society may ultimately destroy him.
You know and I know, had Obama did 1 tenth of the shit Trump and his family has pulled on tax payers people like you would still be in recovery from slitting your throats. I have learned that people like you can not be reached, are incapable of rational thinking and are pretty much lost souls. Trump has done absolutely nothing to benefit the working class of this nation, nothing. There's not one single day that goes by that's barely covered by the MSM were recalls are being announced thanks to his deregulating industries, not one. Its just a matter of time before someone dies. And do miss me on this jobs bullshit. Low wage jobs do not make for an economic boom, even if negro's are employed. The fact Trump himself hires illegals, should let you know how cheap labor is the choice for corporations in this country. I don't know what planet you thrive, but it sure as hell isn't earth.

And the fact you find him a hero....renders you void of common sense and brain matter
I know you can produce a swarm of reasons for hating Trump, but to me they are all of secondary importance. The left does not care how shameful they appear to God or man. But when Trump is gone then you people will have to actually begin doing something or saying something of value. Right now, the left voices in America and the MSM that covers for them have one salient goal, vilify and destroy Trump. An appalling disgrace you people are.

Two, Barack Obama, in my own biased opinion, is the most dishonorable human being who ever had a desk in the oval office. He is a a phony, a coward, a liar, a muslim apologist, and a foe of Jews and Christians alike. He even did nothing in his 8 years to assist his black brothers in major USA cities. Unbelievable. Only in it for his ego and legacy.

Three, I do not dislike you triggered. Are you really female?... hard to believe with your mouth. But I am into everything Christian. And Trump represents Christianity better than almost any of the self centered, career oriented GOP operatives around him. They all turn on him as soon as let go. Extreme low lifes. And the entire left, heck, they scare me they are so anti-Christian in their thinking.
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"Me Me Me I am great. I know more than everyone. THE WALL!!!!!!!!!!!! Blah Blah Blah lie lie lie
Me Me Me"
Trump is great....the deep state has surrendered....a second term is a lock....

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