Too bad a road rage jerk had a gun......

I bet the asshole that shot her and a concealed weapons permit, too. Open carry is soooooo big in Texas now. And shooting other drivers who honk seems to be the new trend!
Bet he was a Tea Party member as well. One can only hope. day the anti gunner lefties will find their Tea Party mass shooter.....but the search continues....they keep having to look past all the left wing shooters killing people first.......
Well I'll be....
There's a sketch in this mornings Houston Chronicle of the road rage suspect.....Annnnnnd he's black.
Stupid liberals.
I called that one. I also mentioned that he's probably got a felony record, and the gun was obtained illegally.
Seen plenty of road rage drivers.

Usually best to stay clear of them if possible, and hope that one day they submerge in their demerit points and lose their license.
Do you really think that will stop most of them from driving?

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