Too bad it's not she in the WH

CNN can shove it up their ass and you libs are FAKE Americans, how's that for poise.[/QUOTE]

Nonexistent. That remark is the very opposite of poised, but I suspect you think by making it you seem "cool" and sage. You don't know realize it, but it does not.
There are some women I'd like to see in the big chair. Hillary Clinton wasn't one of them. Maybe the next female nominee will be better.
Of Melania Trump, CNN reports:
"She is a woman of few words, but when she says something, it really is gentle and meaningful, and soothing -- it has a natural empathy to it."
We didn't vote for a Den Mother, or an Empathy guru, or someone to "feel our pain" or to "soothe" us.

We voted for a President who would put the interests of the country first. And we got one.

Too bad we didn't do the same in Congress. (Whose fault is that?)
Of Melania Trump, CNN reports:
  • "She is a woman of few words, but when she says something, it really is gentle and meaningful, and soothing -- it has a natural empathy to it."
  • "I've been told that she's very self-assured and doesn't feel like she needs to change her reserved personality to be more relatable. She doesn't seem to care about pleasing people. I think the poll numbers show that many people actually like the self confidence that she exudes."
Would that her husband had the same degree of poise. Oh, well. We can see quite clearly that it was Donald who "married up" in that relationship.

Better than the 'other' SHE in the White House ...

I will just bet that the left wing wishes she were in the WH. They have a whole boatload of misogynistic smear they could unleash on her.
Of Melania Trump, CNN reports:
  • "She is a woman of few words, but when she says something, it really is gentle and meaningful, and soothing -- it has a natural empathy to it."
  • "I've been told that she's very self-assured and doesn't feel like she needs to change her reserved personality to be more relatable. She doesn't seem to care about pleasing people. I think the poll numbers show that many people actually like the self confidence that she exudes."
Would that her husband had the same degree of poise. Oh, well. We can see quite clearly that it was Donald who "married up" in that relationship.

Every nutless pussy I know that works through empathy tends to make decisions that help the wrong people while fucking over good people.
We had eight long years of "soothing", calculated, sackless circle talk. Real Americans are over that bullshit.
^trumptard dividing americans in real americans and unreal americans.

100% probability that this cúnt whined about the oh so divisive Obama.

Obama was worthless. Thats not whining. Thats fact.
Of Melania Trump, CNN reports:
  • "She is a woman of few words, but when she says something, it really is gentle and meaningful, and soothing -- it has a natural empathy to it."
  • "I've been told that she's very self-assured and doesn't feel like she needs to change her reserved personality to be more relatable. She doesn't seem to care about pleasing people. I think the poll numbers show that many people actually like the self confidence that she exudes."
Would that her husband had the same degree of poise. Oh, well. We can see quite clearly that it was Donald who "married up" in that relationship.

obummer had a great poise' as well. And he was the lap dog of every tin pot dictator in the world. I'll take a buffoon with some bad manners, but teeth, over a putz with "poise" any day of the week.
Of Melania Trump, CNN reports:
  • "She is a woman of few words, but when she says something, it really is gentle and meaningful, and soothing -- it has a natural empathy to it."
  • "I've been told that she's very self-assured and doesn't feel like she needs to change her reserved personality to be more relatable. She doesn't seem to care about pleasing people. I think the poll numbers show that many people actually like the self confidence that she exudes."
Would that her husband had the same degree of poise. Oh, well. We can see quite clearly that it was Donald who "married up" in that relationship.
There is trouble in paradise in that marrriage of convenience.

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