Too Bad the Moonbats Want to Boycott Israel

Most the "Jew haters" on this board are rightwing nut jobs, dumbasses.
Most the "Jew haters" on this board are rightwing nut jobs, dumbasses.
/----/ Care to point one out? It should be easy since you claim most are.
Why American evangelicals are a huge base of support for Israel
Support for Israel is stronger ... Why American evangelicals are a huge base of support for Israel... The reason for that has a lot to do with the strength of a pro-Israeli religious community ...
I knew this response would come up from you. Look up Odium for one.

Evangelicals support Israel because they think they will go to heaven if they do so and are just awaiting the end times. The closer to Armageddon the better to these folks.
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Most the "Jew haters" on this board are rightwing nut jobs, dumbasses.
/----/ Care to point one out? It should be easy since you claim most are.
Why American evangelicals are a huge base of support for Israel
Support for Israel is stronger ... Why American evangelicals are a huge base of support for Israel... The reason for that has a lot to do with the strength of a pro-Israeli religious community ...
I knew this response would come up for you. Look up Odium for one.

Evangelicals support Israel because they think they will go to heaven and are awaiting the end times. The closer to Armageddon the better to these folks.
/----/ You are correct, Odium is no fan of the Jews - that makes one but not "most."

Amazing stuff....I sure hope the cancer cure is true.....

Whenever I see this sort of thing, I recall a book I read way back....


"Jewish Mystique" by Ernest Van Den Haag, a professor at NYU. He had a theory that laid out an interesting scenario from before the middle ages....

1. A Jewish man who was very smart married the towns richest man's daughter, and was basically supported to study his whole life, and had many children who carried his genes into the population of Jews...

2. A Christian who was very smart would become a member of the clergy, and, due to celibacy, removed his genes from the Christian gene pool.

Therefore...well, you get the idea.
Most the "Jew haters" on this board are rightwing nut jobs, dumbasses.
Sorry, NO. They are of the Socialist left, whether global socialists or National Socialist. They both share big government socialism in their hatred of both Israel and the USA.
Fuk Israel. Remember the USS Liberty you Zionist bastards.

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No cancer cure for any Moonbat Leftist. Words should have consequences. If they hate Jews, no cancer cure for them!
What's Moonbat about boycotting Israel? Sounds patriotic to me.

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