Too funny....'black' NAACP leader outed as white

If the roles were reversed, Blacks would have never had slavery in the US. Black people never enslaved people due to their race. You continue to prove you are an idiot fake marine.

"due to their race"? WTF does that even mean?
If the roles were reversed, Blacks would have never had slavery in the US. Black people never enslaved people due to their race. You continue to prove you are an idiot fake marine.

"due to their race"? WTF does that even mean?
Go back and get your GED and you will figure it out. I have allowed you to deflect long enough monkey. Lets get back to the topic.
She is a nut ,no doubt. At least her heart is in the right place. It does though put the organization in an awkward position.
Just listened to an interview with her parents, and her father was saying that on the application for her to attend Howard University, there were no questions about her ethnicity but based on the fact that she was coming from a Mississippi university and the African American illustrations in her portfolio, officials assumed she was African American, and it wasn't until she personally showed up to finalize her application that they found out she was white. According to her father, all jaws in the room dropped, and eyes were popping out of everyone's heads.
The more I learn about this woman the more I like her.

EWU Rachel Dole al MFA

Have a thing for mentally disturbed individuals, ehh ?
Easier to get in their pants ?
She doesnt appear to be mentally disturbed to me. This woman is a fountain of knowledge regarding the Black race. I've only met one other white women that knows as much as she does and she is actually married to a Japanese guy.
People that lie about being a marine cannot be taken at their word. Please provide a link where the cops busted her for fake racial incidents or we know its just more of your monkey hoots. :laugh:

Have somebody read you the link this OP came from ya dumbass. :lol:
Why would I do that you monkey? I already posted this from the OP's link. Like most monkeys you have a hard time reading I see. :cool-45:

"Dolezal has made many reports of harassment and other crimes to police. None have resulted in arrests or charges – but neither have any included direct claims that she fabricated them. In some cases, such as a report that a noose was left on her porch in Spokane, there were other witnesses."

I have no reason to believe she is telling the truth about the threats. She has already lied, I won't take her at her word.
Congratulations you're the one millionth poster to start a thread on this.

She should resign. Case closed end of story. Liberals should never act like conservatives.

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