Too funny....'black' NAACP leader outed as white

Actually it does. Black genes are dominant. Of course I'm easily smarter than you.
Amazing how that dominance never translated into technological advancement, the building of advanced civilizations, or geopolitical influence. One wonders where you spear chuckers would be if white people didn't rescue you from the moors of your interminable, primitive, pointless existence.
Dominance has nothing to do with technology. No technology in the world last longer than genes.Those genes introduced whites to civilization and established the foundation that whites needed. If white people had not "rescued" us. We would still be leading the world in areas that matter like education and general civilization without poisoning or having the ability to blow the world apart.
Ha ha! You really think you lead the world in education and civilization? White people have ruled the earth for the entire history of man....all the way down to the woman I married ruling my house.

Face it, your race and mine are in the same boat.
You may hate yourself and your race but I am proud of both of our races.
I love my race. I love what white people did for my race and yours too. I'm sure you wouldn't want to be back in the motherland living in piss poor poverty in a shanty shack wondering when a Sunni militia warlord is going to wipe out your family. That's what it's like where your race rules.
See thats the difference. White people did nothing for my race. My race did something for them and paid dearly for it. Yes I would rather be back in the Motherland. Making plans to be there in my old age.
If you insist that half-white and half-black can be claimed as just black, then it can also be claimed as just white. Both are incorrect. What it makes one is bi-racial, regardless of what one claims.

No it cant be claimed as just white. Black genes are dominant.

Wrong. If you claim a half/half as black you can claim a half/half as white. Regardless of looks, genetic make up is still half and half. obama isn't black, he's bi-racial ... no matter that he 'claims' differently.
Wrong. If you have Black in you then you are Black.

No, you are bi (or multi) racial. No matter how much you claim otherwise.
No actually i'm not. No white boy tells me what I am and actually expects me to accept it.

Yes you actually are, I don't care what you "accept" or not. If you're black and any other race, you're bi/multi racial. Too bad for you that you don't like that. Call yourself black all day long ... you're not. You're a mix.
Yes he is. If he weren't, his show wouldn't have lasted.

Your comparison is misguided.

Perhaps it's the rightwing sense of what's funny that is warped.

You're a moron. People on the right and left are laughing their collective asses off at this story.

Can you explain what's funny about it?

This was your thread -- your title is "Black NAACP Leader Outed as White". I take it you believe you have to be black to be associated with the NAACP?

Obviously there are a lot of people that are finding this hilarious. Come on, it's freaking funny. You have a white lady who fooled everyone about being black. That in it of itself is funny. What makes this really funny is how she was able to fool people enough to be considered one of the prominent black leaders of that comunity.

I wonder how much she spent on spray tan over the years
Not to mention the fortune in curly perms. bigotry on this board. nope... nada. :rolleyes:
You posted after me and you refuted my claim, so I don't need to explain squat.
No you posted in reply to my statement in post #874 stating she was a professor. Get your story straight and stop lying.

And then you refuted that post.
With proof you lied.

I did lie, I posted a link to an article, good grief. Last night you posted someone shot 60% from the field and later corrected it to 44%. It didn't mean you lied, it meant you made a mistake. I posted a news story that showed EWU lied.
Well thats all you had to say in the first place instead of keeping up the charade and deflecting. Thats why I called you a liar. You were going along with the lie.

I tried, not my fault you can't comprehend what I write, and perhaps I didn't write it correctly. I have no reason why they stated two different versions.
No it cant be claimed as just white. Black genes are dominant.

Wrong. If you claim a half/half as black you can claim a half/half as white. Regardless of looks, genetic make up is still half and half. obama isn't black, he's bi-racial ... no matter that he 'claims' differently.
Wrong. If you have Black in you then you are Black.

No, you are bi (or multi) racial. No matter how much you claim otherwise.
No actually i'm not. No white boy tells me what I am and actually expects me to accept it.

Yes you actually are, I don't care what you "accept" or not. If you're black and any other race, you're bi/multi racial. Too bad for you that you don't like that. Call yourself black all day long ... you're not. You're a mix.
No actually I am not. If you have Black in you then you are Black Its not up for discussion. If you cant deal with it then thats your issue.
That still doesnt explain how EWU has her listed as a professor but are now lying and saying she isnt. Its amazing you dont think thats the very definition of irony.

The whole issue is her lying on an employment app. The city of Spokane, EWU, need to decide how to handle her.

When you lie and get caught, you often put your future in other's hands. The NAACP has gotten rid of her and I expect EWU and the city will also rid themselves of her. Then she can get picked up by some liberal organization and move on.

What kind of employment app requires an applicant to be black?

Here we go again... spin cycle...

Speaking of spin cycle, where did I say the applicant had to be black?

Good luck trying to get the dickhead ever to admit he is wrong.

Hey, at least you're no longer alone in being unable to articulate what the point is.

I don't think you thought this through. You kept yammering (three times) about how you were NOT implying the NAACP requires its members to be black, and yet earlier here you said:

If she did it as a way of swindling the NAACP, then I really don't give a fuck.


She represented herself to them as being black, she made a mockery of the organization by pretending to be black. They believed she was black, and were deceived.

Nowhere there do I make the claim a person needs to be black to be a member. Please stop misrepresenting my comments.
No you posted in reply to my statement in post #874 stating she was a professor. Get your story straight and stop lying.

And then you refuted that post.
With proof you lied.

I did lie, I posted a link to an article, good grief. Last night you posted someone shot 60% from the field and later corrected it to 44%. It didn't mean you lied, it meant you made a mistake. I posted a news story that showed EWU lied.
Well thats all you had to say in the first place instead of keeping up the charade and deflecting. Thats why I called you a liar. You were going along with the lie.

I tried, not my fault you can't comprehend what I write, and perhaps I didn't write it correctly. I have no reason why they stated two different versions.
Where did you do anything other than deflect? A simple admission that there was a conflict would have been simply to state.
Amazing how that dominance never translated into technological advancement, the building of advanced civilizations, or geopolitical influence. One wonders where you spear chuckers would be if white people didn't rescue you from the moors of your interminable, primitive, pointless existence.
Dominance has nothing to do with technology. No technology in the world last longer than genes.Those genes introduced whites to civilization and established the foundation that whites needed. If white people had not "rescued" us. We would still be leading the world in areas that matter like education and general civilization without poisoning or having the ability to blow the world apart.
Ha ha! You really think you lead the world in education and civilization? White people have ruled the earth for the entire history of man....all the way down to the woman I married ruling my house.

Face it, your race and mine are in the same boat.
You may hate yourself and your race but I am proud of both of our races.
I love my race. I love what white people did for my race and yours too. I'm sure you wouldn't want to be back in the motherland living in piss poor poverty in a shanty shack wondering when a Sunni militia warlord is going to wipe out your family. That's what it's like where your race rules.
See thats the difference. White people did nothing for my race. My race did something for them and paid dearly for it. Yes I would rather be back in the Motherland. Making plans to be there in my old age.
Disease ridden water, ethnic cleansing, no plumbing, what's there not to love? Maybe you can go to Mogadishu and establish yourself as a warlord and make the UN's top ten most wanted for killing and raping your fellow blacks. I can easily see a man with no moral compass such as yourself doing that.
Of course not, although I would think most heads of chapters aren't crackers.

Then how do you explain your title, "Black NAACP Leader OUTED as White"?

If it's not a requisite qualification --- then what's the "outing"?

The outing is because everyone knew her as black, which is why I referred to her as black in the title. Are you really this retarded?

You really need me to lead you by the hand here?

If NAACP does not require its people to be black -- which you just agreed, they do not (which is correct) --- then how is it an "outing"?

Because she is white. She is not black, she is white, living as black. Thus, when this came to light she was 'outed'.

The question is -- how is this an "outing"?
We already established being black is not a prerequisite. Where's the scandal?

Could it be the feeders of this thread are simply obsessed with skin color? Is that all there is to it?

The scandal, it would seem, is a white woman living a lie. She disrespected her mother by standing beside a black man and calling him her father. She has denied her parents, and believe me, that in itself contains deep seated problems.
If she felt she identified with the black culture, she should have said so instead of lying.
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Dominance has nothing to do with technology. No technology in the world last longer than genes.Those genes introduced whites to civilization and established the foundation that whites needed. If white people had not "rescued" us. We would still be leading the world in areas that matter like education and general civilization without poisoning or having the ability to blow the world apart.
Ha ha! You really think you lead the world in education and civilization? White people have ruled the earth for the entire history of man....all the way down to the woman I married ruling my house.

Face it, your race and mine are in the same boat.
You may hate yourself and your race but I am proud of both of our races.
I love my race. I love what white people did for my race and yours too. I'm sure you wouldn't want to be back in the motherland living in piss poor poverty in a shanty shack wondering when a Sunni militia warlord is going to wipe out your family. That's what it's like where your race rules.
See thats the difference. White people did nothing for my race. My race did something for them and paid dearly for it. Yes I would rather be back in the Motherland. Making plans to be there in my old age.
Disease ridden water, ethnic cleansing, no plumbing, what's there not to love? Maybe you can go to Mogadishu and establish yourself as a warlord and make the UN's top ten most wanted for killing and raping your fellow blacks. I can easily see a man with no moral compass such as yourself doing that.
The white man has you brianwashed pretty good. I feel sad for you. Youre like a child with your naivety.
She chose to reject your sordid culture. Dont be mad at her.

She was tired of being portrayed as being nothing more than part of the "white privilege" majority.
Being something else, opens up not only a world where she would be seen as a victim, but a world where her thoughts and feelings are taken more seriously, not only by her peers, but academic employers, and civic leaders.
Had she been able to continue to pull this off, she would have rose in the ranks, not only in the NAACP, but more importantly academia, and in whatever state and munincipality she chose to live in.

"She was tired of being portrayed as being nothing more than part of the "white privilege" majority"
Why don't you explain 'white privilege' to white children living in poverty?
Easy. Laziness. White privilege doesnt come and get you out of the bed and hand you the keys to your new Bentley. You have to work for it. White privilege is access not a guarantee.

You are a pompous gasbag who knows absolutely nothing about poverty..
I work with families who have lost everything because of accidents, illnesses, etc. and they are not lazy. They were caught in circumstances which proved to be beyond their control.
The vicissitudes of life can visit anyone at anytime.
Imagine losing everything and being Black? Stop whining. White people are lazy if they are in poverty.

You're an apathetic idiot.
Then how do you explain your title, "Black NAACP Leader OUTED as White"?

If it's not a requisite qualification --- then what's the "outing"?

The outing is because everyone knew her as black, which is why I referred to her as black in the title. Are you really this retarded?

You really need me to lead you by the hand here?

If NAACP does not require its people to be black -- which you just agreed, they do not (which is correct) --- then how is it an "outing"?

Because she is white. She is not black, she is white, living as black. Thus, when this came to light she was 'outed'.

The question is -- how is this an "outing"?
We already established being black is not a prerequisite. Where's the scandal?

Could it be the feeders of this thread are simply obsessed with skin color? Is that all there is to it?

The scandal, it would seem, is a white woman living a lie. She disrespected her mother by standing beside a black man and calling him her father. She has denied her parents, and believe me, that in itself contains deep seated problems.
If she felt she identified the black culture, she should have said so instead of lying.
That is what she said. She said she would ID herself as Black. If she is estranged from her parents and feels the Black man is her father how is that a lie?
Ha ha! You really think you lead the world in education and civilization? White people have ruled the earth for the entire history of man....all the way down to the woman I married ruling my house.

Face it, your race and mine are in the same boat.
You may hate yourself and your race but I am proud of both of our races.
I love my race. I love what white people did for my race and yours too. I'm sure you wouldn't want to be back in the motherland living in piss poor poverty in a shanty shack wondering when a Sunni militia warlord is going to wipe out your family. That's what it's like where your race rules.
See thats the difference. White people did nothing for my race. My race did something for them and paid dearly for it. Yes I would rather be back in the Motherland. Making plans to be there in my old age.
Disease ridden water, ethnic cleansing, no plumbing, what's there not to love? Maybe you can go to Mogadishu and establish yourself as a warlord and make the UN's top ten most wanted for killing and raping your fellow blacks. I can easily see a man with no moral compass such as yourself doing that.
The white man has you brianwashed pretty good. I feel sad for you. Youre like a child with your naivety.
Yes, I'm happily submissive to my white wife. Ignorance is bliss, my friend!
She was tired of being portrayed as being nothing more than part of the "white privilege" majority.
Being something else, opens up not only a world where she would be seen as a victim, but a world where her thoughts and feelings are taken more seriously, not only by her peers, but academic employers, and civic leaders.
Had she been able to continue to pull this off, she would have rose in the ranks, not only in the NAACP, but more importantly academia, and in whatever state and munincipality she chose to live in.

"She was tired of being portrayed as being nothing more than part of the "white privilege" majority"
Why don't you explain 'white privilege' to white children living in poverty?
Easy. Laziness. White privilege doesnt come and get you out of the bed and hand you the keys to your new Bentley. You have to work for it. White privilege is access not a guarantee.

You are a pompous gasbag who knows absolutely nothing about poverty..
I work with families who have lost everything because of accidents, illnesses, etc. and they are not lazy. They were caught in circumstances which proved to be beyond their control.
The vicissitudes of life can visit anyone at anytime.
Imagine losing everything and being Black? Stop whining. White people are lazy if they are in poverty.

You're an apathetic idiot.
Compliments dont work with me.
No actually I am not. If you have Black in you then you are Black Its not up for discussion. If you cant deal with it then thats your issue.

It makes one a mix and not black ... no matter what one claims. Don't feel bad, lots of people like that in the world.

The bolded? Irony is not just the opposite of wrinkly. :lol:
You may hate yourself and your race but I am proud of both of our races.
I love my race. I love what white people did for my race and yours too. I'm sure you wouldn't want to be back in the motherland living in piss poor poverty in a shanty shack wondering when a Sunni militia warlord is going to wipe out your family. That's what it's like where your race rules.
See thats the difference. White people did nothing for my race. My race did something for them and paid dearly for it. Yes I would rather be back in the Motherland. Making plans to be there in my old age.
Disease ridden water, ethnic cleansing, no plumbing, what's there not to love? Maybe you can go to Mogadishu and establish yourself as a warlord and make the UN's top ten most wanted for killing and raping your fellow blacks. I can easily see a man with no moral compass such as yourself doing that.
The white man has you brianwashed pretty good. I feel sad for you. Youre like a child with your naivety.
Yes, I'm happily submissive to my white wife. Ignorance is bliss, my friend!

At least you admit you are ignorant and blissful about that reality.
I'm still laughing @ "honorary black woman", you left loons are too fucking stupid to live.
It's always a hoot when their PC and Identity Politics comes back to bite 'em.

They get very nasty when that happens, and that's when the goofy stuff starts.

Who exactly is "playing identity politics" in a thread agonizing over skin color?
That's why I don't get this thread.

Bo hit it on the head back in post 35:

It really just shows how absurd the fixation on RACE is.

Indeed it does. SMH...
A woman says she's a different race, she quits an organization that is based specifically on race, an entire end of the political spectrum divides people by race by using hyphenation, and you're calling reaction to this absurd.

Thanks, this just gets better.


IMO, Identity Politics has not only jumped the shark, but has been devoured by the beast to boot.
No actually I am not. If you have Black in you then you are Black Its not up for discussion. If you cant deal with it then thats your issue.

It makes one a mix and not black ... no matter what one claims. Don't feel bad, lots of people like that in the world.

The bolded? Irony is not just the opposite of wrinkly. :lol:
Sorry. It makes one Black. Black genes are dominant.
The whole issue is her lying on an employment app. The city of Spokane, EWU, need to decide how to handle her.

When you lie and get caught, you often put your future in other's hands. The NAACP has gotten rid of her and I expect EWU and the city will also rid themselves of her. Then she can get picked up by some liberal organization and move on.

What kind of employment app requires an applicant to be black?

Here we go again... spin cycle...

Speaking of spin cycle, where did I say the applicant had to be black?

Good luck trying to get the dickhead ever to admit he is wrong.

Hey, at least you're no longer alone in being unable to articulate what the point is.

I don't think you thought this through. You kept yammering (three times) about how you were NOT implying the NAACP requires its members to be black, and yet earlier here you said:

If she did it as a way of swindling the NAACP, then I really don't give a fuck.


She represented herself to them as being black, she made a mockery of the organization by pretending to be black. They believed she was black, and were deceived.

Nowhere there do I make the claim a person needs to be black to be a member. Please stop misrepresenting my comments.

Fine -- then if they DO NOT require a member to be black --- how does it "swindle" the NAACP?? How does it "make a mockery" of them -- if it's not a prerequisite??

On Planet Bizarro where the NAACP does require black for membership (and where such terms have concrete definitions) and she claimed to be black and then is proven to be white.... on that planet it matters.

How does it work on this one?

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