Too funny....'black' NAACP leader outed as white

The scandal, it would seem, is a white woman living a lie. She disrespected her mother by standing beside a black man and calling him her father. She has denied her parents, and believe me, that in itself contains deep seated problems.
If she felt she identified the black culture, she should have said so instead of lying.
That is what she said. She said she would ID herself as Black. If she is estranged from her parents and feels the Black man is her father how is that a lie?

Her parents are white. She is white and the black man she posed with is not related to her. What she said was a lie. Do you know the difference?
Except you dont define what father means to her. Is that clearing the fog in your mind? Doesnt matter if she is white. If she feels that Black man is her father it doesnt matter what you think.

As part of society, of course it matters what I think. You can't deny this woman has deep rooted issues if she denies her own father and mother, as well as her own heritage.
You appear to be portraying yourself as black. As a black person, would you deny your family?

He claims to be black ... but he's bi-racial. And butthurt over that fact to boot! :lol:
I'm not biracial. Both my parents are Black. Try again white boy. :laugh:
I'm still laughing @ "honorary black woman", you left loons are too fucking stupid to live.
It's always a hoot when their PC and Identity Politics comes back to bite 'em.

They get very nasty when that happens, and that's when the goofy stuff starts.

Who exactly is "playing identity politics" in a thread agonizing over skin color?
That's why I don't get this thread.

Bo hit it on the head back in post 35:

It really just shows how absurd the fixation on RACE is.

Indeed it does. SMH...
A woman says she's a different race, she quits an organization that is based specifically on race, an entire end of the political spectrum divides people by race by using hyphenation, and you're calling reaction to this absurd.

Thanks, this just gets better.


IMO, Identity Politics has not only jumped the shark, but has been devoured by the beast to boot.
Yeah. I think they didn't anticipate the fact that dividing people by groups would create competing grievance factions, and that just isn't healthy for any society.

Now we're seeing it manifest.

E Pluribus Unum is dead, and that appears to have been the goal.

No actually I am not. If you have Black in you then you are Black Its not up for discussion. If you cant deal with it then thats your issue.

It makes one a mix and not black ... no matter what one claims. Don't feel bad, lots of people like that in the world.

The bolded? Irony is not just the opposite of wrinkly. :lol:
Sorry. It makes one Black. Black genes are dominant.

^^^ Racist Retard ^^^
We already knew you were a racist retard. Why did you pick this thread to come out of the closet about it?

Not only are you a Racist Retard, but you lack reading comprehension as well.

Too Bad. So Sad.
Ok. :itsok:
The scandal, it would seem, is a white woman living a lie. She disrespected her mother by standing beside a black man and calling him her father. She has denied her parents, and believe me, that in itself contains deep seated problems.
If she felt she identified the black culture, she should have said so instead of lying.
That is what she said. She said she would ID herself as Black. If she is estranged from her parents and feels the Black man is her father how is that a lie?

Her parents are white. She is white and the black man she posed with is not related to her. What she said was a lie. Do you know the difference?
Except you dont define what father means to her. Is that clearing the fog in your mind? Doesnt matter if she is white. If she feels that Black man is her father it doesnt matter what you think.

She can feel as if Bill Clinton is her father (hey, Chelsea does!) ... tha' doesn't make him her father.

Hey, at least you're no longer alone in being unable to articulate what the point is.

I don't think you thought this through. You kept yammering (three times) about how you were NOT implying the NAACP requires its members to be black, and yet earlier here you said:


She represented herself to them as being black, she made a mockery of the organization by pretending to be black. They believed she was black, and were deceived.

Nowhere there do I make the claim a person needs to be black to be a member. Please stop misrepresenting my comments.

Fine -- then if they DO NOT require a member to be black --- how does it "swindle" the NAACP?? How does it "make a mockery" of them -- if it's not a prerequisite??

On Planet Bizarro where the NAACP does require black for membership (and where such terms have concrete definitions) and she claimed to be black and then is proven to be white.... on that planet it matters.

How does it work on this one?
She wasn't just a member, she was a chapter president. I defy you to demonstrate that in a racist organization like the NAACP, she could have as easily ascended as a white woman.

Has the NAACP had any other white women be a chapter president?
Who said it doesnt make him her father? I hope you are offering yourself as the ultimate authority. :laugh:

I don't need to be, her father says so. Duh.
The scandal, it would seem, is a white woman living a lie. She disrespected her mother by standing beside a black man and calling him her father. She has denied her parents, and believe me, that in itself contains deep seated problems.
If she felt she identified the black culture, she should have said so instead of lying.
That is what she said. She said she would ID herself as Black. If she is estranged from her parents and feels the Black man is her father how is that a lie?

Her parents are white. She is white and the black man she posed with is not related to her. What she said was a lie. Do you know the difference?
Except you dont define what father means to her. Is that clearing the fog in your mind? Doesnt matter if she is white. If she feels that Black man is her father it doesnt matter what you think.
Many white kids are raised by blacks and vice versa. They don't go around pretending to be black.
What did that have to do with my comment? She wasnt raised by the Black guy.
You missed the point. Changing one's appearance to pass themselves off as black is bizarre behavior. It doesn't matter who she considers her father to be, sane people don't do this kinda thing.
I'm still laughing @ "honorary black woman", you left loons are too fucking stupid to live.
It's always a hoot when their PC and Identity Politics comes back to bite 'em.

They get very nasty when that happens, and that's when the goofy stuff starts.

Who exactly is "playing identity politics" in a thread agonizing over skin color?
That's why I don't get this thread.

Bo hit it on the head back in post 35:

It really just shows how absurd the fixation on RACE is.

Indeed it does. SMH...
A woman says she's a different race, she quits an organization that is based specifically on race, an entire end of the political spectrum divides people by race by using hyphenation, and you're calling reaction to this absurd.

Thanks, this just gets better.


IMO, Identity Politics has not only jumped the shark, but has been devoured by the beast to boot.
Yeah. I think they didn't anticipate the fact that dividing people by groups would create competing grievance factions, and that just isn't healthy for any society.

Now we're seeing it manifest.

E Pluribus Unum is dead, and that appears to have been the goal.


Indeed. Combining Identity Politics with Special Snowflake Sensitivity = Peak Progressive Nonsense.
What kind of employment app requires an applicant to be black?

Here we go again... spin cycle...

Speaking of spin cycle, where did I say the applicant had to be black?

Good luck trying to get the dickhead ever to admit he is wrong.

Hey, at least you're no longer alone in being unable to articulate what the point is.

I don't think you thought this through. You kept yammering (three times) about how you were NOT implying the NAACP requires its members to be black, and yet earlier here you said:

If she did it as a way of swindling the NAACP, then I really don't give a fuck.


She represented herself to them as being black, she made a mockery of the organization by pretending to be black. They believed she was black, and were deceived.

Nowhere there do I make the claim a person needs to be black to be a member. Please stop misrepresenting my comments.

Fine -- then if they DO NOT require a member to be black --- how does it "swindle" the NAACP?? How does it "make a mockery" of them -- if it's not a prerequisite??

On Planet Bizarro where the NAACP does require black for membership (and where such terms have concrete definitions) and she claimed to be black and then is proven to be white.... on that planet it matters.

How does it work on this one?

Because, while it's not a requirement for membership, she would have been viewed differently by other members and leadership establishment of the NAACP had she been openly white.
It's one thing to be on board with the struggle, and to speak out, but actually having lived the black experience in America, would have given her much more cred with the organization as a whole.
She was able to avoid the now vogue "white privilege" finger pointing that prevails throughout the minority community.
She swindled the organization by denying them the truth about who she was, therefore altering the way she was viewed and perceived.
That is what she said. She said she would ID herself as Black. If she is estranged from her parents and feels the Black man is her father how is that a lie?

Her parents are white. She is white and the black man she posed with is not related to her. What she said was a lie. Do you know the difference?
Except you dont define what father means to her. Is that clearing the fog in your mind? Doesnt matter if she is white. If she feels that Black man is her father it doesnt matter what you think.

As part of society, of course it matters what I think. You can't deny this woman has deep rooted issues if she denies her own father and mother, as well as her own heritage.
You appear to be portraying yourself as black. As a black person, would you deny your family?

He claims to be black ... but he's bi-racial. And butthurt over that fact to boot! :lol:
I'm not biracial. Both my parents are Black. Try again white boy. :laugh:
If you're proud of your race, why would you have sympathy for someone who isn't proud of hers?
That is what she said. She said she would ID herself as Black. If she is estranged from her parents and feels the Black man is her father how is that a lie?

Her parents are white. She is white and the black man she posed with is not related to her. What she said was a lie. Do you know the difference?
Except you dont define what father means to her. Is that clearing the fog in your mind? Doesnt matter if she is white. If she feels that Black man is her father it doesnt matter what you think.

She can feel as if Bill Clinton is her father (hey, Chelsea does!) ... tha' doesn't make him her father.

She represented herself to them as being black, she made a mockery of the organization by pretending to be black. They believed she was black, and were deceived.

Nowhere there do I make the claim a person needs to be black to be a member. Please stop misrepresenting my comments.

Fine -- then if they DO NOT require a member to be black --- how does it "swindle" the NAACP?? How does it "make a mockery" of them -- if it's not a prerequisite??

On Planet Bizarro where the NAACP does require black for membership (and where such terms have concrete definitions) and she claimed to be black and then is proven to be white.... on that planet it matters.

How does it work on this one?
She wasn't just a member, she was a chapter president. I defy you to demonstrate that in a racist organization like the NAACP, she could have as easily ascended as a white woman.

Has the NAACP had any other white women be a chapter president?
Who said it doesnt make him her father? I hope you are offering yourself as the ultimate authority. :laugh:

I don't need to be, her father says so. Duh.
The Black guy said he wasnt her father? Do you have a link?
That is what she said. She said she would ID herself as Black. If she is estranged from her parents and feels the Black man is her father how is that a lie?

Her parents are white. She is white and the black man she posed with is not related to her. What she said was a lie. Do you know the difference?
Except you dont define what father means to her. Is that clearing the fog in your mind? Doesnt matter if she is white. If she feels that Black man is her father it doesnt matter what you think.
Many white kids are raised by blacks and vice versa. They don't go around pretending to be black.
What did that have to do with my comment? She wasnt raised by the Black guy.
You missed the point. Changing one's appearance to pass themselves off as black is bizarre behavior. It doesn't matter who she considers her father to be, sane people don't do this kinda thing.

Sane people don't claim they are the opposite gender while keeping their original private parts, either.

Yet one is celebrated and the other is denigrated. They are THE SAME phenom...Body Dysmorphic Disorder.
The scandal, it would seem, is a white woman living a lie. She disrespected her mother by standing beside a black man and calling him her father. She has denied her parents, and believe me, that in itself contains deep seated problems.
If she felt she identified the black culture, she should have said so instead of lying.
That is what she said. She said she would ID herself as Black. If she is estranged from her parents and feels the Black man is her father how is that a lie?

Her parents are white. She is white and the black man she posed with is not related to her. What she said was a lie. Do you know the difference?
Except you dont define what father means to her. Is that clearing the fog in your mind? Doesnt matter if she is white. If she feels that Black man is her father it doesnt matter what you think.

She can feel as if Bill Clinton is her father (hey, Chelsea does!) ... tha' doesn't make him her father.

Hey, at least you're no longer alone in being unable to articulate what the point is.

I don't think you thought this through. You kept yammering (three times) about how you were NOT implying the NAACP requires its members to be black, and yet earlier here you said:


She represented herself to them as being black, she made a mockery of the organization by pretending to be black. They believed she was black, and were deceived.

Nowhere there do I make the claim a person needs to be black to be a member. Please stop misrepresenting my comments.

Fine -- then if they DO NOT require a member to be black --- how does it "swindle" the NAACP?? How does it "make a mockery" of them -- if it's not a prerequisite??

On Planet Bizarro where the NAACP does require black for membership (and where such terms have concrete definitions) and she claimed to be black and then is proven to be white.... on that planet it matters.

How does it work on this one?
She wasn't just a member, she was a chapter president. I defy you to demonstrate that in a racist organization like the NAACP, she could have as easily ascended as a white woman.

Has the NAACP had any other white women be a chapter president?
Who said it doesnt make him her father? I hope you are offering yourself as the ultimate authority. :laugh:

I'm by no means an authority on this woman's life, but anyone can see that she is suffering.

She has a father, who is white, and she is denying him for whatever reason(s), and that has to surface when she's by herself.

Why would you entertain the idea that the black man is her father?
That is what she said. She said she would ID herself as Black. If she is estranged from her parents and feels the Black man is her father how is that a lie?

Her parents are white. She is white and the black man she posed with is not related to her. What she said was a lie. Do you know the difference?
Except you dont define what father means to her. Is that clearing the fog in your mind? Doesnt matter if she is white. If she feels that Black man is her father it doesnt matter what you think.

As part of society, of course it matters what I think. You can't deny this woman has deep rooted issues if she denies her own father and mother, as well as her own heritage.
You appear to be portraying yourself as black. As a black person, would you deny your family?

He claims to be black ... but he's bi-racial. And butthurt over that fact to boot! :lol:
I'm not biracial. Both my parents are Black. Try again white boy. :laugh:

Oh, so you're actually black because both your parents are black. If your mom or dad had been white, you'd be bi-racial. No matter how many times you'd claim otherwise.

Not a white boy. Try again.
That is what she said. She said she would ID herself as Black. If she is estranged from her parents and feels the Black man is her father how is that a lie?

Her parents are white. She is white and the black man she posed with is not related to her. What she said was a lie. Do you know the difference?
Except you dont define what father means to her. Is that clearing the fog in your mind? Doesnt matter if she is white. If she feels that Black man is her father it doesnt matter what you think.
Many white kids are raised by blacks and vice versa. They don't go around pretending to be black.
What did that have to do with my comment? She wasnt raised by the Black guy.
You missed the point. Changing one's appearance to pass themselves off as black is bizarre behavior. It doesn't matter who she considers her father to be, sane people don't do this kinda thing.
Bizarre is relative. Your fawning at the boots of white men is bizarre. Sane people dont do that.
That is what she said. She said she would ID herself as Black. If she is estranged from her parents and feels the Black man is her father how is that a lie?

Her parents are white. She is white and the black man she posed with is not related to her. What she said was a lie. Do you know the difference?
Except you dont define what father means to her. Is that clearing the fog in your mind? Doesnt matter if she is white. If she feels that Black man is her father it doesnt matter what you think.

She can feel as if Bill Clinton is her father (hey, Chelsea does!) ... tha' doesn't make him her father.

She represented herself to them as being black, she made a mockery of the organization by pretending to be black. They believed she was black, and were deceived.

Nowhere there do I make the claim a person needs to be black to be a member. Please stop misrepresenting my comments.

Fine -- then if they DO NOT require a member to be black --- how does it "swindle" the NAACP?? How does it "make a mockery" of them -- if it's not a prerequisite??

On Planet Bizarro where the NAACP does require black for membership (and where such terms have concrete definitions) and she claimed to be black and then is proven to be white.... on that planet it matters.

How does it work on this one?
She wasn't just a member, she was a chapter president. I defy you to demonstrate that in a racist organization like the NAACP, she could have as easily ascended as a white woman.

Has the NAACP had any other white women be a chapter president?
Who said it doesnt make him her father? I hope you are offering yourself as the ultimate authority. :laugh:

I'm by no means an authority on this woman's life, but anyone can see that she is suffering.

She has a father, who is white, and she is denying him for whatever reason(s), and that has to surface when she's by herself.

Why would you entertain the idea that the black man is her father?
She doesnt appear to be suffering to me. She is denying her father for personal reasons. Of course any problems surfaces just like it does in all people.

I wouldnt call it entertaining. I would call it accepting. She knows the relationship they have better than anyone on the outside looking in.
The scandal, it would seem, is a white woman living a lie. She disrespected her mother by standing beside a black man and calling him her father. She has denied her parents, and believe me, that in itself contains deep seated problems.
If she felt she identified the black culture, she should have said so instead of lying.
That is what she said. She said she would ID herself as Black. If she is estranged from her parents and feels the Black man is her father how is that a lie?

Her parents are white. She is white and the black man she posed with is not related to her. What she said was a lie. Do you know the difference?
Except you dont define what father means to her. Is that clearing the fog in your mind? Doesnt matter if she is white. If she feels that Black man is her father it doesnt matter what you think.

As part of society, of course it matters what I think. You can't deny this woman has deep rooted issues if she denies her own father and mother, as well as her own heritage.
You appear to be portraying yourself as black. As a black person, would you deny your family?
No. I assure you it doesnt matter what you think. Yes I can deny she has issues and posted such denial earlier in the thread. If my culture was failed and racist yes I would deny my family.

Why are you such as weak human being that you would ever deny your heritage?
It would seem that if your culture was a failure and racist that you would rise above it and try to bring about change in the name of love.
Her parents are white. She is white and the black man she posed with is not related to her. What she said was a lie. Do you know the difference?
Except you dont define what father means to her. Is that clearing the fog in your mind? Doesnt matter if she is white. If she feels that Black man is her father it doesnt matter what you think.

She can feel as if Bill Clinton is her father (hey, Chelsea does!) ... tha' doesn't make him her father.

Fine -- then if they DO NOT require a member to be black --- how does it "swindle" the NAACP?? How does it "make a mockery" of them -- if it's not a prerequisite??

On Planet Bizarro where the NAACP does require black for membership (and where such terms have concrete definitions) and she claimed to be black and then is proven to be white.... on that planet it matters.

How does it work on this one?
She wasn't just a member, she was a chapter president. I defy you to demonstrate that in a racist organization like the NAACP, she could have as easily ascended as a white woman.

Has the NAACP had any other white women be a chapter president?
Who said it doesnt make him her father? I hope you are offering yourself as the ultimate authority. :laugh:

I'm by no means an authority on this woman's life, but anyone can see that she is suffering.

She has a father, who is white, and she is denying him for whatever reason(s), and that has to surface when she's by herself.

Why would you entertain the idea that the black man is her father?
She doesnt appear to be suffering to me. She is denying her father for personal reasons. Of course any problems surfaces just like it does in all people.

Well, Magoo, things are not always as they appear, are they?
Her parents are white. She is white and the black man she posed with is not related to her. What she said was a lie. Do you know the difference?
Except you dont define what father means to her. Is that clearing the fog in your mind? Doesnt matter if she is white. If she feels that Black man is her father it doesnt matter what you think.
Many white kids are raised by blacks and vice versa. They don't go around pretending to be black.
What did that have to do with my comment? She wasnt raised by the Black guy.
You missed the point. Changing one's appearance to pass themselves off as black is bizarre behavior. It doesn't matter who she considers her father to be, sane people don't do this kinda thing.
Bizarre is relative. Your fawning at the boots of white men is bizarre. Sane people dont do that.
So are you. You want to move back to Africa. White people want you to too.
Her parents are white. She is white and the black man she posed with is not related to her. What she said was a lie. Do you know the difference?
Except you dont define what father means to her. Is that clearing the fog in your mind? Doesnt matter if she is white. If she feels that Black man is her father it doesnt matter what you think.

As part of society, of course it matters what I think. You can't deny this woman has deep rooted issues if she denies her own father and mother, as well as her own heritage.
You appear to be portraying yourself as black. As a black person, would you deny your family?

He claims to be black ... but he's bi-racial. And butthurt over that fact to boot! :lol:
I'm not biracial. Both my parents are Black. Try again white boy. :laugh:

Oh, so you're actually black because both your parents are black. If your mom or dad had been white, you'd be bi-racial. No matter how many times you'd claim otherwise.

Not a white boy. Try again.
No I would be Black Try again white boy.
That is what she said. She said she would ID herself as Black. If she is estranged from her parents and feels the Black man is her father how is that a lie?

Her parents are white. She is white and the black man she posed with is not related to her. What she said was a lie. Do you know the difference?
Except you dont define what father means to her. Is that clearing the fog in your mind? Doesnt matter if she is white. If she feels that Black man is her father it doesnt matter what you think.

As part of society, of course it matters what I think. You can't deny this woman has deep rooted issues if she denies her own father and mother, as well as her own heritage.
You appear to be portraying yourself as black. As a black person, would you deny your family?

He claims to be black ... but he's bi-racial. And butthurt over that fact to boot! :lol:
I'm not biracial. Both my parents are Black. Try again white boy. :laugh:

Why do you use the racial term, 'white boy?'

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