Too funny....'black' NAACP leader outed as white

Except you dont define what father means to her. Is that clearing the fog in your mind? Doesnt matter if she is white. If she feels that Black man is her father it doesnt matter what you think.

She can feel as if Bill Clinton is her father (hey, Chelsea does!) ... tha' doesn't make him her father.

She wasn't just a member, she was a chapter president. I defy you to demonstrate that in a racist organization like the NAACP, she could have as easily ascended as a white woman.

Has the NAACP had any other white women be a chapter president?
Who said it doesnt make him her father? I hope you are offering yourself as the ultimate authority. :laugh:

I'm by no means an authority on this woman's life, but anyone can see that she is suffering.

She has a father, who is white, and she is denying him for whatever reason(s), and that has to surface when she's by herself.

Why would you entertain the idea that the black man is her father?
She doesnt appear to be suffering to me. She is denying her father for personal reasons. Of course any problems surfaces just like it does in all people.

Well, Magoo, things are not always as they appear, are they?
If you believe that then why are you trying to claim you know whats going on?
Except you dont define what father means to her. Is that clearing the fog in your mind? Doesnt matter if she is white. If she feels that Black man is her father it doesnt matter what you think.
Many white kids are raised by blacks and vice versa. They don't go around pretending to be black.
What did that have to do with my comment? She wasnt raised by the Black guy.
You missed the point. Changing one's appearance to pass themselves off as black is bizarre behavior. It doesn't matter who she considers her father to be, sane people don't do this kinda thing.
Bizarre is relative. Your fawning at the boots of white men is bizarre. Sane people dont do that.
So are you. You want to move back to Africa. White people want you to too.
"So are you" what? Can you put together a coherent sentence?
Her parents are white. She is white and the black man she posed with is not related to her. What she said was a lie. Do you know the difference?
Except you dont define what father means to her. Is that clearing the fog in your mind? Doesnt matter if she is white. If she feels that Black man is her father it doesnt matter what you think.

As part of society, of course it matters what I think. You can't deny this woman has deep rooted issues if she denies her own father and mother, as well as her own heritage.
You appear to be portraying yourself as black. As a black person, would you deny your family?

He claims to be black ... but he's bi-racial. And butthurt over that fact to boot! :lol:
I'm not biracial. Both my parents are Black. Try again white boy. :laugh:

Why do you use the racial term, 'white boy?'
Because I want to.
Her parents are white. She is white and the black man she posed with is not related to her. What she said was a lie. Do you know the difference?
Except you dont define what father means to her. Is that clearing the fog in your mind? Doesnt matter if she is white. If she feels that Black man is her father it doesnt matter what you think.

She can feel as if Bill Clinton is her father (hey, Chelsea does!) ... tha' doesn't make him her father.

Fine -- then if they DO NOT require a member to be black --- how does it "swindle" the NAACP?? How does it "make a mockery" of them -- if it's not a prerequisite??

On Planet Bizarro where the NAACP does require black for membership (and where such terms have concrete definitions) and she claimed to be black and then is proven to be white.... on that planet it matters.

How does it work on this one?
She wasn't just a member, she was a chapter president. I defy you to demonstrate that in a racist organization like the NAACP, she could have as easily ascended as a white woman.

Has the NAACP had any other white women be a chapter president?
Who said it doesnt make him her father? I hope you are offering yourself as the ultimate authority. :laugh:

I'm by no means an authority on this woman's life, but anyone can see that she is suffering.

She has a father, who is white, and she is denying him for whatever reason(s), and that has to surface when she's by herself.

Why would you entertain the idea that the black man is her father?
She doesnt appear to be suffering to me. She is denying her father for personal reasons. Of course any problems surfaces just like it does in all people.

I wouldnt call it entertaining. I would call it accepting. She knows the relationship they have better than anyone on the outside looking in.
Many women have daddy issues. Almost none of them disfigure their appearance to pass themselves off as another race.
I'd say that's a hell of a lot different.


I fleshed out the post to elaborate. "Living as a black person" (while white) is crossing cultures. Living as a female (while male, or vice versa) is crossing genders. Much more complex.

Born one xx (race, gender, species, whatever) but believing/living/changing one's appearance to reflect what they "feel" or "believe" they are. Both are complex. Are both sane or are both a little loose in the thinking though?

adopts appearance changes to reflect what they feel or do, or would like to be. We've noted Elvis adopting black dance moves and enunciation... baseball fans wearing jerseys with a player's name on them... Bo Derek in cornrows... Vanilla Ice with whatever his hangup is...

Here's a guy who's a rich, successful recording artist, songwriter actor ---


-- None of us really believe Tom Waits is a hobo who lives on the street.

I'm just not seeing a lot of distinction between those and this.

Not talking about adopting things of other cultures .. like Elvis and black dance moves. Talking about a person who believes they were born into the wrong gender is no different than someone who believes they were born into the wrong skin color ... or species ... or whatever. Either these people are openly accepted for what they 'believe' they are, or these people have something else going on upstairs and need help. All I'm saying is anyone giving this woman grief about her self-identifying as black must also give grief to say, Bruce Jenner re: his gender. Which leads to the interesting question of what is to stop someone from filling out a form with a different race/gender if that's how they 'feel' inside? Who is to say they're wrong? At what point does this all cross the line?

Does the subject here (I still haven't got her name -- Rachel) claim she was born into the wrong skin color? Has anyone anywhere claimed that?

When we say "black" (or white) it's a complex term; it can mean race in a clinical sense, or it can mean a culture in a broader social sense. All I've read here indicates this Rachel person means the latter context. Clearly there have been, and still are, those in the world who for whatever reason identify as a race they may not be in order to "pass" in the social hierarchy they wish to connect with. Light-skinned blacks had to do it for centuries in order to break out of a social caste, for one example. In New Orleans they had three races, depending on not only skin color but one's geographical lineage.

Back in the daze of the "gentlemen's agreement" that kept black players out of baseball for six decades (the first being Moses Walker, 1884, not Jackie Robinson 1947), this is where the hangup on skin color led to:

In 1901, John McGraw, manager of the Baltimore Orioles, tried to add Charlie Grant to the roster as his second baseman. He tried to get around the Gentleman's Agreement by trying to pass him as a Cherokee Indian named Charlie Tokohama. Grant went along with the charade. However, in Chicago Grant's African American friends who came to see him try out gave him away and Grant never got an opportunity to play ball in the big leagues.[7]

... There possibly were attempts to have people of African descent be signed as Hispanics. One possible attempt may have occurred in 1911 when the Cincinnati Reds signed two light-skinned players from Cuba, Armando Marsans and Rafael Almeida. Both of them had played "Negro Baseball," barnstorming as members of the integrated All Cubans. When questions arose about them playing the white man's game, the Cincinnati managers assured the public that "...they were as pure white as Castile soap."[6] (Wiki)
Get that? The managers assured the fans not that their players could play outfield or get on base -- but that their skin was white as soap.

How silly does that sound now? Yet it was the norm at that time and for decades before and after.

This thread kinda reminds me of that. Except in baseball's case they at least had an unofficial ban on a race. NAACP does not.
She can feel as if Bill Clinton is her father (hey, Chelsea does!) ... tha' doesn't make him her father.

Has the NAACP had any other white women be a chapter president?
Who said it doesnt make him her father? I hope you are offering yourself as the ultimate authority. :laugh:

I'm by no means an authority on this woman's life, but anyone can see that she is suffering.

She has a father, who is white, and she is denying him for whatever reason(s), and that has to surface when she's by herself.

Why would you entertain the idea that the black man is her father?
She doesnt appear to be suffering to me. She is denying her father for personal reasons. Of course any problems surfaces just like it does in all people.

Well, Magoo, things are not always as they appear, are they?
If you believe that then why are you trying to claim you know whats going on?

I'm a very intelligent young woman. What's your excuse?
Her parents are white. She is white and the black man she posed with is not related to her. What she said was a lie. Do you know the difference?
Except you dont define what father means to her. Is that clearing the fog in your mind? Doesnt matter if she is white. If she feels that Black man is her father it doesnt matter what you think.

She can feel as if Bill Clinton is her father (hey, Chelsea does!) ... tha' doesn't make him her father.

Fine -- then if they DO NOT require a member to be black --- how does it "swindle" the NAACP?? How does it "make a mockery" of them -- if it's not a prerequisite??

On Planet Bizarro where the NAACP does require black for membership (and where such terms have concrete definitions) and she claimed to be black and then is proven to be white.... on that planet it matters.

How does it work on this one?
She wasn't just a member, she was a chapter president. I defy you to demonstrate that in a racist organization like the NAACP, she could have as easily ascended as a white woman.

Has the NAACP had any other white women be a chapter president?
Who said it doesnt make him her father? I hope you are offering yourself as the ultimate authority. :laugh:

I don't need to be, her father says so. Duh.
The Black guy said he wasnt her father? Do you have a link?

Her parents are Larry and Ruthanne Dolezal. Neither are black and her father isn't the black guy she claimed was her father.
Who said it doesnt make him her father? I hope you are offering yourself as the ultimate authority. :laugh:

I'm by no means an authority on this woman's life, but anyone can see that she is suffering.

She has a father, who is white, and she is denying him for whatever reason(s), and that has to surface when she's by herself.

Why would you entertain the idea that the black man is her father?
She doesnt appear to be suffering to me. She is denying her father for personal reasons. Of course any problems surfaces just like it does in all people.

Well, Magoo, things are not always as they appear, are they?
If you believe that then why are you trying to claim you know whats going on?

I'm a very intelligent young woman. What's your excuse?
Intelligence doesnt mean you can read minds. Why did you think it did if you are intelligent?
Except you dont define what father means to her. Is that clearing the fog in your mind? Doesnt matter if she is white. If she feels that Black man is her father it doesnt matter what you think.

She can feel as if Bill Clinton is her father (hey, Chelsea does!) ... tha' doesn't make him her father.

She wasn't just a member, she was a chapter president. I defy you to demonstrate that in a racist organization like the NAACP, she could have as easily ascended as a white woman.

Has the NAACP had any other white women be a chapter president?
Who said it doesnt make him her father? I hope you are offering yourself as the ultimate authority. :laugh:

I don't need to be, her father says so. Duh.
The Black guy said he wasnt her father? Do you have a link?

Her parents are Larry and Ruthanne Dolezal. Neither are black and her father isn't the black guy she claimed was her father.
You said her father said so. She calls the Black guy father. Where did he say he wasnt her father?
Obama did when he filled out the census.
Obama marked that he was Black. Since he is Black why do you think he feels he was born the wrong skin color.

Because he's half white, so his lie was a lie by omission.
Half white doesnt make you not Black. Your belief that he is lying is pretty stupid.

Half white doesn't make you not white. Your belief that you are smart is pretty absurd.
Actually it does. Black genes are dominant. Of course I'm easily smarter than you.

My left nut is smarter than your whole gen
If you insist that half-white and half-black can be claimed as just black, then it can also be claimed as just white. Both are incorrect. What it makes one is bi-racial, regardless of what one claims.

No it cant be claimed as just white. Black genes are dominant.

Wrong. If you claim a half/half as black you can claim a half/half as white. Regardless of looks, genetic make up is still half and half. obama isn't black, he's bi-racial ... no matter that he 'claims' differently.
Wrong. If you have Black in you then you are Black.

No, you are bi (or multi) racial. No matter how much you claim otherwise.
No actually i'm not. No white boy tells me what I am and actually expects me to accept it.
You're a moron. People on the right and left are laughing their collective asses off at this story.

Can you explain what's funny about it?

This was your thread -- your title is "Black NAACP Leader Outed as White". I take it you believe you have to be black to be associated with the NAACP?

Obviously there are a lot of people that are finding this hilarious. Come on, it's freaking funny. You have a white lady who fooled everyone about being black. That in it of itself is funny. What makes this really funny is how she was able to fool people enough to be considered one of the prominent black leaders of that comunity.

I wonder how much she spent on spray tan over the years
Not to mention the fortune in curly perms. bigotry on this board. nope... nada. :rolleyes:

Huh? Where's the bigotry? This is why people call you a moron.
Except you dont define what father means to her. Is that clearing the fog in your mind? Doesnt matter if she is white. If she feels that Black man is her father it doesnt matter what you think.

As part of society, of course it matters what I think. You can't deny this woman has deep rooted issues if she denies her own father and mother, as well as her own heritage.
You appear to be portraying yourself as black. As a black person, would you deny your family?

He claims to be black ... but he's bi-racial. And butthurt over that fact to boot! :lol:
I'm not biracial. Both my parents are Black. Try again white boy. :laugh:

Oh, so you're actually black because both your parents are black. If your mom or dad had been white, you'd be bi-racial. No matter how many times you'd claim otherwise.

Not a white boy. Try again.
No I would be Black Try again white boy.

No, you'd be bi-racial.

Do I need to link the definition for you, dumbass?

Still failing with the whole white boy thing. :lol:
Obama marked that he was Black. Since he is Black why do you think he feels he was born the wrong skin color.

Because he's half white, so his lie was a lie by omission.
Half white doesnt make you not Black. Your belief that he is lying is pretty stupid.

Half white doesn't make you not white. Your belief that you are smart is pretty absurd.
Actually it does. Black genes are dominant. Of course I'm easily smarter than you.

My left nut is smarter than your whole gen
No it cant be claimed as just white. Black genes are dominant.

Wrong. If you claim a half/half as black you can claim a half/half as white. Regardless of looks, genetic make up is still half and half. obama isn't black, he's bi-racial ... no matter that he 'claims' differently.
Wrong. If you have Black in you then you are Black.

No, you are bi (or multi) racial. No matter how much you claim otherwise.
No actually i'm not. No white boy tells me what I am and actually expects me to accept it.
Can you explain what's funny about it?

This was your thread -- your title is "Black NAACP Leader Outed as White". I take it you believe you have to be black to be associated with the NAACP?

Obviously there are a lot of people that are finding this hilarious. Come on, it's freaking funny. You have a white lady who fooled everyone about being black. That in it of itself is funny. What makes this really funny is how she was able to fool people enough to be considered one of the prominent black leaders of that comunity.

I wonder how much she spent on spray tan over the years
Not to mention the fortune in curly perms. bigotry on this board. nope... nada. :rolleyes:

Huh? Where's the bigotry? This is why people call you a moron.
Whats a "gen"? What were you saying about being smart again?
She can feel as if Bill Clinton is her father (hey, Chelsea does!) ... tha' doesn't make him her father.

Has the NAACP had any other white women be a chapter president?
Who said it doesnt make him her father? I hope you are offering yourself as the ultimate authority. :laugh:

I don't need to be, her father says so. Duh.
The Black guy said he wasnt her father? Do you have a link?

Her parents are Larry and Ruthanne Dolezal. Neither are black and her father isn't the black guy she claimed was her father.
You said her father said so. She calls the Black guy father. Where did he say he wasnt her father?

Her father, Larry Dolezal, said so. Go google it, many articles about her parents -- Larry and Ruthanne Dolezal. HE is her father, not the black guy she was pictured with.
As part of society, of course it matters what I think. You can't deny this woman has deep rooted issues if she denies her own father and mother, as well as her own heritage.
You appear to be portraying yourself as black. As a black person, would you deny your family?

He claims to be black ... but he's bi-racial. And butthurt over that fact to boot! :lol:
I'm not biracial. Both my parents are Black. Try again white boy. :laugh:

Oh, so you're actually black because both your parents are black. If your mom or dad had been white, you'd be bi-racial. No matter how many times you'd claim otherwise.

Not a white boy. Try again.
No I would be Black Try again white boy.

No, you'd be bi-racial.

Do I need to link the definition for you, dumbass?

Still failing with the whole white boy thing. :lol:
No I'd be Black

No you dont need to link a definition. Your white boy definitions hold no credibility. If you are Black then you are a Black fool.
I'm by no means an authority on this woman's life, but anyone can see that she is suffering.

She has a father, who is white, and she is denying him for whatever reason(s), and that has to surface when she's by herself.

Why would you entertain the idea that the black man is her father?
She doesnt appear to be suffering to me. She is denying her father for personal reasons. Of course any problems surfaces just like it does in all people.

Well, Magoo, things are not always as they appear, are they?
If you believe that then why are you trying to claim you know whats going on?

I'm a very intelligent young woman. What's your excuse?
Intelligence doesnt mean you can read minds. Why did you think it did if you are intelligent?

Why do you keep meandering off topic? Whoever said intelligence enables one to read another's mind?
It is possible to improve one's ability to divine others' thoughts, but I'll leave that to the psychological professionals.
Who said it doesnt make him her father? I hope you are offering yourself as the ultimate authority. :laugh:

I don't need to be, her father says so. Duh.
The Black guy said he wasnt her father? Do you have a link?

Her parents are Larry and Ruthanne Dolezal. Neither are black and her father isn't the black guy she claimed was her father.
You said her father said so. She calls the Black guy father. Where did he say he wasnt her father?

Her father, Larry Dolezal, said so. Go google it, many articles about her parents -- Larry and Ruthanne Dolezal. HE is her father, not the black guy she was pictured with.
Larry Dolezal isnt her father. She said so.
I don't need to be, her father says so. Duh.
The Black guy said he wasnt her father? Do you have a link?

Her parents are Larry and Ruthanne Dolezal. Neither are black and her father isn't the black guy she claimed was her father.
You said her father said so. She calls the Black guy father. Where did he say he wasnt her father?

Her father, Larry Dolezal, said so. Go google it, many articles about her parents -- Larry and Ruthanne Dolezal. HE is her father, not the black guy she was pictured with.
Larry Dolezal isnt her father. She said so.

So you prefer to believe a known liar?

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