Too funny....'black' NAACP leader outed as white

I'm a very intelligent young woman. What's your excuse?
Intelligence doesnt mean you can read minds. Why did you think it did if you are intelligent?

Why do you keep meandering off topic? Whoever said intelligence enables one to read another's mind?
It is possible to improve one's ability to divine others' thoughts, but I'll leave that to the psychological professionals.
You answered my question regarding how you knew what was going on with the claim you were intelligent. So that means you are implying you can read minds. Did you get confused or something?

No, not even with you, an idiot.
So why did you mention how intelligent you were? Were you trying to impress me or something?

Are you easily impressed?
News flash: Rachel Dolezah resigned because she had been telling the truth about her race and who her father is all along.
Intelligence doesnt mean you can read minds. Why did you think it did if you are intelligent?

Why do you keep meandering off topic? Whoever said intelligence enables one to read another's mind?
It is possible to improve one's ability to divine others' thoughts, but I'll leave that to the psychological professionals.
You answered my question regarding how you knew what was going on with the claim you were intelligent. So that means you are implying you can read minds. Did you get confused or something?

No, not even with you, an idiot.
So why did you mention how intelligent you were? Were you trying to impress me or something?

Are you easily impressed?
No but that doesnt answer my question. Why would you answer my question regarding how you know what they are thinking with a claim you are intelligent? You must have been trying to impress me to put such a random thought in your reply.
She shouldn't have resigned. She should have fought for her freedom to self-identify with whatever race she feels is true for her. If a man can shave, put on a dress, have various body parts cut off and call himself a woman to the applause of the country, she should be applauded for getting a tan and getting her hair curled. She should be free to be whom she really is, right?
Why do you keep meandering off topic? Whoever said intelligence enables one to read another's mind?
It is possible to improve one's ability to divine others' thoughts, but I'll leave that to the psychological professionals.
You answered my question regarding how you knew what was going on with the claim you were intelligent. So that means you are implying you can read minds. Did you get confused or something?

No, not even with you, an idiot.
So why did you mention how intelligent you were? Were you trying to impress me or something?

Are you easily impressed?
No but that doesnt answer my question. Why would you answer my question regarding how you know what they are thinking with a claim you are intelligent? You must have been trying to impress me to put such a random though in your reply.

You're right, it's all about you.
You answered my question regarding how you knew what was going on with the claim you were intelligent. So that means you are implying you can read minds. Did you get confused or something?

No, not even with you, an idiot.
So why did you mention how intelligent you were? Were you trying to impress me or something?

Are you easily impressed?
No but that doesnt answer my question. Why would you answer my question regarding how you know what they are thinking with a claim you are intelligent? You must have been trying to impress me to put such a random though in your reply.

You're right, it's all about you.
I'm right that you were confused or you were trying to impress me?
No, not even with you, an idiot.
So why did you mention how intelligent you were? Were you trying to impress me or something?

Are you easily impressed?
No but that doesnt answer my question. Why would you answer my question regarding how you know what they are thinking with a claim you are intelligent? You must have been trying to impress me to put such a random though in your reply.

You're right, it's all about you.
I'm right that you were confused or you were trying to impress me?

Good news! You're right about whatever is floating around in your delusional mind.
I am so glad I left that state 30 years ago. Damn, what a screw up.[/QUO
What difference does it make if she is black or white, etc if she was doing a good job..I have attended NAACP meetings and I am Native American..Does that mean I cannot attend and participate and can only attend and take part in Pow Pows? Crazy #%@$. This is the kind of s#@% that separates us. (she looks black to me...Maybe she should have a long talk with her mom?)
So why did you mention how intelligent you were? Were you trying to impress me or something?

Are you easily impressed?
No but that doesnt answer my question. Why would you answer my question regarding how you know what they are thinking with a claim you are intelligent? You must have been trying to impress me to put such a random though in your reply.

You're right, it's all about you.
I'm right that you were confused or you were trying to impress me?

Good news! You're right about whatever is floating around in your delusional mind.
Nothing is floating around. If that was the case I would not be trying to get a direct answer from you. I would assume one or the other was correct and not ask for clarification.
Are you easily impressed?
No but that doesnt answer my question. Why would you answer my question regarding how you know what they are thinking with a claim you are intelligent? You must have been trying to impress me to put such a random though in your reply.

You're right, it's all about you.
I'm right that you were confused or you were trying to impress me?

Good news! You're right about whatever is floating around in your delusional mind.
Nothing is floating around.

That has been my contention for a long time! :)
No but that doesnt answer my question. Why would you answer my question regarding how you know what they are thinking with a claim you are intelligent? You must have been trying to impress me to put such a random though in your reply.

You're right, it's all about you.
I'm right that you were confused or you were trying to impress me?

Good news! You're right about whatever is floating around in your delusional mind.
Nothing is floating around.

That has been my contention for a long time! :)
Thats good. Things are pretty stable in my mind. Glad to see you recognize that. :up:
I predicted stupidity from you, but I couldn't have imagined that you would actually claim that "singing and dancing" is acting black. What the fuck!!!?

Sorry if I posted over your head. Didn't realize you know less-than-nothing about music.

Guess I shouldn't bring up Jimmie Rodgers, the "father of country music", whose 1920s work was considered "****** music".

Let alone the entire genre of blues, which as we all know was invented by Eric Clapton in 1967.

Perhaps you should go get a edumacation so you can participate here.
THERE we go. THAT is what I was waiting for. Predictable and stupid, just as I said.

OK, so if Elvis singing the blues is him acting black (because black people invented the blues), then any black person driving a car is acting white, because a white person invented it. Black pilot? Hes pretending to be white. Black basketball players? A white man invented basketball, so they are pretending to be white.

Look at BB King pretending to be white. The electric guitar was invented by a white person. Hes pretending to be white.


Do you see how fucking stupid your position is now? Youve got to be a legendary retard to compare what Elvis did, to what Rachel Dolezal did.

An emoticon is the best defense you could muster after looking like a fucking idiot?

"The electric guitar was invented by a white person. Hes [sic] pretending to be white" :lmao:

Cue photo of B. B. King inventing a guitar.....
Pretty fucking pathetic.
What? Am I now supposed to say "cue the photo of Elvis inventing singing and dancing"? Your counter points are nonsensical.
Are you easily impressed?
No but that doesnt answer my question. Why would you answer my question regarding how you know what they are thinking with a claim you are intelligent? You must have been trying to impress me to put such a random though in your reply.

You're right, it's all about you.
I'm right that you were confused or you were trying to impress me?

Good news! You're right about whatever is floating around in your delusional mind.
Nothing is floating around. If that was the case I would not be trying to get a direct answer from you. I would assume one or the other was correct and not ask for clarification.

If your mind was float-free, you would already have discerned your answer.
The Black guy said he wasnt her father? Do you have a link?

Her parents are Larry and Ruthanne Dolezal. Neither are black and her father isn't the black guy she claimed was her father.
You said her father said so. She calls the Black guy father. Where did he say he wasnt her father?

Her father, Larry Dolezal, said so. Go google it, many articles about her parents -- Larry and Ruthanne Dolezal. HE is her father, not the black guy she was pictured with.

Again (we did this before) -- the picture doesn't explicitly say the guy in the picture is her father. It strongly implies it, but does leave a tiny leap for the viewer to make. See also "weasel words".

Does this help to clarify?

Not really. I believe the point was about the Facebook post image about her father supposedly coming to speak. This picture:


-- does not make the declarative statement "this is my father". It just pictures a guy, announces her "father" is coming, and leaves the reader to make the assumption connecting them.

That's what I mean by "weasel words".

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