Too funny....'black' NAACP leader outed as white

This just gets better...

Rachel Dolezal s Brother Ezra on Her Pretending to Be Black

In a new interview, one of Rachel Dolezal's adopted siblings calls her apparently years-long disguise as biracial "basically blackface" and said she asked him years earlier not to "blow her cover."

"She just told me, 'Over here, I'm going to be considered black, and I have a black father. Don't blow my cover,' " Ezra Dolezal, who is of African-American descent, told BuzzFeed.


She's as loony as a toon
This just gets better...

Rachel Dolezal s Brother Ezra on Her Pretending to Be Black

In a new interview, one of Rachel Dolezal's adopted siblings calls her apparently years-long disguise as biracial "basically blackface" and said she asked him years earlier not to "blow her cover."

"She just told me, 'Over here, I'm going to be considered black, and I have a black father. Don't blow my cover,' " Ezra Dolezal, who is of African-American descent, told BuzzFeed.


She's as loony as a toon
It's actually reached the point where the spin and deflection and obtuseness by the Illiberal Left to the story, is funnier than the story itself.

The lady is as crazy as the get. Each story gets more and more crazier.

Does anyone not think she has mental disorders?
I don't know why every one is surprised of this.....its bad enough, white women have copied our lips, our butts, our weaves, our hairstyles, our lingo and have pretty much cornered the market when it comes to snatching up black men with jobs and good money, why not just come out and just be a black woman?

Yeah a crazy nut thinks she is black, that is insane.
What is even funnier is the way the other NAACP executives are dancing around the subject and ,making excuses for her.
I wonder how many Hispanic and Oriental leaders the NAACP has.......

You could prolly Google it.

Do you think they're all supposed to be black?

No and did google it.......only one known non-black leader elected to NAACP........

Nevada NAACP Chapter Elects First Non-Black President News BET

Then it's not an issue, is it?

That's why I keep asking for this thread's justification.
Moreover your entry above is not the "only known non-black leader" at all.... from an earlier link:

"It is traditional to have a person of color in that position, but that hasn't always been the case in Spokane," Wilburn said, adding that a woman of European descent was elected president of the organization in the 1990s.

In fact, Wilburn said, at least half - if not a majority - of the Spokane Chapter members are of European descent. "And that is probably a result of the fact that only 1.9 percent of the population in Spokane is African-American," he said.
Spokane is hardly alone in that demographic.

Then there's this:

>> The national NAACP — an organization founded by blacks and whites — has generally taken the situation in stride. In a statement, the association stood behind Dolezal’s advocacy record and said, “One’s racial identity is not a qualifying criteria or disqualifying standard for NAACP leadership.”

Take, for example, Walter White, born in 1893. Blue-eyed and blond-haired with fair skin, the product of Atlanta’s black community had more white ancestors than black, according to some accounts. And he saw himself as black, although he passed as white to enable his travels through the South investigating lynchings and hate crimes. Later in life, he married a white woman and was forced to defend himself against accusations that he was white passing as black — all while serving as the national head of the NAACP from 1931 to 1955. << -- WaPo Style column
Here's Walter White's pic:


-- here's the intro to his autobiography:

"I am a Negro. My skin is white, my eyes are blue, my hair is blond. The traits of my race are nowhere visible upon me."

Here's his Wiki page. I went looking for any illumination on why he would have had to "defend himself against allegations that he was white passing as black" above (or what that even means) but did not find it.
Fascinating story though. He could freely move between both communities and where it was conducive, used his outward appearance to his advantage, for instance investigating lychings by going to places and asking questions a "black" man could not.

Was Walter White black or white? The answer must be, "yes".
Hey, Michael Jackson was Half way to being a White woman.
Bruce Jenner 'fully', er - acknowledged - a white woman...
Why can't a white woman make the small-er switch to black woman?

What a country!
What is even funnier is the way the other NAACP executives are dancing around the subject and ,making excuses for her.

The last thing the worthless NAACP wants to do is piss off white people. So yes, they're making excuses, yes their trying to skirt around the issue...otherwise their money pool would dry up and they'd become another lost casualty of war....against nothingness., like most black causes are these days.
Hey, Michael Jackson was Half way to being a White woman.
Bruce Jenner 'fully', er - acknowledged - a white woman...
Why can't a white woman make the small-er switch to black woman?

What a country!
LOLOLOL.....they already do, its sun bathing....being doing it for years.
Folks, black women are the only race gender on the planet that can spit out a pure black other race or gender can do that.
Pretty cool she is that committed. White people were some of the first members of the NAACP. The first president was a white dude.
Granted....The problem is she committed a fraud by lying about her race.
She lied on her app to Howard University. Meaning she took a seat from a deserving black student.
She's a fraud and a liar. Shame shame shame.

One thing, I do admire her perseverance. She is apparently a true believer.
In fact she may appear over the top..
It's over for her.....No doubt she was quit/fired

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