Too Late To Save America

I posted this once already. I dare y'all to read it.
The credentials of the author Angelo M. Codevilla

Angelo M. Codevilla, a professor of international relations at Boston University, a fellow of the Claremont Institute, and a senior editor of The American Spectator, was a Foreign Service officer and served on the staff of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee between 1977 and 1985. He was the principal author of the 1980 presidential transition report on intelligence. He is the author of The Character of Nations: How Politics Makes and Breaks Prosperity, Family, and Civility.
Read more at Angelo M. Codevilla

America’s Ruling Class — And the Perils of Revolution
Read more at America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution
Speaking of credentials

Speaking of extremist old America-hating whore...

What are your credentials compared to his retired professor from MIT?
IF you had balls enough to listen to the video you'd notice just how pathetic your whining is-

My thread based on Codevilla was in 2010

The Ruling Class: Us vs. Them
So, if anyone’s ever told you you’re wrong to question the necessity of going to school, or has ridiculed you for voicing your complaints, perhaps it’s time you came armed with solid reasons for your disdain. We here at Dead Mailbox Society have drawn up a little list of our own, for your benefit – a list not just of the bad things school does, but also the things it shamefully does not.

We give you 133 reasons school sucks:

It appears you are creating a straw man.

I don't see anyone suggesting we do away with school....except you.

The premise of the thread is that the Left is altering the nature of school to make it a divisive milieu based on indoctrination toward all things opposed to the Founder's inclinations.

Their plan is to elevate one racial group at the expense of others, and to use their usual cudgel...'racist!' ....on any who oppose the take-over.
It appears to me you are demanding I subscribe only to your posts in a positive fashion- key word "appears", schools are not doing their job successfully. ALL information points to that, regardless of what may "appear"- IF you, like the other posters here, would trouble yourself to read before reacting you *might* find some useful information- and believe me I may "appear" to be a beginner at this, but, I ain't. I despise Public Education for many, many reasons- the articles I linked are from attendees in that system- but, I'm not holding my breath for the erudite, or the acolytes, to trouble themselves- know it all's don't near as much as they convince themselves they do and don't want to know anything but what they know- it "appears"- BTW, Noah Webster believed all children should be able to quote the history of their country as soon as they learn to speak- Jefferson believed a person who read books vs newspapers knew more than those who didn't-
I'd suggest taking both to heart.
I posted this once already. I dare y'all to read it.
The credentials of the author Angelo M. Codevilla

Angelo M. Codevilla, a professor of international relations at Boston University, a fellow of the Claremont Institute, and a senior editor of The American Spectator, was a Foreign Service officer and served on the staff of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee between 1977 and 1985. He was the principal author of the 1980 presidential transition report on intelligence. He is the author of The Character of Nations: How Politics Makes and Breaks Prosperity, Family, and Civility.
Read more at Angelo M. Codevilla

America’s Ruling Class — And the Perils of Revolution
Read more at America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution
Speaking of credentials

Speaking of extremist old America-hating whore...

What are your credentials compared to his retired professor from MIT?
IF you had balls enough to listen to the video you'd notice just how pathetic your whining is-

My thread based on Codevilla was in 2010

The Ruling Class: Us vs. Them

Good for you- so did I- but not here.
Best way to combat the public brain washing centers is HOME SCHOOL.

Second best thing that should be done, is bring back the DRAFT. EVERYONE should be required to spend at least a YEAR in the military, and maybe there the military could unwind some of the public brain washing and make decent young men and women out of the gender confused snowflakes that think they should never be offended and everyone gets a participation trophy.
I notice you consider the constitution as a part of your signature- can you cite the enumerated power granted that empowers DC to conscript individuals?
Cry to your senator.
So, if anyone’s ever told you you’re wrong to question the necessity of going to school, or has ridiculed you for voicing your complaints, perhaps it’s time you came armed with solid reasons for your disdain. We here at Dead Mailbox Society have drawn up a little list of our own, for your benefit – a list not just of the bad things school does, but also the things it shamefully does not.

We give you 133 reasons school sucks:

It appears you are creating a straw man.

I don't see anyone suggesting we do away with school....except you.

The premise of the thread is that the Left is altering the nature of school to make it a divisive milieu based on indoctrination toward all things opposed to the Founder's inclinations.

Their plan is to elevate one racial group at the expense of others, and to use their usual cudgel...'racist!' ....on any who oppose the take-over.
It appears to me you are demanding I subscribe only to your posts in a positive fashion- key word "appears", schools are not doing their job successfully. ALL information points to that, regardless of what may "appear"- IF you, like the other posters here, would trouble yourself to read before reacting you *might* find some useful information- and believe me I may "appear" to be a beginner at this, but, I ain't. I despise Public Education for many, many reasons- the articles I linked are from attendees in that system- but, I'm not holding my breath for the erudite, or the acolytes, to trouble themselves- know it all's don't near as much as they convince themselves they do and don't want to know anything but what they know- it "appears"- BTW, Noah Webster believed all children should be able to quote the history of their country as soon as they learn to speak- Jefferson believed a person who read books vs newspapers knew more than those who didn't-
I'd suggest taking both to heart.

"I despise Public Education ..."

You have nothing to off in this thread.

See ya'
American public schools cannot be "saved," any more than "higher education" can right itself. The entrenched cultures have become impervious to outside conflicting influences.

The only solution is good, attentive parenting. Keep track of what your kids are being taught in school. Clarify, correct, and contradict where necessary, while also teaching the Little Darlings that they need to choose their battles and not sabotage their own academic success with pointless battles.

If the schools brainwash your kids, it is your own fault.

No the schools are not the cause

It’s the voting and the lower logic women even voting against their husbands

They have been brainwashed and must be stopped from voting

Trump knows this and his talk on the bus to billy bush showed he was pissed at women for bringing their interests to stars and rock stars and not their husbands and patriot men when he said

If you are a star you can do anything to women including grabbing their private parts

Yep. Trump knows the situation and set up to be ready to bring martial law down on the crooked deep state and logic tests for voting to stop the brainwashing of the lower logic ability people

Where do you suppose those voters got the indoctrination?

Educators are a total fraud

There is this fact of life that educators totally covers up and never explains

All polls shows this very same thing
That at 18 a person is more liberal than any other voting age... But then as he gets experience to learn he becomes more and more conservative going consistently with each age year

The educators not explaining what this proves ... proves they are not educators but liars brainwashers

Experience proves conservatism better than liberalism and proves conservatives smarter than liberals !!!

Lock up the educators and charge with high treason and same with the media
American public schools cannot be "saved," any more than "higher education" can right itself. The entrenched cultures have become impervious to outside conflicting influences.

The only solution is good, attentive parenting. Keep track of what your kids are being taught in school. Clarify, correct, and contradict where necessary, while also teaching the Little Darlings that they need to choose their battles and not sabotage their own academic success with pointless battles.

If the schools brainwash your kids, it is your own fault.

No the schools are not the cause

It’s the voting and the lower logic women even voting against their husbands

They have been brainwashed and must be stopped from voting

Trump knows this and his talk on the bus to billy bush showed he was pissed at women for bringing their interests to stars and rock stars and not their husbands and patriot men when he said

If you are a star you can do anything to women including grabbing their private parts

Yep. Trump knows the situation and set up to be ready to bring martial law down on the crooked deep state and logic tests for voting to stop the brainwashing of the lower logic ability people

Where do you suppose those voters got the indoctrination?

Educators are a total fraud

There is this fact of life that educators totally covers up and never explains

All polls shows this very same thing
That at 18 a person is more liberal than any other voting age... But then as he gets experience to learn he becomes more and more conservative going consistently with each age year

The educators not explaining what this proves ... proves they are not educators but liars brainwashers

Experience proves conservatism better than liberalism and proves conservatives smarter than liberals !!!

Lock up the educators and charge with high treason and same with the media

"That at 18 a person is more liberal than any other voting age... But then as he gets experience to learn he becomes more and more conservative going consistently with each age year

The educators not explaining what this proves ... proves they are not educators but liars brainwashers"

What the heck do 'educators' have to do with explaining voting patterns?????

Let me be your 'educator' for's your vocabulary lesson:

: the scientific study of elections
American public schools cannot be "saved," any more than "higher education" can right itself. The entrenched cultures have become impervious to outside conflicting influences.

The only solution is good, attentive parenting. Keep track of what your kids are being taught in school. Clarify, correct, and contradict where necessary, while also teaching the Little Darlings that they need to choose their battles and not sabotage their own academic success with pointless battles.

If the schools brainwash your kids, it is your own fault.

No the schools are not the cause

It’s the voting and the lower logic women even voting against their husbands

They have been brainwashed and must be stopped from voting

Trump knows this and his talk on the bus to billy bush showed he was pissed at women for bringing their interests to stars and rock stars and not their husbands and patriot men when he said

If you are a star you can do anything to women including grabbing their private parts

Yep. Trump knows the situation and set up to be ready to bring martial law down on the crooked deep state and logic tests for voting to stop the brainwashing of the lower logic ability people

Where do you suppose those voters got the indoctrination?

Educators are a total fraud

There is this fact of life that educators totally covers up and never explains

All polls shows this very same thing
That at 18 a person is more liberal than any other voting age... But then as he gets experience to learn he becomes more and more conservative going consistently with each age year

The educators not explaining what this proves ... proves they are not educators but liars brainwashers

Experience proves conservatism better than liberalism and proves conservatives smarter than liberals !!!

Lock up the educators and charge with high treason and same with the media

"That at 18 a person is more liberal than any other voting age... But then as he gets experience to learn he becomes more and more conservative going consistently with each age year

The educators not explaining what this proves ... proves they are not educators but liars brainwashers"

What the heck do 'educators' have to do with explaining voting patterns?????

Let me be your 'educator' for's your vocabulary lesson:

: the scientific study of elections

This is your post


What the heck do 'educators' have to do with explaining voting patterns?????


What does educators do ?

They teach.... right??

There are facts that proves something clearly
This age direction with learning is a fact to prove we don’t have to wait to learn what is best .. we have actual data that proves it

Let’s throw out educators teaching a 8 yr old that there is no proof that most likely they will get bigger ... that 8 yr old will feel less of a chance to be bigger later and feel bad

OUTRAGEOUS to say that educators has nothing to do with explaining what the age fact proves !!!


Sorry to see a conservative woman that would not pass a logic test to be able to vote coming up
This proves why the founders would not let the unwise including the women to vote !!!

Gads, you're a fool.

But you must get tired of hearing that from everyone, huh?

Your post proves you

You said educators has nothing to do with explaining data

Universal laws understood comes from data and explained correctly ... if we don’t explain correctly we go against universal laws that works destruction for nations

Educators must go with these universal laws instead of against with their students .. If NOT back to try dark ages again with misery

The women’s vote will go down in history as the event that brought the western nations back to the misery of the dark ages
This proves why the founders would not let the unwise including the women to vote !!!

Gads, you're a fool.

But you must get tired of hearing that from everyone, huh?

Your post proves you

You said educators has nothing to do with explaining data

Universal laws understood comes from data and explained correctly ... if we don’t explain correctly we go against universal laws that works destruction for nations

Educators must go with these universal laws instead of against with their students .. If NOT back to try dark ages again with misery

The women’s vote will go down in history as the event that brought the western nations back to the misery of the dark ages

"You said educators has nothing to do with explaining data"

The best proof that I have skewered a fool like you is your attempt to misquote me.


Those self-improvement CD’s you’ve been listening to? ….not workin’
Was this not your post ??


What the heck do 'educators' have to do with explaining voting patterns?????


That is an outrageously wrong post

As educators it’s their job to explain what data means

Now we see why the founders would not even let conservative women vote ... they saw they were too unwise too
…because government schools hate America, and teach European doctrines.

1.The Germanic doctrines of Hegel and Marx took hold in academia in the 19th century. It was fed to many of our earlier Presidents through their teachers, who studied in Germany, the intellectual center of the world at the time. Today, they are central to Progressivism, Liberalism, and the agenda of the Democrat Party.

The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

"Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz" ("The community comes before the individual") concretizes the collectivist belief that individuals have no rights and that "the greater good" is the only standard of value. Under such a system, man is not an end to himself, only a tool to be sacrificed for the Führer, autocrat or ruling mob.

Only capitalism regards man as a sovereign individual with an inalienable right to his own life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Government recognition and protection of individual rights is the hallmark of a moral, peaceful, productive society.”
Sipsey Street Irregulars: The lie before the crime. "Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz" ("The community comes before the individual")

2. Compare this to the America that the Founders intended, based on individualism, free markets and limited constitutional governance.

So, no surprise that the educational institutes, owned and operated by and for collectivist’s interests, turns out America-haters.

"No country in Europe, except Britain, had a better education system than Germany at the onset of the Hitler era." Lance Morrow, "Evil: An Investigation," p. 123

What does that tell you about the relationship between education and evil?

3. There is “a radical new curriculum in schools across the county…. The Disruptive Equity Education Project, called ‘Deep Equity’…aimed at equity and social justice…mainly by attacking students on the basis of their skin color.

According to Deep Equity, America is based on a hierarchy of oppressions:

Men oppress women

Christianity oppresses Islam

English oppresses Spanish

White people oppress everyone.”

There is no hope for America unless the occupation of the school system by Liberals and Progressives is over turned....
...and this appears impossible.

Germany is the worst country....

The wise German men have already moved out

Whats left is foolish women voters and unwise men followers

Those foolish women voters voted in their worst nightmare the running into the nation the Muslims

The wise of Germany will and have already fled and the nation will fall
Back to the dark ages
Was this not your post ??


What the heck do 'educators' have to do with explaining voting patterns?????


That is an outrageously wrong post

As educators it’s their job to explain what data means

Now we see why the founders would not even let conservative women vote ... they saw they were too unwise too

That is far less than what you pretended I wrote....""You said educators has nothing to do with explaining data"

So....that's not what I said....and we've proven that you are a lying low-life.

Get lost.
…because government schools hate America, and teach European doctrines.

1.The Germanic doctrines of Hegel and Marx took hold in academia in the 19th century. It was fed to many of our earlier Presidents through their teachers, who studied in Germany, the intellectual center of the world at the time. Today, they are central to Progressivism, Liberalism, and the agenda of the Democrat Party.

The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

"Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz" ("The community comes before the individual") concretizes the collectivist belief that individuals have no rights and that "the greater good" is the only standard of value. Under such a system, man is not an end to himself, only a tool to be sacrificed for the Führer, autocrat or ruling mob.

Only capitalism regards man as a sovereign individual with an inalienable right to his own life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Government recognition and protection of individual rights is the hallmark of a moral, peaceful, productive society.”
Sipsey Street Irregulars: The lie before the crime. "Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz" ("The community comes before the individual")

2. Compare this to the America that the Founders intended, based on individualism, free markets and limited constitutional governance.

So, no surprise that the educational institutes, owned and operated by and for collectivist’s interests, turns out America-haters.

"No country in Europe, except Britain, had a better education system than Germany at the onset of the Hitler era." Lance Morrow, "Evil: An Investigation," p. 123

What does that tell you about the relationship between education and evil?

3. There is “a radical new curriculum in schools across the county…. The Disruptive Equity Education Project, called ‘Deep Equity’…aimed at equity and social justice…mainly by attacking students on the basis of their skin color.

According to Deep Equity, America is based on a hierarchy of oppressions:

Men oppress women

Christianity oppresses Islam

English oppresses Spanish

White people oppress everyone.”

There is no hope for America unless the occupation of the school system by Liberals and Progressives is over turned....
...and this appears impossible.

Germany is the worst country....

Yet Progressives have embraced the very same views as the Nazis did....

...go figure.

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