Too Little, Too Late...and WHY? Obama Mulls Moving Boots on the Ground Closer to Syria


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
- LINK: Obama weighs sending US troops near front lines in ISIS fight, plans more airstrikes

"The Obama administration is weighing moving U.S. troops closer to the front lines in Iraq and Syria while preparing to "intensify" the air campaign against the Islamic State, officials said Tuesday."

Is this about ISIS or is it about Syria / Assad / Putin? Obama has been hell-bent on taking down Assad ever since he was embarrassed on the world stage with his failed 'Syrian Red Line'. He has armed Syrian 'rebels' to fight Assad only to have most of them join ISIS. Obama then spent MILLIONS of tax dollars to train and arm 6 (SIX) Syrian Rebels to fight Assad - 5 joined ISIS and Putin's forces killed the 6th one. Obama ended that program as a result and went back to arming others to fight. The US military, however, did carry out small, pin-point DRONE strikes against ISIS while focusing on Assad.

Putin also showed Obama up several times during all of this. He took over Crimea / Southern Ukraine, built an airbase in Syria, moved fighters and troops into Syria, and has bombed the Obama-armed/trained Syrian Rebels pretty much into non-existence.

Iran, Syria, and Russia have pretty much filled the void Obama has left in the Middle East. The three are altogether In Syria and Iraq, and just recently Afghanistan asked the Russians to provide them with weapons to fight the growing Taliban threat and ISIS. This partially forced Obama to break his promise of 'No Boots on the Ground'....and now he is mulling over the idea of putting those boots on the ground near Syria.

"The end state is to defeat ISIL," Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford,"

I'm not so sure....

I thought Liberals were the ones to always declare the US is NOT the 'world's policemen'. So why the change now? Iran, Syria, and Russia are taking over - manpower, money, body bags.... why isn't Obama happy and content with that? He is the Nobel Peace Prize winner, the 'No War' / 'Bring 'em home, Barry' / 'No Boots on the Ground' President.

He allowed ISIS to flow into Iraq without opposing them, to take over much of the country our troops had liberated at great why the change now?

If America is about to send troops back into close-combat, I just wanna be damned sure this is about defeating ISIS and not about Barry's bruised ego over his failure to oust Assad.
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No lasting good can come of being involved in this war. Obama's continuing to be a warmonger President. We didn't get what we voted for in any sense.

He's not bipartisan.
He's not anti war.
He's not post racial.
He's not fiscally responsible.
The Dem's are applying pressure as an election is approaching. Several moves recently in other areas tends to suggest that to me.
Slowly moving toward making a case to stay in office come election time?

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