Too many gay talks for so few gay people.

Yup, the real Americans have the right to say whatever they want including their arguments against homophobia and heterofascists.
Yup, the real Americans have the right to say whatever they want including their arguments against homophobia and heterofascists.

It is like the Communist ideology. You have the right to say anything that is the party line, but if you go against the party line, then you are a "hater".

In the case of the USA the "party line" is the discrimination of the healthy white majority and th support of sexual, racial and other minorities, and that means that the leading elite in the USA does not represent the interests of the majority of Americans.
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Art, your white majority supports many things you don't like.

That won't change.
I understand that homosexuality is biologically determined reality...

Nope. Wrong. Any sexual fetish that fixates like homosexuality is a result of imprinting/habituating a BEHAVIOR until it "feels innate". But it isn't. It's a behavior. And humans learn socially. Normalizing a fetish and involving impressionable kids in that process (via gay marriage) is going to lead to more and more homosexuals via "sanctioned behavior experimentation". The more the gay adults can access kids to "let them know homosexuality is normal", the more will try it out in experimentation phase in pre or adolescence. The more that try it out will habituate to it. The younger a child begins this habituation, the more deeply ingrained it becomes and by the time they're 18, the child will be "gay".

And this, of course, was the real reason behind all of this nonsense for gay marriage. It was a way to convince youth that "being gay is OK, (implied: you should give it a try). And why any attempts at reparative therapy, even for kids who were molested and imprinted this way and/or who want the therapy for themselves, will soon be illegal in all 50 states, not just two of them.

Can't have any chance of those little ones/fresh new meat getting the idea that gay sex is unhealthy or no...the habituation has to be complete and uninterrupted until they're too old to change..
Sil is wrong on the biological argument, always has been, simply goes "nuh uh" and strides on.
I understand that homosexuality is biologically determined reality...

Nope. Wrong. Any sexual fetish that fixates like homosexuality is a result of imprinting/habituating a BEHAVIOR until it "feels innate". But it isn't. It's a behavior. And humans learn socially. Normalizing a fetish and involving impressionable kids in that process (via gay marriage) is going to lead to more and more homosexuals via "sanctioned behavior experimentation". The more the gay adults can access kids to "let them know homosexuality is normal", the more will try it out in experimentation phase in pre or adolescence. The more that try it out will habituate to it. The younger a child begins this habituation, the more deeply ingrained it becomes and by the time they're 18, the child will be "gay".

And this, of course, was the real reason behind all of this nonsense for gay marriage. It was a way to convince youth that "being gay is OK, (implied: you should give it a try). And why any attempts at reparative therapy, even for kids who were molested and imprinted this way and/or who want the therapy for themselves, will soon be illegal in all 50 states, not just two of them.

Can't have any chance of those little ones/fresh new meat getting the idea that gay sex is unhealthy or no...the habituation has to be complete and uninterrupted until they're too old to change..

Silhouette is back- apparently invigorated by her week or so away from attacking homosexuals.

Still with the same old homophobic idiocy.
I understand that homosexuality is biologically determined reality...

Nope. Wrong. Any sexual fetish that fixates like homosexuality is a result of imprinting/habituating a BEHAVIOR until it "feels innate". But it isn't. It's a behavior. And humans learn socially. Normalizing a fetish and involving impressionable kids in that process (via gay marriage) is going to lead to more and more homosexuals via "sanctioned behavior experimentation". The more the gay adults can access kids to "let them know homosexuality is normal", the more will try it out in experimentation phase in pre or adolescence. The more that try it out will habituate to it. The younger a child begins this habituation, the more deeply ingrained it becomes and by the time they're 18, the child will be "gay".

And this, of course, was the real reason behind all of this nonsense for gay marriage. It was a way to convince youth that "being gay is OK, (implied: you should give it a try). And why any attempts at reparative therapy, even for kids who were molested and imprinted this way and/or who want the therapy for themselves, will soon be illegal in all 50 states, not just two of them.

Can't have any chance of those little ones/fresh new meat getting the idea that gay sex is unhealthy or no...the habituation has to be complete and uninterrupted until they're too old to change..
Gay parents raise straight children just as often as straight parents, for one. Secondly, homosexuality is often caused by a mix up of hormones in utero and is an occurrence that happens with animals in nature as well as humans.
I understand that homosexuality is biologically determined reality...
Nope. Wrong. Any sexual fetish that fixates like homosexuality is a result of imprinting/habituating a BEHAVIOR until it "feels innate". But it isn't. It's a behavior. And humans learn socially. Normalizing a fetish and involving impressionable kids in that process (via gay marriage) is going to lead to more and more homosexuals via "sanctioned behavior experimentation". The more the gay adults can access kids to "let them know homosexuality is normal", the more will try it out in experimentation phase in pre or adolescence. The more that try it out will habituate to it. The younger a child begins this habituation, the more deeply ingrained it becomes and by the time they're 18, the child will be "gay".
And this, of course, was the real reason behind all of this nonsense for gay marriage. It was a way to convince youth that "being gay is OK, (implied: you should give it a try). And why any attempts at reparative therapy, even for kids who were molested and imprinted this way and/or who want the therapy for themselves, will soon be illegal in all 50 states, not just two of them.
Can't have any chance of those little ones/fresh new meat getting the idea that gay sex is unhealthy or no...the habituation has to be complete and uninterrupted until they're too old to change..

Gay parents raise straight children just as often as straight parents, for one. Secondly, homosexuality is often caused by a mix up of hormones in utero and is an occurrence that happens with animals in nature as well as humans.

There isn't such a thing as "gay parents" ever. Because parents are mother and father biologically and so are they as substitutes to match the biological and sociological equivalent/requirement in the cases of adoption or fostering. A man is never a mother. A woman is never a father. So the phrase "gay parents" is an oxymoron.

The behavioral aspect of homosexuality was given a pass in your reply. Was it a strawman you were hoping for?
Sil is having another fantasy. Yes, homosexuality has to do with biology.
Especially knowing that about 33% of the population still take homosexuality negatively. Why ain't their opinion and their rights taken in consideration?

But their opinions are taken into consideration, perhaps that is why there is still so much talk about same-sex marriages.....When the negatives quit whining about it, I'm sure the whole subject will die down some.
50 Days Into Nationwide Marriage Equality Wedding Photos From All 50 States
It's only been 50 days since the law, legalizing same-sex marriages was passed. However, there are so many talks and gossips on this occasion to be enough for some years.
I understand that homosexuality is biologically determined reality that we have to put up with but I cannot understand why the society has decided to accept the deviant behavior of some 4% of the population. It's not even about those gay marriages, let them all intermarry and forget about it. The problem is that there are too many talks about gays and their marriages as if it was a good half of our society. From these thoughts I get scared.
Especially knowing that about 33% of the population still take homosexuality negatively. Why ain't their opinion and their rights taken in consideration?
Because their opinions dont matter once they leave the realm of minding their own business.
Society puts up with it for the very same reason they put up with your beliefs. When a man has sex with another man, it doesnt affect anyone else, and when you believe that homosexuality is deviant behavior, it doesnt effect anyone else, so we put up with it. People are allowed to be whatever they want to be, so long as it doesnt hurt anyone else (we all know there are exceptions to every rule, so dont bother pointing them out).
I'm happy that their sexual life is not my business. But I don't understand why do we need to have so much of them in the media. Have you noticed that each movie now has a gay character. Each media source writes about gay people almost everyday. Youtube and the analogues are overfilled with gay-vlogs. Like if the whole world was turning around homosexuality. I'm so sick of that. They'd better put more attention on what's really important!
If you dont like the movies dont watch them. If enough people stop watching them then the people that make the movies will get the hint or continue to ignore your wishes.
50 Days Into Nationwide Marriage Equality Wedding Photos From All 50 States
It's only been 50 days since the law, legalizing same-sex marriages was passed. However, there are so many talks and gossips on this occasion to be enough for some years.
I understand that homosexuality is biologically determined reality that we have to put up with but I cannot understand why the society has decided to accept the deviant behavior of some 4% of the population. It's not even about those gay marriages, let them all intermarry and forget about it. The problem is that there are too many talks about gays and their marriages as if it was a good half of our society. From these thoughts I get scared.
Especially knowing that about 33% of the population still take homosexuality negatively. Why ain't their opinion and their rights taken in consideration?

We shouldn't listen to 4% of society because they're a minority, but we should listen to 33% of society, which is a minority?

On the bright side of this, they are going to stop using the word gay to describe themselves.
you see, Gay actually means happy.
once they start getting married and understanding what it means to be legally connected to the same person for life, that happy shit is going right out the damn window and they are going to be searching for a new word that more closely defines them.
You never know what you have until its gone.
They will now suffer just like the straight people do.
cant wait.

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