Too many gay talks for so few gay people.

On the bright side of this, they are going to stop using the word gay to describe themselves.
you see, Gay actually means happy.
once they start getting married and understanding what it means to be legally connected to the same person for life, that happy shit is going right out the damn window and they are going to be searching for a new word that more closely defines them.
You never know what you have until its gone.
They will now suffer just like the straight people do.
cant wait.
Not everyone fails at relationships and life like you obviously have.
On the bright side of this, they are going to stop using the word gay to describe themselves.
you see, Gay actually means happy.
once they start getting married and understanding what it means to be legally connected to the same person for life, that happy shit is going right out the damn window and they are going to be searching for a new word that more closely defines them.
You never know what you have until its gone.
They will now suffer just like the straight people do.
cant wait.
Not everyone fails at relationships and life like you obviously have.
This does not bother me coming from someone that has to buy 50 fathers day cards just to make sure he gets the right hood rat.
You start a conversation about gays to talk about there being too many conversations about gays? Mmmmk.
Correct, I thought about that!
I'm just too irritated with that absurd that is happening right now!
If only people were smarter and turned back to the conservative way of thinking
On the bright side of this, they are going to stop using the word gay to describe themselves.
you see, Gay actually means happy.
once they start getting married and understanding what it means to be legally connected to the same person for life, that happy shit is going right out the damn window and they are going to be searching for a new word that more closely defines them.
You never know what you have until its gone.
They will now suffer just like the straight people do.
cant wait.
Not everyone fails at relationships and life like you obviously have.
This does not bother me coming from someone that has to buy 50 fathers day cards just to make sure he gets the right hood rat.
Of course it bothered you. Failure always bothers people. Thats why you basically exposed yourself by telling everyone how miserable your life was and wishing the same on gays. Misery loves company.
You are exactly right. Homos make up around 3% of the population. Blacks only make up 13% of the population. However, if you turn on the TV on any given night you would believe that we live in a world made up almost entirely of blacks, beaners, and smart, accomplished chicks - half of which are gay - and incompetent, stupid white men.

You do not have to compromise the rights of the majority in order to protect the rights of the minority.
You are exactly right. Homos make up around 3% of the population. Blacks only make up 13% of the population. However, if you turn on the TV on any given night you would believe that we live in a world made up almost entirely of blacks, beaners, and smart, accomplished chicks - half of which are gay - and incompetent, stupid white men.

You do not have to compromise the rights of the majority in order to protect the rights of the minority.
You just proved your stupidity and incompetency. Besides Asians the world next largest population are people of African descent. Whites are actually a minority. After you factor in the recessive genes.....well you know whats up.
50 Days Into Nationwide Marriage Equality Wedding Photos From All 50 States
It's only been 50 days since the law, legalizing same-sex marriages was passed. However, there are so many talks and gossips on this occasion to be enough for some years.
I understand that homosexuality is biologically determined reality that we have to put up with but I cannot understand why the society has decided to accept the deviant behavior of some 4% of the population. It's not even about those gay marriages, let them all intermarry and forget about it. The problem is that there are too many talks about gays and their marriages as if it was a good half of our society. From these thoughts I get scared.
Especially knowing that about 33% of the population still take homosexuality negatively. Why ain't their opinion and their rights taken in consideration?
Are you talking about Jews...when you are referring to 4% of the population? Or left-handed people?
I understand that homosexuality is biologically determined reality...

Nope. Wrong. Any sexual fetish that fixates like homosexuality is a result of imprinting/habituating a BEHAVIOR until it "feels innate". But it isn't. It's a behavior. And humans learn socially. Normalizing a fetish and involving impressionable kids in that process (via gay marriage) is going to lead to more and more homosexuals via "sanctioned behavior experimentation". The more the gay adults can access kids to "let them know homosexuality is normal", the more will try it out in experimentation phase in pre or adolescence. The more that try it out will habituate to it. The younger a child begins this habituation, the more deeply ingrained it becomes and by the time they're 18, the child will be "gay".

And this, of course, was the real reason behind all of this nonsense for gay marriage. It was a way to convince youth that "being gay is OK, (implied: you should give it a try). And why any attempts at reparative therapy, even for kids who were molested and imprinted this way and/or who want the therapy for themselves, will soon be illegal in all 50 states, not just two of them.

Can't have any chance of those little ones/fresh new meat getting the idea that gay sex is unhealthy or no...the habituation has to be complete and uninterrupted until they're too old to change..

Silhouette is back- apparently invigorated by her week or so away from attacking homosexuals.

Still with the same old homophobic idiocy.
She certainly likes to dwell on us a lot.
I noticed that there are no out-and-proud gays too, only "supporters of same-sex marriage". But I have never seen any statement like "I'm gay and I'm happy I have my right to marry my boyfriend" anywhere on the Internet.
I noticed that there are no out-and-proud gays too, only "supporters of same-sex marriage". But I have never seen any statement like "I'm gay and I'm happy I have my right to marry my boyfriend" anywhere on the Internet.
dont see too many Im straight and Im proud posts either.
50 Days Into Nationwide Marriage Equality Wedding Photos From All 50 States
It's only been 50 days since the law, legalizing same-sex marriages was passed. However, there are so many talks and gossips on this occasion to be enough for some years.
I understand that homosexuality is biologically determined reality that we have to put up with but I cannot understand why the society has decided to accept the deviant behavior of some 4% of the population. It's not even about those gay marriages, let them all intermarry and forget about it. The problem is that there are too many talks about gays and their marriages as if it was a good half of our society. From these thoughts I get scared.
Especially knowing that about 33% of the population still take homosexuality negatively. Why ain't their opinion and their rights taken in consideration?
Are you talking about Jews...when you are referring to 4% of the population? Or left-handed people?

Jews are the nation. Left handed are not different from the right-handed.
Being a Jew or a left-handed person doesn't make you a demographic dead-end. Sorry but it's true. God is tired of loving us. He wants us disbanded.

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