Too many gay talks for so few gay people.

At least I'm not screaming from each corner how proud I am to be gay. The terapists may say whatever they want but that really looks like some obsessive-compulsive disorder. Prove me wrong!

and wot would the terapist tink of your obsessive-compulsive anti gay obsession...? :eusa_shhh:
No I just want all of us to live in a clean highly moral society.
I don't care who people prefer to sleep with, so I don't want them to show that of.
It's not only about gay people, but also about BDSM fans, polyamores, nymphomaniacs etc
Get over it. Samuel Nixon, this is a part of life.
Your life.......not mine. ..... :cool:
Exactly. And that right there is the problem. When people do not want to hear about certain things no matter what them things are, how they feel isn't going to mean a thing. What they don't want to know about is going to be put out there for them anyway. I love my mom of course, but she goes on and on and on to me about what goes on during her soap operas when she knows good and well that I have no interest in them shows anymore.

God bless you and her always!!!


P.S. To me, the freedom to get up and leave, change the radio/TV station, read whatever we want to read online, etc. whenever we want to might be the best freedom that we have. :) :) :)
At least I'm not screaming from each corner how proud I am to be gay. The terapists may say whatever they want but that really looks like some obsessive-compulsive disorder. Prove me wrong!

and wot would the terapist tink of your obsessive-compulsive anti gay obsession...? :eusa_shhh:
No I just want all of us to live in a clean highly moral society.
I don't care who people prefer to sleep with, so I don't want them to show that of.
It's not only about gay people, but also about BDSM fans, polyamores, nymphomaniacs etc
So is "let him die" moral?

Is "let the mother die" moral?

Is "feed the poor and they will breed" moral?

Is cutting school lunches for children moral?

I could go on and on. Thank god for video. It's not like I can't prove what I'm saying.
50 Days Into Nationwide Marriage Equality Wedding Photos From All 50 States
It's only been 50 days since the law, legalizing same-sex marriages was passed. However, there are so many talks and gossips on this occasion to be enough for some years.
I understand that homosexuality is biologically determined reality that we have to put up with but I cannot understand why the society has decided to accept the deviant behavior of some 4% of the population. It's not even about those gay marriages, let them all intermarry and forget about it. The problem is that there are too many talks about gays and their marriages as if it was a good half of our society. From these thoughts I get scared.
Especially knowing that about 33% of the population still take homosexuality negatively. Why ain't their opinion and their rights taken in consideration?

LGBT make up close to 25% of the population
Society puts up with it for the very same reason they put up with your beliefs. When a man has sex with another man, it doesnt affect anyone else, and when you believe that homosexuality is deviant behavior, it doesnt effect anyone else, so we put up with it. People are allowed to be whatever they want to be, so long as it doesnt hurt anyone else (we all know there are exceptions to every rule, so dont bother pointing them out).
I'm happy that their sexual life is not my business. But I don't understand why do we need to have so much of them in the media. Have you noticed that each movie now has a gay character. Each media source writes about gay people almost everyday. Youtube and the analogues are overfilled with gay-vlogs. Like if the whole world was turning around homosexuality. I'm so sick of that. They'd better put more attention on what's really important!
Folks pay to see those films ... probably you do too.
I'm happy that their sexual life is not my business. But I don't understand why do we need to have so much of them in the media. Have you noticed that each movie now has a gay character. Each media source writes about gay people almost everyday. Youtube and the analogues are overfilled with gay-vlogs. Like if the whole world was turning around homosexuality. I'm so sick of that. They'd better put more attention on what's really important!

Well, if a society is controlled by a minority, that defines itself as an "out-group", then this minority tries to split the society into many segments, because a homogeneous and healthy society can eventually get rid of the ruling "out-group".

It is the old "divide and rule" tactic.

A normal, homogeneous and healthy society is a danger for this ruling "out-group", that is the reason why the ruling minority needs diversification of the society, be this sexual or racial diversification.
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50 Days Into Nationwide Marriage Equality Wedding Photos From All 50 States
It's only been 50 days since the law, legalizing same-sex marriages was passed. However, there are so many talks and gossips on this occasion to be enough for some years.
I understand that homosexuality is biologically determined reality that we have to put up with but I cannot understand why the society has decided to accept the deviant behavior of some 4% of the population. It's not even about those gay marriages, let them all intermarry and forget about it. The problem is that there are too many talks about gays and their marriages as if it was a good half of our society. From these thoughts I get scared.
Especially knowing that about 33% of the population still take homosexuality negatively. Why ain't their opinion and their rights taken in consideration?

LGBT make up close to 25% of the population

Wrong, 1-3%
"LGBT make up close to 25% of the population" is a wild exaggeration.
Probably, but who really knows? For one, who is going to admit to government census or Gallup whether or not they are gay? Right wingers are the least likely to admit that. Considering how suspicious Republicans are of the Government and how much they hate gay people, it's highly unlikely that they would admit they are gay to anyone much less the government.

I suspect the true number is probably closer to 10%, but it wouldn't surprise me if up to 25% of teenage boys and girls "messed around". College is probably the last time in your life when you have adult young men and adult young women who tell you extremely personal information. I know a guy whose girlfriend left him and he was devastated. He hung around with a gay guy for a number of months if you know what I mean and eventually found another girlfriend. I lived in a big house with a number of students and the girlfriend he found was one of my roommates. And she knew, but she didn't care. And he wasn't gay. He was just lonely and afraid to start another "real" relationship as he called it.

And I knew girls that had "slumber parties" and didn't sleep much.

Right wingers are always screaming about "morals And they try to turn normal human nature into something dirty.

To me, people who yell out "let him die" at a presidential debate or say "feed the poor and they will breed" or cut school lunches for poor children are the immoral ones. Not just immoral, but sick and dirty, nasty people.
"LGBT make up close to 25% of the population" is a wild exaggeration.
Probably, but who really knows? For one, who is going to admit to government census or Gallup whether or not they are gay? Right wingers are the least likely to admit that. Considering how suspicious Republicans are of the Government and how much they hate gay people, it's highly unlikely that they would admit they are gay to anyone much less the government.

I suspect the true number is probably closer to 10%, but it wouldn't surprise me if up to 25% of teenage boys and girls "messed around". College is probably the last time in your life when you have adult young men and adult young women who tell you extremely personal information. I know a guy whose girlfriend left him and he was devastated. He hung around with a gay guy for a number of months if you know what I mean and eventually found another girlfriend. I lived in a big house with a number of students and the girlfriend he found was one of my roommates. And she knew, but she didn't care. And he wasn't gay. He was just lonely and afraid to start another "real" relationship as he called it.

And I knew girls that had "slumber parties" and didn't sleep much.

Right wingers are always screaming about "morals And they try to turn normal human nature into something dirty.

To me, people who yell out "let him die" at a presidential debate or say "feed the poor and they will breed" or cut school lunches for poor children are the immoral ones. Not just immoral, but sick and dirty, nasty people.

People not just in their teens but later in years struggle with identity and sexuality. They might have always felt out of step or feeling like they were living the wrong life or in the wrong body. They might not have understood why, but as they see and learn more about sexuality and gender identification they realize it was their brain or body chemistry and not something they were doing wrong. They tried to live the life others expected of them, but it was not who they were supposed to be.
Many still don't understand transgender or that they might really be homosexual.
Some stats are confusing. Two-thirds of those in same sex relationships in the nineties had ten years later moved on to exclusively heterosexual relationships, many leading to marriage. My point is that this issue should not be resolved. Don't persecute your neighbor for being LGBT or straight.
Some stats are confusing. Two-thirds of those in same sex relationships in the nineties had ten years later moved on to exclusively heterosexual relationships, many leading to marriage. My point is that this issue should not be resolved. Don't persecute your neighbor for being LGBT or straight.

You do understand that many of those now or in the past that get involved in homosexual relationships are bi-sexual, not strictly how it works. It is not that they were gay and turn straight. Does not work like that.

Can gays and bis turn straight What the evidence says about ex-gay therapy.
Some stats are confusing. Two-thirds of those in same sex relationships in the nineties had ten years later moved on to exclusively heterosexual relationships, many leading to marriage. My point is that this issue should not be resolved. Don't persecute your neighbor for being LGBT or straight.
Really? Sounds like bullshit.
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Some stats are confusing. Two-thirds of those in same sex relationships in the nineties had ten years later moved on to exclusively heterosexual relationships, many leading to marriage. My point is that this issue should not be resolved. Don't persecute your neighbor for being LGBT or straight.
Really? Sounds like bullshit.
Nah, it's real and simple: don't persecute others. Not your business.
Society puts up with it for the very same reason they put up with your beliefs. When a man has sex with another man, it doesnt affect anyone else, and when you believe that homosexuality is deviant behavior, it doesnt effect anyone else, so we put up with it. People are allowed to be whatever they want to be, so long as it doesnt hurt anyone else (we all know there are exceptions to every rule, so dont bother pointing them out).
I'm happy that their sexual life is not my business. But I don't understand why do we need to have so much of them in the media. Have you noticed that each movie now has a gay character. Each media source writes about gay people almost everyday. Youtube and the analogues are overfilled with gay-vlogs. Like if the whole world was turning around homosexuality. I'm so sick of that. They'd better put more attention on what's really important!

Then boycott all of them.

Really- you started a whole new thread to complain about all of the unwarranted attention that gays get?

Don't you get the irony there?
Society puts up with it for the very same reason they put up with your beliefs. When a man has sex with another man, it doesnt affect anyone else, and when you believe that homosexuality is deviant behavior, it doesnt effect anyone else, so we put up with it. People are allowed to be whatever they want to be, so long as it doesnt hurt anyone else (we all know there are exceptions to every rule, so dont bother pointing them out).
I'm happy that their sexual life is not my business. But I don't understand why do we need to have so much of them in the media. Have you noticed that each movie now has a gay character. Each media source writes about gay people almost everyday. Youtube and the analogues are overfilled with gay-vlogs. Like if the whole world was turning around homosexuality. I'm so sick of that. They'd better put more attention on what's really important!

Then boycott all of them.

Really- you started a whole new thread to complain about all of the unwarranted attention that gays get?

Don't you get the irony there?
Sam is not big on these kinds of things.
If some persons are negative against homosexual propaganda then usually they are called homophobes and violators of Constitution. But they're just support traditional marriage insitute and have the right to say whatever they want including their arguments against LGBT propaganda.

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