Took A Little Tour Of My Deep Blue Swing State and . . .


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
A little thin content for my typical thread but I just wanted to post this. I live in one of those hard blue states that always go for the Democrat, one of those swing states considered a MUST win to win, a deep blue swing state (only because its two big cities have all the democrats while the other 99% of the state is actually red), that Trump WON the last time.

I just found it curious that driving around today in my area enjoying the clear blue near-80° temps just two weeks before the election that while there are few political signs out in people's yards, in all that I drove (about 40 minute circuit), that I only saw

1 Biden sign


6 Trump signs!

And the Biden sign was on a big, wealthy property. One of the nicest around. Must be a friend of Hunter... :smoke:

And I didn't count signs, I counted PROPERTIES, and if they had multiple Trump signs on one property, I only counted that as one.

If we just counted signs, then it was more like

1 Biden sign and about 11 Trump signs.

And this in an area where normally, if you just say the word republican, it would get a tomato thrown your way!

Just sayin', non-scientific, take it for what you want.
This election is to save the country. We not only need Trump to win but we need to clean the house, senate, and state races as well.

If your Trump sign doesn't have lights and make noise, you're not trying hard enough.
A little thin content for my typical thread but I just wanted to post this. I live in one of those hard blue states that always go for the Democrat, one of those swing states considered a MUST win to win, a deep blue swing state (only because its two big cities have all the democrats while the other 99% of the state is actually red), that Trump WON the last time.

I just found it curious that driving around today in my area enjoying the clear blue near-80° temps just two weeks before the election that while there are few political signs out in people's yards, in all that I drove (about 40 minute circuit), that I only saw

1 Biden sign


6 Trump signs!

And the Biden sign was on a big, wealthy property. One of the nicest around. Must be a friend of Hunter... :smoke:

And I didn't count signs, I counted PROPERTIES, and if they had multiple Trump signs on one property, I only counted that as one.

If we just counted signs, then it was more like

1 Biden sign and about 11 Trump signs.

And this in an area where normally, if you just say the word republican, it would get a tomato thrown your way!

Just sayin', non-scientific, take it for what you want.
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That's your new name here....Gotalink.....:auiqs.jpg:
A little thin content for my typical thread but I just wanted to post this. I live in one of those hard blue states that always go for the Democrat, one of those swing states considered a MUST win to win, a deep blue swing state (only because its two big cities have all the democrats while the other 99% of the state is actually red), that Trump WON the last time.

I just found it curious that driving around today in my area enjoying the clear blue near-80° temps just two weeks before the election that while there are few political signs out in people's yards, in all that I drove (about 40 minute circuit), that I only saw

1 Biden sign


6 Trump signs!

And the Biden sign was on a big, wealthy property. One of the nicest around. Must be a friend of Hunter... :smoke:

And I didn't count signs, I counted PROPERTIES, and if they had multiple Trump signs on one property, I only counted that as one.

If we just counted signs, then it was more like

1 Biden sign and about 11 Trump signs.

And this in an area where normally, if you just say the word republican, it would get a tomato thrown your way!

Just sayin', non-scientific, take it for what you want.
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