Toomey Won't Run for U.S. Senate Again, Source Says

Good riddance to that leftist trash.
There`s not a Republican in Pa. at this time that has a chance of getting that seat and it`s going to get worse for you. Toomey is trash that violated his oath when he gave trump a pass on his extortion attempt in Ukraine. Traitors retiring is a good thing.

Nothing in the Articles of Impeachment alleging "Extortion" at all, AW. The House Managers presented a case for "obstruction of Congress" and "abuse of power", neither of which is a crime much less a high crime.

Further, they had no evidence, no relevant witnesses, just a lot of argument and opinion.
The witnesses were as relevant as they get and they served presidents from both parties. Are you calling the 2 Purple Heart recipients that testified against him liars? It`s not really a stretch to go from spitting on POWs to spitting on Purple Heart recipients. You and the rest of the traitors should move to Russia.
Good riddance to that leftist trash.
There`s not a Republican in Pa. at this time that has a chance of getting that seat and it`s going to get worse for you. Toomey is trash that violated his oath when he gave trump a pass on his extortion attempt in Ukraine. Traitors retiring is a good thing.

Nothing in the Articles of Impeachment alleging "Extortion" at all, AW. The House Managers presented a case for "obstruction of Congress" and "abuse of power", neither of which is a crime much less a high crime.

Further, they had no evidence, no relevant witnesses, just a lot of argument and opinion.

A High crime is a crime or abuse, committed by a high elected official or official that takes an oath, it has nothing to do with the degree of the crime or abuse itself.

Common Law, at the time of the writing of the Constitution.

"High," in the legal and common parlance of the 17th and 18th centuries of "high crimes," is activity by or against those who have special duties acquired by taking an oath of office that are not shared with common persons.

USA definition

What is the definition of high crime?
Legal Definition of high crime. : a crime of infamous nature contrary to public morality but not technically constituting a felony specifically : an offense that the U.S. Senate deems to constitute an adequate ground for removal of the president, vice president, or any civil officer as a person unfit to hold public office and deserving of impeachment.

So your meat puppet faggot messiah should have been removed from office for:

Fast and Furious...


The total disappearance of billions of "stimulus" dollars...

Obozocare and the wipeout of millions of plans the meat puppet claimed people could keep...

Spying on journalists like James Rosen...

The IRS Scandal....

Giving Iran billions of dollars in cash for a bullshit treaty...

Need I go on?
4,500 killed while looking for WMDs that weren`t there and you`re still crying about the 4 at Benghazi. Just curious...what`s up with your gay shit? We don`t care about your private life.
Good riddance to that leftist trash.
There`s not a Republican in Pa. at this time that has a chance of getting that seat and it`s going to get worse for you. Toomey is trash that violated his oath when he gave trump a pass on his extortion attempt in Ukraine. Traitors retiring is a good thing.

Nothing in the Articles of Impeachment alleging "Extortion" at all, AW. The House Managers presented a case for "obstruction of Congress" and "abuse of power", neither of which is a crime much less a high crime.

Further, they had no evidence, no relevant witnesses, just a lot of argument and opinion.
The witnesses were as relevant as they get and they served presidents from both parties. Are you calling the 2 Purple Heart recipients that testified against him liars? It`s not really a stretch to go from spitting on POWs to spitting on Purple Heart recipients. You and the rest of the traitors should move to Russia.

I'm not calling anyone a liar at all.

Mr. Vindman didn't SEE anything, he was just vocalizing his opinion and repeating hearsay. But hearsay isn't allowed, and someone's opinion isn't evidence of anything.
Good riddance to that leftist trash.
There`s not a Republican in Pa. at this time that has a chance of getting that seat and it`s going to get worse for you. Toomey is trash that violated his oath when he gave trump a pass on his extortion attempt in Ukraine. Traitors retiring is a good thing.
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. All the Republicans in PA are pretty much to the left of center, but Toomey was pretty left-leaning. He'll be easy to replace. More importantly, we need to get rid of that ass-kisser Casey.
The witnesses were as relevant as they get and they served presidents from both parties. Are you calling the 2 Purple Heart recipients that testified against him liars? It`s not really a stretch to go from spitting on POWs to spitting on Purple Heart recipients. You and the rest of the traitors should move to Russia.

You mean Ukrainian agent Mr. Vindman.
I pick number 3

3 as well.

As much as we rag on politicians, the idea that I'm sure some have that they will run for office and make a difference is admirable and is almost always lost immediately upon landing in the Congress. If you're in it "for the money" you can make a lot more with a lot less worry about optics outside of the Capitol than inside of it.

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