Top 1 percent took record share of US income in 2012

So, which libertarian ideal do you want to discuss
In this thread, that wealth redistribution isn't the job of government and isn't working and is actually harming us.

Winston Churchill: The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal distribution of blessings. The inherent virtue of socialism is the equal distribution of misery.

The more you meddle, the worse off we are.

But the overarching issue, Kaz, is that you are backing an economic thought that came to the front as a result of the writings of Ayn Rand
Ayn Rand didn't create libertarianism. Sure, I agree with her on a lot of things, but that isn't what you said. I have no interest in defending the hyperbole you stuck in my mouth.

Then, let us know why we should pay any attention to anyone who says they are libertarians, when libertarians themselves can not name a successful libertarian economy

I can name one that isn't succeeding, the tax and spend liberal policies that have driven our economy into the ground and won't let it up. Maybe we should try a different approach other than government trying to solve our problems for us as all it keeps doing is proving it can't solve our problems.

You will notice a common pattern with people like Kaz. They cant tell you what they are for they can only tell you what they dont like, dont want, dont approve of.

They are the Anti's. They are Anti everything but cant seem to express what they support even when you give them open ended questions
meanwhile our "poor" own flat screen TV, have internet access, booze, cigs and weed.

Our "poor" are not all that poor. It's those in the middle that bust their asses for evetryone else

We fully understand that you would like to reduce the working people of this nation to one room for a family of four, and just enough money left over from the wages of both parents working to meet minimum nutrition standards. We saw what people like you want at Blair Mountain and Ludlow.

then why are the poor so overweight?

how can they afford cell phones, computers, booze, cigs, weed etc ?

Because of empty calories.

I dont know, cell phones and booze is only for the elite. You can only buy those things in the Dupont Register:lol:
We fully understand that you would like to reduce the working people of this nation to one room for a family of four, and just enough money left over from the wages of both parents working to meet minimum nutrition standards. We saw what people like you want at Blair Mountain and Ludlow.

then why are the poor so overweight?

how can they afford cell phones, computers, booze, cigs, weed etc ?

Because of empty calories.

I dont know, cell phones and booze is only for the elite. You can only buy those things in the Dupont Register:lol:

is the Dupont Register the welfare line?
he pay gap between the richest 1 percent and the rest of America widened last year, making a record.

The top 1 percent of U.S. earners collected 19.3 percent of household income in 2012, their largest share in Internal Revenue Service figures going back a century.

U.S. income inequality has been growing for almost three decades. But until last year, the top 1 percent's share of pre-tax income had not yet surpassed the 18.7 percent it reached in 1927, according to an analysis of IRS figures dating to 1913 by economists at the University of California, Berkeley, the Paris School of Economics and Oxford University.

One of them, Emmanuel Saez of the University of California, Berkeley, said the incomes of the richest Americans might have surged last year in part because they cashed in stock holdings to avoid higher capital gains taxes that took effect in January.

Last year, the incomes of the top 1 percent rose 19.6 percent compared with a 1 percent increase for the remaining 99 percent.

What else can be said, the powerful line their pockets while chastising and hurting workers.
Top 1 percent took record share of US income in 2012 - NBC

In terms of consequences for our nation, what impact does an increasing amount of wealth concentrated in the few have on our future?

none- since the wealth has been in roughly the same brackets by average since 1922 and in that we are an upwardly mobile society.
What the Right does not know, or want to know, is the historical consequences of a dramatic inbalance between the rich and the poor in a society.

I would suggest that they take a look at French History in 1787. If that does not compute, look at Russian history in 1914. perhaps Cuban history in 1959 would help. Better yet, consider Mexico in 1810. Still not enough? Check out the history of every nation in South and Central America, where the poor were exploited by the wealthy Spaniards and Portugese. How about India's fight for independence from Great Britain?

Or, if you want something a little closer to home, consider the progressive movement that began with Teddy Roosevelt against the robber barons of the guilded age. J. P. Morgan was so rich that he almost singlehandedly had the financial clout to save the entire economic system in America from collapse in 1895. Had he been a dictatorial type of man, like Hitler or Stalan, he would have had the power to take over the entire government of the USA.

Even the USA in the early 1930s was a time when a great many people were worried that revolution was possible. It doesn't take much for a demagogue to rise up to appeal to the emotions of the people when the people are ripe to hear the message that they've gotten a raw deal and the system, as currently structured, is to blame.

I mean, look at the politicians in our own age. Don't the Republicans take every opportunity to blame Obama for the state of the economy. It would be no different if the roles were reversed and the Democrats were the majority in the House and the President was a Republican.

People will put up with a lot of crap when times are relatively good. But when times are bad, incomes are down, and people are hungry, while others in society are living high, all bets are off as to what could happen. Domestic terrorism would not surprise me in circumstances where the divide between rich and poor continues to widen.

just NOT you little people....tsk tsk

but be comforted he FWEELS YOUR PAIN....LOL

Hey, Staph, Obama's election has clearly not been good for your mental health.
he pay gap between the richest 1 percent and the rest of America widened last year, making a record.

The top 1 percent of U.S. earners collected 19.3 percent of household income in 2012, their largest share in Internal Revenue Service figures going back a century.

U.S. income inequality has been growing for almost three decades. But until last year, the top 1 percent's share of pre-tax income had not yet surpassed the 18.7 percent it reached in 1927, according to an analysis of IRS figures dating to 1913 by economists at the University of California, Berkeley, the Paris School of Economics and Oxford University.

One of them, Emmanuel Saez of the University of California, Berkeley, said the incomes of the richest Americans might have surged last year in part because they cashed in stock holdings to avoid higher capital gains taxes that took effect in January.

Last year, the incomes of the top 1 percent rose 19.6 percent compared with a 1 percent increase for the remaining 99 percent.

What else can be said, the powerful line their pockets while chastising and hurting workers.
Top 1 percent took record share of US income in 2012 - NBC

In terms of consequences for our nation, what impact does an increasing amount of wealth concentrated in the few have on our future?

none- since the wealth has been in roughly the same brackets by average since 1922 and in that we are an upwardly mobile society.

Our upward mobility is going down. It still exists, but it's not what it used to be.
More education
More Infrastructure
More tech development
More science

More money for the poor and middle class. This is how we do it....
In terms of consequences for our nation, what impact does an increasing amount of wealth concentrated in the few have on our future?

none- since the wealth has been in roughly the same brackets by average since 1922 and in that we are an upwardly mobile society.

Our upward mobility is going down. It still exists, but it's not what it used to be.

isn't ObamaNation great...if you voted for him blame yourself
Actually I'm an independent who likes small government. Too much inequality is counter to that.

No, you are not an independent. Independents know that income inequality is NORMAL and even GOOD.

Unless you want to be a part of a labor camp :D

Some yes, just not the gross amounts we have now. In the 70s CEOs made 30x the average worker, that's inequality. Now doing the same job they make 300x the average worker, gross inequality. Can you not grasp the difference?

I also see that inequality grows government. Do you like big government?

No, because an average worker should not be compared to CEO.

and one can not compare only income for a particular year, one has to compare the WEALTH, as already have been stated, and that has stayed about the same for the last 40 years or so.

it is you, who likes big government, therefore you parrot those lies about "income inequality"

Wealth, Income, and Power- G. William Domhoff, University of California

pretty constant despite all of the recessions a depression etc.....

bottom 99 top 1
1922 63.30% 36.70%
1929 55.80% 44.20%
1933 66.70% 33.30%
1939 63.60% 36.40%
1945 70.20% 29.80%
1949 72.90% 27.10%
1953 68.80% 31.20%
1962 68.20% 31.80%
1965 65.60% 34.40%
1969 68.90% 31.10%
1972 70.90% 29.10%
1976 80.10% 19.90%
1979 79.50% 20.50%
1981 75.20% 24.80%
1983 69.10% 30.90%
1986 68.10% 31.90%
1989 64.30% 35.70%
1992 62.80% 37.20%
1995 61.50% 38.50%
1998 61.90% 38.10%
2001 66.60% 33.40%
2004 65.70% 34.30%
2007 65.40% 34.60%
2012 64.60% 35.40%

average 67.49% 32.51%
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No, you are not an independent. Independents know that income inequality is NORMAL and even GOOD.

Unless you want to be a part of a labor camp :D

Some yes, just not the gross amounts we have now. In the 70s CEOs made 30x the average worker, that's inequality. Now doing the same job they make 300x the average worker, gross inequality. Can you not grasp the difference?

I also see that inequality grows government. Do you like big government?

No, because an average worker should not be compared to CEO.

and one can not compare only income for a particular year, one has to compare the WEALTH, as already have been stated, and that has stayed about the same for the last 40 years or so.

it is you, who likes big government, therefore you parrot those lies about "income inequality"

Wealth, Income, and Power- G. William Domhoff, University of California

pretty constant despite all of the recessions a depression etc.....

bottom 99 top 1
1922 63.30% 36.70%
1929 55.80% 44.20%
1933 66.70% 33.30%
1939 63.60% 36.40%
1945 70.20% 29.80%
1949 72.90% 27.10%
1953 68.80% 31.20%
1962 68.20% 31.80%
1965 65.60% 34.40%
1969 68.90% 31.10%
1972 70.90% 29.10%
1976 80.10% 19.90%
1979 79.50% 20.50%
1981 75.20% 24.80%
1983 69.10% 30.90%
1986 68.10% 31.90%
1989 64.30% 35.70%
1992 62.80% 37.20%
1995 61.50% 38.50%
1998 61.90% 38.10%
2001 66.60% 33.40%
2004 65.70% 34.30%
2007 65.40% 34.60%
2012 64.60% 35.40%

average 67.49% 32.51%

Distribution of wealth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It can and should be compared actually. It shows how ridiculous inequality has become. Are you so dense you can't see how inequality increases the size of government?
All the USMB Republicans think they are part of the 1%.

I find that too funny for words.

Here is a typical USMB Right winger:

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The corperation is the single most important development coming from the industrial revolution.

The ability to mass produce, employ large sections of society and innovation like we couldn't do 250 years ago.

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