Top 1 percent took record share of US income in 2012

The corperation is the single most important development coming from the industrial revolution.

The ability to mass produce, employ large sections of society and innovation like we couldn't do 250 years ago.

I don't think anyone would say they are bad.
So, which libertarian ideal do you want to discuss
In this thread, that wealth redistribution isn't the job of government and isn't working and is actually harming us.

Winston Churchill: The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal distribution of blessings. The inherent virtue of socialism is the equal distribution of misery.

The more you meddle, the worse off we are.

Ayn Rand didn't create libertarianism. Sure, I agree with her on a lot of things, but that isn't what you said. I have no interest in defending the hyperbole you stuck in my mouth.

Then, let us know why we should pay any attention to anyone who says they are libertarians, when libertarians themselves can not name a successful libertarian economy

I can name one that isn't succeeding, the tax and spend liberal policies that have driven our economy into the ground and won't let it up. Maybe we should try a different approach other than government trying to solve our problems for us as all it keeps doing is proving it can't solve our problems.

You will notice a common pattern with people like Kaz. They cant tell you what they are for they can only tell you what they dont like, dont want, dont approve of.

They are the Anti's. They are Anti everything but cant seem to express what they support even when you give them open ended questions

You'll notice a common pattern with people like ClosedCaption. They can't tell you what government hasn't screwed up and made worse, but they won't shut up about the next government program they want and that government should confiscate money at the point of a gun to do it because they think it's a good idea even though nothing else they ever thought before worked.
Has anyone mentioned 'Job Ceator' in this thread yet, or is that meme out of favour now?
So, which libertarian ideal do you want to discuss
In this thread, that wealth redistribution isn't the job of government and isn't working and is actually harming us.

Winston Churchill: The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal distribution of blessings. The inherent virtue of socialism is the equal distribution of misery.

The more you meddle, the worse off we are.

But the overarching issue, Kaz, is that you are backing an economic thought that came to the front as a result of the writings of Ayn Rand
Ayn Rand didn't create libertarianism. Sure, I agree with her on a lot of things, but that isn't what you said. I have no interest in defending the hyperbole you stuck in my mouth.

Then, let us know why we should pay any attention to anyone who says they are libertarians, when libertarians themselves can not name a successful libertarian economy

I can name one that isn't succeeding, the tax and spend liberal policies that have driven our economy into the ground and won't let it up. Maybe we should try a different approach other than government trying to solve our problems for us as all it keeps doing is proving it can't solve our problems.
So lets see what Kaz, the libertarian, is trying to say:
In this thread, that wealth redistribution isn't the job of government and isn't working and is actually harming us.
Hmm. Income redistribution. Want to try to prove that bit of bs, me economic idiot. As the wealthy have gotten wealthier for the past 35 years, getting a larger and larger piece of the pie???
So, yes. There has been wealth redistribution, me boy. From the middle class to the wealthy. I am truly happy to see you see that as wrong. And here I thought you had libertarian ideals.
I did notice you forgot to prove the whole wealth redistribution thing. Here, let me help you:

Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened - Bloomberg

In the U.S., the Rich Are Getting Richer While the Poor Get Poorer - ABC News

The Rich Are Getting Richer And Everyone Else Is Getting Hosed - Business Insider

State of Working America preview: The rich get richer | Economic Policy Institute

Haves and have nots: America's rich get richer

A Look at the Numbers: How the Rich Get Richer | Mother Jones

In This Recovery, the Rich Get Richer | Smart Charts, What Matters Today |

Why the Rich Are Getting Richer | Foreign Affairs

Now, Kaz, me boy, I suspect you are a bit out of your element. Your element being, of course, the bat shit crazy con sites libertarians live in. But I am simply trying to help you to see reality. I suspect you are not going to leave your comfort zone (ignorance) to actually learn something.

Quote: Originally Posted by Rshermr View Post
But the overarching issue, Kaz, is that you are backing an economic thought that came to the front as a result of the writings of Ayn Rand
To which poor ole kaz states:
Ayn Rand didn't create libertarianism. Sure, I agree with her on a lot of things, but that isn't what you said. I have no interest in defending the hyperbole you stuck in my mouth.
First, I did not say that Ayn created libertarianism. If you were capable of actual thought, you would have noticed I said she was responsible for bringing it to the front. It had been around for a century or so before, going nowhere.
Second, I put nothing in your mouth. Check out what you have in it. And keep it to yourself. I really do not want to know.

Then Kaz, quoting from the bat shit crazy con web sites again, tries the one about really high tax rates?
I can name one that isn't succeeding, the tax and spend liberal policies that have driven our economy into the ground and won't let it up. Maybe we should try a different approach other than government trying to solve our problems for us as all it keeps doing is proving it can't solve our problems.

Now, this is really, really an ignorant statement. Any proof that taxes have been increasing??? Or are you just hearing the echoes again. Now, you may want to remove your head from your ass.
Should you care to learn, taxes during this particular democratic administration (Obama) are lower than at any time since the 1940's. Everyone except those that live in the bat shit crazy con web sites know that, me boy. That is, the rational world. Too bad you missed it.

Now, me boy, try to pay attention. This source traces income taxes primarily. For all tax rates. Ant that would be the tax rate PAID by all tax rates. So, of course, your statement is wrong. As one would expect from a libertarian. Check it out:
Here?s the US tax rate on your income for every year since 1913 ? Quartz

So, there you go me boy. By the way, if you look at spending over time, repubs have been much larger spenders. I can prove that if you would like. But I am getting rather tired of trying to educate you.

And, I see you do not have a successful libertarian economy that you can name. Now, that would be bothersome to a rational person. But I am sure it is not to you. Because you simply believe what you are told, right there in black and white on those bat shit crazy con web sites. But remember, it is not your fault. Delusion is a mental illness. It is truly not your fault. Just plain bad luck.
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I put nothing in your mouth

You stated what my views of Ayn Rand when I hadn't mentioned her. Basically little boy I have two modes. I'll discuss an issue or I'll banter. You're too intellectually shallow to do the former and you're too playground to do the latter. You just write shallow points laden with insults. I post for fun. You're boring as shit.
Some yes, just not the gross amounts we have now. In the 70s CEOs made 30x the average worker, that's inequality. Now doing the same job they make 300x the average worker, gross inequality. Can you not grasp the difference?

I also see that inequality grows government. Do you like big government?

No, because an average worker should not be compared to CEO.

and one can not compare only income for a particular year, one has to compare the WEALTH, as already have been stated, and that has stayed about the same for the last 40 years or so.

it is you, who likes big government, therefore you parrot those lies about "income inequality"

Wealth, Income, and Power- G. William Domhoff, University of California

pretty constant despite all of the recessions a depression etc.....

bottom 99 top 1
1922 63.30% 36.70%
1929 55.80% 44.20%
1933 66.70% 33.30%
1939 63.60% 36.40%
1945 70.20% 29.80%
1949 72.90% 27.10%
1953 68.80% 31.20%
1962 68.20% 31.80%
1965 65.60% 34.40%
1969 68.90% 31.10%
1972 70.90% 29.10%
1976 80.10% 19.90%
1979 79.50% 20.50%
1981 75.20% 24.80%
1983 69.10% 30.90%
1986 68.10% 31.90%
1989 64.30% 35.70%
1992 62.80% 37.20%
1995 61.50% 38.50%
1998 61.90% 38.10%
2001 66.60% 33.40%
2004 65.70% 34.30%
2007 65.40% 34.60%
2012 64.60% 35.40%

average 67.49% 32.51%

Distribution of wealth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It can and should be compared actually. It shows how ridiculous inequality has become. Are you so dense you can't see how inequality increases the size of government?

How does this data "show how ridiculous inequality has become?" 2012 wealth is 1.3% LESS in the hands of the top 1% than it was in 1922.

The significant change happened in 1976-1979, and had nothing to do with smaller government.

The corperation is the single most important development coming from the industrial revolution.

The ability to mass produce, employ large sections of society and innovation like we couldn't do 250 years ago.

And corporations don't go to jail, or almost never. The Koch Brothers were convicted of stealing oil off of government land and paid a fine. Good thing they didn't go to jail because they continue to fund right wing propaganda and they get 501c4 deductions to boot. That wasn't allowed to come out in the IRS scandal a couple of months ago.
Analysis shows that income of the top 1% has grown to the highest in the past 100 years, as a percentage of total incoe. That would be, of course, since 1913:

The top 1% of earners in the U.S. pulled in 19.3% of total household income in 2012, which is their biggest slice of total income in more than 100 years, according to a an analysis by economists at the University of California, Berkeley and the Paris School of Economics at Oxford University.

The richest Americans haven't claimed this large of a slice of total wealth since 1927, when the group claimed 18.7%. The analysis is based on data from Internal Revenue Service data.

Now, if you have any understanding at all of economics, you may what was just about to happen last time the income of the wealthiest 1% got that high. Remember the great depression????

In a separate analysis, Saez found the top 1% of earnings posted 86% real income growth between 1993 and 2000. Meanwhile, the real income growth of the bottom 99% of earnings rose 6.6%.

Sorry, but the wealthy are taking the greatest piece of the pie since the very early 1900's. Which seems to make some very happy. Those in that group including some of the very wealthy, and the totally ignorant.

If you look at the time since the great recession of 2007, the percent of the actual real income growth has been 93% to the upper 1%, and 7% to the other 99% of americans.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened - Bloomberg
So, if you like it, great. If you are rational, you may actually see the problem.
I put nothing in your mouth

You stated what my views of Ayn Rand when I hadn't mentioned her. Basically little boy I have two modes. I'll discuss an issue or I'll banter. You're too intellectually shallow to do the former and you're too playground to do the latter. You just write shallow points laden with insults. I post for fun. You're boring as shit.
Basically, me poor ignorant con tool, you have one mode. Ignorance.
You are not capable of conversation, because you simply post opinion based on what you want to believe. And, me poor ignorant con, what you WANT to believe has nothing to do with reality.
Sorry. No links means to all that you have no backing for what you post. Just con dogma.
In other words, simply your opinion. And you must know how much everyone respects your opinion.
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In this thread, that wealth redistribution isn't the job of government and isn't working and is actually harming us.

Winston Churchill: The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal distribution of blessings. The inherent virtue of socialism is the equal distribution of misery.

The more you meddle, the worse off we are.

Ayn Rand didn't create libertarianism. Sure, I agree with her on a lot of things, but that isn't what you said. I have no interest in defending the hyperbole you stuck in my mouth.

I can name one that isn't succeeding, the tax and spend liberal policies that have driven our economy into the ground and won't let it up. Maybe we should try a different approach other than government trying to solve our problems for us as all it keeps doing is proving it can't solve our problems.

You will notice a common pattern with people like Kaz. They cant tell you what they are for they can only tell you what they dont like, dont want, dont approve of.

They are the Anti's. They are Anti everything but cant seem to express what they support even when you give them open ended questions

You'll notice a common pattern with people like ClosedCaption. They can't tell you what government hasn't screwed up and made worse, but they won't shut up about the next government program they want and that government should confiscate money at the point of a gun to do it because they think it's a good idea even though nothing else they ever thought before worked.

The FDA...and also you couldn't find one example of what you just said about me above. That's what happens when your entire argument is based on strawmen

Your turn....What are you for?
The FDA...and also you couldn't find one example of what you just said about me above. That's what happens when your entire argument is based on strawmen

Strawmen, funny. You said what you didn't mean you didn't say you said you didn't say. However, what about the FDA makes you believe we're getting our money's worth?

Your turn....What are you for?

I've started a plethora of threads to discuss that, here's one.
Corporations, the boogeyman of the left:muahaha:...the brainwashed with these people is scary...they think everyone and every business in this country OWES them something...this is the sad state of the citizenry in this country today and if they don't get it they see no problem with getting it from the Taxpayers through daddy guberment

this will be our downfall
Corporations, the boogeyman of the left:muahaha:...the brainwashed with these people is scary...they think everyone and every business in this country OWES them something...this is the sad state of the citizenry in this country today and if they don't get it they see no problem with getting it from the Taxpayers through daddy guberment

this will be our downfall
And another brilliant economic argument. At least in the mind of the con making it. Opinion is of no value. Having an opinion is like having an ass hole. Everyone has one. Including stephanie. (Look in back, where you put your head.)
I find it funny that cons are unable to back up their drivel with facts. Just a mental problem. Dipshit.
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Corporations, the boogeyman of the left:muahaha:...the brainwashed with these people is scary...they think everyone and every business in this country OWES them something...this is the sad state of the citizenry in this country today and if they don't get it they see no problem with getting it from the Taxpayers through daddy guberment

this will be our downfall
Wow. Another profound economic argument from another brain dead con. Your opinion is worthless. All are, especially from those with absolutely NO background. You see, opinions are like ass holes. You know, where you keep your head.

Funny how cons can be convinced that they understand something based on the bat shit crazy con web sites that they live in.
Here. This may help:
Stupid con studies:

University Study Shows People With Lower IQ's Are Political Conservatives
University Study Shows People With Lower IQ's Are Political Conservatives

Brock University Study Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice | Racism, Bias & Politics | Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology | LiveScience

New Study Reveals That Stupidity Can Make You Conservative And Racist

U of Arkansas study Study ?Proves? Conservatism Linked To Stupidity - The Ulsterman Report

British Cohort study Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study - and conservative politics can lead people to be racist | Mail Online

LiveScience study Social conservatives have a lower I.Q.? (probably) - Gene Expression |

Watching Fox makes you stupid Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid | Jillian Rayfield | Politics News | Rolling Stone
Corporations, the boogeyman of the left:muahaha:...the brainwashed with these people is scary...they think everyone and every business in this country OWES them something...this is the sad state of the citizenry in this country today and if they don't get it they see no problem with getting it from the Taxpayers through daddy guberment

this will be our downfall

Wow. Another profound economic argument from another brain dead con. Your opinion is worthless. All are, especially from those with absolutely NO background. You see, opinions are like ass holes. You know, where you keep your head. Because everyone has one.

Funny how cons can be convinced that they understand something based on the bat shit crazy con web sites that they live in.
Here. They seem incapable of understanding the whole concept of impartiality.

Here. This may help you:

Stupid con studies:

University Study Shows People With Lower IQ's Are Political Conservatives
University Study Shows People With Lower IQ's Are Political Conservatives

Brock University Study Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice | Racism, Bias & Politics | Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology | LiveScience

New Study Reveals That Stupidity Can Make You Conservative And Racist

U of Arkansas study Study ?Proves? Conservatism Linked To Stupidity - The Ulsterman Report

British Cohort study Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study - and conservative politics can lead people to be racist | Mail Online

LiveScience study Social conservatives have a lower I.Q.? (probably) - Gene Expression |

Watching Fox makes you stupid Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid | Jillian Rayfield | Politics News | Rolling Stone
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Corporations, the boogeyman of the left:muahaha:...the brainwashed with these people is scary...they think everyone and every business in this country OWES them something...this is the sad state of the citizenry in this country today and if they don't get it they see no problem with getting it from the Taxpayers through daddy guberment

this will be our downfall

Wow. Another profound economic argument from another brain dead con. Your opinion is worthless. All are, especially from those with absolutely NO background. You see, opinions are like ass holes. You know, where you keep your head. Because everyone has one.

Funny how cons can be convinced that they understand something based on the bat shit crazy con web sites that they live in.
Here. They seem incapable of understanding the whole concept of impartiality.

Here. This may help you:

Stupid con studies:

University Study Shows People With Lower IQ's Are Political Conservatives
University Study Shows People With Lower IQ's Are Political Conservatives

Brock University Study Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice | Racism, Bias & Politics | Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology | LiveScience

New Study Reveals That Stupidity Can Make You Conservative And Racist

U of Arkansas study Study ?Proves? Conservatism Linked To Stupidity - The Ulsterman Report

British Cohort study Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study - and conservative politics can lead people to be racist | Mail Online

LiveScience study Social conservatives have a lower I.Q.? (probably) - Gene Expression |

Watching Fox makes you stupid Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid | Jillian Rayfield | Politics News | Rolling Stone

you should get that touretts checked's making you look dumb and you post a bunch of links, the only thing it shows is you are a PARROT and need others to do your thinking for you....try growing up and get out of the bubble you reside in and get into the REAL WORLD and stop being a sheep who can lead around by the nose...
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I just got back from a presentation on a proposed graduated tax for the state of Illinois. A local Democrat legislator (not even from our district) began her talk with a Youtube video cartoon about the evil rich people. She made a few comments, then turned it over to her economist mouthpiece.

When it was over I asked why the Illinois Chamber of Commerce opposes the graduated tax, and the reply was "their stance is ideological - they just don't want a tax increase".

To which I replied - I saw nothing humorous or educational in that cartoon video. I did however see a slick piece of propaganda promoting class warfare.

I was a goddamn circus sideshow.
I just got back from a presentation on a proposed graduated tax for the state of Illinois. A local Democrat legislator (not even from our district) began her talk with a Youtube video cartoon about the evil rich people. She made a few comments, then turned it over to her economist mouthpiece.

When it was over I asked why the Illinois Chamber of Commerce opposes the graduated tax, and the reply was "their stance is ideological - they just don't want a tax increase".

To which I replied - I saw nothing humorous or educational in that cartoon video. I did however see a slick piece of propaganda promoting class warfare.

I was a goddamn circus sideshow.

they are slick propagandist and would sell their grandmothers a bag of shit if they could..but that's Illinois for you...I was raised there left in my 20's and haven't looked back...horrible corrupted government
snakes all of them
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It's unbelievable to me that so many people think it's not getting worse and others think it doesn't matter. Where is common sense?

Total net worth for the bottom 80% has gone from 18.7% in 1983 to 11.1% in 2010. That is not good.


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