Top 1 percent took record share of US income in 2012

CEOs have gone from being paid 30x the average worker to 300x everyone should agree that is ridiculous.

The government does and always will take care of these people. Just a fact. Just more corporate welfare.

I pay a lot of taxes I assure you.

Obamacare is corporate welfare. I had to say that out loud to see if it would be even funnier. It was!

Ironic you're quoting Stephanie with her fantasy island avatar...

Corporations have stopped giving proper benefits and so now the government is stuck with the bill. Pretty simple even an idiot... Oh maybe not.

corporations never owed you it's only people like you who believe they should live off the backs of others, be it corporations or the TAXPAYERS (nanny guberment) who WE FUND
Learn what libertarian actually is and get back to me
Surprise!!! A typical libertarian response

When you tell libertarians what we think and we're wrong, it's typical for us to tell you that you don't know what you're talking about. Thanks for letting me know, I would never have guessed that.

As for the rest of your ranting, it makes no difference since you're not accurately addressing what I think, so I'm not going to bother addressing points that don't apply to anything but your misconceptions.

It does crack me up how liberals always tell me how intelligent you are. Republicans other than socons in my experience generally have little trouble understanding what my views are and that I'm not Republican or Democrat. Democrats are just clueless though, you can't even state my views much less address them. And you think that makes you even MORE intelligent. At least you're a hoot.
So, which libertarian ideal do you want to discuss. There are enough that guessing which you adhere to takes more time and energy than it is worth. If you want to put one up, go ahead.

But the overarching issue, Kaz, is that you are backing an economic thought that came to the front as a result of the writings of Ayn Rand. And, me boy, that author and her writings, and resultant movies, are exactly what is being pushed by the supporters of the tea party movement. So, seperate yourself if you would like from Rand, and try to explain what is left that you support that makes you a self admitted libertarian.

Then, let us know why we should pay any attention to anyone who says they are libertarians, when libertarians themselves can not name a successful libertarian economy. And, then, why some libertarians are trying to create man made islands which they can then run as libertarian economies. To those in the rational world, that is just plain NUTS. The basic fact that libertarianism has never resulted in a successful national economy tells it all.
So, which libertarian ideal do you want to discuss
In this thread, that wealth redistribution isn't the job of government and isn't working and is actually harming us.

Winston Churchill: The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal distribution of blessings. The inherent virtue of socialism is the equal distribution of misery.

The more you meddle, the worse off we are.

But the overarching issue, Kaz, is that you are backing an economic thought that came to the front as a result of the writings of Ayn Rand
Ayn Rand didn't create libertarianism. Sure, I agree with her on a lot of things, but that isn't what you said. I have no interest in defending the hyperbole you stuck in my mouth.

Then, let us know why we should pay any attention to anyone who says they are libertarians, when libertarians themselves can not name a successful libertarian economy

I can name one that isn't succeeding, the tax and spend liberal policies that have driven our economy into the ground and won't let it up. Maybe we should try a different approach other than government trying to solve our problems for us as all it keeps doing is proving it can't solve our problems.
Obamacare is corporate welfare. I had to say that out loud to see if it would be even funnier. It was!

Ironic you're quoting Stephanie with her fantasy island avatar...

Corporations have stopped giving proper benefits and so now the government is stuck with the bill. Pretty simple even an idiot... Oh maybe not.

corporations never owed you it's only people like you who believe they should live off the backs of others, be it corporations or the TAXPAYERS (nanny guberment) who WE FUND

You need to check into reality. Owed or not it is the reality. Corporations used to give proper healthcare and retirement. Now while executives make tons, workers get bad or no benefits. Now government is stepping in. How do you think we got obamacare?
Corporations have stopped giving proper benefits and so now the government is stuck with the bill. Pretty simple even an idiot... Oh maybe not.

corporations never owed you it's only people like you who believe they should live off the backs of others, be it corporations or the TAXPAYERS (nanny guberment) who WE FUND

You need to check into reality. Owed or not it is the reality. Corporations used to give proper healthcare and retirement. Now while executives make tons, workers get bad or no benefits. Now government is stepping in. How do you think we got obamacare?

yeah well, they got tired of beggars like you who did nothing but whine about it no matter what they did, thanks for ruining it for all of us
and what would you know of reality..
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Corporations have stopped giving proper benefits and so now the government is stuck with the bill. Pretty simple even an idiot... Oh maybe not.

corporations never owed you it's only people like you who believe they should live off the backs of others, be it corporations or the TAXPAYERS (nanny guberment) who WE FUND

You need to check into reality. Owed or not it is the reality. Corporations used to give proper healthcare and retirement. Now while executives make tons, workers get bad or no benefits. Now government is stepping in. How do you think we got obamacare?
Businesses made free market agreements with their employees to reduce the cost of their health care by offering pooling.

Government decided to pin health care on us and drove the cost through the roof and we are stopping offering it.

And you're blaming us for this? I am a business owner, I bought three businesses and merged them. Two had group policies, I canceled them both. I provide a fixed amount based on the role people play in my company, as most employers are considering and many are doing.

You're the problem, you and your greed that killed a good thing.
if you "POOR" people here are so damned jealous of the rich, get your lazy asses out there in this free country and earn the ability to become one of the 1%.., and quit your bitching about the rich......., most of them EARNED it..., do you whiners know what the word EARNED means ??

look it up, you just MIGHT learn something :up:

meanwhile our "poor" own flat screen TV, have internet access, booze, cigs and weed.

Our "poor" are not all that poor. It's those in the middle that bust their asses for evetryone else

We fully understand that you would like to reduce the working people of this nation to one room for a family of four, and just enough money left over from the wages of both parents working to meet minimum nutrition standards. We saw what people like you want at Blair Mountain and Ludlow.
Nothing you said has anything to do with what I said.

I'm retired with 2 pensions, a home that's paid for, no debt, and full medical coverage.

Are you?

Your lucky, companies don't give pensions or health insurance into retirement anymore. They had to give those up so executives could make ridiculous salaries. Now the government has to take care of people who are retired. And conservatives support this growth of government.

really, because of their "ridiculous" salaries...and who is the JUDGE of what is RIDUCLOUS salaries the government HAS TO TAKE care of people huh?
how much do us TAXPAYERS put out to take of you?


You are ridiculous
The gulf between the richest 1% of the USA and the rest of the country got to its widest level in history last year.

The top 1% of earners in the U.S. pulled in 19.3% of total household income in 2012, which is their biggest slice of total income in more than 100 years, according to a an analysis by economists at the University of California, Berkeley and the Paris School of Economics at Oxford University.

The richest Americans haven't claimed this large of a slice of total wealth since 1927, when the group claimed 18.7%. The analysis is based on data from Internal Revenue Service data.

Well, they need bigger ear muffs to keep from hearing from today's loudmouthed leftists. That costs a whole buncha money. :muahaha:
if you "POOR" people here are so damned jealous of the rich, get your lazy asses out there in this free country and earn the ability to become one of the 1%.., and quit your bitching about the rich......., most of them EARNED it..., do you whiners know what the word EARNED means ??

look it up, you just MIGHT learn something :up:

meanwhile our "poor" own flat screen TV, have internet access, booze, cigs and weed.

Our "poor" are not all that poor. It's those in the middle that bust their asses for evetryone else

We fully understand that you would like to reduce the working people of this nation to one room for a family of four, and just enough money left over from the wages of both parents working to meet minimum nutrition standards. We saw what people like you want at Blair Mountain and Ludlow.

Your belief that people have what they have because of government is delusional.
corporations never owed you it's only people like you who believe they should live off the backs of others, be it corporations or the TAXPAYERS (nanny guberment) who WE FUND

You need to check into reality. Owed or not it is the reality. Corporations used to give proper healthcare and retirement. Now while executives make tons, workers get bad or no benefits. Now government is stepping in. How do you think we got obamacare?

Corporations made free market agreements with their employees to reduce the cost of their health care by offering pooling.

Government decided to pin health care on us and drove the cost through the roof and we are stopping offering it.

And you're blaming us for this? I am a business owner, I bought three businesses and merged them. Two had group policies, I canceled them both. I provide a fixed amount based on the role people play in my company, as most employers are considering and many are doing.

Dumb ass, the cost of health care under the GOP rose at the rate of 13.2% per annum under Bush. Thus far, under Obama, it has risen at the rate of 5.8% per annum. In real money terms, that meant comparing the five years of Obama, your 2009 healthcare that cost a dollar now costs 1.25. Under Bush, your 2001 dollar of healthcare cost 1.64 five years later. That represent 250% more in five years under Bush than under Obama.

Well, by God, I would not work for you. If you don't have good health care, the hell with you.
You need to check into reality. Owed or not it is the reality. Corporations used to give proper healthcare and retirement. Now while executives make tons, workers get bad or no benefits. Now government is stepping in. How do you think we got obamacare?

Corporations made free market agreements with their employees to reduce the cost of their health care by offering pooling.

Government decided to pin health care on us and drove the cost through the roof and we are stopping offering it.

And you're blaming us for this? I am a business owner, I bought three businesses and merged them. Two had group policies, I canceled them both. I provide a fixed amount based on the role people play in my company, as most employers are considering and many are doing.

Dumb ass, the cost of health care under the GOP rose at the rate of 13.2% per annum under Bush. Thus far, under Obama, it has risen at the rate of 5.8% per annum. In real money terms, that meant comparing the five years of Obama, your 2009 healthcare that cost a dollar now costs 1.25. Under Bush, your 2001 dollar of healthcare cost 1.64 five years later. That represent 250% more in five years under Bush than under Obama.
Dumb ass, I was talking about both parties.

Well, by God, I would not work for you. If you don't have good health care, the hell with you.

In the 5 years I've owned my business, the only person who quit was a part time employee who moved out of State, so apparently my employees don't think like you.

However, if you don't grasp that you're trying to get the most total compensation then working for me wouldn't work anyway. My style of management is to get good people and empower them. So I can spend my time on building the business and doing things like posting on message boards. If you're staring at your navel and don't look at the big picture, it'll never work, so I agree this isn't a fit for you.
Then quit crying, do what you need to do to better yourself so you can go get your money. Being envious of what others have will not fill the bellies of the useless.

Nothing you said has anything to do with what I said.

I'm retired with 2 pensions, a home that's paid for, no debt, and full medical coverage.

Are you?

Your lucky, companies don't give pensions or health insurance into retirement anymore. They had to give those up so executives could make ridiculous salaries. Now the government has to take care of people who are retired. And conservatives support this growth of government.

conservatives believe in getting what we paid for.

liberals believe in getting what someone else paid for
if you "POOR" people here are so damned jealous of the rich, get your lazy asses out there in this free country and earn the ability to become one of the 1%.., and quit your bitching about the rich......., most of them EARNED it..., do you whiners know what the word EARNED means ??

look it up, you just MIGHT learn something :up:

meanwhile our "poor" own flat screen TV, have internet access, booze, cigs and weed.

Our "poor" are not all that poor. It's those in the middle that bust their asses for evetryone else

We fully understand that you would like to reduce the working people of this nation to one room for a family of four, and just enough money left over from the wages of both parents working to meet minimum nutrition standards. We saw what people like you want at Blair Mountain and Ludlow.

then why are the poor so overweight?

how can they afford cell phones, computers, booze, cigs, weed etc ?
Watching fat head Ed Shultz tonight and the panel was discussing the NYC Mayorial
primary and the usual Liberal suspects were pushing a transaction tax on the wealthy.
They want to "take" from the wealthy and "give" to some social program...

But the bigger issue I have is with one of the guests crying that people can't afford the average
$3000.00 price for housing in NYC and how that's not right.

Are you fucking people kidding me.
I make a good wage and can't afford to live in NYC so I don't.
But the Liberal mindset is that it's not "fair" that everyone can't live in NYC so we need to make it fair
and take money from the wealthy to give it to people so they can live in the big City.
Then went on to say if people want to live in NYC they should be given the means to be able to do that
and not be forced to live in the outer areas.
Watching fat head Ed Shultz tonight and the panel was discussing the NYC Mayorial
primary and the usual Liberal suspects were pushing a transaction tax on the wealthy.
They want to "take" from the wealthy and "give" to some social program...

But the bigger issue I have is with one of the guests crying that people can't afford the average
$3000.00 price for housing in NYC and how that's not right.

Are you fucking people kidding me.
I make a good wage and can't afford to live in NYC so I don't.
But the Liberal mindset is that it's not "fair" that everyone can't live in NYC so we need to make it fair
and take money from the wealthy to give it to people so they can live in the big City.
Then went on to say if people want to live in NYC they should be given the means to be able to do that
and not be forced to live in the outer areas.

So one guest on the NYC primary mayoral candidate primary panel=the liberal mindset.

Got it!
What the Right does not know, or want to know, is the historical consequences of a dramatic inbalance between the rich and the poor in a society.

I would suggest that they take a look at French History in 1787. If that does not compute, look at Russian history in 1914. perhaps Cuban history in 1959 would help. Better yet, consider Mexico in 1810. Still not enough? Check out the history of every nation in South and Central America, where the poor were exploited by the wealthy Spaniards and Portugese. How about India's fight for independence from Great Britain?

Or, if you want something a little closer to home, consider the progressive movement that began with Teddy Roosevelt against the robber barons of the guilded age. J. P. Morgan was so rich that he almost singlehandedly had the financial clout to save the entire economic system in America from collapse in 1895. Had he been a dictatorial type of man, like Hitler or Stalan, he would have had the power to take over the entire government of the USA.
That's why I never put Dean or Wry on ignore. They serve as a reminder of what a mind filled with hate, envy and ignorance sounds like

I don't care about other people's money, per se. I do care of its impact on my country, especially in terms of politics, polices and propaganda. Envy has no bearing on my opinions, I'm well set, I retired at age 56, have traveled extensively nationally and internationally, bought a home for one of my sons and his wife; paid off all of my other son's school loans and established IRA's for both (I match what each contributes per year).

I don't hate anyone, not even you CF, for you are the archetype of the callous conservative; to dumb or too lazy to think about problems or issues creatively you simply parrot those demagogues who appeal to you emotionally. Pity is the one emotion I have for you and Stephanie, Willow Tree and other simple members of the echo chamber.

Feel free to call me names, suggest I'm ignorant and label me a commie or libtard, it bothers me not at all. I'll keep on keeping on, offering my opinions and literally laughing at your responses. Someday you might post something of significance or even something thoughtful. On that day I'll giver you a positive rep. Until then I'll continue to laugh at and pity you.

Money made by one man is not taken from another man. Value is exchanged. Some have more things of value than others. Why is Michael Jordan a multi millionaire? Did he steal his money from coal miners and auto workers?

My guess is Michael Jordan didn't buy a member of Congress or pay for TV and Radio Ads which obscure the true nature of pending laws or policies to advantage himself, and to the disadvantage of the American People.

My guess is he didn't fund Freedom Works or The Heritage Foundation or fund other political organizations which protect their financial interests at the expense of the American People and our environment.

"Charles G. and David H. Koch are the sons of Fred C. Koch, who founded the second-largest privately held company in the United States, Koch Industries. After buying out two other brothers' interests, they remain in control of the family business and fortune which they inherited from their father, as well as the Koch Family Foundations.

"The brothers contribute a large amount of money to a variety of conservative, libertarian, and free-market individuals and organizations.[1] They have given more than $196 million to dozens of free-market and advocacy organizations.[1] Tax records indicate that, in 2008, the three main Koch family foundations contributed to 34 political and policy organizations, three of which they founded, and several of which they direct"

Do they have the right to do so, you betcha. As did Hitler when he invoked Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution.

Political activities of the Koch brothers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That's why I never put Dean or Wry on ignore. They serve as a reminder of what a mind filled with hate, envy and ignorance sounds like

I don't care about other people's money, per se. I do care of its impact on my country, especially in terms of politics, polices and propaganda. Envy has no bearing on my opinions, I'm well set, I retired at age 56, have traveled extensively nationally and internationally, bought a home for one of my sons and his wife; paid off all of my other son's school loans and established IRA's for both (I match what each contributes per year).

I don't hate anyone, not even you CF, for you are the archetype of the callous conservative; to dumb or too lazy to think about problems or issues creatively you simply parrot those demagogues who appeal to you emotionally. Pity is the one emotion I have for you and Stephanie, Willow Tree and other simple members of the echo chamber.

Feel free to call me names, suggest I'm ignorant and label me a commie or libtard, it bothers me not at all. I'll keep on keeping on, offering my opinions and literally laughing at your responses. Someday you might post something of significance or even something thoughtful. On that day I'll giver you a positive rep. Until then I'll continue to laugh at and pity you.

Money made by one man is not taken from another man. Value is exchanged. Some have more things of value than others. Why is Michael Jordan a multi millionaire? Did he steal his money from coal miners and auto workers?

My guess is Michael Jordan didn't buy a member of Congress or pay for TV and Radio Ads which obscure the true nature of pending laws or policies to advantage himself, and to the disadvantage of the American People.

My guess is he didn't fund Freedom Works or The Heritage Foundation or fund other political organizations which protected his financial interests at the expense of the American People and our environment.

"Charles G. and David H. Koch are the sons of Fred C. Koch, who founded the second-largest privately held company in the United States, Koch Industries. After buying out two other brothers' interests, they remain in control of the family business and fortune which they inherited from their father, as well as the Koch Family Foundations.

"The brothers contribute a large amount of money to a variety of conservative, libertarian, and free-market individuals and organizations.[1] They have given more than $196 million to dozens of free-market and advocacy organizations.[1] Tax records indicate that, in 2008, the three main Koch family foundations contributed to 34 political and policy organizations, three of which they founded, and several of which they direct"

Do they have the right to do so, you betcha. As did Hitler when he invoked Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution.

Political activities of the Koch brothers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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