Top 1 percent took record share of US income in 2012

You post opinions sans facts ("The problem is that liberals are weak and you want lots of reward for almost no effort") based on your hate for those who don't subscribe to your non pragmatic and emotion laden ideology.

Actually I gave the only fact in this discussion, it's you and your buds who are blowing opinion out of your posteriors.

The top 1% earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes. IRS data. The problem is what exactly? How much should they pay?

You are missing the entire point. No one disagrees with you that the top 1% pay most of the taxes. The problem is that all of the income gains in the last 30 years or so have gone almost exclusively to the top 1% and if this continues it can be detrimental to our society. If the top 1% is sharing 25-30 percent of income gains in this country and 300 million have to fight for the other 70% it can become an unstable situation. Just look throughout history and there are plenty of examples of empires and countries collapsing with income inequality being a major factor in that collapse. French Revolution, Russian Revolution, etc......An economic model that allows the richest members of society to accumulate a larger and larger share of the cake will eventually self-destruct. It is a lesson that is yet to be learned.
While I basically agree, a couple of points:
1. Cons have no understanding of economic history. They get their beliefs from bat shit crazy con web sites and fox. Not the fact based world. So, any hope that they would have of understanding that national economies that led the world died as a result of income inequality is gravely incorrect. They only know what they are told. Makes life so much easier. They would have to actually read, and perhaps study, to understand truth as the fact based world understands it. Simpler to simply get their "facts" from those that actually gain from getting the to follow, blindly.

2. It is not that the top 1% are getting 25 -30% of income gains. It is that the top 1% are getting around 93% of income gains. As studies are now proving. Consider an actual study (sorry, cons, look up the word study so you can follow along) published by an impartial (sorry again, cons, for the same reason. Again, look it up) source:
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened - Bloomberg

Thing is, of course, that cons simply think it is a good thing. Because they have been told it is. Just remember. They are ignorant. Not their fault, though. Just simple bad luck.
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Here is a quote h/t Dutch from the other thread on this. No rw'er responded. Every rw'er ignored it. No rw'er will touch it

I love when you keep reposting this. Why would anyone but a liberal want to join your liberal circle jerk of sweeping statements and made up statistics? Let's just agree to keep our hands out of each other's pants...

I love the way you keep ignoring it and calling me names like someone who has nothing to offer

I mocked the vacuous, unsupported claims as unsupported liberal dogma and told you two major assets they didn'include, but show me the quote I called you names.
Learn what libertarian actually is and get back to me
Surprise!!! A typical libertarian response

When you tell libertarians what we think and we're wrong, it's typical for us to tell you that you don't know what you're talking about. Thanks for letting me know, I would never have guessed that.

As for the rest of your ranting, it makes no difference since you're not accurately addressing what I think, so I'm not going to bother addressing points that don't apply to anything but your misconceptions.

It does crack me up how liberals always tell me how intelligent you are. Republicans other than socons in my experience generally have little trouble understanding what my views are and that I'm not Republican or Democrat. Democrats are just clueless though, you can't even state my views much less address them. And you think that makes you even MORE intelligent. At least you're a hoot.
It's an incredibly weak individual who uses the income of another as an excuse for their own failures, or the failures of anyone else who has their health.

Money is power. Money concentrated in the hands of a few puts the power in the hands of a few.

Money creates power, and those with the money, and thus the power, use the power to concentrate the money, and the power, even further, into the hands of even fewer.

Democratic government is the only force in the universe that has the capability to peacefully oppose that cycle of money and power.

Choose wisely when you choose which to be ruled by.

Then quit crying, do what you need to do to better yourself so you can go get your money. Being envious of what others have will not fill the bellies of the useless.
It's a myopic idiot that doesn't see the ever increasing income inequality in the United States as a fucking problem.

US Inequality Now Literally Off the Chart


Keep using that excuse if you want, I don't give a fuck, the income of another has no impact on my life, none, not a bit, zip, nadda.

You's going to matter a great deal to everyone.

Do you know what happens in societies where the income inequality gets out of control like it is here?

About the same thing happens as when 2/3 of a society EXPECTS the other 1/3 to carry their water and wipe their ass for them.
Learn what libertarian actually is and get back to me
Surprise!!! A typical libertarian response

When you tell libertarians what we think and we're wrong, it's typical for us to tell you that you don't know what you're talking about. Thanks for letting me know, I would never have guessed that.

As for the rest of your ranting, it makes no difference since you're not accurately addressing what I think, so I'm not going to bother addressing points that don't apply to anything but your misconceptions.

It does crack me up how liberals always tell me how intelligent you are. Republicans other than socons in my experience generally have little trouble understanding what my views are and that I'm not Republican or Democrat. Democrats are just clueless though, you can't even state my views much less address them. And you think that makes you even MORE intelligent. At least you're a hoot.

Libertarians are generally idealists, in the same class as utopians, who are given to impractical or unrealistic schemes of governance. At least that's how I view your thinking. Maybe Democrats like me are clueless, or maybe you can't provide a concise and clear example of our nation governed by someone like you?
It's an incredibly weak individual who uses the income of another as an excuse for their own failures, or the failures of anyone else who has their health.

Money is power. Money concentrated in the hands of a few puts the power in the hands of a few.

Money creates power, and those with the money, and thus the power, use the power to concentrate the money, and the power, even further, into the hands of even fewer.

Democratic government is the only force in the universe that has the capability to peacefully oppose that cycle of money and power.

Choose wisely when you choose which to be ruled by.

Then quit crying, do what you need to do to better yourself so you can go get your money. Being envious of what others have will not fill the bellies of the useless.

Yes get educated so you can get one of those jobs the rich shipped overseas.
Surprise!!! A typical libertarian response

When you tell libertarians what we think and we're wrong, it's typical for us to tell you that you don't know what you're talking about. Thanks for letting me know, I would never have guessed that.

As for the rest of your ranting, it makes no difference since you're not accurately addressing what I think, so I'm not going to bother addressing points that don't apply to anything but your misconceptions.

It does crack me up how liberals always tell me how intelligent you are. Republicans other than socons in my experience generally have little trouble understanding what my views are and that I'm not Republican or Democrat. Democrats are just clueless though, you can't even state my views much less address them. And you think that makes you even MORE intelligent. At least you're a hoot.

Libertarians are generally idealists, in the same class as utopians, who are given to impractical or unrealistic schemes of governance. At least that's how I view your thinking. Maybe Democrats like me are clueless, or maybe you can't provide a concise and clear example of our nation governed by someone like you?

Liberals think that people will act in other people's interest, which no one does, including liberals.

Libertarians think people will act in their own interest, which everyone does, including liberals.

Which makes "us" the idealists. Got it.
I guess the right only hates welfare when it helps people. Corporate welfare is great!
When you tell libertarians what we think and we're wrong, it's typical for us to tell you that you don't know what you're talking about. Thanks for letting me know, I would never have guessed that.

As for the rest of your ranting, it makes no difference since you're not accurately addressing what I think, so I'm not going to bother addressing points that don't apply to anything but your misconceptions.

It does crack me up how liberals always tell me how intelligent you are. Republicans other than socons in my experience generally have little trouble understanding what my views are and that I'm not Republican or Democrat. Democrats are just clueless though, you can't even state my views much less address them. And you think that makes you even MORE intelligent. At least you're a hoot.

Libertarians are generally idealists, in the same class as utopians, who are given to impractical or unrealistic schemes of governance. At least that's how I view your thinking. Maybe Democrats like me are clueless, or maybe you can't provide a concise and clear example of our nation governed by someone like you?

Liberals think that people will act in other people's interest, which no one does, including liberals.

Libertarians think people will act in their own interest, which everyone does, including liberals.

Which makes "us" the idealists. Got it.

So Ayn Rand is your God. Got it.

Skeptic » Reading Room » The Unlikeliest Cult in History
Parents, at least most of us, act in the interest of our children. This is true of liberals and conservatives; apparently not in the world according to Kaz. Soldiers and fire fighters, cops and medical personal provide examples of man and women putting their safety aside to aid or protect others. Even strangers have been known to jump onto the tracks of an on coming train to safe a potential victim and when I was 13 another friend and I carried inner tubes into the Pacific Ocean to save a kid caught in the rip tide. I guess we now know why we are not Libertarians.
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I love when you keep reposting this. Why would anyone but a liberal want to join your liberal circle jerk of sweeping statements and made up statistics? Let's just agree to keep our hands out of each other's pants...

I love the way you keep ignoring it and calling me names like someone who has nothing to offer

I mocked the vacuous, unsupported claims as unsupported liberal dogma and told you two major assets they didn'include, but show me the quote I called you names.

Still ignoring it huh? :lol: You're actually loading the page, typing a reply just to continue to make me look like a psychic lol
Actually I gave the only fact in this discussion, it's you and your buds who are blowing opinion out of your posteriors.

The top 1% earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes. IRS data. The problem is what exactly? How much should they pay?

You are missing the entire point. No one disagrees with you that the top 1% pay most of the taxes. The problem is that all of the income gains in the last 30 years or so have gone almost exclusively to the top 1% and if this continues it can be detrimental to our society. If the top 1% is sharing 25-30 percent of income gains in this country and 300 million have to fight for the other 70% it can become an unstable situation. Just look throughout history and there are plenty of examples of empires and countries collapsing with income inequality being a major factor in that collapse. French Revolution, Russian Revolution, etc......An economic model that allows the richest members of society to accumulate a larger and larger share of the cake will eventually self-destruct. It is a lesson that is yet to be learned.
While I basically agree, a couple of points:
1. Cons have no understanding of economic history. They get their beliefs from bat shit crazy con web sites and fox. Not the fact based world. So, any hope that they would have of understanding that national economies that led the world died as a result of income inequality is gravely incorrect. They only know what they are told. Makes life so much easier. They would have to actually read, and perhaps study, to understand truth as the fact based world understands it. Simpler to simply get their "facts" from those that actually gain from getting the to follow, blindly.

2. It is not that the top 1% are getting 25 -30% of income gains. It is that the top 1% are getting around 93% of income gains. As studies are now proving. Consider an actual study (sorry, cons, look up the word study so you can follow along) published by an impartial (sorry again, cons, for the same reason. Again, look it up) source:
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened - Bloomberg

Thing is, of course, that cons simply think it is a good thing. Because they have been told it is. Just remember. They are ignorant. Not their fault, thought. Just simple bad luck.

^^ this
Here is a quote h/t Dutch from the other thread on this. No rw'er responded. Every rw'er ignored it. No rw'er will touch it

Actually I gave the only fact in this discussion, it's you and your buds who are blowing opinion out of your posteriors.

The top 1% earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes. IRS data. The problem is what exactly? How much should they pay?

You are missing the entire point. No one disagrees with you that the top 1% pay most of the taxes. The problem is that all of the income gains in the last 30 years or so have gone almost exclusively to the top 1% and if this continues it can be detrimental to our society. If the top 1% is sharing 25-30 percent of income gains in this country and 300 million have to fight for the other 70% it can become an unstable situation. Just look throughout history and there are plenty of examples of empires and countries collapsing with income inequality being a major factor in that collapse. French Revolution, Russian Revolution, etc......An economic model that allows the richest members of society to accumulate a larger and larger share of the cake will eventually self-destruct. It is a lesson that is yet to be learned.

what you are missing is that during the last 50 years the dems have had control of 2/3 of the govt. for most of the time.

Yet you assholes only blame the white republicans.
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Libertarians are generally idealists, in the same class as utopians, who are given to impractical or unrealistic schemes of governance. At least that's how I view your thinking. Maybe Democrats like me are clueless, or maybe you can't provide a concise and clear example of our nation governed by someone like you?

Liberals think that people will act in other people's interest, which no one does, including liberals.

Libertarians think people will act in their own interest, which everyone does, including liberals.

Which makes "us" the idealists. Got it.

So Ayn Rand is your God. Got it.

Skeptic » Reading Room » The Unlikeliest Cult in History

Can you show me the quote where I said that? Thanks for demonstrating my point tough that the self claimed liberal's intelligence is a figment of your imagination.

If you had good arguments for my actual views, you'd gladly address them. That you can't demonstrates nothing positive about either your own views or your confidence in them.
I guess the right only hates welfare when it helps people. Corporate welfare is great!

Well.. except for the fact that it is not what 'the right' thinks...

Most all of the conservatives you will find are against ALL welfare/subsidy/entitlement

But nice try, moron

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