Top 1 percent took record share of US income in 2012

if you "POOR" people here are so damned jealous of the rich, get your lazy asses out there in this free country and earn the ability to become one of the 1%.., and quit your bitching about the rich......., most of them EARNED it..., do you whiners know what the word EARNED means ??

look it up, you just MIGHT learn something :up:

meanwhile our "poor" own flat screen TV, have internet access, booze, cigs and weed.

Our "poor" are not all that poor. It's those in the middle that bust their asses for evetryone else

our poor are not poor at all.

ripping off the middle - that's the main goal of ANY government, and our brainless leftards are just repeating the mantra they are being brainwashed with
meanwhile our "poor" own flat screen TV, have internet access, booze, cigs and weed.

Our "poor" are not all that poor. It's those in the middle that bust their asses for evetryone else

Your post just shows you have no concept of income inequality.

is there a "concept"? or is the plan for plan simple old commie expropriation now called "concept for income inequality"?

and why should there be income EQUALITY?

or you want to spend you life in a labor cam? guess what - even there the inequality exists :D

There shouldn't be equality, but too much inequality is bad for all tje reasons I've mentioned and more. Do you like a slow economy and growing government?
Here is a quote h/t Dutch from the other thread on this. No rw'er responded. Every rw'er ignored it. No rw'er will touch it

Actually I gave the only fact in this discussion, it's you and your buds who are blowing opinion out of your posteriors.

The top 1% earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes. IRS data. The problem is what exactly? How much should they pay?

You are missing the entire point. No one disagrees with you that the top 1% pay most of the taxes. The problem is that all of the income gains in the last 30 years or so have gone almost exclusively to the top 1% and if this continues it can be detrimental to our society. If the top 1% is sharing 25-30 percent of income gains in this country and 300 million have to fight for the other 70% it can become an unstable situation. Just look throughout history and there are plenty of examples of empires and countries collapsing with income inequality being a major factor in that collapse. French Revolution, Russian Revolution, etc......An economic model that allows the richest members of society to accumulate a larger and larger share of the cake will eventually self-destruct. It is a lesson that is yet to be learned.
if you "POOR" people here are so damned jealous of the rich, get your lazy asses out there in this free country and earn the ability to become one of the 1%.., and quit your bitching about the rich......., most of them EARNED it..., do you whiners know what the word EARNED means ??

look it up, you just MIGHT learn something :up:

meanwhile our "poor" own flat screen TV, have internet access, booze, cigs and weed.

Our "poor" are not all that poor. It's those in the middle that bust their asses for evetryone else

The fat fucks we call "poor" people are the spoiled. These assholes have the gall to bitch about rich people who afford them the life of sloth and idleness they have?

Fuck 'em. I hope the whole things collapses and these oxygen thieves starve to death.
This should not be surprising. The United States is becoming less educated and less ambitious. Those who are both will naturally receive gains greater than those who are not. This is a law of nature. The lion who runs and hunts will eat better than the lion who suns himself on a rock all day.

There is no way to get people to stop complaining and instead expend the effort to better themselves, not when they believe that they are entitled to the labor of others.
if you "POOR" people here are so damned jealous of the rich, get your lazy asses out there in this free country and earn the ability to become one of the 1%.., and quit your bitching about the rich......., most of them EARNED it..., do you whiners know what the word EARNED means ??

look it up, you just MIGHT learn something :up:

meanwhile our "poor" own flat screen TV, have internet access, booze, cigs and weed.

Our "poor" are not all that poor. It's those in the middle that bust their asses for evetryone else

The fat fucks we call "poor" people are the spoiled. These assholes have the gall to bitch about rich people who afford them the life of sloth and idleness they have?

Fuck 'em. I hope the whole things collapses and these oxygen thieves starve to death.

Those poor people have it made am I right? You wouldn't trade places if your dick was on fire and the fire extinguisher was in a bad neighborhood
This should not be surprising. The United States is becoming less educated and less ambitious. Those who are both will naturally receive gains greater than those who are not. This is a law of nature. The lion who runs and hunts will eat better than the lion who suns himself on a rock all day.

There is no way to get people to stop complaining and instead expend the effort to better themselves, not when they believe that they are entitled to the labor of others.

According to the Ambition Institute of Bullshitters
Is that federal income tax again, the favorite Pub BS...
YUP, AS ALWAYS, PATHETIC HATER DUPE, count all taxes, and the nonrich are getting screwed...

the old not Democrat = Republican bit again. You can hold two simple concepts in your brain. Once you exhausted "Democrat" there was only room for one more, which you label "Republican." Actually I'm a libertarian, but if "Republican" is all you can grasp for anyone who thinks differently than you, then I'm indifferent to the label other than I think it shows how clueless you are. But as to your point.

So you want to count corporate taxes, estate taxes, investment taxes that the rich also pay far more of than the rest as well? You have me there, only counting income taxes under counts the amount the rich pay, doesn't it Keith?
If you are a libertarian, you have to be brain damaged. Because, as a libertarian, you are backing an economic theory with no actual history in fact. Look, libertarians are simply far, far right republicans. You know, republicans who are ok with drugs and want to get laid. But, me boy, most libertarians give it up before they reach puberty.

So, of course, you can not discuss anything with a libertarian. Because they are delusional. Unable to see that their economic theory has not and will not work in the real world, libertarians simply argue a concept that they have been sold. And learn that, for them, truth is what they want to believe. And they find their "truth" in their favorite bat shit crazy con web sites. And learn to hate. Because they love hate. And believe what they want to believe. So much easier than actually having to do the hard work. Like study. Like seeing both sides. Like research. Like vetting statements for truth.
It is just so simple to be a libertarian. Just believe what you are told.

But then, it is entertaining. And rather comical.

Learn what libertarian actually is and get back to me
Here is a quote h/t Dutch from the other thread on this. No rw'er responded. Every rw'er ignored it. No rw'er will touch it


Because it is a BS.

and here is a response - from the other thread

The Top 1% own approximately to 35.4 % of this nations wealth and they pay around 36.7% of the taxes.
This viral video is right: We need to worry about wealth inequality
What Do the Top 1% Really Pay in Taxes? | Tax Foundation

That stat is crap because it ignores home equity and the present value of future payouts for social security and medicare, which is a huge percentage of the assets of a lot of the population. You can prove whatever you want with numbers if you go in with an agenda, which is what you did.

Also, "wealth" was already taxed, so it's irrelevant.

agreed...and we have had this out before.....Wealth, Income, and Power- G. William Domhoff, University of California

pretty constant despite all of the recessions a depression etc.....

bottom 99 top 1
1922 63.30% 36.70%
1929 55.80% 44.20%
1933 66.70% 33.30%
1939 63.60% 36.40%
1945 70.20% 29.80%
1949 72.90% 27.10%
1953 68.80% 31.20%
1962 68.20% 31.80%
1965 65.60% 34.40%
1969 68.90% 31.10%
1972 70.90% 29.10%
1976 80.10% 19.90%
1979 79.50% 20.50%
1981 75.20% 24.80%
1983 69.10% 30.90%
1986 68.10% 31.90%
1989 64.30% 35.70%
1992 62.80% 37.20%
1995 61.50% 38.50%
1998 61.90% 38.10%
2001 66.60% 33.40%
2004 65.70% 34.30%
2007 65.40% 34.60%
2012 64.60% 35.40%

average 67.49% 32.51%

Distribution of wealth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I averaged it for us....note the 2007 and 2012 differential....;)
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
This should not be surprising. The United States is becoming less educated and less ambitious. Those who are both will naturally receive gains greater than those who are not. This is a law of nature. The lion who runs and hunts will eat better than the lion who suns himself on a rock all day.

There is no way to get people to stop complaining and instead expend the effort to better themselves, not when they believe that they are entitled to the labor of others.

Actually we are more educated

The jobs are just being shipped off to other countries by the greedy and unpatriotic.
Here is a quote h/t Dutch from the other thread on this. No rw'er responded. Every rw'er ignored it. No rw'er will touch it

Actually I gave the only fact in this discussion, it's you and your buds who are blowing opinion out of your posteriors.

The top 1% earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes. IRS data. The problem is what exactly? How much should they pay?

You are missing the entire point. No one disagrees with you that the top 1% pay most of the taxes. The problem is that all of the income gains in the last 30 years or so have gone almost exclusively to the top 1% and if this continues it can be detrimental to our society. If the top 1% is sharing 25-30 percent of income gains in this country and 300 million have to fight for the other 70% it can become an unstable situation. Just look throughout history and there are plenty of examples of empires and countries collapsing with income inequality being a major factor in that collapse. French Revolution, Russian Revolution, etc......An economic model that allows the richest members of society to accumulate a larger and larger share of the cake will eventually self-destruct. It is a lesson that is yet to be learned.

I love when you keep reposting this. Why would anyone but a liberal want to join your liberal circle jerk of sweeping statements and made up statistics? Let's just agree to keep our hands out of each other's pants...
Here is a quote h/t Dutch from the other thread on this. No rw'er responded. Every rw'er ignored it. No rw'er will touch it


Because it is a BS.

and here is a response - from the other thread

That stat is crap because it ignores home equity and the present value of future payouts for social security and medicare, which is a huge percentage of the assets of a lot of the population. You can prove whatever you want with numbers if you go in with an agenda, which is what you did.

Also, "wealth" was already taxed, so it's irrelevant.

agreed...and we have had this out before.....Wealth, Income, and Power- G. William Domhoff, University of California

pretty constant despite all of the recessions a depression etc.....

bottom 99 top 1
1922 63.30% 36.70%
1929 55.80% 44.20%
1933 66.70% 33.30%
1939 63.60% 36.40%
1945 70.20% 29.80%
1949 72.90% 27.10%
1953 68.80% 31.20%
1962 68.20% 31.80%
1965 65.60% 34.40%
1969 68.90% 31.10%
1972 70.90% 29.10%
1976 80.10% 19.90%
1979 79.50% 20.50%
1981 75.20% 24.80%
1983 69.10% 30.90%
1986 68.10% 31.90%
1989 64.30% 35.70%
1992 62.80% 37.20%
1995 61.50% 38.50%
1998 61.90% 38.10%
2001 66.60% 33.40%
2004 65.70% 34.30%
2007 65.40% 34.60%
2012 64.60% 35.40%

average 67.49% 32.51%

Distribution of wealth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I averaged it for us....note the 2007 and 2012 differential....;)

Yes and No...Yeah that is a response. No its not to the point I posted.
This should not be surprising. The United States is becoming less educated and less ambitious. Those who are both will naturally receive gains greater than those who are not. This is a law of nature. The lion who runs and hunts will eat better than the lion who suns himself on a rock all day.

There is no way to get people to stop complaining and instead expend the effort to better themselves, not when they believe that they are entitled to the labor of others.

Actually we are more educated

The jobs are just being shipped off to other countries by the greedy and unpatriotic.

We aren't more educated. We are just passing out pieces of paper that says we are educated. Take a look at what an 8th grade test was like 50 years ago compared to today. Try 1912! The high school graduates were far more educated than those of today.
1912 Eighth-Grade Exam Stumps 21st-Century Test-Takers

We have a population of mostly illiterates who can't read and we want to make that better by not being able to write either.

Of course jobs are leaving the country. There's no reason for them to stay. Business is over taxed, over regulated and doesn't have a competent work force. Why stay?

The poor today don't mind being poor at all. They just demand to be more comfortable in poverty. Give me for the sole reason that you have more than I have. That's what they have to say. I don't have. I won't work. I won't learn. Give it to me.
if you "POOR" people here are so damned jealous of the rich, get your lazy asses out there in this free country and earn the ability to become one of the 1%.., and quit your bitching about the rich......., most of them EARNED it..., do you whiners know what the word EARNED means ??

look it up, you just MIGHT learn something :up:

Dude wtf is wrong with you? I am surely not poor and I still can figure out that the increases in wealth and income for 1% of the population while the rest of us is either losing ground or just getting by is not a good thing for our country.

Why do you think this is good? Lets say in a few years that the ultra wealthy control 40% of the nations income. Is that good.

If you think this is a good idea, lets just give the ultra wealthy ALL the income and they can become our providers. How would that work for you?

There has to be a point where even YOU might think that having so much income and wealth controlled by just a few might not be a good thing.

it's a GOOD thing if you get out there and bust your hump and become a RICH person and quit your damn incessant whining :up:

Here is a quote h/t Dutch from the other thread on this. No rw'er responded. Every rw'er ignored it. No rw'er will touch it

You are missing the entire point. No one disagrees with you that the top 1% pay most of the taxes. The problem is that all of the income gains in the last 30 years or so have gone almost exclusively to the top 1% and if this continues it can be detrimental to our society. If the top 1% is sharing 25-30 percent of income gains in this country and 300 million have to fight for the other 70% it can become an unstable situation. Just look throughout history and there are plenty of examples of empires and countries collapsing with income inequality being a major factor in that collapse. French Revolution, Russian Revolution, etc......An economic model that allows the richest members of society to accumulate a larger and larger share of the cake will eventually self-destruct. It is a lesson that is yet to be learned.

I love when you keep reposting this. Why would anyone but a liberal want to join your liberal circle jerk of sweeping statements and made up statistics? Let's just agree to keep our hands out of each other's pants...

I love the way you keep ignoring it and calling me names like someone who has nothing to offer
This should not be surprising. The United States is becoming less educated and less ambitious. Those who are both will naturally receive gains greater than those who are not. This is a law of nature. The lion who runs and hunts will eat better than the lion who suns himself on a rock all day.

There is no way to get people to stop complaining and instead expend the effort to better themselves, not when they believe that they are entitled to the labor of others.

Actually we are more educated

The jobs are just being shipped off to other countries by the greedy and unpatriotic.

We aren't more educated. We are just passing out pieces of paper that says we are educated. Take a look at what an 8th grade test was like 50 years ago compared to today. Try 1912! The high school graduates were far more educated than those of today.
1912 Eighth-Grade Exam Stumps 21st-Century Test-Takers

We have a population of mostly illiterates who can't read and we want to make that better by not being able to write either.

Of course jobs are leaving the country. There's no reason for them to stay. Business is over taxed, over regulated and doesn't have a competent work force. Why stay?

The poor today don't mind being poor at all. They just demand to be more comfortable in poverty. Give me for the sole reason that you have more than I have. That's what they have to say. I don't have. I won't work. I won't learn. Give it to me.

Mostly illiterates? Please back that up with stats. Why bother posting such crap?
the old not Democrat = Republican bit again. You can hold two simple concepts in your brain. Once you exhausted "Democrat" there was only room for one more, which you label "Republican." Actually I'm a libertarian, but if "Republican" is all you can grasp for anyone who thinks differently than you, then I'm indifferent to the label other than I think it shows how clueless you are. But as to your point.

So you want to count corporate taxes, estate taxes, investment taxes that the rich also pay far more of than the rest as well? You have me there, only counting income taxes under counts the amount the rich pay, doesn't it Keith?
If you are a libertarian, you have to be brain damaged. Because, as a libertarian, you are backing an economic theory with no actual history in fact. Look, libertarians are simply far, far right republicans. You know, republicans who are ok with drugs and want to get laid. But, me boy, most libertarians give it up before they reach puberty.

So, of course, you can not discuss anything with a libertarian. Because they are delusional. Unable to see that their economic theory has not and will not work in the real world, libertarians simply argue a concept that they have been sold. And learn that, for them, truth is what they want to believe. And they find their "truth" in their favorite bat shit crazy con web sites. And learn to hate. Because they love hate. And believe what they want to believe. So much easier than actually having to do the hard work. Like study. Like seeing both sides. Like research. Like vetting statements for truth.
It is just so simple to be a libertarian. Just believe what you are told.

But then, it is entertaining. And rather comical.

Learn what libertarian actually is and get back to me
Surprise!!! A typical libertarian response. Thinks that he knows something that others may not, such as what libertarianism is. So, thinking he will look profound, he posts the stupid request.
Now, here is the thing, me boy. It is not my fault that you do not know what you believe in. I have no need to try to educate you. You are a libertarian. You are not capable of rational conversation.

Many years ago, I thought the concept of libertarianism looked interesting. Read Atlas Shrugged. Thought it was cool. But then, prior to puberty, I realized how unrealistic the concept was. I grew out of it. Sorry you are still stuck there. But that is your problem.
Last edited:
Is it official, that the US is now a banana republic?

The top 10 percent of earners took more than half of the country’s total income in 2012, the highest level recorded since the government began collecting the relevant data a century ago, according to an updated study by the prominent economists Emmanuel Saez and Thomas Piketty.

The top 1 percent took more than one-fifth of the income earned by Americans, one of the highest levels on record since 1913, when the government instituted an income tax.

The figures underscore that even after the recession the country remains in a new Gilded Age, with income as concentrated as it was in the years that preceded the Depression of the 1930s, if not more so.

High stock prices, rising home values and surging corporate profits have buoyed the recovery-era incomes of the most affluent Americans, with the incomes of the rest still weighed down by high unemployment and stagnant wages for many blue- and white-collar workers.

thx for posting an article sans comment, I don't need you playing message board:rolleyes: you have a comment btw? :doubt:

I do-

I for one am oh so happy the progressives are onboard with obamanomics, it has brewed up a Bull market and we all got richer, thx Obama....:clap2:

some of you should note this post, I don't thank or support obama often but, credit wheres it due. :eusa_angel:

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