Top 1 percent took record share of US income in 2012

The top 1% of earners in the U.S. pulled in 19.3% of total household income in 2012....

And they paid 37% of total taxes.

The top 1% are getting screwed.

WEll, certainly SOME of the 1% are getting screwed.

the bottom 90% of the Top 1% surely are being screwed.

But the top eschelon of the 1% are richer and less taxed than ever.

How clever of them to have taken over the OWS movement such that they castigate the 1% who are, for the most part, getting screwed even worse (tax wise) than any other group of Americans.

The merely WEALTHY are not the enemy, folks.

They never were the enemy.

The criminals MASTERS have names and they have postion of power, too.
As inequality grows so does government. If your a real conservative for small government this is a problem.
The Top 1% own approximately to 35.4 % of this nations wealth and they pay around 36.7% of the taxes.
This viral video is right: We need to worry about wealth inequality
What Do the Top 1% Really Pay in Taxes? | Tax Foundation

Is that federal income tax again, the favorite Pub BS...
YUP, AS ALWAYS, PATHETIC HATER DUPE, count all taxes, and the nonrich are getting screwed...

the old not Democrat = Republican bit again. You can hold two simple concepts in your brain. Once you exhausted "Democrat" there was only room for one more, which you label "Republican." Actually I'm a libertarian, but if "Republican" is all you can grasp for anyone who thinks differently than you, then I'm indifferent to the label other than I think it shows how clueless you are. But as to your point.

So you want to count corporate taxes, estate taxes, investment taxes that the rich also pay far more of than the rest as well? You have me there, only counting income taxes under counts the amount the rich pay, doesn't it Keith?
If you are a libertarian, you have to be brain damaged. Because, as a libertarian, you are backing an economic theory with no actual history in fact. Look, libertarians are simply far, far right republicans. You know, republicans who are ok with drugs and want to get laid. But, me boy, most libertarians give it up before they reach puberty.

So, of course, you can not discuss anything with a libertarian. Because they are delusional. Unable to see that their economic theory has not and will not work in the real world, libertarians simply argue a concept that they have been sold. And learn that, for them, truth is what they want to believe. And they find their "truth" in their favorite bat shit crazy con web sites. And learn to hate. Because they love hate. And believe what they want to believe. So much easier than actually having to do the hard work. Like study. Like seeing both sides. Like research. Like vetting statements for truth.
It is just so simple to be a libertarian. Just believe what you are told.

But then, it is entertaining. And rather comical.
It's not even surprising that rightwing nuts would think this is a good thing.

the opposite of "good" is "bad"...., so what is BAD about it ?

as stated, it is the liarberals/demoscum who are creating the class of "poor" by importing .gov dependancy :up:
It's not even surprising that rightwing nuts would think this is a good thing.

the opposite of "good" is "bad"...., so what is BAD about it ?

as stated, it is the liarberals/demoscum who are creating the class of "poor" by importing .gov dependancy :up:

What isn't bad about it? It's increasing government dependency and hence the size of gov. It increases crime, lowers general happiness, slows the economy....
It's not even surprising that rightwing nuts would think this is a good thing.

the opposite of "good" is "bad"...., so what is BAD about it ?

as stated, it is the liarberals/demoscum who are creating the class of "poor" by importing .gov dependancy :up:

What's bad about more and more wealth being concentrated in the hands of a few at the expense of the working people who are actually producing that wealth?

You need that explained to you? Seriously?
It's not even surprising that rightwing nuts would think this is a good thing.

the opposite of "good" is "bad"...., so what is BAD about it ?

as stated, it is the liarberals/demoscum who are creating the class of "poor" by importing .gov dependancy :up:

You really can't or won't figure out how this could be bad for the country?

Hey let's pretend you have a job working for a company controlled or even owned by an ultra rich person. And lets say the ultra rich person wants to move their company overseas. And lets say that the ultra rich person makes "contributions" to their favorite Congressperson who is willing to propose and push legislation favorable to the ultra rich person moving the business.

And you lose your job because the jobs went overseas. And the ultra rich person just put a lot more money in their bank account and you lost money.

Would that have a negative (bad) effect on you if you lost your job because an ultra rich person decided that you get paid to much money?
The gulf between the richest 1% of the USA and the rest of the country got to its widest level in history last year.

The top 1% of earners in the U.S. pulled in 19.3% of total household income in 2012, which is their biggest slice of total income in more than 100 years, according to a an analysis by economists at the University of California, Berkeley and the Paris School of Economics at Oxford University.

The richest Americans haven't claimed this large of a slice of total wealth since 1927, when the group claimed 18.7%. The analysis is based on data from Internal Revenue Service data.


if you "POOR" people here are so damned jealous of the rich, get your lazy asses out there in this free country and earn the ability to become one of the 1%.., and quit your bitching about the rich......., most of them EARNED it..., do you whiners know what the word EARNED means ??

look it up, you just MIGHT learn something :up:

just NOT you little people....tsk tsk

but be comforted he FWEELS YOUR PAIN....LOL
if you "POOR" people here are so damned jealous of the rich, get your lazy asses out there in this free country and earn the ability to become one of the 1%.., and quit your bitching about the rich......., most of them EARNED it..., do you whiners know what the word EARNED means ??

look it up, you just MIGHT learn something :up:

Earned through crony capitalism and lobbying.
WOW !!!!!!!

so many whiners about being rich.., how fucking pathetic, get your lazy asses out there and become one of the rich..........., Limbaugh did it :up: ........... :lmao: ....... :up: ........... :lmao: ....... :up:
if you "POOR" people here are so damned jealous of the rich, get your lazy asses out there in this free country and earn the ability to become one of the 1%.., and quit your bitching about the rich......., most of them EARNED it..., do you whiners know what the word EARNED means ??

look it up, you just MIGHT learn something :up:

Dude wtf is wrong with you? I am surely not poor and I still can figure out that the increases in wealth and income for 1% of the population while the rest of us is either losing ground or just getting by is not a good thing for our country.

Why do you think this is good? Lets say in a few years that the ultra wealthy control 40% of the nations income. Is that good.

If you think this is a good idea, lets just give the ultra wealthy ALL the income and they can become our providers. How would that work for you?

There has to be a point where even YOU might think that having so much income and wealth controlled by just a few might not be a good thing.
WOW !!!!!!!

so many whiners about being rich.., how fucking pathetic, get your lazy asses out there and become one of the rich..........., Limbaugh did it :up: ........... :lmao: ....... :up: ........... :lmao: ....... :up:

With the way government is growing we can't afford anymore.
if you "POOR" people here are so damned jealous of the rich, get your lazy asses out there in this free country and earn the ability to become one of the 1%.., and quit your bitching about the rich......., most of them EARNED it..., do you whiners know what the word EARNED means ??

look it up, you just MIGHT learn something :up:

meanwhile our "poor" own flat screen TV, have internet access, booze, cigs and weed.

Our "poor" are not all that poor. It's those in the middle that bust their asses for evetryone else
if you "POOR" people here are so damned jealous of the rich, get your lazy asses out there in this free country and earn the ability to become one of the 1%.., and quit your bitching about the rich......., most of them EARNED it..., do you whiners know what the word EARNED means ??

look it up, you just MIGHT learn something :up:

meanwhile our "poor" own flat screen TV, have internet access, booze, cigs and weed.

Our "poor" are not all that poor. It's those in the middle that bust their asses for evetryone else

Your post just shows you have no concept of income inequality.
You post opinions sans facts ("The problem is that liberals are weak and you want lots of reward for almost no effort") based on your hate for those who don't subscribe to your non pragmatic and emotion laden ideology.

Actually I gave the only fact in this discussion, it's you and your buds who are blowing opinion out of your posteriors.

The top 1% earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes. IRS data. The problem is what exactly? How much should they pay?

You are missing the entire point. No one disagrees with you that the top 1% pay most of the taxes. The problem is that all of the income gains in the last 30 years or so have gone almost exclusively to the top 1% and if this continues it can be detrimental to our society. If the top 1% is sharing 25-30 percent of income gains in this country and 300 million have to fight for the other 70% it can become an unstable situation. Just look throughout history and there are plenty of examples of empires and countries collapsing with income inequality being a major factor in that collapse. French Revolution, Russian Revolution, etc......An economic model that allows the richest members of society to accumulate a larger and larger share of the cake will eventually self-destruct. It is a lesson that is yet to be learned.

Soooo, no right wingers here care about crumbling societies and the examples throughout history huh? Who gives a shit about that when we have AMURICA! Derp!
if you "POOR" people here are so damned jealous of the rich, get your lazy asses out there in this free country and earn the ability to become one of the 1%.., and quit your bitching about the rich......., most of them EARNED it..., do you whiners know what the word EARNED means ??

look it up, you just MIGHT learn something :up:

meanwhile our "poor" own flat screen TV, have internet access, booze, cigs and weed.

Our "poor" are not all that poor. It's those in the middle that bust their asses for evetryone else

Your post just shows you have no concept of income inequality.

is there a "concept"? or is the plan for plan simple old commie expropriation now called "concept for income inequality"?

and why should there be income EQUALITY?

or you want to spend you life in a labor cam? guess what - even there the inequality exists :D
if you "POOR" people here are so damned jealous of the rich, get your lazy asses out there in this free country and earn the ability to become one of the 1%.., and quit your bitching about the rich......., most of them EARNED it..., do you whiners know what the word EARNED means ??

look it up, you just MIGHT learn something :up:

Why are you so lazy then?

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