Top 10 Countries With Highest Household Debt All Socialist

Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


What America has that ALL of those nations COMBINED do NOT have and that's a National Debt of 21 TRILLION, now 21 TRILLION that is SOME FULL ON Socialist spending like drunk sailors, you have spent 21 TRILLION MORE than you EVER bring back in via taxes etc That is Socialism 101 SPENDING BEYOND your MEANS with OTHER peoples MONEY ie. BORROWED MONEY, that is ZERO Fiscal Conservatism or EVEN ZERO Fiscal RESPONSIBILITY, it is PURE Socialistic spending and both Democrat AND Republicans have spent like drunken sailors, you last had a Balanced Budget when? Did you, ever?

What you DO to keep America from having their International Debtors calling in for THEIR Debts that YOU OWE THEM is you have this insanity of just PRINTING MORE MONEY, and for every worthless Monopoly paper Dollar you print it adds x FIVE onto your 21 TRILLION debt. Every year you have to raise your Debt Ceiling so you can keep on borrowing, if you failed to raise your Debt Ceiling you would default on your Debt and be declared bankrupt and then ALL your Debtors MAINLY China would come calling.

You Economically are in such a dire situation that IF China decided to DUMP HALF of YOUR Debt they OWN on the Open Market within 10 hours the Dollar would CRASH, ALL Americans personal savings would be WIPED OUT you would have The Great Depression returning but 1000 times WORSE than the original one.

Now THIS is something that Americans choose NOT to pay attention to because you think you CANNOT fail, but you CAN, you are NOT Immortal.

You're in debt over 12 Trillion Euros and if we didn't have to pay for your protection we would be several Trillion less in debt and you would be speaking Russian. So go pound sand. We're tired of paying for your protection. We're tired of paying your tariffs. You're going to start treating us with the respect we've earned. And you're going to pay up.

"You're going to start treating us with the respect we've earned. And you're going to pay up."

No because America does NOT treat the European Continent with any respect, you think you can DICTATE what we do and when we do it, including our OWN Foreign Policy, we DO NOT want to be part of America's sordid Middle East Adventures ANYMORE for example, it is THANKS to America because of Syria and Libya that this Continent has HALF of the Middle East as Refugees, the European Continent gets NOTHING of advantage from getting involved in America's WARS in the Middle East ONLY body bags and Refugees.

So no you deserve no respect because you give US no respect and we are NOT going to pay up and so what are you going to do bomb us or something? Just remember we are NOT insignificant little things like Iraq, Libya or Afghanistan that had NO means to bomb back.

No we are NOT going to pay up, if ANYTHING the EU will DOUBLE the tariffs on American goods, do you actually WANT a Trade War? If so, you better read up on the ramifications of full on Trade Wars and with all your accumulated problems how America in the end is going to be the loser of one.

You have no choice unless you want to speak Russian. You've already started to cave and Trump had to embarrass your sorry asses in front of the entire world to get you to pay your fair share to NATO. You can't win a trade war because you produce nothing we need. That's a fact. You have to have our protection. What do you produce we have to have?

You're morally bankrupt. You don't care we saved you from the Nazis.

You wouldn't do a damn thing about the middle east. You rail about weapons, those scary things that keep you from speaking Russian. We make better cars, you imported one. Haha.

You'll be begging us for a fair trade deal before it's over.

Face it, the only way you can exist in your Socialist wet dream is we protect you. Now that's a fact!

Yes but NOBODY IS going to pay more to NATO, they just said that to shut Americans up from whining about NATO spending.

We produce A LOT that you need. What does America make? Most of the important things are Made In China and then YOU Import them to YOU from China, how many things say Made In America now?

You do NOT make better autos. We have BMW, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, the British have Jaguar, Rolls Royce, Aston Martin, the Italians have Ferrari, Lamborghini.

We do NOT Import in mass number American autos, America DOES though pay stupid amounts of moneys for OUR autos to be Imported to you.

In America we run over those cars with our pickup trucks because they serve no purpose other than drive idiots around.

Basically what I've been trying to tell you. We WORK, We buy 2 Million pickup trucks in America every year to WORK with.
Socialism is not defined by debt. It’s defined by wealth distribution and attitudes towards private property.

A country with no debt that has government spending which is 60% of the economy is much more socialist than an economy that spends 30% by the government but has debt.

"Socialism is not defined by debt. It’s defined by wealth distribution and attitudes towards private property."

Yes, so on that EVEN Sweden is NOT Socialist, there are NO nations on this Continent that do the Wealth Redistribution or who are against the population having private property.

How much in America is Government spending for example the last 20 years, so that is Clinton, GWB, Obama, Trump.

Europe has an elaborate welfare state. That’s wealth redistribution.

I’d say any country that spends more than 50% by the government is socialist. You have countries like that in Europe.

I would say that most Government spending is on Healthcare in general, the populations support this this isn't that EVERYONE is Socialist it is that they think it's a good thing that Healthcare is provided, most think it a positive thing to use taxes for. Now those who can afford Private Healthcare do, my family all have Private Healthcare, but there are many more who cannot afford this with everything else they have to pay for, I do not think it positive to tell these that they cannot have adequate Healthcare because we are not spending moneys on that anymore because people like me and my family instead should get another big tax cut that we essentially do NOT need.

If Americans think this is me being Socialist, then I don't care, it is NOT me being Socialist, it is me having consideration for those who are NOT as fortunate as I am and me not wanting them to have to CHOOSE between paying for Healthcare or feeding their family and paying their other bills, I do not resent that WE pay higher taxes so that those who are not as fortunate can have Healthcare.
Manufacturing means less and less. What is mattering more and more is IP, and the US is by far and away the global leader in IP.
Socialism is not defined by debt. It’s defined by wealth distribution and attitudes towards private property.

A country with no debt that has government spending which is 60% of the economy is much more socialist than an economy that spends 30% by the government but has debt.

"Socialism is not defined by debt. It’s defined by wealth distribution and attitudes towards private property."

Yes, so on that EVEN Sweden is NOT Socialist, there are NO nations on this Continent that do the Wealth Redistribution or who are against the population having private property.

How much in America is Government spending for example the last 20 years, so that is Clinton, GWB, Obama, Trump.

Europe has an elaborate welfare state. That’s wealth redistribution.

I’d say any country that spends more than 50% by the government is socialist. You have countries like that in Europe.

I would say that most Government spending is on Healthcare in general, the populations support this this isn't that EVERYONE is Socialist it is that they think it's a good thing that Healthcare is provided, most think it a positive thing to use taxes for. Now those who can afford Private Healthcare do, my family all have Private Healthcare, but there are many more who cannot afford this with everything else they have to pay for, I do not think it positive to tell these that they cannot have adequate Healthcare because we are not spending moneys on that anymore because people like me and my family instead should get another big tax cut that we essentially do NOT need.

If Americans think this is me being Socialist, then I don't care, it is NOT me being Socialist, it is me having consideration for those who are NOT as fortunate as I am and me not wanting them to have to CHOOSE between paying for Healthcare or feeding their family and paying their other bills, I do not resent that WE pay higher taxes so that those who are not as fortunate can have Healthcare.

If most healthcare spending is by the government, that’s socialist healthcare.
The conservatives cannot explain in fact why those debt loads are as high as they are in terms of laws, banks, and taxation.

The people of Germany and Britain and France, for example, are financially more stable than Americans.

How do you define that?
The OP made a statement out of context.

I made a comment to that statement.

Let the OP address the context.
What America has that ALL of those nations COMBINED do NOT have and that's a National Debt of 21 TRILLION, now 21 TRILLION that is SOME FULL ON Socialist spending like drunk sailors, you have spent 21 TRILLION MORE than you EVER bring back in via taxes etc That is Socialism 101 SPENDING BEYOND your MEANS with OTHER peoples MONEY ie. BORROWED MONEY, that is ZERO Fiscal Conservatism or EVEN ZERO Fiscal RESPONSIBILITY, it is PURE Socialistic spending and both Democrat AND Republicans have spent like drunken sailors, you last had a Balanced Budget when? Did you, ever?

What you DO to keep America from having their International Debtors calling in for THEIR Debts that YOU OWE THEM is you have this insanity of just PRINTING MORE MONEY, and for every worthless Monopoly paper Dollar you print it adds x FIVE onto your 21 TRILLION debt. Every year you have to raise your Debt Ceiling so you can keep on borrowing, if you failed to raise your Debt Ceiling you would default on your Debt and be declared bankrupt and then ALL your Debtors MAINLY China would come calling.

You Economically are in such a dire situation that IF China decided to DUMP HALF of YOUR Debt they OWN on the Open Market within 10 hours the Dollar would CRASH, ALL Americans personal savings would be WIPED OUT you would have The Great Depression returning but 1000 times WORSE than the original one.

Now THIS is something that Americans choose NOT to pay attention to because you think you CANNOT fail, but you CAN, you are NOT Immortal.

You're in debt over 12 Trillion Euros and if we didn't have to pay for your protection we would be several Trillion less in debt and you would be speaking Russian. So go pound sand. We're tired of paying for your protection. We're tired of paying your tariffs. You're going to start treating us with the respect we've earned. And you're going to pay up.

"You're going to start treating us with the respect we've earned. And you're going to pay up."

No because America does NOT treat the European Continent with any respect, you think you can DICTATE what we do and when we do it, including our OWN Foreign Policy, we DO NOT want to be part of America's sordid Middle East Adventures ANYMORE for example, it is THANKS to America because of Syria and Libya that this Continent has HALF of the Middle East as Refugees, the European Continent gets NOTHING of advantage from getting involved in America's WARS in the Middle East ONLY body bags and Refugees.

So no you deserve no respect because you give US no respect and we are NOT going to pay up and so what are you going to do bomb us or something? Just remember we are NOT insignificant little things like Iraq, Libya or Afghanistan that had NO means to bomb back.

No we are NOT going to pay up, if ANYTHING the EU will DOUBLE the tariffs on American goods, do you actually WANT a Trade War? If so, you better read up on the ramifications of full on Trade Wars and with all your accumulated problems how America in the end is going to be the loser of one.

You have no choice unless you want to speak Russian. You've already started to cave and Trump had to embarrass your sorry asses in front of the entire world to get you to pay your fair share to NATO. You can't win a trade war because you produce nothing we need. That's a fact. You have to have our protection. What do you produce we have to have?

You're morally bankrupt. You don't care we saved you from the Nazis.

You wouldn't do a damn thing about the middle east. You rail about weapons, those scary things that keep you from speaking Russian. We make better cars, you imported one. Haha.

You'll be begging us for a fair trade deal before it's over.

Face it, the only way you can exist in your Socialist wet dream is we protect you. Now that's a fact!

Yes but NOBODY IS going to pay more to NATO, they just said that to shut Americans up from whining about NATO spending.

We produce A LOT that you need. What does America make? Most of the important things are Made In China and then YOU Import them to YOU from China, how many things say Made In America now?

You do NOT make better autos. We have BMW, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, the British have Jaguar, Rolls Royce, Aston Martin, the Italians have Ferrari, Lamborghini.

We do NOT Import in mass number American autos, America DOES though pay stupid amounts of moneys for OUR autos to be Imported to you.

In America we run over those cars with our pickup trucks because they serve no purpose other than drive idiots around.

Basically what I've been trying to tell you. We WORK, We buy 2 Million pickup trucks in America every year to WORK with.

"In America we run over those cars with our pickup trucks because they serve no purpose other than drive idiots around."

No probably it is because YOU cannot AFFORD a Porsche or a Ferrari.

"We buy 2 Million pickup trucks in America every year to WORK with."

How many of those auto businesses that produce those pickup trucks are owned by Americans still? As I already commented WHAT is Made In Usa Owned by USA anymore? Not a lot is. What is though is Owned by Foreign Company but then Made In USA, so what you have is Foreign Companies taking the PROFITS HOME but paying Americans to build them in America.

Foreign Car Makers To Take U.S. Lead -- WSJ

Also not only autos but other American things not owned by America now:

10 classic USA brands that are foreign-owned
[He can't and I have no idea why that moron showed up in this thread. The stupid fuck didn't even look at the household debt chart I posted in the OP. Sure, Flakey, the higher the debt load makes you more stable. too damn funny.
LibtardoRicky is the only stupid fuck. He made a post that he does not understand. You do not understand banking, finance, and household economy in western Europe. You don't understand how it works.

Your chart means nothing unless you can do a long term comparative cost analysis, say, of a French or a German owner with a representative American home owner, with their financing.

You post stupid things you don't understand.

Then you cry.

Socialism is not defined by debt. It’s defined by wealth distribution and attitudes towards private property.

A country with no debt that has government spending which is 60% of the economy is much more socialist than an economy that spends 30% by the government but has debt.

"Socialism is not defined by debt. It’s defined by wealth distribution and attitudes towards private property."

Yes, so on that EVEN Sweden is NOT Socialist, there are NO nations on this Continent that do the Wealth Redistribution or who are against the population having private property.

How much in America is Government spending for example the last 20 years, so that is Clinton, GWB, Obama, Trump.

Europe has an elaborate welfare state. That’s wealth redistribution.

I’d say any country that spends more than 50% by the government is socialist. You have countries like that in Europe.

I would say that most Government spending is on Healthcare in general, the populations support this this isn't that EVERYONE is Socialist it is that they think it's a good thing that Healthcare is provided, most think it a positive thing to use taxes for. Now those who can afford Private Healthcare do, my family all have Private Healthcare, but there are many more who cannot afford this with everything else they have to pay for, I do not think it positive to tell these that they cannot have adequate Healthcare because we are not spending moneys on that anymore because people like me and my family instead should get another big tax cut that we essentially do NOT need.

If Americans think this is me being Socialist, then I don't care, it is NOT me being Socialist, it is me having consideration for those who are NOT as fortunate as I am and me not wanting them to have to CHOOSE between paying for Healthcare or feeding their family and paying their other bills, I do not resent that WE pay higher taxes so that those who are not as fortunate can have Healthcare.

If most healthcare spending is by the government, that’s socialist healthcare.

The alternative is what?
Funny that no one is disputing what that chart is presenting. Seems more that deflection is the game being played on this thread.
just an observation

That's because WE need to FIRST get it through heads that ONLY ONE in that Top 10 IS Socialist and that is Sweden, that ALL of them are not Socialist or even NEAR being Socialist.
Depends on your definition of socialism. It doesn't have to be all or nothing.

There is ONLY ONE definition of Socialism, Socialism is the SAME EVERYWHERE, there is not Rest of The World Definition of Socialism and American Only Definition of Socialism which is:

IF you spend money on your OWN peoples then you are just TOTALLY Socialist because WTF we should be telling everyone to fuck off they are on their own because NORMAL Non-Socialist nations support just cutting taxes and spending ONE TRILLION a year EVERY year on Weapons Of War to bomb their next victims that the Neo-Conservatives demand are bombed into near oblivion.

So instead of WASTING BILLIONS and TRILLIONS on Weapons Of War to KILL peoples WE would prefer to spend that money on things like Healthcare to keep our OWN healthy and alive.
That would be your opinion and your welcome to it. Not everyone has your opinion on socialism.
Funny that no one is disputing what that chart is presenting. Seems more that deflection is the game being played on this thread.
just an observation

That's because WE need to FIRST get it through heads that ONLY ONE in that Top 10 IS Socialist and that is Sweden, that ALL of them are not Socialist or even NEAR being Socialist.
Depends on your definition of socialism. It doesn't have to be all or nothing.

There is ONLY ONE definition of Socialism, Socialism is the SAME EVERYWHERE, there is not Rest of The World Definition of Socialism and American Only Definition of Socialism which is:

IF you spend money on your OWN peoples then you are just TOTALLY Socialist because WTF we should be telling everyone to fuck off they are on their own because NORMAL Non-Socialist nations support just cutting taxes and spending ONE TRILLION a year EVERY year on Weapons Of War to bomb their next victims that the Neo-Conservatives demand are bombed into near oblivion.

So instead of WASTING BILLIONS and TRILLIONS on Weapons Of War to KILL peoples WE would prefer to spend that money on things like Healthcare to keep our OWN healthy and alive.
That would be your opinion and your welcome to it. Not everyone has your opinion on socialism.

Do Americans know WHAT Socialism even IS? If you THINK for example Denmark and Switzerland are Socialist then no you do not know what Socialism even is. So perhaps Americans should just direct the Socialism thing at something that IS Socialist like Venezuela.
Lucy Hamilton's opinion trumps (heh heh) Meister's opinion by a force of four.

Lucy Hamilton's opinions are worth their weight in gold to Ricky's sand pebble opinions.
Funny that no one is disputing what that chart is presenting. Seems more that deflection is the game being played on this thread.
just an observation

That's because WE need to FIRST get it through heads that ONLY ONE in that Top 10 IS Socialist and that is Sweden, that ALL of them are not Socialist or even NEAR being Socialist.
Depends on your definition of socialism. It doesn't have to be all or nothing.

There is ONLY ONE definition of Socialism, Socialism is the SAME EVERYWHERE, there is not Rest of The World Definition of Socialism and American Only Definition of Socialism which is:

IF you spend money on your OWN peoples then you are just TOTALLY Socialist because WTF we should be telling everyone to fuck off they are on their own because NORMAL Non-Socialist nations support just cutting taxes and spending ONE TRILLION a year EVERY year on Weapons Of War to bomb their next victims that the Neo-Conservatives demand are bombed into near oblivion.

So instead of WASTING BILLIONS and TRILLIONS on Weapons Of War to KILL peoples WE would prefer to spend that money on things like Healthcare to keep our OWN healthy and alive.
That would be your opinion and your welcome to it. Not everyone has your opinion on socialism.

Do Americans know WHAT Socialism even IS? If you THINK for example Denmark and Switzerland are Socialist then no you do not know what Socialism even is. So perhaps Americans should just direct the Socialism thing at something that IS Socialist like Venezuela.
What I THINK, Lucy, is that it's a transition between capitalism and communism. That's what I THINK, Lucy.
Lucy Hamilton's opinion trumps (heh heh) Meister's opinion by a force of four.

Lucy Hamilton's opinions are worth their weight in gold to Ricky's sand pebble opinions.
The opinion coming from the Jakester means very little.
While we're at it, let's look for any country on earth with lower taxes, lower spending, less regulation than the United States AND a thriving middle class. There isn't a single nation out of 195 on earth, with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class. Not a single one. Now that's something to ponder, isn't it?
While we're at it, let's look for any country on earth with lower taxes, lower spending, less regulation than the United States AND a thriving middle class. There isn't a single nation out of 195 on earth, with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class. Not a single one. Now that's something to ponder, isn't it?
Define middle class. While your at it, define poverty. Ponder that, why don't you?
While we're at it, let's look for any country on earth with lower taxes, lower spending, less regulation than the United States AND a thriving middle class. There isn't a single nation out of 195 on earth, with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class. Not a single one. Now that's something to ponder, isn't it?
Define middle class. While your at it, define poverty. Ponder that, why don't you?

Tricky definitions surround 'middle class' and 'poverty' yet we still have no evidence of successful Conservative economic policy, nowhere on earth.
"You're going to start treating us with the respect we've earned. And you're going to pay up."

No because America does NOT treat the European Continent with any respect, you think you can DICTATE what we do and when we do it, including our OWN Foreign Policy, we DO NOT want to be part of America's sordid Middle East Adventures ANYMORE for example, it is THANKS to America because of Syria and Libya that this Continent has HALF of the Middle East as Refugees, the European Continent gets NOTHING of advantage from getting involved in America's WARS in the Middle East ONLY body bags and Refugees.

So no you deserve no respect because you give US no respect and we are NOT going to pay up and so what are you going to do bomb us or something? Just remember we are NOT insignificant little things like Iraq, Libya or Afghanistan that had NO means to bomb back.

No we are NOT going to pay up, if ANYTHING the EU will DOUBLE the tariffs on American goods, do you actually WANT a Trade War? If so, you better read up on the ramifications of full on Trade Wars and with all your accumulated problems how America in the end is going to be the loser of one.

You have no choice unless you want to speak Russian. You've already started to cave and Trump had to embarrass your sorry asses in front of the entire world to get you to pay your fair share to NATO. You can't win a trade war because you produce nothing we need. That's a fact. You have to have our protection. What do you produce we have to have?

You're morally bankrupt. You don't care we saved you from the Nazis.

You wouldn't do a damn thing about the middle east. You rail about weapons, those scary things that keep you from speaking Russian. We make better cars, you imported one. Haha.

You'll be begging us for a fair trade deal before it's over.

Face it, the only way you can exist in your Socialist wet dream is we protect you. Now that's a fact!

Yes but NOBODY IS going to pay more to NATO, they just said that to shut Americans up from whining about NATO spending.

We produce A LOT that you need. What does America make? Most of the important things are Made In China and then YOU Import them to YOU from China, how many things say Made In America now?

You do NOT make better autos. We have BMW, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, the British have Jaguar, Rolls Royce, Aston Martin, the Italians have Ferrari, Lamborghini.

We do NOT Import in mass number American autos, America DOES though pay stupid amounts of moneys for OUR autos to be Imported to you.

In America we run over those cars with our pickup trucks because they serve no purpose other than drive idiots around.

Basically what I've been trying to tell you. We WORK, We buy 2 Million pickup trucks in America every year to WORK with.

"In America we run over those cars with our pickup trucks because they serve no purpose other than drive idiots around."

No probably it is because YOU cannot AFFORD a Porsche or a Ferrari.

"We buy 2 Million pickup trucks in America every year to WORK with."

How many of those auto businesses that produce those pickup trucks are owned by Americans still? As I already commented WHAT is Made In Usa Owned by USA anymore? Not a lot is. What is though is Owned by Foreign Company but then Made In USA, so what you have is Foreign Companies taking the PROFITS HOME but paying Americans to build them in America.

Foreign Car Makers To Take U.S. Lead -- WSJ

Also not only autos but other American things not owned by America now:

10 classic USA brands that are foreign-owned

Oh, so the elitist little rich girl now comes out. The snooty, nose in the air by someone who didn't do a fucking thing to earn her money. Did mommy and daddy give you all that old Eurotrash money or did you fuck your way in to it?

I am Independently Wealthy, my family has been Independently Wealthy since the 15th Century, that doesn't mean we don't volunteer to do what we consider a family duty, which is serve in our nations military, every Generation of my family has served in the military our other thing would be Government Service usually Intelligence or Diplomatic Service, so if you call any of that not doing anything then okay and whatever.

Am I an Elitist? Of course I am why wouldn't I not be?

But one thing I can say is that I have frequently GIVEN financial help to those I could SEE needed help and wanted ZERO in return from them, I also for two years have been paying ALL the medical bills of a male friend in Oakland, California, he has HIV and I love him obviously in a Platonic way, I love and care about him so much I personally help to keep him well and even alive. He's on this thing called antiretroviral therapy, ART, which is a special drug cocktail for those with HIV and being in America I know how expensive that's going to be for him and he needs to take these medications every day and although it was a bit complicated to do I set up a special financial fund for him, so I pay all his medical bills for these drugs he needs because I can afford to do that for him and I wanted him to not have to worry about finances, to know that he will always get his medications and so he can spend his own money on his hobbies and on other things that make him happy.

So this is what a Double Socialist then to you, I support Healthcare and I have a friend who is a San Francisco Faggot dying of HIV but instead of doing the to YOU Non-Socialist thing of DISOWNING my friend and telling him to "Fuck Off And Die Faggot" instead I pay ALL his medical bills to help keep him alive a few more years.
While we're at it, let's look for any country on earth with lower taxes, lower spending, less regulation than the United States AND a thriving middle class. There isn't a single nation out of 195 on earth, with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class. Not a single one. Now that's something to ponder, isn't it?
Define middle class. While your at it, define poverty. Ponder that, why don't you?

Tricky definitions surround 'middle class' and 'poverty' yet we still have no evidence of successful Conservative economic policy, nowhere on earth.
I see, if you can't define middle class and poverty, but, you still can make a statement like you did? Now that is something to ponder. :confused:
That's because WE need to FIRST get it through heads that ONLY ONE in that Top 10 IS Socialist and that is Sweden, that ALL of them are not Socialist or even NEAR being Socialist.
Depends on your definition of socialism. It doesn't have to be all or nothing.

There is ONLY ONE definition of Socialism, Socialism is the SAME EVERYWHERE, there is not Rest of The World Definition of Socialism and American Only Definition of Socialism which is:

IF you spend money on your OWN peoples then you are just TOTALLY Socialist because WTF we should be telling everyone to fuck off they are on their own because NORMAL Non-Socialist nations support just cutting taxes and spending ONE TRILLION a year EVERY year on Weapons Of War to bomb their next victims that the Neo-Conservatives demand are bombed into near oblivion.

So instead of WASTING BILLIONS and TRILLIONS on Weapons Of War to KILL peoples WE would prefer to spend that money on things like Healthcare to keep our OWN healthy and alive.
That would be your opinion and your welcome to it. Not everyone has your opinion on socialism.

Do Americans know WHAT Socialism even IS? If you THINK for example Denmark and Switzerland are Socialist then no you do not know what Socialism even is. So perhaps Americans should just direct the Socialism thing at something that IS Socialist like Venezuela.
What I THINK, Lucy, is that it's a transition between capitalism and communism. That's what I THINK, Lucy.

Well I am Pro-Capitalist and very Anti-Socialist, I have frequently commented at this forum that Socialism's aim is Communism, Lenin himself commented and also wrote that the goal of Socialism is Communism.
You're in debt over 12 Trillion Euros and if we didn't have to pay for your protection we would be several Trillion less in debt and you would be speaking Russian. So go pound sand. We're tired of paying for your protection. We're tired of paying your tariffs. You're going to start treating us with the respect we've earned. And you're going to pay up.

"You're going to start treating us with the respect we've earned. And you're going to pay up."

No because America does NOT treat the European Continent with any respect, you think you can DICTATE what we do and when we do it, including our OWN Foreign Policy, we DO NOT want to be part of America's sordid Middle East Adventures ANYMORE for example, it is THANKS to America because of Syria and Libya that this Continent has HALF of the Middle East as Refugees, the European Continent gets NOTHING of advantage from getting involved in America's WARS in the Middle East ONLY body bags and Refugees.

So no you deserve no respect because you give US no respect and we are NOT going to pay up and so what are you going to do bomb us or something? Just remember we are NOT insignificant little things like Iraq, Libya or Afghanistan that had NO means to bomb back.

No we are NOT going to pay up, if ANYTHING the EU will DOUBLE the tariffs on American goods, do you actually WANT a Trade War? If so, you better read up on the ramifications of full on Trade Wars and with all your accumulated problems how America in the end is going to be the loser of one.

You have no choice unless you want to speak Russian. You've already started to cave and Trump had to embarrass your sorry asses in front of the entire world to get you to pay your fair share to NATO. You can't win a trade war because you produce nothing we need. That's a fact. You have to have our protection. What do you produce we have to have?

You're morally bankrupt. You don't care we saved you from the Nazis.

You wouldn't do a damn thing about the middle east. You rail about weapons, those scary things that keep you from speaking Russian. We make better cars, you imported one. Haha.

You'll be begging us for a fair trade deal before it's over.

Face it, the only way you can exist in your Socialist wet dream is we protect you. Now that's a fact!

Yes but NOBODY IS going to pay more to NATO, they just said that to shut Americans up from whining about NATO spending.

We produce A LOT that you need. What does America make? Most of the important things are Made In China and then YOU Import them to YOU from China, how many things say Made In America now?

You do NOT make better autos. We have BMW, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, the British have Jaguar, Rolls Royce, Aston Martin, the Italians have Ferrari, Lamborghini.

We do NOT Import in mass number American autos, America DOES though pay stupid amounts of moneys for OUR autos to be Imported to you.

In America we run over those cars with our pickup trucks because they serve no purpose other than drive idiots around.

Basically what I've been trying to tell you. We WORK, We buy 2 Million pickup trucks in America every year to WORK with.

"In America we run over those cars with our pickup trucks because they serve no purpose other than drive idiots around."

No probably it is because YOU cannot AFFORD a Porsche or a Ferrari.

"We buy 2 Million pickup trucks in America every year to WORK with."

How many of those auto businesses that produce those pickup trucks are owned by Americans still? As I already commented WHAT is Made In Usa Owned by USA anymore? Not a lot is. What is though is Owned by Foreign Company but then Made In USA, so what you have is Foreign Companies taking the PROFITS HOME but paying Americans to build them in America.

Foreign Car Makers To Take U.S. Lead -- WSJ

Also not only autos but other American things not owned by America now:

10 classic USA brands that are foreign-owned

Let us not forget that Obama sold Chrysler to Fiat at a huge loss, so now only two American Car manufacturers.

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