Top 10 Countries With Highest Household Debt All Socialist

While we're at it, let's look for any country on earth with lower taxes, lower spending, less regulation than the United States AND a thriving middle class. There isn't a single nation out of 195 on earth, with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class. Not a single one. Now that's something to ponder, isn't it?
Define middle class. While your at it, define poverty. Ponder that, why don't you?

This is another thing the Class System, in America totally different than on the European Continent literally could be from Mars what America considers Middle Class and America has NO Upper Class that Europeans would consider Upper Class, America has NEVER had our Aristocracy, sorry some Meat Packing Heir from New York or whatever is NOT Upper Class, the Kennedy's are NOT Upper Class they never were, someone making millions of Dollars from ZERO Bootlegging does NOT get to be Upper Class, they remain as they ALWAYS were and that IS Working Class.

EG. Someone is Working Class then they win the Lottery and win eg. 200 MILLIONS, this does NOT make them all of a sudden Upper Class.

The European Class System has ZERO to do with finances, some are Independently Wealthy down multiple Centuries but also there are a lot of Upper Class who have not a lot of finances now they might perhaps have only ONE Millions but they still are Upper Class.

In America it is that someone goes from ZERO to making a BILLION and all of a sudden is Upper Class, Bill Gates is NOT Upper Class, the Trump Family are NOT Upper Class, the Bush Family are NOT Upper Class, NOBODY in Hollyweird IS Upper Class, you CANNOT buy your way into the Upper Class or EARN your way into the Upper Class, the America Class System to us is like something from Mars, it is not ANY type of Class System as Europeans have EVER known the Class System.

EG. Someone who is BORN Working Class can go up to Lower Middle Class or even perhaps full Middle Class but that is where it stops.

What in America is considered Working Class and also Lower Middle Class and also Middle Class? Professions for these would be?
While we're at it, let's look for any country on earth with lower taxes, lower spending, less regulation than the United States AND a thriving middle class. There isn't a single nation out of 195 on earth, with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class. Not a single one. Now that's something to ponder, isn't it?
Define middle class. While your at it, define poverty. Ponder that, why don't you?

Tricky definitions surround 'middle class' and 'poverty' yet we still have no evidence of successful Conservative economic policy, nowhere on earth.
I see, if you can't define middle class and poverty, but, you still can make a statement like you did? Now that is something to ponder. :confused:

Oh, I could define it quite easily, there are abundant sources for that. But why detract from the real question? Why is there no conservative fiscal policy anywhere on earth that has a thriving middle class? Answer that why don't you?
While we're at it, let's look for any country on earth with lower taxes, lower spending, less regulation than the United States AND a thriving middle class. There isn't a single nation out of 195 on earth, with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class. Not a single one. Now that's something to ponder, isn't it?
Define middle class. While your at it, define poverty. Ponder that, why don't you?

This is another thing the Class System, in America totally different than on the European Continent literally could be from Mars what America considers Middle Class and America has NO Upper Class that Europeans would consider Upper Class, America has NEVER had our Aristocracy, sorry some Meat Packing Heir from New York or whatever is NOT Upper Class, the Kennedy's are NOT Upper Class they never were, someone making millions of Dollars from ZERO Bootlegging does NOT get to be Upper Class, they remain as they ALWAYS were and that IS Working Class.

EG. Someone is Working Class then they win the Lottery and win eg. 200 MILLIONS, this does NOT make them all of a sudden Upper Class.

The European Class System has ZERO to do with finances, some are Independently Wealthy down multiple Centuries but also there are a lot of Upper Class who have not a lot of finances now they might perhaps have only ONE Millions but they still are Upper Class.

In America it is that someone goes from ZERO to making a BILLION and all of a sudden is Upper Class, Bill Gates is NOT Upper Class, the Trump Family are NOT Upper Class, the Bush Family are NOT Upper Class, NOBODY in Hollyweird IS Upper Class, you CANNOT buy your way into the Upper Class or EARN your way into the Upper Class, the America Class System to us is like something from Mars, it is not ANY type of Class System as Europeans have EVER known the Class System.

EG. Someone who is BORN Working Class can go up to Lower Middle Class or even perhaps full Middle Class but that is where it stops.

What in America is considered Working Class and also Lower Middle Class and also Middle Class? Professions for these would be?

This is where we part, dear Lucy, a thousand years of inbreeding does not make you upper class. We fought a war to separate us from that, and it hasn't done the Europeans any good at all. They've done away with most of it, and with good reason.
While we're at it, let's look for any country on earth with lower taxes, lower spending, less regulation than the United States AND a thriving middle class. There isn't a single nation out of 195 on earth, with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class. Not a single one. Now that's something to ponder, isn't it?
Define middle class. While your at it, define poverty. Ponder that, why don't you?

Tricky definitions surround 'middle class' and 'poverty' yet we still have no evidence of successful Conservative economic policy, nowhere on earth.
I see, if you can't define middle class and poverty, but, you still can make a statement like you did? Now that is something to ponder. :confused:

Oh, I could define it quite easily, there are abundant sources for that. But why detract from the real question? Why is there no conservative fiscal policy anywhere on earth that has a thriving middle class? Answer that why don't you?
I can't answer that because you haven't given a definition of what middle class is. I have no idea what I would even be debating.
You're being obtuse about your premise.
While we're at it, let's look for any country on earth with lower taxes, lower spending, less regulation than the United States AND a thriving middle class. There isn't a single nation out of 195 on earth, with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class. Not a single one. Now that's something to ponder, isn't it?
Define middle class. While your at it, define poverty. Ponder that, why don't you?

This is another thing the Class System, in America totally different than on the European Continent literally could be from Mars what America considers Middle Class and America has NO Upper Class that Europeans would consider Upper Class, America has NEVER had our Aristocracy, sorry some Meat Packing Heir from New York or whatever is NOT Upper Class, the Kennedy's are NOT Upper Class they never were, someone making millions of Dollars from ZERO Bootlegging does NOT get to be Upper Class, they remain as they ALWAYS were and that IS Working Class.

EG. Someone is Working Class then they win the Lottery and win eg. 200 MILLIONS, this does NOT make them all of a sudden Upper Class.

The European Class System has ZERO to do with finances, some are Independently Wealthy down multiple Centuries but also there are a lot of Upper Class who have not a lot of finances now they might perhaps have only ONE Millions but they still are Upper Class.

In America it is that someone goes from ZERO to making a BILLION and all of a sudden is Upper Class, Bill Gates is NOT Upper Class, the Trump Family are NOT Upper Class, the Bush Family are NOT Upper Class, NOBODY in Hollyweird IS Upper Class, you CANNOT buy your way into the Upper Class or EARN your way into the Upper Class, the America Class System to us is like something from Mars, it is not ANY type of Class System as Europeans have EVER known the Class System.

EG. Someone who is BORN Working Class can go up to Lower Middle Class or even perhaps full Middle Class but that is where it stops.

What in America is considered Working Class and also Lower Middle Class and also Middle Class? Professions for these would be?
Lucy, I have no idea what you're talking about. The only thing I gather is that different classes means different things to you and to the US.
To you there is a definitive pathway to a higher class, it just means zero here in the US.
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.
So tell us, Einstein, what constitutes socialism?
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


What America has that ALL of those nations COMBINED do NOT have and that's a National Debt of 21 TRILLION, now 21 TRILLION that is SOME FULL ON Socialist spending like drunk sailors, you have spent 21 TRILLION MORE than you EVER bring back in via taxes etc That is Socialism 101 SPENDING BEYOND your MEANS with OTHER peoples MONEY ie. BORROWED MONEY, that is ZERO Fiscal Conservatism or EVEN ZERO Fiscal RESPONSIBILITY, it is PURE Socialistic spending and both Democrat AND Republicans have spent like drunken sailors, you last had a Balanced Budget when? Did you, ever?

What you DO to keep America from having their International Debtors calling in for THEIR Debts that YOU OWE THEM is you have this insanity of just PRINTING MORE MONEY, and for every worthless Monopoly paper Dollar you print it adds x FIVE onto your 21 TRILLION debt. Every year you have to raise your Debt Ceiling so you can keep on borrowing, if you failed to raise your Debt Ceiling you would default on your Debt and be declared bankrupt and then ALL your Debtors MAINLY China would come calling.

You Economically are in such a dire situation that IF China decided to DUMP HALF of YOUR Debt they OWN on the Open Market within 10 hours the Dollar would CRASH, ALL Americans personal savings would be WIPED OUT you would have The Great Depression returning but 1000 times WORSE than the original one.

Now THIS is something that Americans choose NOT to pay attention to because you think you CANNOT fail, but you CAN, you are NOT Immortal.

You're in debt over 12 Trillion Euros and if we didn't have to pay for your protection we would be several Trillion less in debt and you would be speaking Russian. So go pound sand. We're tired of paying for your protection. We're tired of paying your tariffs. You're going to start treating us with the respect we've earned. And you're going to pay up.
I would guess Europeans are sick of Republicans who start corrupt world depressions and are the reason behind this debt d u h, dingbat GOP doops.
While we're at it, let's look for any country on earth with lower taxes, lower spending, less regulation than the United States AND a thriving middle class. There isn't a single nation out of 195 on earth, with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class. Not a single one. Now that's something to ponder, isn't it?
Define middle class. While your at it, define poverty. Ponder that, why don't you?

This is another thing the Class System, in America totally different than on the European Continent literally could be from Mars what America considers Middle Class and America has NO Upper Class that Europeans would consider Upper Class, America has NEVER had our Aristocracy, sorry some Meat Packing Heir from New York or whatever is NOT Upper Class, the Kennedy's are NOT Upper Class they never were, someone making millions of Dollars from ZERO Bootlegging does NOT get to be Upper Class, they remain as they ALWAYS were and that IS Working Class.

EG. Someone is Working Class then they win the Lottery and win eg. 200 MILLIONS, this does NOT make them all of a sudden Upper Class.

The European Class System has ZERO to do with finances, some are Independently Wealthy down multiple Centuries but also there are a lot of Upper Class who have not a lot of finances now they might perhaps have only ONE Millions but they still are Upper Class.

In America it is that someone goes from ZERO to making a BILLION and all of a sudden is Upper Class, Bill Gates is NOT Upper Class, the Trump Family are NOT Upper Class, the Bush Family are NOT Upper Class, NOBODY in Hollyweird IS Upper Class, you CANNOT buy your way into the Upper Class or EARN your way into the Upper Class, the America Class System to us is like something from Mars, it is not ANY type of Class System as Europeans have EVER known the Class System.

EG. Someone who is BORN Working Class can go up to Lower Middle Class or even perhaps full Middle Class but that is where it stops.

What in America is considered Working Class and also Lower Middle Class and also Middle Class? Professions for these would be?

This is where we part, dear Lucy, a thousand years of inbreeding does not make you upper class. We fought a war to separate us from that, and it hasn't done the Europeans any good at all. They've done away with most of it, and with good reason.

No we have not in your term done away with most of it. We never will also. Not a thousand years of inbreeding, okay you fought a war to get away from the British but I think that did not having anything to do with the Class System.

What you also comment is VERY Socialist if not Neo-Communist because THEY are the ones who have always HATED the Upper Class and wanted to kill the Upper Class, the Right-Wing always historically has supported Monarchism and the Upper Class System.

Americans want to insist that EVERYONE must follow America and be like America and we don't and we never are going to, you also think that is being Anti-American or whatever when it is NOT, you have to accept that we are different from you that Europeans are different to Americans and we in general resist this Americanisation that you like to think we all want, we might have some Common Interests with Americans but we are different.
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


What America has that ALL of those nations COMBINED do NOT have and that's a National Debt of 21 TRILLION, now 21 TRILLION that is SOME FULL ON Socialist spending like drunk sailors, you have spent 21 TRILLION MORE than you EVER bring back in via taxes etc That is Socialism 101 SPENDING BEYOND your MEANS with OTHER peoples MONEY ie. BORROWED MONEY, that is ZERO Fiscal Conservatism or EVEN ZERO Fiscal RESPONSIBILITY, it is PURE Socialistic spending and both Democrat AND Republicans have spent like drunken sailors, you last had a Balanced Budget when? Did you, ever?

What you DO to keep America from having their International Debtors calling in for THEIR Debts that YOU OWE THEM is you have this insanity of just PRINTING MORE MONEY, and for every worthless Monopoly paper Dollar you print it adds x FIVE onto your 21 TRILLION debt. Every year you have to raise your Debt Ceiling so you can keep on borrowing, if you failed to raise your Debt Ceiling you would default on your Debt and be declared bankrupt and then ALL your Debtors MAINLY China would come calling.

You Economically are in such a dire situation that IF China decided to DUMP HALF of YOUR Debt they OWN on the Open Market within 10 hours the Dollar would CRASH, ALL Americans personal savings would be WIPED OUT you would have The Great Depression returning but 1000 times WORSE than the original one.

Now THIS is something that Americans choose NOT to pay attention to because you think you CANNOT fail, but you CAN, you are NOT Immortal.

You're in debt over 12 Trillion Euros and if we didn't have to pay for your protection we would be several Trillion less in debt and you would be speaking Russian. So go pound sand. We're tired of paying for your protection. We're tired of paying your tariffs. You're going to start treating us with the respect we've earned. And you're going to pay up.
I would guess Europeans are sick of Republicans who start corrupt world depressions and are the reason behind this debt d u h, dingbat GOP doops.

I think in general we are tired of War Mongering from Washington and this from both Democrats and Republicans, it seems you always are looking for a new War which is just Perpetual War, you have been in Afghanistan for 17 years now for example not a lot to show for that, The Taliban have regrouped, daily suicide bombs still happening, Opium Poppys growing all over turned into Heroin and Exported by Drug Cartels, you are in a 17 year Quagmire and YET you are looking for War With Iran, War With Russia, War With China, War with ANYONE, Addicted To War, all these things have ramifications for EVERYONE else even though we might not be involved.
While we're at it, let's look for any country on earth with lower taxes, lower spending, less regulation than the United States AND a thriving middle class. There isn't a single nation out of 195 on earth, with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class. Not a single one. Now that's something to ponder, isn't it?
Define middle class. While your at it, define poverty. Ponder that, why don't you?

This is another thing the Class System, in America totally different than on the European Continent literally could be from Mars what America considers Middle Class and America has NO Upper Class that Europeans would consider Upper Class, America has NEVER had our Aristocracy, sorry some Meat Packing Heir from New York or whatever is NOT Upper Class, the Kennedy's are NOT Upper Class they never were, someone making millions of Dollars from ZERO Bootlegging does NOT get to be Upper Class, they remain as they ALWAYS were and that IS Working Class.

EG. Someone is Working Class then they win the Lottery and win eg. 200 MILLIONS, this does NOT make them all of a sudden Upper Class.

The European Class System has ZERO to do with finances, some are Independently Wealthy down multiple Centuries but also there are a lot of Upper Class who have not a lot of finances now they might perhaps have only ONE Millions but they still are Upper Class.

In America it is that someone goes from ZERO to making a BILLION and all of a sudden is Upper Class, Bill Gates is NOT Upper Class, the Trump Family are NOT Upper Class, the Bush Family are NOT Upper Class, NOBODY in Hollyweird IS Upper Class, you CANNOT buy your way into the Upper Class or EARN your way into the Upper Class, the America Class System to us is like something from Mars, it is not ANY type of Class System as Europeans have EVER known the Class System.

EG. Someone who is BORN Working Class can go up to Lower Middle Class or even perhaps full Middle Class but that is where it stops.

What in America is considered Working Class and also Lower Middle Class and also Middle Class? Professions for these would be?
Lucy, I have no idea what you're talking about. The only thing I gather is that different classes means different things to you and to the US.
To you there is a definitive pathway to a higher class, it just means zero here in the US.

Yes different Classes mean different things to us and you.
While we're at it, let's look for any country on earth with lower taxes, lower spending, less regulation than the United States AND a thriving middle class. There isn't a single nation out of 195 on earth, with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class. Not a single one. Now that's something to ponder, isn't it?
Define middle class. While your at it, define poverty. Ponder that, why don't you?

This is another thing the Class System, in America totally different than on the European Continent literally could be from Mars what America considers Middle Class and America has NO Upper Class that Europeans would consider Upper Class, America has NEVER had our Aristocracy, sorry some Meat Packing Heir from New York or whatever is NOT Upper Class, the Kennedy's are NOT Upper Class they never were, someone making millions of Dollars from ZERO Bootlegging does NOT get to be Upper Class, they remain as they ALWAYS were and that IS Working Class.

EG. Someone is Working Class then they win the Lottery and win eg. 200 MILLIONS, this does NOT make them all of a sudden Upper Class.

The European Class System has ZERO to do with finances, some are Independently Wealthy down multiple Centuries but also there are a lot of Upper Class who have not a lot of finances now they might perhaps have only ONE Millions but they still are Upper Class.

In America it is that someone goes from ZERO to making a BILLION and all of a sudden is Upper Class, Bill Gates is NOT Upper Class, the Trump Family are NOT Upper Class, the Bush Family are NOT Upper Class, NOBODY in Hollyweird IS Upper Class, you CANNOT buy your way into the Upper Class or EARN your way into the Upper Class, the America Class System to us is like something from Mars, it is not ANY type of Class System as Europeans have EVER known the Class System.

EG. Someone who is BORN Working Class can go up to Lower Middle Class or even perhaps full Middle Class but that is where it stops.

What in America is considered Working Class and also Lower Middle Class and also Middle Class? Professions for these would be?

This is where we part, dear Lucy, a thousand years of inbreeding does not make you upper class. We fought a war to separate us from that, and it hasn't done the Europeans any good at all. They've done away with most of it, and with good reason.

No we have not in your term done away with most of it. We never will also. Not a thousand years of inbreeding, okay you fought a war to get away from the British but I think that did not having anything to do with the Class System.

What you also comment is VERY Socialist if not Neo-Communist because THEY are the ones who have always HATED the Upper Class and wanted to kill the Upper Class, the Right-Wing always historically has supported Monarchism and the Upper Class System.

Americans want to insist that EVERYONE must follow America and be like America and we don't and we never are going to, you also think that is being Anti-American or whatever when it is NOT, you have to accept that we are different from you that Europeans are different to Americans and we in general resist this Americanisation that you like to think we all want, we might have some Common Interests with Americans but we are different.
Only brainwashed GOP Chumps think socialist countries should our lead of the last 35 years. Give away to the rich and Wrecking the rest and the country is idiotic.
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.
So tell us, Einstein, what constitutes socialism?

No this is what I am asking Americans, what Americans THINK Socialism is. It is NOT what Denmark or Switzerland are for example.
While we're at it, let's look for any country on earth with lower taxes, lower spending, less regulation than the United States AND a thriving middle class. There isn't a single nation out of 195 on earth, with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class. Not a single one. Now that's something to ponder, isn't it?
Define middle class. While your at it, define poverty. Ponder that, why don't you?

This is another thing the Class System, in America totally different than on the European Continent literally could be from Mars what America considers Middle Class and America has NO Upper Class that Europeans would consider Upper Class, America has NEVER had our Aristocracy, sorry some Meat Packing Heir from New York or whatever is NOT Upper Class, the Kennedy's are NOT Upper Class they never were, someone making millions of Dollars from ZERO Bootlegging does NOT get to be Upper Class, they remain as they ALWAYS were and that IS Working Class.

EG. Someone is Working Class then they win the Lottery and win eg. 200 MILLIONS, this does NOT make them all of a sudden Upper Class.

The European Class System has ZERO to do with finances, some are Independently Wealthy down multiple Centuries but also there are a lot of Upper Class who have not a lot of finances now they might perhaps have only ONE Millions but they still are Upper Class.

In America it is that someone goes from ZERO to making a BILLION and all of a sudden is Upper Class, Bill Gates is NOT Upper Class, the Trump Family are NOT Upper Class, the Bush Family are NOT Upper Class, NOBODY in Hollyweird IS Upper Class, you CANNOT buy your way into the Upper Class or EARN your way into the Upper Class, the America Class System to us is like something from Mars, it is not ANY type of Class System as Europeans have EVER known the Class System.

EG. Someone who is BORN Working Class can go up to Lower Middle Class or even perhaps full Middle Class but that is where it stops.

What in America is considered Working Class and also Lower Middle Class and also Middle Class? Professions for these would be?

This is where we part, dear Lucy, a thousand years of inbreeding does not make you upper class. We fought a war to separate us from that, and it hasn't done the Europeans any good at all. They've done away with most of it, and with good reason.

No we have not in your term done away with most of it. We never will also. Not a thousand years of inbreeding, okay you fought a war to get away from the British but I think that did not having anything to do with the Class System.

What you also comment is VERY Socialist if not Neo-Communist because THEY are the ones who have always HATED the Upper Class and wanted to kill the Upper Class, the Right-Wing always historically has supported Monarchism and the Upper Class System.

Americans want to insist that EVERYONE must follow America and be like America and we don't and we never are going to, you also think that is being Anti-American or whatever when it is NOT, you have to accept that we are different from you that Europeans are different to Americans and we in general resist this Americanisation that you like to think we all want, we might have some Common Interests with Americans but we are different.
Only brainwashed GOP Chumps think socialist countries should our lead of the last 35 years. Give away to the rich and Wrecking the rest and the country is idiotic.

Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


What America has that ALL of those nations COMBINED do NOT have and that's a National Debt of 21 TRILLION, now 21 TRILLION that is SOME FULL ON Socialist spending like drunk sailors, you have spent 21 TRILLION MORE than you EVER bring back in via taxes etc That is Socialism 101 SPENDING BEYOND your MEANS with OTHER peoples MONEY ie. BORROWED MONEY, that is ZERO Fiscal Conservatism or EVEN ZERO Fiscal RESPONSIBILITY, it is PURE Socialistic spending and both Democrat AND Republicans have spent like drunken sailors, you last had a Balanced Budget when? Did you, ever?

What you DO to keep America from having their International Debtors calling in for THEIR Debts that YOU OWE THEM is you have this insanity of just PRINTING MORE MONEY, and for every worthless Monopoly paper Dollar you print it adds x FIVE onto your 21 TRILLION debt. Every year you have to raise your Debt Ceiling so you can keep on borrowing, if you failed to raise your Debt Ceiling you would default on your Debt and be declared bankrupt and then ALL your Debtors MAINLY China would come calling.

You Economically are in such a dire situation that IF China decided to DUMP HALF of YOUR Debt they OWN on the Open Market within 10 hours the Dollar would CRASH, ALL Americans personal savings would be WIPED OUT you would have The Great Depression returning but 1000 times WORSE than the original one.

Now THIS is something that Americans choose NOT to pay attention to because you think you CANNOT fail, but you CAN, you are NOT Immortal.

You're in debt over 12 Trillion Euros and if we didn't have to pay for your protection we would be several Trillion less in debt and you would be speaking Russian. So go pound sand. We're tired of paying for your protection. We're tired of paying your tariffs. You're going to start treating us with the respect we've earned. And you're going to pay up.
I would guess Europeans are sick of Republicans who start corrupt world depressions and are the reason behind this debt d u h, dingbat GOP doops.

I think in general we are tired of War Mongering from Washington and this from both Democrats and Republicans, it seems you always are looking for a new War which is just Perpetual War, you have been in Afghanistan for 17 years now for example not a lot to show for that, The Taliban have regrouped, daily suicide bombs still happening, Opium Poppys growing all over turned into Heroin and Exported by Drug Cartels, you are in a 17 year Quagmire and YET you are looking for War With Iran, War With Russia, War With China, War with ANYONE, Addicted To War, all these things have ramifications for EVERYONE else even though we might not be involved.
That would be Republican Americans. Democrats only like bombing total assholes like Gaddafi and that Serbian s***.
Lucy's opinion means something because she has no goat to lose, whereas Meister . . . can lose a lot.

One again, folks, the OP means nothing until Rickytardo can do a cost comparative analysis among those nations' economies, banking laws, home ownership lending practices, and the economy with America.

IOW, Ricky has no idea what he is talking about, and his amigo is lost as well.
Define middle class. While your at it, define poverty. Ponder that, why don't you?

This is another thing the Class System, in America totally different than on the European Continent literally could be from Mars what America considers Middle Class and America has NO Upper Class that Europeans would consider Upper Class, America has NEVER had our Aristocracy, sorry some Meat Packing Heir from New York or whatever is NOT Upper Class, the Kennedy's are NOT Upper Class they never were, someone making millions of Dollars from ZERO Bootlegging does NOT get to be Upper Class, they remain as they ALWAYS were and that IS Working Class.

EG. Someone is Working Class then they win the Lottery and win eg. 200 MILLIONS, this does NOT make them all of a sudden Upper Class.

The European Class System has ZERO to do with finances, some are Independently Wealthy down multiple Centuries but also there are a lot of Upper Class who have not a lot of finances now they might perhaps have only ONE Millions but they still are Upper Class.

In America it is that someone goes from ZERO to making a BILLION and all of a sudden is Upper Class, Bill Gates is NOT Upper Class, the Trump Family are NOT Upper Class, the Bush Family are NOT Upper Class, NOBODY in Hollyweird IS Upper Class, you CANNOT buy your way into the Upper Class or EARN your way into the Upper Class, the America Class System to us is like something from Mars, it is not ANY type of Class System as Europeans have EVER known the Class System.

EG. Someone who is BORN Working Class can go up to Lower Middle Class or even perhaps full Middle Class but that is where it stops.

What in America is considered Working Class and also Lower Middle Class and also Middle Class? Professions for these would be?

This is where we part, dear Lucy, a thousand years of inbreeding does not make you upper class. We fought a war to separate us from that, and it hasn't done the Europeans any good at all. They've done away with most of it, and with good reason.

No we have not in your term done away with most of it. We never will also. Not a thousand years of inbreeding, okay you fought a war to get away from the British but I think that did not having anything to do with the Class System.

What you also comment is VERY Socialist if not Neo-Communist because THEY are the ones who have always HATED the Upper Class and wanted to kill the Upper Class, the Right-Wing always historically has supported Monarchism and the Upper Class System.

Americans want to insist that EVERYONE must follow America and be like America and we don't and we never are going to, you also think that is being Anti-American or whatever when it is NOT, you have to accept that we are different from you that Europeans are different to Americans and we in general resist this Americanisation that you like to think we all want, we might have some Common Interests with Americans but we are different.
Only brainwashed GOP Chumps think socialist countries should our lead of the last 35 years. Give away to the rich and Wrecking the rest and the country is idiotic.

Yes GOP voters are brainwashed by Fox Rush Limbaugh etc etc and think everything is fine. Chumps. Question?
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.
So tell us, Einstein, what constitutes socialism?

No this is what I am asking Americans, what Americans THINK Socialism is. It is NOT what Denmark or Switzerland are for example.
Oh yes it is. You are the one here who says they know what socialism is --explain the big difference between Denmark and Sweden or France or Canada or Japan. Or Switzerland.
What America has that ALL of those nations COMBINED do NOT have and that's a National Debt of 21 TRILLION, now 21 TRILLION that is SOME FULL ON Socialist spending like drunk sailors, you have spent 21 TRILLION MORE than you EVER bring back in via taxes etc That is Socialism 101 SPENDING BEYOND your MEANS with OTHER peoples MONEY ie. BORROWED MONEY, that is ZERO Fiscal Conservatism or EVEN ZERO Fiscal RESPONSIBILITY, it is PURE Socialistic spending and both Democrat AND Republicans have spent like drunken sailors, you last had a Balanced Budget when? Did you, ever?

What you DO to keep America from having their International Debtors calling in for THEIR Debts that YOU OWE THEM is you have this insanity of just PRINTING MORE MONEY, and for every worthless Monopoly paper Dollar you print it adds x FIVE onto your 21 TRILLION debt. Every year you have to raise your Debt Ceiling so you can keep on borrowing, if you failed to raise your Debt Ceiling you would default on your Debt and be declared bankrupt and then ALL your Debtors MAINLY China would come calling.

You Economically are in such a dire situation that IF China decided to DUMP HALF of YOUR Debt they OWN on the Open Market within 10 hours the Dollar would CRASH, ALL Americans personal savings would be WIPED OUT you would have The Great Depression returning but 1000 times WORSE than the original one.

Now THIS is something that Americans choose NOT to pay attention to because you think you CANNOT fail, but you CAN, you are NOT Immortal.

Government debt per capita in the US is only slightly higher than it is in Austria.

This is how much debt your country has per person

We are discussing that America has 21 TRILLION in debt, what OTHER nation has such an outrageous debt? There are no nations, America has the biggest debt on this planet. They have out of control spending, they have no interest in getting such a debt in control, they keep spending, they are never going to pay that debt down all they do is pay off the Interest on the debt and keep raising the Debt Ceiling so they can keep spending.

Cut the crap. You have twice as many people and we produce a higher GDP. We pay enough to protect you from the Russians to pay off our national debt while you freeload off us. Then you charge us tariffs because your work force can't compete.

Everyone in this country has medicare for the elderly. We have medicaid for the poor. You have nothing on us. As the statistics prove we're twice as productive. We have more freedom and don't rely on others for our protection.

Now you're going to pay up. Isn't that what the EU is all about, fair share? Now Trump is going to see you freeloaders pay your fair share.

Sorry we do not freeload off America, we have our own moneys we get ZERO from America, we also are not in NATO an excellent decision which have save us BILLIONS in wasted taxpayers moneys.

As for the EU in general, no they are not going to pay up. Period, you want to keep thinking they are then okay, think that but just because it makes you feel better to think it does not mean it is happening, but is not.

So you're not in NATO but you're in Europe and you pay nothing in to NATO.

Talk about admitting you're a freeloader off of America's protection. How fucking embarrassing. You're even freeloading off the other European countries.

"You're even freeloading off the other European countries."

No we are a Net Contributor to the EU ie. WE pay MORE in than we GET in RETURN. We get NO moneys from ANY OTHER nation, we fund our OWN nation and we also pay to assist the poorer EU nations and GET ZERO in RETURN.
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.
So tell us, Einstein, what constitutes socialism?

No this is what I am asking Americans, what Americans THINK Socialism is. It is NOT what Denmark or Switzerland are for example.
Oh yes it is. You are the one here who says they know what socialism is --explain the big difference between Denmark and Sweden or France or Canada or Japan. Or Switzerland.
Meanwhile most GOP dupes believe Cuba and North Korea are socialist LOL

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