Top 10 Countries With Highest Household Debt All Socialist

Yes but NOBODY IS going to pay more to NATO, they just said that to shut Americans up from whining about NATO spending.

We produce A LOT that you need. What does America make? Most of the important things are Made In China and then YOU Import them to YOU from China, how many things say Made In America now?

You do NOT make better autos. We have BMW, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, the British have Jaguar, Rolls Royce, Aston Martin, the Italians have Ferrari, Lamborghini.

We do NOT Import in mass number American autos, America DOES though pay stupid amounts of moneys for OUR autos to be Imported to you.

In America we run over those cars with our pickup trucks because they serve no purpose other than drive idiots around.

Basically what I've been trying to tell you. We WORK, We buy 2 Million pickup trucks in America every year to WORK with.

"In America we run over those cars with our pickup trucks because they serve no purpose other than drive idiots around."

No probably it is because YOU cannot AFFORD a Porsche or a Ferrari.

"We buy 2 Million pickup trucks in America every year to WORK with."

How many of those auto businesses that produce those pickup trucks are owned by Americans still? As I already commented WHAT is Made In Usa Owned by USA anymore? Not a lot is. What is though is Owned by Foreign Company but then Made In USA, so what you have is Foreign Companies taking the PROFITS HOME but paying Americans to build them in America.

Foreign Car Makers To Take U.S. Lead -- WSJ

Also not only autos but other American things not owned by America now:

10 classic USA brands that are foreign-owned

Oh, so the elitist little rich girl now comes out. The snooty, nose in the air by someone who didn't do a fucking thing to earn her money. Did mommy and daddy give you all that old Eurotrash money or did you fuck your way in to it?

I am Independently Wealthy, my family has been Independently Wealthy since the 15th Century, that doesn't mean we don't volunteer to do what we consider a family duty, which is serve in our nations military, every Generation of my family has served in the military our other thing would be Government Service usually Intelligence or Diplomatic Service, so if you call any of that not doing anything then okay and whatever.

Am I an Elitist? Of course I am why wouldn't I not be?

But one thing I can say is that I have frequently GIVEN financial help to those I could SEE needed help and wanted ZERO in return from them, I also for two years have been paying ALL the medical bills of a male friend in Oakland, California, he has HIV and I love him obviously in a Platonic way, I love and care about him so much I personally help to keep him well and even alive. He's on this thing called antiretroviral therapy, ART, which is a special drug cocktail for those with HIV and being in America I know how expensive that's going to be for him and he needs to take these medications every day and although it was a bit complicated to do I set up a special financial fund for him, so I pay all his medical bills for these drugs he needs because I can afford to do that for him and I wanted him to not have to worry about finances, to know that he will always get his medications and so he can spend his own money on his hobbies and on other things that make him happy.

So this is what a Double Socialist then to you, I support Healthcare and I have a friend who is a San Francisco Faggot dying of HIV but instead of doing the to YOU Non-Socialist thing of DISOWNING my friend and telling him to "Fuck Off And Die Faggot" instead I pay ALL his medical bills to help keep him alive a few more years.

My father came over to Normandy to save you sorry Socialists from the Nazis. We here in America know what it's like to spend our blood to save other countries and then have then treat us like shit. You didn't earn a damn thing in your life. Then try to insult us that we can't afford Ferraris. Not any more. You're going to pay for your protection. You're going to quit funding your Socialized medicine from the tariffs you charge us. You can't stop it now. As the Socialists have yanked the Democrats so far left they're going to get kicked to the curb.

That's why we call you Eurotrash. And then countries get the protection we provide to Europe and your country won't even kick in a dime.

Those days are over. You're paying up like it or not.

"My father came over to Normandy to save you sorry Socialists from the Nazis."

The British asked YOU, we did NOT ask you, YOU also got into bed with the Communists YOUR great friend Josef Stalin who YOU assisted in GIVING the Communists HALF of this Continent to this EVIL lasted from 1946-1989. MY family on BOTH SIDES had been fighting Communists since the 1920s and KILLING them in running street battles, we CONTINUED killing Communists UNTIL America STOPPED us from killing them, instead YOU helped the Communists take control of HALF of this Continent, you should give an apology to a HUNDRED MILLION EUROPEANS who SUFFERED under the Communists that YOU helped FORCE on them from 1946-1989. You could START by apologising to Hungary and perhaps GIVE them COMPENSATION for the suffering.

"You're going to pay for your protection."

Of course WE are not going to, this Continent does NOT NEED any American protection, we can protect OURSELVES, we have no Phantom Threats like America THINKS Russia/China/Iran/North Korea are ALL going to invade America or whatever given the opportunity. We are NOT paranoid and we do NOT NEED Perpetual War to fund our economy via Defence Industries.

"You're going to quit funding your Socialized medicine from the tariffs you charge us."

What....EVAH or what are you going to DO? Wave your TINY DICKS at us, Small Penis Syndrome, TINY DICK = BIG MOUTH, CHEST THUMPING.

"You can't stop it now."

You should stop while you are behind you have consistently posted ignorant and embarrassing things that illustrate little education, just have another drink you will feel better, poor Ricky so very confused.

"That's why we call you Eurotrash."

Not Eurotrash, you COULD NOT afford a girl like me Ricky darling.

"And then countries get the protection we provide to Europe and your country won't even kick in a dime."

We prefer to use the money for our OWN, this is logical, support your OWN, this is what YOU should be doing you know America FIRST etc.

"Those days are over. You're paying up like it or not."

Oh stop being ridiculous, we are NOT going to pay ANYTHING, NOBODY is. Period. It's OUR finances and we have more constructive and useful things to spend on, the next thing is the EU Infrastructure Project, you KNOW America's Infrastructure is a disaster, INSTEAD of WASTING moneys on building MORE bombs to KILL innocent peoples you should use that for your Infrastructure, WTF with the amount you WASTE on Military Spending each year you could have ALREADY TOTALLY funded that Wall you SHOULD be building but NEVER are going to now afford to build.
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.
To American conservatives...Socialists are any countries that help their people
You mean like Venezuela?
Another Fox Rush whatever GOP dupe and Pavlov dog. Say socialists they say Venezuela, which Trump is busily sanctioning and sabotaging out of any chance of coming back. Great job lol. And before the GOP World depression of 2008 wrecked their economy, Hugo cut poverty and homelessness in half and banished illiteracy etc etc.

Venezuela IS Socialist, it IS a disaster.
So tell us, Einstein, what constitutes socialism?

No this is what I am asking Americans, what Americans THINK Socialism is. It is NOT what Denmark or Switzerland are for example.
Oh yes it is. You are the one here who says they know what socialism is --explain the big difference between Denmark and Sweden or France or Canada or Japan. Or Switzerland.
Meanwhile most GOP dupes believe Cuba and North Korea are socialist LOL

Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela ARE Socialist but Cuba and North Korea the next step and are Communist. WTF are you babbling that Cuba and North Korea are Conservative or whatever?
Communist of course. Which is not socialism as understood the last 50 years or more. Pure socialist and dictatorships. And nothing like the countries you have said are socialist...

It was not me who was insisting Denmark and Switzerland were Socialist, franco please keep up with the thread.
"In America we run over those cars with our pickup trucks because they serve no purpose other than drive idiots around."

No probably it is because YOU cannot AFFORD a Porsche or a Ferrari.

"We buy 2 Million pickup trucks in America every year to WORK with."

How many of those auto businesses that produce those pickup trucks are owned by Americans still? As I already commented WHAT is Made In Usa Owned by USA anymore? Not a lot is. What is though is Owned by Foreign Company but then Made In USA, so what you have is Foreign Companies taking the PROFITS HOME but paying Americans to build them in America.

Foreign Car Makers To Take U.S. Lead -- WSJ

Also not only autos but other American things not owned by America now:

10 classic USA brands that are foreign-owned

Oh, so the elitist little rich girl now comes out. The snooty, nose in the air by someone who didn't do a fucking thing to earn her money. Did mommy and daddy give you all that old Eurotrash money or did you fuck your way in to it?

I am Independently Wealthy, my family has been Independently Wealthy since the 15th Century, that doesn't mean we don't volunteer to do what we consider a family duty, which is serve in our nations military, every Generation of my family has served in the military our other thing would be Government Service usually Intelligence or Diplomatic Service, so if you call any of that not doing anything then okay and whatever.

Am I an Elitist? Of course I am why wouldn't I not be?

But one thing I can say is that I have frequently GIVEN financial help to those I could SEE needed help and wanted ZERO in return from them, I also for two years have been paying ALL the medical bills of a male friend in Oakland, California, he has HIV and I love him obviously in a Platonic way, I love and care about him so much I personally help to keep him well and even alive. He's on this thing called antiretroviral therapy, ART, which is a special drug cocktail for those with HIV and being in America I know how expensive that's going to be for him and he needs to take these medications every day and although it was a bit complicated to do I set up a special financial fund for him, so I pay all his medical bills for these drugs he needs because I can afford to do that for him and I wanted him to not have to worry about finances, to know that he will always get his medications and so he can spend his own money on his hobbies and on other things that make him happy.

So this is what a Double Socialist then to you, I support Healthcare and I have a friend who is a San Francisco Faggot dying of HIV but instead of doing the to YOU Non-Socialist thing of DISOWNING my friend and telling him to "Fuck Off And Die Faggot" instead I pay ALL his medical bills to help keep him alive a few more years.

My father came over to Normandy to save you sorry Socialists from the Nazis. We here in America know what it's like to spend our blood to save other countries and then have then treat us like shit. You didn't earn a damn thing in your life. Then try to insult us that we can't afford Ferraris. Not any more. You're going to pay for your protection. You're going to quit funding your Socialized medicine from the tariffs you charge us. You can't stop it now. As the Socialists have yanked the Democrats so far left they're going to get kicked to the curb.

That's why we call you Eurotrash. And then countries get the protection we provide to Europe and your country won't even kick in a dime.

Those days are over. You're paying up like it or not.

"My father came over to Normandy to save you sorry Socialists from the Nazis."

The British asked YOU, we did NOT ask you, YOU also got into bed with the Communists YOUR great friend Josef Stalin who YOU assisted in GIVING the Communists HALF of this Continent to this EVIL lasted from 1946-1989. MY family on BOTH SIDES had been fighting Communists since the 1920s and KILLING them in running street battles, we CONTINUED killing Communists UNTIL America STOPPED us from killing them, instead YOU helped the Communists take control of HALF of this Continent, you should give an apology to a HUNDRED MILLION EUROPEANS who SUFFERED under the Communists that YOU helped FORCE on them from 1946-1989. You could START by apologising to Hungary and perhaps GIVE them COMPENSATION for the suffering.

"You're going to pay for your protection."

Of course WE are not going to, this Continent does NOT NEED any American protection, we can protect OURSELVES, we have no Phantom Threats like America THINKS Russia/China/Iran/North Korea are ALL going to invade America or whatever given the opportunity. We are NOT paranoid and we do NOT NEED Perpetual War to fund our economy via Defence Industries.

"You're going to quit funding your Socialized medicine from the tariffs you charge us."

What....EVAH or what are you going to DO? Wave your TINY DICKS at us, Small Penis Syndrome, TINY DICK = BIG MOUTH, CHEST THUMPING.

"You can't stop it now."

You should stop while you are behind you have consistently posted ignorant and embarrassing things that illustrate little education, just have another drink you will feel better, poor Ricky so very confused.

"That's why we call you Eurotrash."

Not Eurotrash, you COULD NOT afford a girl like me Ricky darling.

"And then countries get the protection we provide to Europe and your country won't even kick in a dime."

We prefer to use the money for our OWN, this is logical, support your OWN, this is what YOU should be doing you know America FIRST etc.

"Those days are over. You're paying up like it or not."

Oh stop being ridiculous, we are NOT going to pay ANYTHING, NOBODY is. Period. It's OUR finances and we have more constructive and useful things to spend on, the next thing is the EU Infrastructure Project, you KNOW America's Infrastructure is a disaster, INSTEAD of WASTING moneys on building MORE bombs to KILL innocent peoples you should use that for your Infrastructure, WTF with the amount you WASTE on Military Spending each year you could have ALREADY TOTALLY funded that Wall you SHOULD be building but NEVER are going to now afford to build.

So now we know your family were Nazis, or you wouldn't have keep your property and wealth through World War II

I wondered what was wrong with you. Now I know.

Now I get to watch Trump continue to kick Europe's sorry ass. You're going to be paying a hell of a lot more taxes while we just got a big tax cut. Enjoy.

The Donald supports Our Team and we already have the assurances he is NOT going to stop us, which is WHY we are supporting him, we knew from day one he shared OUR values, nobody has time for the idiocy you are babbling, we have something MORE important to fight.

"Now I get to watch Trump continue to kick Europe's sorry ass."

No just France, Merkel and the British....the Right-Wing Patriotic Governments on this Continent get no ass kicking and we had word on Tuesday to reinforce this assurance again.

"You're going to be paying a hell of a lot more taxes while we just got a big tax cut."

No and I add we are doing our OWN tax cut approx four BILLION across the board for our OWN, as we are the second wealthiest nation on this Continent we can afford to do this and also fund whatever else we need. We personally do not need a tax cut, so anything we get as usual we will give to various Charity Organisations.
Ricky and his ilk are simply jealous that they could not use the advantage that middle class America provides for upward mobility.

They failed.

So it is everyone else's fault.

Oh, now jake the flake knows how much money I have and how successful I am. ROTFLMAO

Ya, a Fortune 500 company sent me to Europe to train engineers for peanuts.

Speaking of peanuts, your brain is the size of one.
Sure they did :p
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.
To American conservatives...Socialists are any countries that help their people
You mean like Venezuela?
Another Fox Rush whatever GOP dupe and Pavlov dog. Say socialists they say Venezuela, which Trump is busily sanctioning and sabotaging out of any chance of coming back. Great job lol. And before the GOP World depression of 2008 wrecked their economy, Hugo cut poverty and homelessness in half and banished illiteracy etc etc.

Venezuela IS Socialist, it IS a disaster.
It was ruined by the GOP depression of 2008 and has been sanctioned since. It's a third world mess no matter no matter what government it has... oil Market is crap.
I am Independently Wealthy, my family has been Independently Wealthy since the 15th Century, that doesn't mean we don't volunteer to do what we consider a family duty, which is serve in our nations military, every Generation of my family has served in the military our other thing would be Government Service usually Intelligence or Diplomatic Service, so if you call any of that not doing anything then okay and whatever.

Am I an Elitist? Of course I am why wouldn't I not be?

But one thing I can say is that I have frequently GIVEN financial help to those I could SEE needed help and wanted ZERO in return from them, I also for two years have been paying ALL the medical bills of a male friend in Oakland, California, he has HIV and I love him obviously in a Platonic way, I love and care about him so much I personally help to keep him well and even alive. He's on this thing called antiretroviral therapy, ART, which is a special drug cocktail for those with HIV and being in America I know how expensive that's going to be for him and he needs to take these medications every day and although it was a bit complicated to do I set up a special financial fund for him, so I pay all his medical bills for these drugs he needs because I can afford to do that for him and I wanted him to not have to worry about finances, to know that he will always get his medications and so he can spend his own money on his hobbies and on other things that make him happy.

So this is what a Double Socialist then to you, I support Healthcare and I have a friend who is a San Francisco Faggot dying of HIV but instead of doing the to YOU Non-Socialist thing of DISOWNING my friend and telling him to "Fuck Off And Die Faggot" instead I pay ALL his medical bills to help keep him alive a few more years.

My father came over to Normandy to save you sorry Socialists from the Nazis. We here in America know what it's like to spend our blood to save other countries and then have then treat us like shit. You didn't earn a damn thing in your life. Then try to insult us that we can't afford Ferraris. Not any more. You're going to pay for your protection. You're going to quit funding your Socialized medicine from the tariffs you charge us. You can't stop it now. As the Socialists have yanked the Democrats so far left they're going to get kicked to the curb.

That's why we call you Eurotrash. And then countries get the protection we provide to Europe and your country won't even kick in a dime.

Those days are over. You're paying up like it or not.

"My father came over to Normandy to save you sorry Socialists from the Nazis."

The British asked YOU, we did NOT ask you, YOU also got into bed with the Communists YOUR great friend Josef Stalin who YOU assisted in GIVING the Communists HALF of this Continent to this EVIL lasted from 1946-1989. MY family on BOTH SIDES had been fighting Communists since the 1920s and KILLING them in running street battles, we CONTINUED killing Communists UNTIL America STOPPED us from killing them, instead YOU helped the Communists take control of HALF of this Continent, you should give an apology to a HUNDRED MILLION EUROPEANS who SUFFERED under the Communists that YOU helped FORCE on them from 1946-1989. You could START by apologising to Hungary and perhaps GIVE them COMPENSATION for the suffering.

"You're going to pay for your protection."

Of course WE are not going to, this Continent does NOT NEED any American protection, we can protect OURSELVES, we have no Phantom Threats like America THINKS Russia/China/Iran/North Korea are ALL going to invade America or whatever given the opportunity. We are NOT paranoid and we do NOT NEED Perpetual War to fund our economy via Defence Industries.

"You're going to quit funding your Socialized medicine from the tariffs you charge us."

What....EVAH or what are you going to DO? Wave your TINY DICKS at us, Small Penis Syndrome, TINY DICK = BIG MOUTH, CHEST THUMPING.

"You can't stop it now."

You should stop while you are behind you have consistently posted ignorant and embarrassing things that illustrate little education, just have another drink you will feel better, poor Ricky so very confused.

"That's why we call you Eurotrash."

Not Eurotrash, you COULD NOT afford a girl like me Ricky darling.

"And then countries get the protection we provide to Europe and your country won't even kick in a dime."

We prefer to use the money for our OWN, this is logical, support your OWN, this is what YOU should be doing you know America FIRST etc.

"Those days are over. You're paying up like it or not."

Oh stop being ridiculous, we are NOT going to pay ANYTHING, NOBODY is. Period. It's OUR finances and we have more constructive and useful things to spend on, the next thing is the EU Infrastructure Project, you KNOW America's Infrastructure is a disaster, INSTEAD of WASTING moneys on building MORE bombs to KILL innocent peoples you should use that for your Infrastructure, WTF with the amount you WASTE on Military Spending each year you could have ALREADY TOTALLY funded that Wall you SHOULD be building but NEVER are going to now afford to build.

So now we know your family were Nazis, or you wouldn't have keep your property and wealth through World War II

I wondered what was wrong with you. Now I know.

Now I get to watch Trump continue to kick Europe's sorry ass. You're going to be paying a hell of a lot more taxes while we just got a big tax cut. Enjoy.

The Donald supports Our Team and we already have the assurances he is NOT going to stop us, which is WHY we are supporting him, we knew from day one he shared OUR values, nobody has time for the idiocy you are babbling, we have something MORE important to fight.

"Now I get to watch Trump continue to kick Europe's sorry ass."

No just France, Merkel and the British....the Right-Wing Patriotic Governments on this Continent get no ass kicking and we had word on Tuesday to reinforce this assurance again.

"You're going to be paying a hell of a lot more taxes while we just got a big tax cut."

No and I add we are doing our OWN tax cut approx four BILLION across the board for our OWN, as we are the second wealthiest nation on this Continent we can afford to do this and also fund whatever else we need. We personally do not need a tax cut, so anything we get as usual we will give to various Charity Organisations.

No, petunia. Trump is with us. The ones who elected him. Your tariffs are going up. Your taxes will have to go up to cover your losses (our gain) and you will start paying your fair share. We win the trade war hands down.

You get a shit sandwich and we get to watch you whine now that you have to start paying your fair share.

Now tell the class just how your Nazi family got to keep their property and wealth through World War II.
Monarchists are pretty right-wing too...
"In America we run over those cars with our pickup trucks because they serve no purpose other than drive idiots around."

No probably it is because YOU cannot AFFORD a Porsche or a Ferrari.

"We buy 2 Million pickup trucks in America every year to WORK with."

How many of those auto businesses that produce those pickup trucks are owned by Americans still? As I already commented WHAT is Made In Usa Owned by USA anymore? Not a lot is. What is though is Owned by Foreign Company but then Made In USA, so what you have is Foreign Companies taking the PROFITS HOME but paying Americans to build them in America.

Foreign Car Makers To Take U.S. Lead -- WSJ

Also not only autos but other American things not owned by America now:

10 classic USA brands that are foreign-owned

Oh, so the elitist little rich girl now comes out. The snooty, nose in the air by someone who didn't do a fucking thing to earn her money. Did mommy and daddy give you all that old Eurotrash money or did you fuck your way in to it?

I am Independently Wealthy, my family has been Independently Wealthy since the 15th Century, that doesn't mean we don't volunteer to do what we consider a family duty, which is serve in our nations military, every Generation of my family has served in the military our other thing would be Government Service usually Intelligence or Diplomatic Service, so if you call any of that not doing anything then okay and whatever.

Am I an Elitist? Of course I am why wouldn't I not be?

But one thing I can say is that I have frequently GIVEN financial help to those I could SEE needed help and wanted ZERO in return from them, I also for two years have been paying ALL the medical bills of a male friend in Oakland, California, he has HIV and I love him obviously in a Platonic way, I love and care about him so much I personally help to keep him well and even alive. He's on this thing called antiretroviral therapy, ART, which is a special drug cocktail for those with HIV and being in America I know how expensive that's going to be for him and he needs to take these medications every day and although it was a bit complicated to do I set up a special financial fund for him, so I pay all his medical bills for these drugs he needs because I can afford to do that for him and I wanted him to not have to worry about finances, to know that he will always get his medications and so he can spend his own money on his hobbies and on other things that make him happy.

So this is what a Double Socialist then to you, I support Healthcare and I have a friend who is a San Francisco Faggot dying of HIV but instead of doing the to YOU Non-Socialist thing of DISOWNING my friend and telling him to "Fuck Off And Die Faggot" instead I pay ALL his medical bills to help keep him alive a few more years.

My father came over to Normandy to save you sorry Socialists from the Nazis. We here in America know what it's like to spend our blood to save other countries and then have then treat us like shit. You didn't earn a damn thing in your life. Then try to insult us that we can't afford Ferraris. Not any more. You're going to pay for your protection. You're going to quit funding your Socialized medicine from the tariffs you charge us. You can't stop it now. As the Socialists have yanked the Democrats so far left they're going to get kicked to the curb.

That's why we call you Eurotrash. And then countries get the protection we provide to Europe and your country won't even kick in a dime.

Those days are over. You're paying up like it or not.

"My father came over to Normandy to save you sorry Socialists from the Nazis."

The British asked YOU, we did NOT ask you, YOU also got into bed with the Communists YOUR great friend Josef Stalin who YOU assisted in GIVING the Communists HALF of this Continent to this EVIL lasted from 1946-1989. MY family on BOTH SIDES had been fighting Communists since the 1920s and KILLING them in running street battles, we CONTINUED killing Communists UNTIL America STOPPED us from killing them, instead YOU helped the Communists take control of HALF of this Continent, you should give an apology to a HUNDRED MILLION EUROPEANS who SUFFERED under the Communists that YOU helped FORCE on them from 1946-1989. You could START by apologising to Hungary and perhaps GIVE them COMPENSATION for the suffering.

"You're going to pay for your protection."

Of course WE are not going to, this Continent does NOT NEED any American protection, we can protect OURSELVES, we have no Phantom Threats like America THINKS Russia/China/Iran/North Korea are ALL going to invade America or whatever given the opportunity. We are NOT paranoid and we do NOT NEED Perpetual War to fund our economy via Defence Industries.

"You're going to quit funding your Socialized medicine from the tariffs you charge us."

What....EVAH or what are you going to DO? Wave your TINY DICKS at us, Small Penis Syndrome, TINY DICK = BIG MOUTH, CHEST THUMPING.

"You can't stop it now."

You should stop while you are behind you have consistently posted ignorant and embarrassing things that illustrate little education, just have another drink you will feel better, poor Ricky so very confused.

"That's why we call you Eurotrash."

Not Eurotrash, you COULD NOT afford a girl like me Ricky darling.

"And then countries get the protection we provide to Europe and your country won't even kick in a dime."

We prefer to use the money for our OWN, this is logical, support your OWN, this is what YOU should be doing you know America FIRST etc.

"Those days are over. You're paying up like it or not."

Oh stop being ridiculous, we are NOT going to pay ANYTHING, NOBODY is. Period. It's OUR finances and we have more constructive and useful things to spend on, the next thing is the EU Infrastructure Project, you KNOW America's Infrastructure is a disaster, INSTEAD of WASTING moneys on building MORE bombs to KILL innocent peoples you should use that for your Infrastructure, WTF with the amount you WASTE on Military Spending each year you could have ALREADY TOTALLY funded that Wall you SHOULD be building but NEVER are going to now afford to build.

So now we know your family were Nazis, or you wouldn't have keep your property and wealth through World War II

I wondered what was wrong with you. Now I know.

Now I get to watch Trump continue to kick Europe's sorry ass. You're going to be paying a hell of a lot more taxes while we just got a big tax cut. Enjoy.

Ricky you know during the Second War my Great-Great Grandparents main establishment, the ENTIRE structure under order from I will term it the Top Position that it was covered with special protective bomb proofed covering because some thought a random bomb might hit it by accident and our structure is a MAGNIFICENT work of architecture the oldest part of this dates back to the 11th Century and my Ancestors then lived in it now my Grandparents live in it, so this take approx a week to complete, then they were told via various Diplomats via Sweden (that is how Americans got messages during the Second War to us, they were delivered via Diplomats via Neutral Sweden) that an old American friend of my family who was a Republican but also a businessman and in the 1920s and 1930s he spend time in my nation and also Mama's nation across the border, so we were told he was now Assistant Secretary of War in Washington and he had personally decided that my Great-Great Grandparents main establishment was NOT to be hit by some random bomb.

He remained all through the Second War and after a beautiful friend of our nation and of our peoples, his name was John McCloy, he in later years was also an advisor to many American Presidents JFK, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter and Reagan and he died one year before I was born, he was a Great American Patriot and a good man who LIKED our peoples.
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Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.
To American conservatives...Socialists are any countries that help their people

Tell that to the 2.5 million people who have fled Venezuela in the last 3 months.

We know you are not stupid rw...why do you keep doing this to yourself?

Is Venezuela comparable to Norway?

Sorry America, Norway ranks No. 1 for ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’
While we're at it, let's look for any country on earth with lower taxes, lower spending, less regulation than the United States AND a thriving middle class. There isn't a single nation out of 195 on earth, with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class. Not a single one. Now that's something to ponder, isn't it?
Define middle class. While your at it, define poverty. Ponder that, why don't you?

This is another thing the Class System, in America totally different than on the European Continent literally could be from Mars what America considers Middle Class and America has NO Upper Class that Europeans would consider Upper Class, America has NEVER had our Aristocracy, sorry some Meat Packing Heir from New York or whatever is NOT Upper Class, the Kennedy's are NOT Upper Class they never were, someone making millions of Dollars from ZERO Bootlegging does NOT get to be Upper Class, they remain as they ALWAYS were and that IS Working Class.

EG. Someone is Working Class then they win the Lottery and win eg. 200 MILLIONS, this does NOT make them all of a sudden Upper Class.

The European Class System has ZERO to do with finances, some are Independently Wealthy down multiple Centuries but also there are a lot of Upper Class who have not a lot of finances now they might perhaps have only ONE Millions but they still are Upper Class.

In America it is that someone goes from ZERO to making a BILLION and all of a sudden is Upper Class, Bill Gates is NOT Upper Class, the Trump Family are NOT Upper Class, the Bush Family are NOT Upper Class, NOBODY in Hollyweird IS Upper Class, you CANNOT buy your way into the Upper Class or EARN your way into the Upper Class, the America Class System to us is like something from Mars, it is not ANY type of Class System as Europeans have EVER known the Class System.

EG. Someone who is BORN Working Class can go up to Lower Middle Class or even perhaps full Middle Class but that is where it stops.

What in America is considered Working Class and also Lower Middle Class and also Middle Class? Professions for these would be?

What a load of shit. You don't just get to claim you're "upper class" because your money was handed down through decades.

What an elitist jerk you are. That's just the same snooty nose shit I laughed at when I worked in Europe.

You're just Socialist light on your way to Communism and your stuck up ass can have it. That's what Eurotrash don't understand about Americans. We're the spirit that drives the world economy. We're the innovation that powers progress.

Eurotrash ride on our coat tails.
Actually she is kind of a anti immigrant neo-Nazi LOL...

Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.
To American conservatives...Socialists are any countries that help their people

Tell that to the 2.5 million people who have fled Venezuela in the last 3 months.

We know you are not stupid rw...why do you keep doing this to yourself?

Is Venezuela comparable to Norway?

Sorry America, Norway ranks No. 1 for ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’

Quit shitting yourself. I worked there for over a year and they walk around in a daze. They're up to their ass in debt and have to claim they're all happy.

In case you didn't notice, and just pooped out some fabricated garbage, Norway is number 3 on the household debt scale.

Is that what you want, up to your ass in debt?
I am Independently Wealthy, my family has been Independently Wealthy since the 15th Century, that doesn't mean we don't volunteer to do what we consider a family duty, which is serve in our nations military, every Generation of my family has served in the military our other thing would be Government Service usually Intelligence or Diplomatic Service, so if you call any of that not doing anything then okay and whatever.

Am I an Elitist? Of course I am why wouldn't I not be?

But one thing I can say is that I have frequently GIVEN financial help to those I could SEE needed help and wanted ZERO in return from them, I also for two years have been paying ALL the medical bills of a male friend in Oakland, California, he has HIV and I love him obviously in a Platonic way, I love and care about him so much I personally help to keep him well and even alive. He's on this thing called antiretroviral therapy, ART, which is a special drug cocktail for those with HIV and being in America I know how expensive that's going to be for him and he needs to take these medications every day and although it was a bit complicated to do I set up a special financial fund for him, so I pay all his medical bills for these drugs he needs because I can afford to do that for him and I wanted him to not have to worry about finances, to know that he will always get his medications and so he can spend his own money on his hobbies and on other things that make him happy.

So this is what a Double Socialist then to you, I support Healthcare and I have a friend who is a San Francisco Faggot dying of HIV but instead of doing the to YOU Non-Socialist thing of DISOWNING my friend and telling him to "Fuck Off And Die Faggot" instead I pay ALL his medical bills to help keep him alive a few more years.

My father came over to Normandy to save you sorry Socialists from the Nazis. We here in America know what it's like to spend our blood to save other countries and then have then treat us like shit. You didn't earn a damn thing in your life. Then try to insult us that we can't afford Ferraris. Not any more. You're going to pay for your protection. You're going to quit funding your Socialized medicine from the tariffs you charge us. You can't stop it now. As the Socialists have yanked the Democrats so far left they're going to get kicked to the curb.

That's why we call you Eurotrash. And then countries get the protection we provide to Europe and your country won't even kick in a dime.

Those days are over. You're paying up like it or not.

"My father came over to Normandy to save you sorry Socialists from the Nazis."

The British asked YOU, we did NOT ask you, YOU also got into bed with the Communists YOUR great friend Josef Stalin who YOU assisted in GIVING the Communists HALF of this Continent to this EVIL lasted from 1946-1989. MY family on BOTH SIDES had been fighting Communists since the 1920s and KILLING them in running street battles, we CONTINUED killing Communists UNTIL America STOPPED us from killing them, instead YOU helped the Communists take control of HALF of this Continent, you should give an apology to a HUNDRED MILLION EUROPEANS who SUFFERED under the Communists that YOU helped FORCE on them from 1946-1989. You could START by apologising to Hungary and perhaps GIVE them COMPENSATION for the suffering.

"You're going to pay for your protection."

Of course WE are not going to, this Continent does NOT NEED any American protection, we can protect OURSELVES, we have no Phantom Threats like America THINKS Russia/China/Iran/North Korea are ALL going to invade America or whatever given the opportunity. We are NOT paranoid and we do NOT NEED Perpetual War to fund our economy via Defence Industries.

"You're going to quit funding your Socialized medicine from the tariffs you charge us."

What....EVAH or what are you going to DO? Wave your TINY DICKS at us, Small Penis Syndrome, TINY DICK = BIG MOUTH, CHEST THUMPING.

"You can't stop it now."

You should stop while you are behind you have consistently posted ignorant and embarrassing things that illustrate little education, just have another drink you will feel better, poor Ricky so very confused.

"That's why we call you Eurotrash."

Not Eurotrash, you COULD NOT afford a girl like me Ricky darling.

"And then countries get the protection we provide to Europe and your country won't even kick in a dime."

We prefer to use the money for our OWN, this is logical, support your OWN, this is what YOU should be doing you know America FIRST etc.

"Those days are over. You're paying up like it or not."

Oh stop being ridiculous, we are NOT going to pay ANYTHING, NOBODY is. Period. It's OUR finances and we have more constructive and useful things to spend on, the next thing is the EU Infrastructure Project, you KNOW America's Infrastructure is a disaster, INSTEAD of WASTING moneys on building MORE bombs to KILL innocent peoples you should use that for your Infrastructure, WTF with the amount you WASTE on Military Spending each year you could have ALREADY TOTALLY funded that Wall you SHOULD be building but NEVER are going to now afford to build.

So now we know your family were Nazis, or you wouldn't have keep your property and wealth through World War II

I wondered what was wrong with you. Now I know.

Now I get to watch Trump continue to kick Europe's sorry ass. You're going to be paying a hell of a lot more taxes while we just got a big tax cut. Enjoy.

The Donald supports Our Team and we already have the assurances he is NOT going to stop us, which is WHY we are supporting him, we knew from day one he shared OUR values, nobody has time for the idiocy you are babbling, we have something MORE important to fight.

"Now I get to watch Trump continue to kick Europe's sorry ass."

No just France, Merkel and the British....the Right-Wing Patriotic Governments on this Continent get no ass kicking and we had word on Tuesday to reinforce this assurance again.

"You're going to be paying a hell of a lot more taxes while we just got a big tax cut."

No and I add we are doing our OWN tax cut approx four BILLION across the board for our OWN, as we are the second wealthiest nation on this Continent we can afford to do this and also fund whatever else we need. We personally do not need a tax cut, so anything we get as usual we will give to various Charity Organisations.

No, petunia. Trump is with us. The ones who elected him. Your tariffs are going up. Your taxes will have to go up to cover your losses (our gain) and you will start paying your fair share. We win the trade war hands down.

You get a shit sandwich and we get to watch you whine now that you have to start paying your fair share.

Now tell the class just how your Nazi family got to keep their property and wealth through World War II.

"No, petunia. Trump is with us. The ones who elected him."

WE were SUPPORTING Trump when YOU were all deciding which of the other 11 Republicans or whatever you wanted, MOST of YOU wanted Ted Cruz, WE European Patriots supported Trump from the MOMENT he ANNOUNCED he was running for American President, then YOU got on his train once you knew he was going to win the majority of the Primaries.

The thing that matters MOST to Trump is LOYALTY and who his friends are, he already knows WE are LOYAL to HIM and we ARE his friends and Melania is Slovenian right across the border, we have connections they were there from day one.

"our taxes will have to go up to cover your losses (our gain) and you will start paying your fair share."

Stop babbling old man.
While we're at it, let's look for any country on earth with lower taxes, lower spending, less regulation than the United States AND a thriving middle class. There isn't a single nation out of 195 on earth, with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class. Not a single one. Now that's something to ponder, isn't it?
Define middle class. While your at it, define poverty. Ponder that, why don't you?

This is another thing the Class System, in America totally different than on the European Continent literally could be from Mars what America considers Middle Class and America has NO Upper Class that Europeans would consider Upper Class, America has NEVER had our Aristocracy, sorry some Meat Packing Heir from New York or whatever is NOT Upper Class, the Kennedy's are NOT Upper Class they never were, someone making millions of Dollars from ZERO Bootlegging does NOT get to be Upper Class, they remain as they ALWAYS were and that IS Working Class.

EG. Someone is Working Class then they win the Lottery and win eg. 200 MILLIONS, this does NOT make them all of a sudden Upper Class.

The European Class System has ZERO to do with finances, some are Independently Wealthy down multiple Centuries but also there are a lot of Upper Class who have not a lot of finances now they might perhaps have only ONE Millions but they still are Upper Class.

In America it is that someone goes from ZERO to making a BILLION and all of a sudden is Upper Class, Bill Gates is NOT Upper Class, the Trump Family are NOT Upper Class, the Bush Family are NOT Upper Class, NOBODY in Hollyweird IS Upper Class, you CANNOT buy your way into the Upper Class or EARN your way into the Upper Class, the America Class System to us is like something from Mars, it is not ANY type of Class System as Europeans have EVER known the Class System.

EG. Someone who is BORN Working Class can go up to Lower Middle Class or even perhaps full Middle Class but that is where it stops.

What in America is considered Working Class and also Lower Middle Class and also Middle Class? Professions for these would be?

What a load of shit. You don't just get to claim you're "upper class" because your money was handed down through decades.

What an elitist jerk you are. That's just the same snooty nose shit I laughed at when I worked in Europe.

You're just Socialist light on your way to Communism and your stuck up ass can have it. That's what Eurotrash don't understand about Americans. We're the spirit that drives the world economy. We're the innovation that powers progress.

Eurotrash ride on our coat tails.
Actually she is kind of a anti immigrant neo-Nazi LOL...

Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.
To American conservatives...Socialists are any countries that help their people

Tell that to the 2.5 million people who have fled Venezuela in the last 3 months.

We know you are not stupid rw...why do you keep doing this to yourself?

Is Venezuela comparable to Norway?

Sorry America, Norway ranks No. 1 for ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’

Quit shitting yourself. I worked there for over a year and they walk around in a daze. They're up to their ass in debt and have to claim they're all happy.

In case you didn't notice, and just pooped out some fabricated garbage, Norway is number 3 on the household debt scale.

Is that what you want, up to your ass in debt?

"Quit shitting yourself. I worked there for over a year and they walk around in a daze."

Stop babbling horsecrap, Mr. Lucy is Norwegian, you know nothing.
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark isn't socialist, nor Holland, nor Norway, nor Australia, nor Switzerland, nor Ireland.

I doubt you even know what you're actually looking at. Debt can mean a lot of things.
Always halarious reading ignorant American rightwingers go at it with ignorant Euro rightwingers.
"My father came over to Normandy to save you sorry Socialists from the Nazis."

The British asked YOU, we did NOT ask you, YOU also got into bed with the Communists YOUR great friend Josef Stalin who YOU assisted in GIVING the Communists HALF of this Continent to this EVIL lasted from 1946-1989. MY family on BOTH SIDES had been fighting Communists since the 1920s and KILLING them in running street battles, we CONTINUED killing Communists UNTIL America STOPPED us from killing them, instead YOU helped the Communists take control of HALF of this Continent, you should give an apology to a HUNDRED MILLION EUROPEANS who SUFFERED under the Communists that YOU helped FORCE on them from 1946-1989. You could START by apologising to Hungary and perhaps GIVE them COMPENSATION for the suffering.

"You're going to pay for your protection."

Of course WE are not going to, this Continent does NOT NEED any American protection, we can protect OURSELVES, we have no Phantom Threats like America THINKS Russia/China/Iran/North Korea are ALL going to invade America or whatever given the opportunity. We are NOT paranoid and we do NOT NEED Perpetual War to fund our economy via Defence Industries.

"You're going to quit funding your Socialized medicine from the tariffs you charge us."

What....EVAH or what are you going to DO? Wave your TINY DICKS at us, Small Penis Syndrome, TINY DICK = BIG MOUTH, CHEST THUMPING.

"You can't stop it now."

You should stop while you are behind you have consistently posted ignorant and embarrassing things that illustrate little education, just have another drink you will feel better, poor Ricky so very confused.

"That's why we call you Eurotrash."

Not Eurotrash, you COULD NOT afford a girl like me Ricky darling.

"And then countries get the protection we provide to Europe and your country won't even kick in a dime."

We prefer to use the money for our OWN, this is logical, support your OWN, this is what YOU should be doing you know America FIRST etc.

"Those days are over. You're paying up like it or not."

Oh stop being ridiculous, we are NOT going to pay ANYTHING, NOBODY is. Period. It's OUR finances and we have more constructive and useful things to spend on, the next thing is the EU Infrastructure Project, you KNOW America's Infrastructure is a disaster, INSTEAD of WASTING moneys on building MORE bombs to KILL innocent peoples you should use that for your Infrastructure, WTF with the amount you WASTE on Military Spending each year you could have ALREADY TOTALLY funded that Wall you SHOULD be building but NEVER are going to now afford to build.

So now we know your family were Nazis, or you wouldn't have keep your property and wealth through World War II

I wondered what was wrong with you. Now I know.

Now I get to watch Trump continue to kick Europe's sorry ass. You're going to be paying a hell of a lot more taxes while we just got a big tax cut. Enjoy.

The Donald supports Our Team and we already have the assurances he is NOT going to stop us, which is WHY we are supporting him, we knew from day one he shared OUR values, nobody has time for the idiocy you are babbling, we have something MORE important to fight.

"Now I get to watch Trump continue to kick Europe's sorry ass."

No just France, Merkel and the British....the Right-Wing Patriotic Governments on this Continent get no ass kicking and we had word on Tuesday to reinforce this assurance again.

"You're going to be paying a hell of a lot more taxes while we just got a big tax cut."

No and I add we are doing our OWN tax cut approx four BILLION across the board for our OWN, as we are the second wealthiest nation on this Continent we can afford to do this and also fund whatever else we need. We personally do not need a tax cut, so anything we get as usual we will give to various Charity Organisations.

No, petunia. Trump is with us. The ones who elected him. Your tariffs are going up. Your taxes will have to go up to cover your losses (our gain) and you will start paying your fair share. We win the trade war hands down.

You get a shit sandwich and we get to watch you whine now that you have to start paying your fair share.

Now tell the class just how your Nazi family got to keep their property and wealth through World War II.

You should I advise you to stop attacking my family.

Thanks for confirming my deduction about your history. Now I know exactly the mind I'm talking to.

You know NOTHING about my family, like you know NOTHING about my Continent, you are posting consistent ignorant babble about ALL the nations on MY Continent and INSISTING that Europeans know NOTHING about how it is on OUR Continent but Mr. Ignorant American KNOWS IT ALL, you INSIST that EVERYONE is Socialist that ALL our nations are Socialist, you are embarrassing yourself and illustrating you are not educated to a high degree.

Do you see ME posting to Americans telling Americans this and this about THEIR nation and that I know MORE about how America is than THEY do who live there PERMANANTLY? No and no.
Always halarious reading ignorant American rightwingers go at it with ignorant Euro rightwingers.

We are NOT ignorant though. If we were ignorant we would agree with these ridiculous suggestions that EVERYONE is Socialist.

I think it perhaps illustrates that American Right-Wingers are different than we are, to say that because WE think it is a good thing to have adequate Healthcare means we are Socialists is for one thing ridiculous.

I do not know I think that American Right-Wingers ONLY care about Tax Cuts and TRILLIONS in Defence spending and it's fuck EVERYTHING else, they seem not to even care that America has a 21 TRILLION Dollar National Debt.
While we're at it, let's look for any country on earth with lower taxes, lower spending, less regulation than the United States AND a thriving middle class. There isn't a single nation out of 195 on earth, with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class. Not a single one. Now that's something to ponder, isn't it?
Define middle class. While your at it, define poverty. Ponder that, why don't you?

This is another thing the Class System, in America totally different than on the European Continent literally could be from Mars what America considers Middle Class and America has NO Upper Class that Europeans would consider Upper Class, America has NEVER had our Aristocracy, sorry some Meat Packing Heir from New York or whatever is NOT Upper Class, the Kennedy's are NOT Upper Class they never were, someone making millions of Dollars from ZERO Bootlegging does NOT get to be Upper Class, they remain as they ALWAYS were and that IS Working Class.

EG. Someone is Working Class then they win the Lottery and win eg. 200 MILLIONS, this does NOT make them all of a sudden Upper Class.

The European Class System has ZERO to do with finances, some are Independently Wealthy down multiple Centuries but also there are a lot of Upper Class who have not a lot of finances now they might perhaps have only ONE Millions but they still are Upper Class.

In America it is that someone goes from ZERO to making a BILLION and all of a sudden is Upper Class, Bill Gates is NOT Upper Class, the Trump Family are NOT Upper Class, the Bush Family are NOT Upper Class, NOBODY in Hollyweird IS Upper Class, you CANNOT buy your way into the Upper Class or EARN your way into the Upper Class, the America Class System to us is like something from Mars, it is not ANY type of Class System as Europeans have EVER known the Class System.

EG. Someone who is BORN Working Class can go up to Lower Middle Class or even perhaps full Middle Class but that is where it stops.

What in America is considered Working Class and also Lower Middle Class and also Middle Class? Professions for these would be?

What a load of shit. You don't just get to claim you're "upper class" because your money was handed down through decades.

What an elitist jerk you are. That's just the same snooty nose shit I laughed at when I worked in Europe.

You're just Socialist light on your way to Communism and your stuck up ass can have it. That's what Eurotrash don't understand about Americans. We're the spirit that drives the world economy. We're the innovation that powers progress.

Eurotrash ride on our coat tails.

"That's just the same snooty nose shit I laughed at when I worked in Europe."

Well WE laugh at your type, because YOU HAVE to WORK and WE DON'T being Independently Wealthy.

"That's what Eurotrash don't understand about Americans. We're the spirit that drives the world economy. We're the innovation that powers progress."

Sorry what is IT exactly that Americans produce that WE need? We are Self Sufficient, we have a Manufacturing Sector, America does NOT anymore, your things are Made In China and then you Import them to you, The Donald WANTS to reverse this, he might reverse some but not ALL you CANNOT just return your ENTIRE Manufacturing Sector again it is not possible. China now OWNS HALF of America, they also OWN most of your National Debt.

"Eurotrash ride on our coat tails."

No but keep thinking that if it boosts your low self esteem.
A Society is only as good as how it treats it;s most vulnerable ie. the elderly and disabled for example, I mean WHAT are we supposed to DO tell them to fuck off and die already because we CANNOT give them assistance?

A society? Or the government?
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Even if what you say is true they still have things America really needs like socialized medicine and less self centered individual ideology and more concerned with improving the community. European countries seem to have more compassion to all their citizens. America is more about greed and selfish individual interests. America's viewpoint if I have it good with a good job and healthcare why should I care about someone working on slave wages with no healthcare or shitty healthcare. America is about living for me, myself and I.

America would be better off it were in even bigger debt yet had all these socialized programs Europeans have to improve the quality of life of the working poor.
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A Society is only as good as how it treats it;s most vulnerable ie. the elderly and disabled for example, I mean WHAT are we supposed to DO tell them to fuck off and die already because we CANNOT give them assistance?

A society? Or the government?

Both, a society wants a Government or SHOULD want a Government that gives a shit about the general population regardless of how wealthy, rich or poor they are and there IS a difference between being wealthy and being rich, but you should not want a Government that is not compassionate to those who for whatever reason are unable to help themselves eg. the elderly poor, the disabled, ones who have mental health issues.

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