Top 10 Countries With Highest Household Debt All Socialist

Government debt per capita in the US is only slightly higher than it is in Austria.

This is how much debt your country has per person

We are discussing that America has 21 TRILLION in debt, what OTHER nation has such an outrageous debt? There are no nations, America has the biggest debt on this planet. They have out of control spending, they have no interest in getting such a debt in control, they keep spending, they are never going to pay that debt down all they do is pay off the Interest on the debt and keep raising the Debt Ceiling so they can keep spending.

Cut the crap. You have twice as many people and we produce a higher GDP. We pay enough to protect you from the Russians to pay off our national debt while you freeload off us. Then you charge us tariffs because your work force can't compete.

Everyone in this country has medicare for the elderly. We have medicaid for the poor. You have nothing on us. As the statistics prove we're twice as productive. We have more freedom and don't rely on others for our protection.

Now you're going to pay up. Isn't that what the EU is all about, fair share? Now Trump is going to see you freeloaders pay your fair share.

Sorry we do not freeload off America, we have our own moneys we get ZERO from America, we also are not in NATO an excellent decision which have save us BILLIONS in wasted taxpayers moneys.

As for the EU in general, no they are not going to pay up. Period, you want to keep thinking they are then okay, think that but just because it makes you feel better to think it does not mean it is happening, but is not.

So you're not in NATO but you're in Europe and you pay nothing in to NATO.

Talk about admitting you're a freeloader off of America's protection. How fucking embarrassing. You're even freeloading off the other European countries.

"You're even freeloading off the other European countries."

No we are a Net Contributor to the EU ie. WE pay MORE in than we GET in RETURN. We get NO moneys from ANY OTHER nation, we fund our OWN nation and we also pay to assist the poorer EU nations and GET ZERO in RETURN.
And America has caused the refugee problem, that would be the GOP, and the EU has taken millions of refugees while we have taken tens of thousands. You see the problem with GOP idiots?
We are discussing that America has 21 TRILLION in debt, what OTHER nation has such an outrageous debt? There are no nations, America has the biggest debt on this planet. They have out of control spending, they have no interest in getting such a debt in control, they keep spending, they are never going to pay that debt down all they do is pay off the Interest on the debt and keep raising the Debt Ceiling so they can keep spending.

Cut the crap. You have twice as many people and we produce a higher GDP. We pay enough to protect you from the Russians to pay off our national debt while you freeload off us. Then you charge us tariffs because your work force can't compete.

Everyone in this country has medicare for the elderly. We have medicaid for the poor. You have nothing on us. As the statistics prove we're twice as productive. We have more freedom and don't rely on others for our protection.

Now you're going to pay up. Isn't that what the EU is all about, fair share? Now Trump is going to see you freeloaders pay your fair share.

Sorry we do not freeload off America, we have our own moneys we get ZERO from America, we also are not in NATO an excellent decision which have save us BILLIONS in wasted taxpayers moneys.

As for the EU in general, no they are not going to pay up. Period, you want to keep thinking they are then okay, think that but just because it makes you feel better to think it does not mean it is happening, but is not.

So you're not in NATO but you're in Europe and you pay nothing in to NATO.

Talk about admitting you're a freeloader off of America's protection. How fucking embarrassing. You're even freeloading off the other European countries.

"You're even freeloading off the other European countries."

No we are a Net Contributor to the EU ie. WE pay MORE in than we GET in RETURN. We get NO moneys from ANY OTHER nation, we fund our OWN nation and we also pay to assist the poorer EU nations and GET ZERO in RETURN.
And America has caused the refugee problem, that would be the GOP, and the EU has taken millions of refugees while we have taken tens of thousands. You see the problem with GOP idiots?

"And America has caused the refugee problem, that would be the GOP"

No that would be Obama, we did NOT have this situation until Obama dropped the ball on Iraq, Syria and decided for NO REASON to fuck up Libya, even though I 100% did NOT agree with GWB and the lapdog Tony Blair invading Iraq OR Afghanistan my Continent did NOT have this Refugee problem UNTIL Obama dropped the ball on Iraq, Syria and decided for NO REASON to fuck up Libya.
Define middle class. While your at it, define poverty. Ponder that, why don't you?

This is another thing the Class System, in America totally different than on the European Continent literally could be from Mars what America considers Middle Class and America has NO Upper Class that Europeans would consider Upper Class, America has NEVER had our Aristocracy, sorry some Meat Packing Heir from New York or whatever is NOT Upper Class, the Kennedy's are NOT Upper Class they never were, someone making millions of Dollars from ZERO Bootlegging does NOT get to be Upper Class, they remain as they ALWAYS were and that IS Working Class.

EG. Someone is Working Class then they win the Lottery and win eg. 200 MILLIONS, this does NOT make them all of a sudden Upper Class.

The European Class System has ZERO to do with finances, some are Independently Wealthy down multiple Centuries but also there are a lot of Upper Class who have not a lot of finances now they might perhaps have only ONE Millions but they still are Upper Class.

In America it is that someone goes from ZERO to making a BILLION and all of a sudden is Upper Class, Bill Gates is NOT Upper Class, the Trump Family are NOT Upper Class, the Bush Family are NOT Upper Class, NOBODY in Hollyweird IS Upper Class, you CANNOT buy your way into the Upper Class or EARN your way into the Upper Class, the America Class System to us is like something from Mars, it is not ANY type of Class System as Europeans have EVER known the Class System.

EG. Someone who is BORN Working Class can go up to Lower Middle Class or even perhaps full Middle Class but that is where it stops.

What in America is considered Working Class and also Lower Middle Class and also Middle Class? Professions for these would be?

This is where we part, dear Lucy, a thousand years of inbreeding does not make you upper class. We fought a war to separate us from that, and it hasn't done the Europeans any good at all. They've done away with most of it, and with good reason.

No we have not in your term done away with most of it. We never will also. Not a thousand years of inbreeding, okay you fought a war to get away from the British but I think that did not having anything to do with the Class System.

What you also comment is VERY Socialist if not Neo-Communist because THEY are the ones who have always HATED the Upper Class and wanted to kill the Upper Class, the Right-Wing always historically has supported Monarchism and the Upper Class System.

Americans want to insist that EVERYONE must follow America and be like America and we don't and we never are going to, you also think that is being Anti-American or whatever when it is NOT, you have to accept that we are different from you that Europeans are different to Americans and we in general resist this Americanisation that you like to think we all want, we might have some Common Interests with Americans but we are different.
Only brainwashed GOP Chumps think socialist countries should our lead of the last 35 years. Give away to the rich and Wrecking the rest and the country is idiotic.


Wow, that's really stretching my comment, but America clearly had no room for the aristocracy and never will. The Revolutionary war was precisely to remove us from the old and failed way of the upper class in Britain. We did quite well from it as you can plainly see.
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.
So tell us, Einstein, what constitutes socialism?

No this is what I am asking Americans, what Americans THINK Socialism is. It is NOT what Denmark or Switzerland are for example.
Oh yes it is. You are the one here who says they know what socialism is --explain the big difference between Denmark and Sweden or France or Canada or Japan. Or Switzerland.
Meanwhile most GOP dupes believe Cuba and North Korea are socialist LOL

Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela ARE Socialist but Cuba and North Korea the next step and are Communist. WTF are you babbling that Cuba and North Korea are Conservative or whatever?
Meister knows little and shows it more every day.

Lucy Hamilton, the petite and wealthy fashionable fascist girl, and her opinions mean far more when it comes to Europe and how they live and finance how they live.
While we're at it, let's look for any country on earth with lower taxes, lower spending, less regulation than the United States AND a thriving middle class. There isn't a single nation out of 195 on earth, with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class. Not a single one. Now that's something to ponder, isn't it?
Define middle class. While your at it, define poverty. Ponder that, why don't you?

This is another thing the Class System, in America totally different than on the European Continent literally could be from Mars what America considers Middle Class and America has NO Upper Class that Europeans would consider Upper Class, America has NEVER had our Aristocracy, sorry some Meat Packing Heir from New York or whatever is NOT Upper Class, the Kennedy's are NOT Upper Class they never were, someone making millions of Dollars from ZERO Bootlegging does NOT get to be Upper Class, they remain as they ALWAYS were and that IS Working Class.

EG. Someone is Working Class then they win the Lottery and win eg. 200 MILLIONS, this does NOT make them all of a sudden Upper Class.

The European Class System has ZERO to do with finances, some are Independently Wealthy down multiple Centuries but also there are a lot of Upper Class who have not a lot of finances now they might perhaps have only ONE Millions but they still are Upper Class.

In America it is that someone goes from ZERO to making a BILLION and all of a sudden is Upper Class, Bill Gates is NOT Upper Class, the Trump Family are NOT Upper Class, the Bush Family are NOT Upper Class, NOBODY in Hollyweird IS Upper Class, you CANNOT buy your way into the Upper Class or EARN your way into the Upper Class, the America Class System to us is like something from Mars, it is not ANY type of Class System as Europeans have EVER known the Class System.

EG. Someone who is BORN Working Class can go up to Lower Middle Class or even perhaps full Middle Class but that is where it stops.

What in America is considered Working Class and also Lower Middle Class and also Middle Class? Professions for these would be?
Lucy, I have no idea what you're talking about. The only thing I gather is that different classes means different things to you and to the US.
To you there is a definitive pathway to a higher class, it just means zero here in the US.

Yes different Classes mean different things to us and you.
I really don't look at classes, every country has a different definition of classes.
In this country, I look at what people have as in material things. What is considered
poverty in this country would be living a high life in another country.
I know there is true poverty in the world, but very few in this country experience it, and
is by choice in many of the instances.
Middle class is even harder to identify.
Meister, you look but don't see, have ears but don't hear, have a brain but don't think.

You are subjectively driven by your erroneous concept of history, finance, economics, and politics.

You are a perfect Trump clone.
Cut the crap. You have twice as many people and we produce a higher GDP. We pay enough to protect you from the Russians to pay off our national debt while you freeload off us. Then you charge us tariffs because your work force can't compete.

Everyone in this country has medicare for the elderly. We have medicaid for the poor. You have nothing on us. As the statistics prove we're twice as productive. We have more freedom and don't rely on others for our protection.

Now you're going to pay up. Isn't that what the EU is all about, fair share? Now Trump is going to see you freeloaders pay your fair share.

Sorry we do not freeload off America, we have our own moneys we get ZERO from America, we also are not in NATO an excellent decision which have save us BILLIONS in wasted taxpayers moneys.

As for the EU in general, no they are not going to pay up. Period, you want to keep thinking they are then okay, think that but just because it makes you feel better to think it does not mean it is happening, but is not.

So you're not in NATO but you're in Europe and you pay nothing in to NATO.

Talk about admitting you're a freeloader off of America's protection. How fucking embarrassing. You're even freeloading off the other European countries.

"You're even freeloading off the other European countries."

No we are a Net Contributor to the EU ie. WE pay MORE in than we GET in RETURN. We get NO moneys from ANY OTHER nation, we fund our OWN nation and we also pay to assist the poorer EU nations and GET ZERO in RETURN.
And America has caused the refugee problem, that would be the GOP, and the EU has taken millions of refugees while we have taken tens of thousands. You see the problem with GOP idiots?

"And America has caused the refugee problem, that would be the GOP"

No that would be Obama, we did NOT have this situation until Obama dropped the ball on Iraq, Syria and decided for NO REASON to fuck up Libya, even though I 100% did NOT agree with GWB and the lapdog Tony Blair invading Iraq OR Afghanistan my Continent did NOT have this Refugee problem UNTIL Obama dropped the ball on Iraq, Syria and decided for NO REASON to fuck up Libya.
The GOP allowed 9/11 through sheer incompetence and invaded Iraq for no reason. Obama got us out of Iraq and nobody saw Isis coming... Libyans are very are very happy to get rid of Gaddafi and the refugees coming from Africa are economic refugees basically from sub-Saharan Africa. Guess who started the world depression in 2008, again. Our catastrophe of a GOP of course...
You have no choice unless you want to speak Russian. You've already started to cave and Trump had to embarrass your sorry asses in front of the entire world to get you to pay your fair share to NATO. You can't win a trade war because you produce nothing we need. That's a fact. You have to have our protection. What do you produce we have to have?

You're morally bankrupt. You don't care we saved you from the Nazis.

You wouldn't do a damn thing about the middle east. You rail about weapons, those scary things that keep you from speaking Russian. We make better cars, you imported one. Haha.

You'll be begging us for a fair trade deal before it's over.

Face it, the only way you can exist in your Socialist wet dream is we protect you. Now that's a fact!

Yes but NOBODY IS going to pay more to NATO, they just said that to shut Americans up from whining about NATO spending.

We produce A LOT that you need. What does America make? Most of the important things are Made In China and then YOU Import them to YOU from China, how many things say Made In America now?

You do NOT make better autos. We have BMW, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, the British have Jaguar, Rolls Royce, Aston Martin, the Italians have Ferrari, Lamborghini.

We do NOT Import in mass number American autos, America DOES though pay stupid amounts of moneys for OUR autos to be Imported to you.

In America we run over those cars with our pickup trucks because they serve no purpose other than drive idiots around.

Basically what I've been trying to tell you. We WORK, We buy 2 Million pickup trucks in America every year to WORK with.

"In America we run over those cars with our pickup trucks because they serve no purpose other than drive idiots around."

No probably it is because YOU cannot AFFORD a Porsche or a Ferrari.

"We buy 2 Million pickup trucks in America every year to WORK with."

How many of those auto businesses that produce those pickup trucks are owned by Americans still? As I already commented WHAT is Made In Usa Owned by USA anymore? Not a lot is. What is though is Owned by Foreign Company but then Made In USA, so what you have is Foreign Companies taking the PROFITS HOME but paying Americans to build them in America.

Foreign Car Makers To Take U.S. Lead -- WSJ

Also not only autos but other American things not owned by America now:

10 classic USA brands that are foreign-owned

Oh, so the elitist little rich girl now comes out. The snooty, nose in the air by someone who didn't do a fucking thing to earn her money. Did mommy and daddy give you all that old Eurotrash money or did you fuck your way in to it?

I am Independently Wealthy, my family has been Independently Wealthy since the 15th Century, that doesn't mean we don't volunteer to do what we consider a family duty, which is serve in our nations military, every Generation of my family has served in the military our other thing would be Government Service usually Intelligence or Diplomatic Service, so if you call any of that not doing anything then okay and whatever.

Am I an Elitist? Of course I am why wouldn't I not be?

But one thing I can say is that I have frequently GIVEN financial help to those I could SEE needed help and wanted ZERO in return from them, I also for two years have been paying ALL the medical bills of a male friend in Oakland, California, he has HIV and I love him obviously in a Platonic way, I love and care about him so much I personally help to keep him well and even alive. He's on this thing called antiretroviral therapy, ART, which is a special drug cocktail for those with HIV and being in America I know how expensive that's going to be for him and he needs to take these medications every day and although it was a bit complicated to do I set up a special financial fund for him, so I pay all his medical bills for these drugs he needs because I can afford to do that for him and I wanted him to not have to worry about finances, to know that he will always get his medications and so he can spend his own money on his hobbies and on other things that make him happy.

So this is what a Double Socialist then to you, I support Healthcare and I have a friend who is a San Francisco Faggot dying of HIV but instead of doing the to YOU Non-Socialist thing of DISOWNING my friend and telling him to "Fuck Off And Die Faggot" instead I pay ALL his medical bills to help keep him alive a few more years.

My father came over to Normandy to save you sorry Socialists from the Nazis. We here in America know what it's like to spend our blood to save other countries and then have then treat us like shit. You didn't earn a damn thing in your life. Then try to insult us that we can't afford Ferraris. Not any more. You're going to pay for your protection. You're going to quit funding your Socialized medicine from the tariffs you charge us. You can't stop it now. As the Socialists have yanked the Democrats so far left they're going to get kicked to the curb.

That's why we call you Eurotrash. And then countries get the protection we provide to Europe and your country won't even kick in a dime.

Those days are over. You're paying up like it or not.
While we're at it, let's look for any country on earth with lower taxes, lower spending, less regulation than the United States AND a thriving middle class. There isn't a single nation out of 195 on earth, with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class. Not a single one. Now that's something to ponder, isn't it?
Define middle class. While your at it, define poverty. Ponder that, why don't you?

This is another thing the Class System, in America totally different than on the European Continent literally could be from Mars what America considers Middle Class and America has NO Upper Class that Europeans would consider Upper Class, America has NEVER had our Aristocracy, sorry some Meat Packing Heir from New York or whatever is NOT Upper Class, the Kennedy's are NOT Upper Class they never were, someone making millions of Dollars from ZERO Bootlegging does NOT get to be Upper Class, they remain as they ALWAYS were and that IS Working Class.

EG. Someone is Working Class then they win the Lottery and win eg. 200 MILLIONS, this does NOT make them all of a sudden Upper Class.

The European Class System has ZERO to do with finances, some are Independently Wealthy down multiple Centuries but also there are a lot of Upper Class who have not a lot of finances now they might perhaps have only ONE Millions but they still are Upper Class.

In America it is that someone goes from ZERO to making a BILLION and all of a sudden is Upper Class, Bill Gates is NOT Upper Class, the Trump Family are NOT Upper Class, the Bush Family are NOT Upper Class, NOBODY in Hollyweird IS Upper Class, you CANNOT buy your way into the Upper Class or EARN your way into the Upper Class, the America Class System to us is like something from Mars, it is not ANY type of Class System as Europeans have EVER known the Class System.

EG. Someone who is BORN Working Class can go up to Lower Middle Class or even perhaps full Middle Class but that is where it stops.

What in America is considered Working Class and also Lower Middle Class and also Middle Class? Professions for these would be?
Lucy, I have no idea what you're talking about. The only thing I gather is that different classes means different things to you and to the US.
To you there is a definitive pathway to a higher class, it just means zero here in the US.

Yes different Classes mean different things to us and you.
I really don't look at classes, every country has a different definition of classes.
In this country, I look at what people have as in material things. What is considered
poverty in this country would be living a high life in another country.
I know there is true poverty in the world, but very few in this country experience it, and
is by choice in many of the instances.
Middle class is even harder to identify.
There are plenty of poor in the United States period after 30 years of GOP dominance, we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. All to save the rich who are incredibly bloated now.
Ricky and his ilk are simply jealous that they could not use the advantage that middle class America provides for upward mobility.

They failed.

So it is everyone else's fault.
Yes but NOBODY IS going to pay more to NATO, they just said that to shut Americans up from whining about NATO spending.

We produce A LOT that you need. What does America make? Most of the important things are Made In China and then YOU Import them to YOU from China, how many things say Made In America now?

You do NOT make better autos. We have BMW, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, the British have Jaguar, Rolls Royce, Aston Martin, the Italians have Ferrari, Lamborghini.

We do NOT Import in mass number American autos, America DOES though pay stupid amounts of moneys for OUR autos to be Imported to you.

In America we run over those cars with our pickup trucks because they serve no purpose other than drive idiots around.

Basically what I've been trying to tell you. We WORK, We buy 2 Million pickup trucks in America every year to WORK with.

"In America we run over those cars with our pickup trucks because they serve no purpose other than drive idiots around."

No probably it is because YOU cannot AFFORD a Porsche or a Ferrari.

"We buy 2 Million pickup trucks in America every year to WORK with."

How many of those auto businesses that produce those pickup trucks are owned by Americans still? As I already commented WHAT is Made In Usa Owned by USA anymore? Not a lot is. What is though is Owned by Foreign Company but then Made In USA, so what you have is Foreign Companies taking the PROFITS HOME but paying Americans to build them in America.

Foreign Car Makers To Take U.S. Lead -- WSJ

Also not only autos but other American things not owned by America now:

10 classic USA brands that are foreign-owned

Oh, so the elitist little rich girl now comes out. The snooty, nose in the air by someone who didn't do a fucking thing to earn her money. Did mommy and daddy give you all that old Eurotrash money or did you fuck your way in to it?

I am Independently Wealthy, my family has been Independently Wealthy since the 15th Century, that doesn't mean we don't volunteer to do what we consider a family duty, which is serve in our nations military, every Generation of my family has served in the military our other thing would be Government Service usually Intelligence or Diplomatic Service, so if you call any of that not doing anything then okay and whatever.

Am I an Elitist? Of course I am why wouldn't I not be?

But one thing I can say is that I have frequently GIVEN financial help to those I could SEE needed help and wanted ZERO in return from them, I also for two years have been paying ALL the medical bills of a male friend in Oakland, California, he has HIV and I love him obviously in a Platonic way, I love and care about him so much I personally help to keep him well and even alive. He's on this thing called antiretroviral therapy, ART, which is a special drug cocktail for those with HIV and being in America I know how expensive that's going to be for him and he needs to take these medications every day and although it was a bit complicated to do I set up a special financial fund for him, so I pay all his medical bills for these drugs he needs because I can afford to do that for him and I wanted him to not have to worry about finances, to know that he will always get his medications and so he can spend his own money on his hobbies and on other things that make him happy.

So this is what a Double Socialist then to you, I support Healthcare and I have a friend who is a San Francisco Faggot dying of HIV but instead of doing the to YOU Non-Socialist thing of DISOWNING my friend and telling him to "Fuck Off And Die Faggot" instead I pay ALL his medical bills to help keep him alive a few more years.

My father came over to Normandy to save you sorry Socialists from the Nazis. We here in America know what it's like to spend our blood to save other countries and then have then treat us like shit. You didn't earn a damn thing in your life. Then try to insult us that we can't afford Ferraris. Not any more. You're going to pay for your protection. You're going to quit funding your Socialized medicine from the tariffs you charge us. You can't stop it now. As the Socialists have yanked the Democrats so far left they're going to get kicked to the curb.

That's why we call you Eurotrash. And then countries get the protection we provide to Europe and your country won't even kick in a dime.

Those days are over. You're paying up like it or not.
And that's why everyone in the world calls you American trash LOL... Trump may get a slightly better deal that's all...

The GOP wrecked the world economy in 1929 too, leading to chaos and militarism in Germany and Japan, and GOP moron isolationists let them run wild and there you go. Austria was a dictatorship 2...
While we're at it, let's look for any country on earth with lower taxes, lower spending, less regulation than the United States AND a thriving middle class. There isn't a single nation out of 195 on earth, with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class. Not a single one. Now that's something to ponder, isn't it?
Define middle class. While your at it, define poverty. Ponder that, why don't you?

This is another thing the Class System, in America totally different than on the European Continent literally could be from Mars what America considers Middle Class and America has NO Upper Class that Europeans would consider Upper Class, America has NEVER had our Aristocracy, sorry some Meat Packing Heir from New York or whatever is NOT Upper Class, the Kennedy's are NOT Upper Class they never were, someone making millions of Dollars from ZERO Bootlegging does NOT get to be Upper Class, they remain as they ALWAYS were and that IS Working Class.

EG. Someone is Working Class then they win the Lottery and win eg. 200 MILLIONS, this does NOT make them all of a sudden Upper Class.

The European Class System has ZERO to do with finances, some are Independently Wealthy down multiple Centuries but also there are a lot of Upper Class who have not a lot of finances now they might perhaps have only ONE Millions but they still are Upper Class.

In America it is that someone goes from ZERO to making a BILLION and all of a sudden is Upper Class, Bill Gates is NOT Upper Class, the Trump Family are NOT Upper Class, the Bush Family are NOT Upper Class, NOBODY in Hollyweird IS Upper Class, you CANNOT buy your way into the Upper Class or EARN your way into the Upper Class, the America Class System to us is like something from Mars, it is not ANY type of Class System as Europeans have EVER known the Class System.

EG. Someone who is BORN Working Class can go up to Lower Middle Class or even perhaps full Middle Class but that is where it stops.

What in America is considered Working Class and also Lower Middle Class and also Middle Class? Professions for these would be?

What a load of shit. You don't just get to claim you're "upper class" because your money was handed down through decades.

What an elitist jerk you are. That's just the same snooty nose shit I laughed at when I worked in Europe.

You're just Socialist light on your way to Communism and your stuck up ass can have it. That's what Eurotrash don't understand about Americans. We're the spirit that drives the world economy. We're the innovation that powers progress.

Eurotrash ride on our coat tails.
While we're at it, let's look for any country on earth with lower taxes, lower spending, less regulation than the United States AND a thriving middle class. There isn't a single nation out of 195 on earth, with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class. Not a single one. Now that's something to ponder, isn't it?
Define middle class. While your at it, define poverty. Ponder that, why don't you?

This is another thing the Class System, in America totally different than on the European Continent literally could be from Mars what America considers Middle Class and America has NO Upper Class that Europeans would consider Upper Class, America has NEVER had our Aristocracy, sorry some Meat Packing Heir from New York or whatever is NOT Upper Class, the Kennedy's are NOT Upper Class they never were, someone making millions of Dollars from ZERO Bootlegging does NOT get to be Upper Class, they remain as they ALWAYS were and that IS Working Class.

EG. Someone is Working Class then they win the Lottery and win eg. 200 MILLIONS, this does NOT make them all of a sudden Upper Class.

The European Class System has ZERO to do with finances, some are Independently Wealthy down multiple Centuries but also there are a lot of Upper Class who have not a lot of finances now they might perhaps have only ONE Millions but they still are Upper Class.

In America it is that someone goes from ZERO to making a BILLION and all of a sudden is Upper Class, Bill Gates is NOT Upper Class, the Trump Family are NOT Upper Class, the Bush Family are NOT Upper Class, NOBODY in Hollyweird IS Upper Class, you CANNOT buy your way into the Upper Class or EARN your way into the Upper Class, the America Class System to us is like something from Mars, it is not ANY type of Class System as Europeans have EVER known the Class System.

EG. Someone who is BORN Working Class can go up to Lower Middle Class or even perhaps full Middle Class but that is where it stops.

What in America is considered Working Class and also Lower Middle Class and also Middle Class? Professions for these would be?
Lucy, I have no idea what you're talking about. The only thing I gather is that different classes means different things to you and to the US.
To you there is a definitive pathway to a higher class, it just means zero here in the US.

Yes different Classes mean different things to us and you.
I really don't look at classes, every country has a different definition of classes.
In this country, I look at what people have as in material things. What is considered
poverty in this country would be living a high life in another country.
I know there is true poverty in the world, but very few in this country experience it, and
is by choice in many of the instances.
Middle class is even harder to identify.
Lucy changed the argument from the upper class to the aristocracy... Upper class is upper class and based on income. Europeans still have vestiges of aristocracy but come on please...
Sorry we do not freeload off America, we have our own moneys we get ZERO from America, we also are not in NATO an excellent decision which have save us BILLIONS in wasted taxpayers moneys.

As for the EU in general, no they are not going to pay up. Period, you want to keep thinking they are then okay, think that but just because it makes you feel better to think it does not mean it is happening, but is not.

So you're not in NATO but you're in Europe and you pay nothing in to NATO.

Talk about admitting you're a freeloader off of America's protection. How fucking embarrassing. You're even freeloading off the other European countries.

"You're even freeloading off the other European countries."

No we are a Net Contributor to the EU ie. WE pay MORE in than we GET in RETURN. We get NO moneys from ANY OTHER nation, we fund our OWN nation and we also pay to assist the poorer EU nations and GET ZERO in RETURN.
And America has caused the refugee problem, that would be the GOP, and the EU has taken millions of refugees while we have taken tens of thousands. You see the problem with GOP idiots?

"And America has caused the refugee problem, that would be the GOP"

No that would be Obama, we did NOT have this situation until Obama dropped the ball on Iraq, Syria and decided for NO REASON to fuck up Libya, even though I 100% did NOT agree with GWB and the lapdog Tony Blair invading Iraq OR Afghanistan my Continent did NOT have this Refugee problem UNTIL Obama dropped the ball on Iraq, Syria and decided for NO REASON to fuck up Libya.
The GOP allowed 9/11 through sheer incompetence and invaded Iraq for no reason. Obama got us out of Iraq and nobody saw Isis coming... Libyans are very are very happy to get rid of Gaddafi and the refugees coming from Africa are economic refugees basically from sub-Saharan Africa. Guess who started the world depression in 2008, again. Our catastrophe of a GOP of course...

"The GOP allowed 9/11 through sheer incompetence"


"Obama got us out of Iraq and nobody saw Isis coming"

ISIS already EXISTED, Obama dropped the ball on Iraq and into the chaotic vacuum in walked ISIS.

"Libyans are very are very happy to get rid of Gaddafi"

You know this HOW?

"the refugees coming from Africa are economic refugees basically from sub-Saharan Africa."

Yes VIA Libya because Obama assisted in removing Gaddafi so as THAT left a vacuum that ISIS walked into with various different War Lords they are actively AIDING the Sub-Saharan Africans, that is HOW they are getting IN via Libya, not that I expect a Muppet Troll Boi to comprehend this.

"Guess who started the world depression in 2008, again. Our catastrophe of a GOP of course..."

Lehman Brothers collapsed THAT is what started it, NOT the GOP. The whole crisis though was NOT handled correctly.
Ricky and his ilk are simply jealous that they could not use the advantage that middle class America provides for upward mobility.

They failed.

So it is everyone else's fault.

Oh, now jake the flake knows how much money I have and how successful I am. ROTFLMAO

Ya, a Fortune 500 company sent me to Europe to train engineers for peanuts.

Speaking of peanuts, your brain is the size of one.
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.
To American conservatives...Socialists are any countries that help their people
You mean like Venezuela?
Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.
So tell us, Einstein, what constitutes socialism?

No this is what I am asking Americans, what Americans THINK Socialism is. It is NOT what Denmark or Switzerland are for example.
Oh yes it is. You are the one here who says they know what socialism is --explain the big difference between Denmark and Sweden or France or Canada or Japan. Or Switzerland.
Meanwhile most GOP dupes believe Cuba and North Korea are socialist LOL

Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela ARE Socialist but Cuba and North Korea the next step and are Communist. WTF are you babbling that Cuba and North Korea are Conservative or whatever?
Communist of course. Which is not socialism as understood the last 50 years or more. Pure socialist and dictatorships. And nothing like the countries you have said are socialist...
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.
To American conservatives...Socialists are any countries that help their people
You mean like Venezuela?
Another Fox Rush whatever GOP dupe and Pavlov dog. Say socialists they say Venezuela, which Trump is busily sanctioning and sabotaging out of any chance of coming back. Great job lol. And before the GOP World depression of 2008 wrecked their economy, Hugo cut poverty and homelessness in half and banished illiteracy etc etc.

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