Top 10 Freest Countries Have Government Health Care

If the U.S. completely socialized healthcare, our rating would probably stay the same. Why? Because even prior to Obamacare we didn't have a free market system in healthcare. We have a corporatist healthcare system. Corporatism is not free market.
If the U.S. completely socialized healthcare, our rating would probably stay the same. Why? Because even prior to Obamacare we didn't have a free market system in healthcare. We have a corporatist healthcare system. Corporatism is not free market.

yes , liberals lack the IQ to know what capitalism is so they simply proclaim that we had capitalist health, it didn't work, and needed to be replaced by libsoviet Obamacare.
National health care actually enhances individual freedom; workers are more mobile in terms of work and geography. They are no longer tied to employers to maintain health care benefits.

That's the main reason that U.S. business interests fund "conservative" professional politicians. Greater worker mobility means higher wages to entice them, and that means lower profits for businesses. Hence, Republican funders oppose national health care initiatives; they want to keep their workers under control.

Horseshit. All that shows is that the whole world is descending into the never ending night of socialist tyranny.
Many countries chose a long time ago to guarantee their citizens cradle-to-grave healthcare. Those countries began building hospitals, laboratories and clinics, hiring doctors and nurses, building nursing homes, and so on. The government did all this.

And now their governments are more or less well situated and equipped to provide healthcare to all.

There are some problems with it - waiting lists for certain surgeries and procedures, and so on. Their doctors don't make as much as their counterparts in the U.S.

But who cares, really?

The United States is prevented by its Constitution from guaranteeing cradle-to-grave healthcare, as they do in, for example, Canada. The Tenth Amendment prohibits the Federal government from (basically) doing anything other than the 17 things set out in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution.

For your edification, I have reproduced them here:

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; To borrow money on the credit of the United States; To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes; To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States; To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures; To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States; To establish post offices and post roads; To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries; To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court; To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations; To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water; To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years; To provide and maintain a navy; To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces; To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions; To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress; To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings;--And To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof.

You may notice that the Congress and President now TOTALLY DISREGARD the provisions of the Tenth Amendment, and take upon themselves any and all powers that they feel like. But that was not always the case, and at the time in history when the "healthcare" decision might have been made, we still took the Tenth Amendment seriously.

And because "we" didn't amend the Constitution and do the right thing in, say 1945, we have evolved in a different way such that it will never be possible to have socialized medicine the way the countries in Europe now do. Insurance companies would be superfluous (scratch a couple million jobs). Doctors would make a fraction of what they do now. Medical schools would have to be funded by government, and admission would be stricktly on merit. It simply wouldn't work.

So today's Democrats would like, alternatively, to have the so-called "single-payer" system, in which, basically, everyone in the country would be on Medicare/Medicaid, and the insurance companies would be superfluous. The purpose of Obama-care was to create a bureaucratic nightmare so awful that the people would quickly rise up and DEMAND single-payer.

So from that standpoint, maybe it's not a failure.
The authority to establish universal health care is granted in the first sentence of the 10th amendment, " . . . the power to . . .provide for the general welfare of the United States."

That clause doesn't have any legal force. If government had the power to do whatever Congress deemed to be in the "general welfare" the Constitution could be reduced to one sentence. The rest of it would become superfluous.
We need health care that focuses on affordable and quality care,

Yes and of course capitalism is the way to get it, not socialism. Under capitalism people shop with their own money so they shop carefully and providers compete on the basis of price and quality.

Its seems simple but a liberal will lack the IQ to understand it, believe it or not!!
Odd. Our system is capitalistic. And the results are sad compared to the results in Canada, Japan, France, or Germany.

I suppose you think that the military and police should also be privatized.
National health care actually enhances individual freedom; workers are more mobile in terms of work and geography. They are no longer tied to employers to maintain health care benefits.

That's the main reason that U.S. business interests fund "conservative" professional politicians. Greater worker mobility means higher wages to entice them, and that means lower profits for businesses. Hence, Republican funders oppose national health care initiatives; they want to keep their workers under control.

Horseshit. All that shows is that the whole world is descending into the never ending night of socialist tyranny.
Egad, such a dumb little fuck you are. The world is descending into a never ending night of socialist tyranny? The people that I meet from Europe and Asia would disagree with you. And they are working people that have the freedom to vacation here. And the wages to do it. Plus a health care system far superior in results to our present system.
We need health care that focuses on affordable and quality care,

Yes and of course capitalism is the way to get it, not socialism. Under capitalism people shop with their own money so they shop carefully and providers compete on the basis of price and quality.

Its seems simple but a liberal will lack the IQ to understand it, believe it or not!!
Odd. Our system is capitalistic. And the results are sad compared to the results in Canada, Japan, France, or Germany.

I suppose you think that the military and police should also be privatized.

Whole world's capitalist. Even China. Was an annecdote about some China delegation getting asked if they're still Communist. "Yes we are." - "What about western businesses like McDonald's in China?" - "When ever someone brings that up we say simply say it's communist." :)

Different governments may function differently, but their capitalism is ever-present. Not a government style anyway.

Healthcare should be free and paid for the government. If the government wishes to tax its citizens, ensuring they stay healthy and able to work and thus be taxed is only sensible.
National health care actually enhances individual freedom; workers are more mobile in terms of work and geography. They are no longer tied to employers to maintain health care benefits.

That's the main reason that U.S. business interests fund "conservative" professional politicians. Greater worker mobility means higher wages to entice them, and that means lower profits for businesses. Hence, Republican funders oppose national health care initiatives; they want to keep their workers under control.

Horseshit. All that shows is that the whole world is descending into the never ending night of socialist tyranny.
Egad, such a dumb little fuck you are. The world is descending into a never ending night of socialist tyranny? The people that I meet from Europe and Asia would disagree with you. And they are working people that have the freedom to vacation here. And the wages to do it. Plus a health care system far superior in results to our present system.

So a gang of brainwashed serfs told you they weren't headed toward tyranny? That doesn't impress anyone with a brain. All the citizens of the former Third Reich said the exact same thing. Their healthcare certainly isn't the best in the world. The USA has the best survival rates for cancer, heart disease and other serious conditions. The fact is the government is growing all over the world and freedom has been losing ground. We are headed to a worldwide collapse like we had at the end of the Roman Empire. Once the dark ages commence they will last for 1000 years, and it's all because of clueless morons like you.
We need health care that focuses on affordable and quality care,

Yes and of course capitalism is the way to get it, not socialism. Under capitalism people shop with their own money so they shop carefully and providers compete on the basis of price and quality.

Its seems simple but a liberal will lack the IQ to understand it, believe it or not!!
Odd. Our system is capitalistic. And the results are sad compared to the results in Canada, Japan, France, or Germany.

I suppose you think that the military and police should also be privatized.

Whole world's capitalist. Even China. Was an annecdote about some China delegation getting asked if they're still Communist. "Yes we are." - "What about western businesses like McDonald's in China?" - "When ever someone brings that up we say simply say it's communist." :)

Different governments may function differently, but their capitalism is ever-present. Not a government style anyway.

Healthcare should be free and paid for the government. If the government wishes to tax its citizens, ensuring they stay healthy and able to work and thus be taxed is only sensible.
I can't imagine anything more pathetic than your belief that the wishes of government take precedence over our rights. That only confirms what I posted previously, we are descending into a socialist tyranny. The mentality required to perpetrate it is already in place.
We need health care that focuses on affordable and quality care,

Yes and of course capitalism is the way to get it, not socialism. Under capitalism people shop with their own money so they shop carefully and providers compete on the basis of price and quality.

Its seems simple but a liberal will lack the IQ to understand it, believe it or not!!
Odd. Our system is capitalistic. And the results are sad compared to the results in Canada, Japan, France, or Germany.

I suppose you think that the military and police should also be privatized.

Your belief that Canada, Japan, France, or Germany aren't "capitalistic" is utterly hilarious.
. Hence, Republican funders oppose national health care initiatives; they want to keep their workers under control.

Completely stupid and liberal as always!! Employers like to be able to hire who they need and they often can't do it if a worker is tied to another company by health insurance. Do you ever think before you post?

Completely far right, reactionary, and not classically liberal.

The ACA allows employees to move as they wish, and not be bound to an employer.
National health care actually enhances individual freedom; workers are more mobile in terms of work and geography. They are no longer tied to employers to maintain health care benefits.

That's the main reason that U.S. business interests fund "conservative" professional politicians. Greater worker mobility means higher wages to entice them, and that means lower profits for businesses. Hence, Republican funders oppose national health care initiatives; they want to keep their workers under control.

Horseshit. All that shows is that the whole world is descending into the never ending night of socialist tyranny.
Egad, such a dumb little fuck you are. The world is descending into a never ending night of socialist tyranny? The people that I meet from Europe and Asia would disagree with you. And they are working people that have the freedom to vacation here. And the wages to do it. Plus a health care system far superior in results to our present system.

So a gang of brainwashed serfs told you they weren't headed toward tyranny? That doesn't impress anyone with a brain. All the citizens of the former Third Reich said the exact same thing. Their healthcare certainly isn't the best in the world. The USA has the best survival rates for cancer, heart disease and other serious conditions. The fact is the government is growing all over the world and freedom has been losing ground. We are headed to a worldwide collapse like we had at the end of the Roman Empire. Once the dark ages commence they will last for 1000 years, and it's all because of clueless morons like you.

Well we did until Obama took all that from us.
National health care actually enhances individual freedom; workers are more mobile in terms of work and geography.

100% stuipid and liberal as always:
1) being yoked to the national govt is no ones idea of freedom
2) capitalism yokes you to no one so there is competition that reduces costs 80% and would extend our life spans 10-20 years
This useful information came from the Heritage Foundation- a conservative think tank.

So I suppose we can stop crying "communism" over Obamacare (yeah, right).

Country Rankings World Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

Real Americans don't care all that much about what OTHER nations do.

Are you willing to lobby for Obamacare even if it means the Government takes over our health care?

When you control a people's health care, you control those people.

ON A GOOD DAY I feel resigned to the US Government having anything to do with SSA, or Medicare but it has proven to be relatively benign.

But this is far different.

Once you realize how Obama et al connived and manipulated and orchestrated the entire ACA plan from Day One (Literally? Who can doubt it??!! That's right. Known liars.) you should not be so enthusiastic about what seems at first glance, the answer to your prayers.

I guess, using a Gay analogy (and why NOT??!!) it might be like seeing a huge, GORGEOUS looking guy at a club and then going back to your place and wanting to really FEEL the glorious experience of his manliness you fail to exercise safe sexual practices.

But you wake up the next morning having enjoyed the best sex of your life!!!

then a year or so later you discover you are HIV positive and you know it HAD to be with the stud you went bareback with that night.

ACA is like that I'd imagine.

Enjoy it's fleeting benefits and joys while ye may.

Because you will be paying an unexpectedly crushing price for it forever.
. Hence, Republican funders oppose national health care initiatives; they want to keep their workers under control.

Completely stupid and liberal as always!! Employers like to be able to hire who they need and they often can't do it if a worker is tied to another company by health insurance. Do you ever think before you post?

Completely far right, reactionary, and not classically liberal.

The ACA allows employees to move as they wish, and not be bound to an employer.

We all realize sex feels better without a condom.

You Libs keep extolling the virtues of ACA as though we don't know how wonderful health care can be.

We know.

We simply object to ACA.

The TRUE price is hidden from our view and won't appear until AFTER it's too late for us to repeal it.

As per Obama and Pelosi's and Jonathon Gruber's intent!

The TRUE price is the loss of our freedoms and our becoming subjects of an all powerful and evil central government.

We have seen how they act even though they are still, technically, our servants. they tap our phones without permission. they target enemies of the ruling party for political persecution by the IRS. They rig elections. They act lawlessly.

Once we have no other recourse to ACA we will be at this predatory and adversarial and partisan government mercy, led by the least suitable people to ever serve as US public servants at that level.

We can start over and craft a much better health care which won't cost us the ownership of OUR government.

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