Top 10 reasons to NOT talk to the cops.

Who said "ALL of what police do"?

They do a lot of other things....Like pretend that they are your friend.

But mostly, they gather evidence for later court proceedings.

I can't really see this as anything other than different life experiences.

I've broken my share of laws in my life, and almost all my experiences with police have actually been fairly pleasant and positive. I don't have any police horror stories - the police that I see and encounter every day are kind, nice people who go out of their way to help.

It would seem so.

Aren't you supposed to be a law clerk or something? Ask any lawyer about talking to cops and see what they say.

I dare you.
Wow, what a bunch of lunatics and paranoids.

99% of people who encounter a cop as a suspect in an incident are due to TRAFFIC incidents, like speeding, since 99% of people are very law abiding citizens. Traffic enforcement is a necessary evil, and not a big deal.

The people who bitch about "DONT TALK TO THE COPS" are confusing to me. can talk all you want. And unless there is evidence of a CRIME, you have nothing to worry about.

Not carrying drugs? Got no warrants? Not carrying an illegal gun? Didnt steal or rape or kill anything?

Then you got nothing to worry about. Hell, talk the cops ear off until he's tired of hearing you.

But the #1 reason to not talk to cops? Because you are tying up his time that could be better spent investigating one of the many crimes that AnCapAtheist has committed.

Wow. Dont talk because you must "cover your ass"?? From what? Being a Dallas Cowboys fan? If you haven't committed a crime, you cant incriminate yourself on anything. Jesus folks.

So you don't think innocent people ever get wrongly convicted of crimes? I think you know for a fact that they do.

Cops are not there to help you. Better to keep your interaction with cops to an absolute minimum whether you are innocent or not.
I have never seen an incident where the police arrived and managed to not make things worse than they were. Just like doctors they serve a limited purpose. Beyond that I have no use for them.
Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Not Talk To The Police - Liberty Crier

Only thing you need to say is this : I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY. 5 words...simple.

I wouldn't even say that. The only thing you need to do is hand them your lawyers business card and say call my lawyer. I would never allow law enforcement to search my car. It is a matter of principle and no american should allow their car to be searched without a search warrant.

Same goes for your home. As far as I know the law is still the same, if you don't answer the door, they cannot come into your home. They must have a search warrant. However! If you open your door and they know you are home they can claim any number of excuses to get into your house. The only way they cannot enter your home is if you don't open that door and pretend not to be home.

I remember a story about a guy who was in a high speed chase with the cops and made it back to his girlfriends home. The car was outside, the helicopters were flying over the house, they were all over the yard but they could not go into the house because they didn't have a search warrant. As I heard it they were out there for several hours and finally gave up because the people never answered the door and legally they had no grounds for a search warrant and couldn't get one.

When I hear about these cops barging in on peoples homes without a warrant I have to assume they get in because the people answered the door. NEVER ANSWER THE DOOR. It's your rights so use them.


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