Top 10 Reasons Why Bernie Sanders May Actually Become President

I can think of a litany of reasons not to vote for Bernie, But after the #1 reason, the rest don't matter.
1. He wants 90% of our paychecks.
So you're one of the wealthiest Americans?

Bernie Sanders A 90 Percent Tax Rate Isn t Too High

I haven't looked at the details but I've heard other liberals suggest taxing income above $10 million or $1 million at a higher rate. Why? To put a cap on greed. Then rich people won't sit on that money. They'll invest it or hire someone rather than pay 90%. Bernie makes a good point and he isn't the first to make this point.

Do you know how many rich Americans are millionaires but don't actually make $1 million dollars a year? So you are crying you phucking baby for a very very very small percentage of Americans.

OUR paychecks? You make over $1 million a year?

When talking about President Dwight Eisenhower's administration, Sanders said, "I think the highest marginal tax rate was something like 90 percent."

CNBC's John Harwood then said, "It was 90. When you think about 90 percent, you don't think that's obviously too high."

Sanders replied, "No. What I think we've seen, and what frightens me again, when you have the top one-tenth of 1 percent owning almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent. Does anybody think that that is the kind of economy this country should have? Do we think it's moral?

"We have people working one job, they're working two jobs, they're working three jobs. People scared to death about what happens tomorrow. Half the people in America have less than $10,000 in savings."

"At a time when 99 percent of all new income is going to the top 1 percent, and when the top one-tenth of the 1 percent owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent, maybe it's time for a political shakeup in this country and to go beyond establishment politics," Sanders said.

"Countries in Denmark and Norway and Sweden, they are very democratic countries. Their voter turnout is higher. Healthcare is the right of all people. College education and graduate school is free. In those countries, retirement benefits are stronger than in the United States of America."

There are also very wide wealth disparities in Scandinavia.

There are very, very wealthy individuals and families in countries like Sweden. That doesn't happen with those people paying 90% in taxes.
Interesting take on why Bernie actually may become the US president:

Top 10 Reasons Why Bernie Sanders May Actually Become President Campaign 2016 Speeches
1. Hillary is so corrupt and immoral even dumbass democratic voters turn on her
2. Biden is the best of the rest and he is a complete fucking moron.
3. The electoral colleges are so rigged in the Demorats favor that even Daffy Duck could win a Presidency for the D's

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If the same number of people that voted in 2000 2004 2008 2012 would show up for midterms you wouldn't have either house.

You only have control cause the dumb masses only vote every 4 years.

NO! 50% show up every 4 years.

You have control because simply Americans are stupid. And you won't even argue because you Republicans don't want more people voting you want less.
Interesting take on why Bernie actually may become the US president:

Top 10 Reasons Why Bernie Sanders May Actually Become President Campaign 2016 Speeches
1. Hillary is so corrupt and immoral even dumbass democratic voters turn on her
2. Biden is the best of the rest and he is a complete fucking moron.
3. The electoral colleges are so rigged in the Demorats favor that even Daffy Duck could win a Presidency for the D's

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If the same number of people that voted in 2000 2004 2008 2012 would show up for midterms you wouldn't have either house.

You only have control cause the dumb masses only vote every 4 years.

NO! 50% show up every 4 years.

You have control because simply Americans are stupid. And you won't even argue because you Republicans don't want more people voting you want less.
They won the house in the general during the Presidential campaign before.

It's the rigging of the electoral colleges that is the issue. A electoral colleges should be divided based on the percentage of the state's popular vote.

Elections always focus on a few states like PA, OH, FL and the other so called swing states but solid blue or red states get forgotten.

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Interesting take on why Bernie actually may become the US president:

Top 10 Reasons Why Bernie Sanders May Actually Become President Campaign 2016 Speeches
1. Hillary is so corrupt and immoral even dumbass democratic voters turn on her
2. Biden is the best of the rest and he is a complete fucking moron.
3. The electoral colleges are so rigged in the Demorats favor that even Daffy Duck could win a Presidency for the D's

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If the same number of people that voted in 2000 2004 2008 2012 would show up for midterms you wouldn't have either house.

You only have control cause the dumb masses only vote every 4 years.

NO! 50% show up every 4 years.

You have control because simply Americans are stupid. And you won't even argue because you Republicans don't want more people voting you want less.
There are a LOT of people who shouldn't vote.

1. If you can't be bothered to put down the bong and get up off your mom's couch to vote, you shouldn't vote.
2. If you let Jayz and Beyonce tell you who to vote for, you shouldn't vote.
3. If you vote for the "pretty one", you shouldn't vote.
4. If a van picks you up from under the bridge, you're given a pack of cigarettes and told who to vote for, you shouldn't vote.
5. If you are not a legal citizen of this country, you shouldn't vote.
6. If you are dead, you shouldn't vote.

In short, more votes isn't always a good thing.
Interesting take on why Bernie actually may become the US president:

Top 10 Reasons Why Bernie Sanders May Actually Become President Campaign 2016 Speeches
1. Hillary is so corrupt and immoral even dumbass democratic voters turn on her
2. Biden is the best of the rest and he is a complete fucking moron.
3. The electoral colleges are so rigged in the Demorats favor that even Daffy Duck could win a Presidency for the D's

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If the same number of people that voted in 2000 2004 2008 2012 would show up for midterms you wouldn't have either house.

You only have control cause the dumb masses only vote every 4 years.

NO! 50% show up every 4 years.

You have control because simply Americans are stupid. And you won't even argue because you Republicans don't want more people voting you want less.
There are a LOT of people who shouldn't vote.

1. If you can't be bothered to put down the bong and get up off your mom's couch to vote, you shouldn't vote.
2. If you let Jayz and Beyonce tell you who to vote for, you shouldn't vote.
3. If you vote for the "pretty one", you shouldn't vote.
4. If a van picks you up from under the bridge, you're given a pack of cigarettes and told who to vote for, you shouldn't vote.
5. If you are not a legal citizen of this country, you shouldn't vote.
6. If you are dead, you shouldn't vote.

In short, more votes isn't always a good thing.

You say, #4, If a van picks you shouldn't vote. Actually it's not illegal if the person living under the bridge is a citizen. Now, if a jet plane whisks a republican candidate to a beach resort where he performs for billionaires like a trained monkey in order to get money for his candidacy, that's business as usual. (link below). I'm surprised that the fair and balanced bunch at fox news didn't confront wannabee candidates cruz, walker and others about their previous weekend groveling. What did these guys promise the rich and well born if they make it to the white house? This groveling for money by candidates is what should be illegal. But of course, the right wing is always worried about the little guy getting a free pack of butts or some food stamps to buy milk for his kids.

It goes like this:
Tax the 1%, 90%.
When the 1% leaves, and they will, you are now the 1%.

Where are they going to move to? Countries with lower taxes than the United States are usually third world countries with dangerous drinking water, dirt roads, high crime rates, and corrupt criminal justice systems.

Civilized countries tax their rich quite a bit higher than the United States does.
I never mind paying taxes when I'm making a lot of money. Better than not making a lot of money and not paying a lot of taxes. That's the trade off. It doesn't work both ways. Trust me. I lived through Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama
Do you report all the money you make at your marijuana business?

Fortunately marijuana is becoming legal. When it becomes legal in sealybobo's state he will be making more money than you know exists.

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