Top 10 Scientific Proofs of God’s Existence

My perception of God is that God is infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite intelligence, infinite wisdom, infinite knowledge, infinite love, infinite patience, infinite justice, infinite mercy, infinite kindness and infinite goodness. I am not saying God has those attributes. I am saying God is those attributes. The polar opposite of those attributes are not extant. They only exist as the negation of the attribute. And that's how I know God is good and compassionate. Because good and compassion exist.

What's the perception of God that YOU looked for?
So if god is all the good things, who made all the bad things and why doesn't god stop them from being there?
There is more than one God and even in your Bible you can find where it is said “ I am the only true God “ which mean that there or are more than one God, so I say I will worship Anu or An and wait from the great Dragon to devour our World which is China…
So if god is all the good things, who made all the bad things and why doesn't god stop them from being there?
To my understanding according to the myth why God will not do it is because the Children of Israel God would have to destroy Humanity seeing we as a species are tainted from our time in Eden and can not be fixed…

So God can not remove the sins and evil in Humanity because according to another myth after the great flood God promised to Noah that he would never do it again, and his promise is seen in the rainbow…
So if god is all the good things, who made all the bad things and why doesn't god stop them from being there?
The so called "bad things" are not extant. They only exist as the negation of something else. Cruelty is the absence of kindness. The thing that exists is kindness.

Don't you want to experience the full spectrum of life?
To my understanding according to the myth why God will not do it is because the Children of Israel God would have to destroy Humanity seeing we as a species are tainted from our time in Eden and can not be fixed…
Ok, fundie. (said with the same sarcasm someone would say Ok, boomer).
The so called "bad things" are not extant. They only exist as the negation of something else. Cruelty is the absence of kindness. The thing that exists is kindness.

Don't you want to experience the full spectrum of life?
Sounds like an excuse so you can absolve god of having made a universe with those things in it.
Sounds like an excuse so you can absolve god of having made a universe with those things in it.
God created existence. What you do with it is up to you. Blaming God for man's failures is ridiculous and a textbook example of an external locus of control.

Again... your problem is you have never made any effort to search for a realistic perception of God. So everything you see is skewed to your unrealistic perception of God which is fairytale. I wouldn't believe in the God you perceive either.

My perception of God is that God is infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite intelligence, infinite wisdom, infinite knowledge, infinite love, infinite patience, infinite justice, infinite mercy, infinite kindness and infinite goodness. I am not saying God has those attributes. I am saying God is those attributes. The polar opposite of those attributes are not extant. They only exist as the negation of the attribute. And that's how I know God is good and compassionate. Because good and compassion exist.

So what is the perception of God you have looked for?
God created existence. What you do with it is up to you. Blaming God for man's failures is ridiculous and a textbook example of an external locus of control.

Again... your problem is you have never made any effort to search for a realistic perception of God. So everything you see is skewed to your unrealistic perception of God which is fairytale. I wouldn't believe in the God you perceive either.

My perception of God is that God is infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite intelligence, infinite wisdom, infinite knowledge, infinite love, infinite patience, infinite justice, infinite mercy, infinite kindness and infinite goodness. I am not saying God has those attributes. I am saying God is those attributes. The polar opposite of those attributes are not extant. They only exist as the negation of the attribute. And that's how I know God is good and compassionate. Because good and compassion exist.

So what is the perception of God you have looked for?
God created the universe and everything in it. Good and bad. God made the absence of good something bad.
God created the universe and everything in it. Good and bad. God made the absence of good something bad.
Cold is not extant. It doesn't really exist. Cold is the absence of heat. Heat exists. Cold can only be made manifest by the absence of heat. Same for darkness. Same for evil. So, no. God did not make the absence of good something bad.

The question you should be asking yourself is why you can't celebrate evil. If you want to prove God doesn't exist start doing evil and don't apologize for it or make excuses for doing it. You can't do it. There's your proof of God you have been so desperately seeking to find.
Cold is not extant. It doesn't really exist. Cold is the absence of heat. Heat exists. Cold can only be made manifest by the absence of heat. Same for darkness. Same for evil. So, no. God did not make the absence of good something bad.

The question you should be asking yourself is why you can't celebrate evil. If you want to prove God doesn't exist start doing evil and don't apologize for it or make excuses for doing it. You can't do it. There's your proof of God you have been so desperately seeking to find.
No wonder no one ever agrees with you, you're insane. Heat can only be made by the absence of cold. Works both ways, meaning you're an idiot.
No wonder no one ever agrees with you, you're insane. Heat can only be made by the absence of cold. Works both ways, meaning you're an idiot.
Learn some thermodynamics. Heat is not the absence of cold, dummy.

Believe it or not, cold does not actually exist. What you're experieincing when you experience cold, is the absence of heat.

Many atheists want to have proofs of God's existence.

Well of course God exists, but none of your list really amounts to "scientific" measurable proof of God--- the proof of God lies within the heart not is some external empiricalization, which atheists will never accept as "proof" anyway.
Heat can only be made by the absence of cold. Works both ways, meaning you're an idiot.

Do tell us, Blowhead, what is the scientific unit for cold? :laughing0301:
Learn some thermodynamics. Heat is not the absence of cold, dummy.

It's just as dumb as what you said. Cold is cold. You heat it up, it's less cold. You're an idiot. You have an absence of intellect.
It's just as dumb as what you said. Cold is cold. You heat it up, it's less cold. You're an idiot. You have an absence of intellect.
You don't know a lot about science, do you?

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