Top 3 countries for Morty


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
#england #ThreeLions
Im not sure whether it is allowed to link to another forum if not please a Mod delete the link Top 3 countries for Morty

Do you agree with the classifications? I had feeling before that here on USMESSGEBOARD Im seen as more "european" or "white" then that and overthere as very exotic. Or maybe Im wrong and Im not seen as whiter here either? Please only serious answers

TheWolf97;6911028 said:
Maybe imo North India, Iran, certain places in Pakistan. And in the new world at least for me you could pass as a white Mexican or Chilean

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Henri729;6911033 said:
Brazil, índia, Middle Eastern

Ülev;6911044 said:
India, Pakistan, Turkey

Kyp;6911047 said:

Celestia;6911067 said:
You look typical for Roma.. but you don’t look typical for India.

I think you’d pass fairly well in Latin America actually

I’d say

1. Brazil
2. Mexico/Colombia
3. Iran (maybe)

Borealis;6911094 said:
Oman, Sri Lanka, Trinidad and Tobago

vellas;6911103 said:
Hard to be specific, but generally, people who are racially Caucasian usually look very similar. I'd say you pass anywhere from North India to Britain.

Karadon;6911112 said:
Well you pass in Turkey as a Gypsy there is a large community of Gypsies in Turkey you dont pass as a Turk

lameduck;6911140 said:
latin american countries

axel.aleman;6911344 said:
In Latam as a Light Triracial in Panama, Puerto Rico, Colombia

TheMaestro;6911349 said:
San Marino

Mixdguy17;6912366 said:
Afghanistan, Libya, Mexico. Middle east over all is a perfect fit for u, I would say everywhere except the Levant.

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