Top 5 Reasons America is Toast


Jeffersonian Liberal
May 22, 2010
That's done. As in baked, cooked, finis.

Let's just look at the charges and specifications of late, shall we?
  1. Big US and Global Banks have admitted (that is, have been convicted) of multiple criminal offenses over the last several years. A partial list can be found here; let me remind everyone that an ordinary person who commits three felonies, even if some of them are very minor in comparison to any of the listed ones here in impact and they take place over a period of decades, goes away for lifeunder long-existing three strikes laws. All four of the banks listed in that dissent have three or more "convictions" and thus all of them should be dissolved as they are obviously incapable of modifying their behavior. Nonetheless literally tens of millions of Americans and American corporations not only refuse to stand and demand that these charters be revoked they voluntarily do business with one or more of these firms!
    The rest are at this link: Doug Ross Journal Top 5 Reasons America is Toast
That's done. As in baked, cooked, finis.

Let's just look at the charges and specifications of late, shall we?
  1. Big US and Global Banks have admitted (that is, have been convicted) of multiple criminal offenses over the last several years. A partial list can be found here; let me remind everyone that an ordinary person who commits three felonies, even if some of them are very minor in comparison to any of the listed ones here in impact and they take place over a period of decades, goes away for lifeunder long-existing three strikes laws. All four of the banks listed in that dissent have three or more "convictions" and thus all of them should be dissolved as they are obviously incapable of modifying their behavior. Nonetheless literally tens of millions of Americans and American corporations not only refuse to stand and demand that these charters be revoked they voluntarily do business with one or more of these firms!
    The rest are at this link: Doug Ross Journal Top 5 Reasons America is Toast
Well I guess you better move on the FUCK out cracka
Those are all bad things but America is not toast, not even close. What do you think "toast" looks like anyway? Road Warrior? Blade runner? Roller ball? V for Vendeta? Spaceballs?
That's done. As in baked, cooked, finis.

Let's just look at the charges and specifications of late, shall we?
  1. Big US and Global Banks have admitted (that is, have been convicted) of multiple criminal offenses over the last several years. A partial list can be found here; let me remind everyone that an ordinary person who commits three felonies, even if some of them are very minor in comparison to any of the listed ones here in impact and they take place over a period of decades, goes away for lifeunder long-existing three strikes laws. All four of the banks listed in that dissent have three or more "convictions" and thus all of them should be dissolved as they are obviously incapable of modifying their behavior. Nonetheless literally tens of millions of Americans and American corporations not only refuse to stand and demand that these charters be revoked they voluntarily do business with one or more of these firms!
    The rest are at this link: Doug Ross Journal Top 5 Reasons America is Toast
Well I guess you better move on the FUCK out cracka
That's a trigger word, I need to go to my safe room.
That's done. As in baked, cooked, finis.

Let's just look at the charges and specifications of late, shall we?
  1. Big US and Global Banks have admitted (that is, have been convicted) of multiple criminal offenses over the last several years. A partial list can be found here; let me remind everyone that an ordinary person who commits three felonies, even if some of them are very minor in comparison to any of the listed ones here in impact and they take place over a period of decades, goes away for lifeunder long-existing three strikes laws. All four of the banks listed in that dissent have three or more "convictions" and thus all of them should be dissolved as they are obviously incapable of modifying their behavior. Nonetheless literally tens of millions of Americans and American corporations not only refuse to stand and demand that these charters be revoked they voluntarily do business with one or more of these firms!
    The rest are at this link: Doug Ross Journal Top 5 Reasons America is Toast
Well I guess you better move on the FUCK out cracka
That's a trigger word, I need to go to my safe room.
You better hurry! Or you're toast! :eek:
Still not as bad as the Russian government mafia, and the Chinese government tigers, so America is not 'toast', as its competitors have bigger internal problems.
Think about the world when Clinton was president. Enron was selling stock on the internet. On his last day in office Bubba Bill pardoned the most notorious corporate criminal in history at that time, Marc Rich, while he was on the FBI's 10 most wanted. Maybe it was a coincidence that Mrs. Rich donated a million to the Clinton library. When Clinton was caught literally with his pants down in the Oval Office he bombed Europe. Who knows how many felons are donating to the Clinton crooked charity in hopes of a quid pro quo from madame Hillary if (God forbid) she gets elected president.
Think about the world when Clinton was president. Enron was selling stock on the internet. On his last day in office Bubba Bill pardoned the most notorious corporate criminal in history at that time, Marc Rich, while he was on the FBI's 10 most wanted. Maybe it was a coincidence that Mrs. Rich donated a million to the Clinton library. When Clinton was caught literally with his pants down in the Oval Office he bombed Europe. Who knows how many felons are donating to the Clinton crooked charity in hopes of a quid pro quo from madame Hillary if (God forbid) she gets elected president.
Hillary and Jeb 2016!
The perfect ticket, statists from both sides are the base.
Lets rush to the cliff.

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