Top answer from Tea Party of why they don't like the President.

Got something other than right wing blog sites to back up you bullshit?


Can you show the Tea Party promoting a merger of the Federal Government and well connected corporations like Blue Cross and Kaiser PRIOR to your little tin god taking office?

Yet, in your diseased mind, the ONLY reason anyone would oppose the mandates of your god is race...

Last time I checked, you could still attend the religion of your choice,

BUT, our GLORIOUS RULER may declare the tenets of your faith null and void if they fail to coincide with your fascist ambitions, as he did with the Catholic prohibition of birth control.

Is Obama the new Pope?

As Nakoula Nakoula found out when he insulted Muhammad. You can ask him yourself - oh wait, our king had him put in prison....

and you still have your guns.

While Obama and the Khmer Rouge democrats work to undermine civil rights.

Sounds like the mindless fuckwad here is you.

Not even close, skippy.

Deny all you want but the proof is in the pudding. Nobody but the few naive enough to be in the tea and are not racist believe that this group is anything but a more organized KKK
Got something other than right wing blog sites to back up you bullshit?


Can you show the Tea Party promoting a merger of the Federal Government and well connected corporations like Blue Cross and Kaiser PRIOR to your little tin god taking office?

Yet, in your diseased mind, the ONLY reason anyone would oppose the mandates of your god is race...

BUT, our GLORIOUS RULER may declare the tenets of your faith null and void if they fail to coincide with your fascist ambitions, as he did with the Catholic prohibition of birth control.

Is Obama the new Pope?

As Nakoula Nakoula found out when he insulted Muhammad. You can ask him yourself - oh wait, our king had him put in prison....

While Obama and the Khmer Rouge democrats work to undermine civil rights.

Sounds like the mindless fuckwad here is you.

Not even close, skippy.

Deny all you want but the proof is in the pudding. Nobody but the few naive enough to be in the tea and are not racist believe that this group is anything but a more organized KKK

black tea party members would disagree with you. But you don't care about those "uncle toms" who actually think for themselves do you? they are traitors to their race, right?

you liberals are the most racist people on the planet
The main reason they don't like him, is because there's a black man in the White House.

Oh really? Did you think of that all by yourself? Why how original!! Maybe you better patent that one before someone else uses it.

I don't like Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton...and none of them are black. It has to do with their politics and nothing more.

I might believe that if it weren't for the fact that there are policies that were suggested by members of the GOP that Obama thought were pretty decent as well, and the second Obama got behind those policies, the GOP disavowed them, and then went further right.

Matter of fact, Obamacare is based on what Mittens did in MA, and it worked there, so why won't it work for the whole nation?

so why did the democrats trash mitt for his healthcare plan?
Got something other than right wing blog sites to back up you bullshit?


Can you show the Tea Party promoting a merger of the Federal Government and well connected corporations like Blue Cross and Kaiser PRIOR to your little tin god taking office?

Yet, in your diseased mind, the ONLY reason anyone would oppose the mandates of your god is race...

Last time I checked, you could still attend the religion of your choice,

BUT, our GLORIOUS RULER may declare the tenets of your faith null and void if they fail to coincide with your fascist ambitions, as he did with the Catholic prohibition of birth control.

Is Obama the new Pope?

As Nakoula Nakoula found out when he insulted Muhammad. You can ask him yourself - oh wait, our king had him put in prison....

and you still have your guns.

While Obama and the Khmer Rouge democrats work to undermine civil rights.

Sounds like the mindless fuckwad here is you.

Not even close, skippy.

So basically you still have all those rights, you dislike Obama is because of what you believe he WILL do, not what he HAS ALREADY done! Got it.
However, you have to admit that most of those folks LOVED GW Bush, and he was as about big of a fascist as they come.

Some, sure. Most, I don't think so, because the TP is composed of conservatives and libertarians. The latter did not in any way love GWB...because he was about as big of a fascist as they come, just like Obama.

I would say that the core Tea Partiers, the ones who were part of the actual Ron Paul "Tea Party" events, disliked Bush quite a bit, but most of them still voted for him in 2004.

They made a choice between the lesser of two evils. We could have had Gore or Kerry.
Got something other than right wing blog sites to back up you bullshit?


Can you show the Tea Party promoting a merger of the Federal Government and well connected corporations like Blue Cross and Kaiser PRIOR to your little tin god taking office?

Yet, in your diseased mind, the ONLY reason anyone would oppose the mandates of your god is race...

Last time I checked, you could still attend the religion of your choice,

BUT, our GLORIOUS RULER may declare the tenets of your faith null and void if they fail to coincide with your fascist ambitions, as he did with the Catholic prohibition of birth control.

Is Obama the new Pope?

As Nakoula Nakoula found out when he insulted Muhammad. You can ask him yourself - oh wait, our king had him put in prison....

and you still have your guns.

While Obama and the Khmer Rouge democrats work to undermine civil rights.

Sounds like the mindless fuckwad here is you.

Not even close, skippy.
Catholics are being FORCED to use birth control now? Rhythm didn't work?
The Tea Party is angry, because they can not, and never will, win any significant elections, thus relagating themselves to the roll as "spoilers" for the republican party. Don't think that us democrats are not grateful!

You democrats need all the help you can get. The Republicans did not lose the last two presidential elections because the candidates were too conservative, but because they were not conservative enough. The overall results at the state level is a pretty good indication that true conservative principles will win elections.
Deny all you want but the proof is in the pudding.

That's not "pudding" moron, that's the script your rulers have trained you to recite.

Nobody but the few naive enough to be in the tea and are not racist believe that this group is anything but a more organized KKK

The KKK are democrats, fuckwad. Just like you - with the same racist views as you. You, and the democrat KKK both hate people based on skin color. You hate white, they hate black, but that is irrelevant - only the target has changed - you're the same democrats/KKK that you always were.
Oh really? Did you think of that all by yourself? Why how original!! Maybe you better patent that one before someone else uses it.

I don't like Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton...and none of them are black. It has to do with their politics and nothing more.

I might believe that if it weren't for the fact that there are policies that were suggested by members of the GOP that Obama thought were pretty decent as well, and the second Obama got behind those policies, the GOP disavowed them, and then went further right.

Matter of fact, Obamacare is based on what Mittens did in MA, and it worked there, so why won't it work for the whole nation?

so why did the democrats trash mitt for his healthcare plan?

Because Mitt was white, and they HATE whites!
Got something other than right wing blog sites to back up you bullshit?


Can you show the Tea Party promoting a merger of the Federal Government and well connected corporations like Blue Cross and Kaiser PRIOR to your little tin god taking office?

Yet, in your diseased mind, the ONLY reason anyone would oppose the mandates of your god is race...

BUT, our GLORIOUS RULER may declare the tenets of your faith null and void if they fail to coincide with your fascist ambitions, as he did with the Catholic prohibition of birth control.

Is Obama the new Pope?

As Nakoula Nakoula found out when he insulted Muhammad. You can ask him yourself - oh wait, our king had him put in prison....

While Obama and the Khmer Rouge democrats work to undermine civil rights.

Sounds like the mindless fuckwad here is you.

Not even close, skippy.

Deny all you want but the proof is in the pudding. Nobody but the few naive enough to be in the tea and are not racist believe that this group is anything but a more organized KKK

Through that last statement, you have pretty well shot the wad on any credibility that you still had. You are a mindless dunce, regurgitating the nonsense that your leaders have fed you.
So basically you still have all those rights,

Reading comprehension, along with thinking, are skills you lack.

The Obama Fascist Care mandate forces all to buy the product of well connected looter corporations, to wit Blue Cross and Kaiser - which amazingly enough donated heavily to Obama and the Fascist democrats in the last two elections cycles. Chicago corruption isn't even subtle about quid-pro-quo. In the words of Obama crony Rod Blagojovich "We ain't just going fucking give it away!"

you dislike Obama is because of what you believe he WILL do, not what he HAS ALREADY done! Got it.

What Obama HAS done with Fascist Care violates our constitution - despite the SCOTUS ruling. What he with the rest of the democrats propose in their attacks on civil rights approaches tyranny.

The extrajudicial murder of American citizens, sans any hint of due process, including the slaughter of a 16 year old, is beyond the pale. The assault on religious freedom by mandating that the Catholic Church must provide contraceptives and abortificants in direct violation of their own canon is chilling. The jailing of Americans for insulting Muhammad. The laundry list of violations that you of the left damned Bush for but support Obama on, warantless wiretaps, domestic spying, etc.

I dislike Obama because he is a tyrant who is engaged in the destruction of constitutional governance.
I might believe that if it weren't for the fact that there are policies that were suggested by members of the GOP that Obama thought were pretty decent as well, and the second Obama got behind those policies, the GOP disavowed them, and then went further right.

Matter of fact, Obamacare is based on what Mittens did in MA, and it worked there, so why won't it work for the whole nation?

so why did the democrats trash mitt for his healthcare plan?

Because Mitt was white, and they HATE whites!

Mitt created jobs. we can't have any of that.
so why did the democrats trash mitt for his healthcare plan?

Because Mitt was white, and they HATE whites!

Mitt created jobs. we can't have any of that.

nope, can't have job creation because some evil businessman might make an evil profit. profit is evil, every business should just work to break even and if they make a profit they should give it to the govt for the common good.

thats what the marxist assholes running our govt today believe. they should all be jailed for treason.
So basically you still have all those rights,

Reading comprehension, along with thinking, are skills you lack.

The Obama Fascist Care mandate forces all to buy the product of well connected looter corporations, to wit Blue Cross and Kaiser - which amazingly enough donated heavily to Obama and the Fascist democrats in the last two elections cycles. Chicago corruption isn't even subtle about quid-pro-quo. In the words of Obama crony Rod Blagojovich "We ain't just going fucking give it away!"

you dislike Obama is because of what you believe he WILL do, not what he HAS ALREADY done! Got it.

What Obama HAS done with Fascist Care violates our constitution - despite the SCOTUS ruling. What he with the rest of the democrats propose in their attacks on civil rights approaches tyranny.

The extrajudicial murder of American citizens, sans any hint of due process, including the slaughter of a 16 year old, is beyond the pale. The assault on religious freedom by mandating that the Catholic Church must provide contraceptives and abortificants in direct violation of their own canon is chilling. The jailing of Americans for insulting Muhammad. The laundry list of violations that you of the left damned Bush for but support Obama on, warantless wiretaps, domestic spying, etc.

I dislike Obama because he is a tyrant who is engaged in the destruction of constitutional governance.

HAR HAR HAR...I guess you hate the supreme court and Bush too then...Or did you blow you wad all on Obama. Surpreme Court says its ok and your response is "screw them...I know better than them!" lol

Look skippy...I know you're probably like 12 and thinks Obama is the only Pres in history to have questionable things on his resume but he's not. He's nowhere near a tyrant and until you use the right words and stop with the Drama queen act no one can or will take you serious.

Your 2nd amendment is fine. You would say: But Obama WANTS too...

Freedom of speech is fine. You would say: But I heard this one guy had this happen...

Religion is one is forcing anyone to use birth control...btw if you want to believe that is "religious persecution"...I wish that someone who actually went thru religious persecution was around to smack you for using the term all willy nilly
HAR HAR HAR...I guess you hate the supreme court and Bush too then...Or did you blow you wad all on Obama.

"Hate" is the domain of you Khmer Rouge democrats.

Your shameful part manipulates you based on emotion. Like the lower animals, democrats lack the higher cognitive skills required for reason or rationality. democrats are controlled by emotions, particularly the strong emotions like fear, hate, and adoration. The party rulers train the drones to hate white people, the "rich" (defined as small business owners and those with incomes between $100 and $300K - George Soros and Matt Damon are not "rich.") The part trains the drones to fear liberty, a free man who speaks ideas in opposition to the party on Fox is to be feared and must be silenced. The party trains the drones to adore Obama in the cult of personality surrounding the drones in their adoration of their little tin god.

Bush was a pile of shit, he spent like a drunken monkey and pushed for open borders, while expanding entitlements beyond belief. (Medicare Part D)

Surpreme Court says its ok and your response is "screw them...I know better than them!" lol

The spurious logic used by Roberts, that Fascist care is a "tax," in direct contradiction to what your little tin god declared, defies credulity.

Look skippy...I know you're probably like 12 and thinks Obama is the only Pres in history to have questionable things on his resume but he's not. He's nowhere near a tyrant and until you use the right words and stop with the Drama queen act no one can or will take you serious.

I think you have an IQ of about 12, and are naught but the product of conditioned responses.

Your 2nd amendment is fine. You would say: But Obama WANTS too...

The revocation of 2nd amendment rights is not complete. Yet your shameful party is currently working to revoke this, along with all civil rights, as we speak.

{The Democratic-led Senate Judiciary Committee approved the bill on a 10-8 vote after rejecting a series of Republican amendments aimed at exempting victims of sexual abuse, people living along the Southwest border and others from the prohibition. The GOP proposals were also defeated along party lines.

President Barack Obama made an assault weapons ban part of the gun curbs he proposed in January, a month after a shooter with an assault rifle killed 20 first-graders and six educators at a school in Newtown, Conn. An assault weapons ban became law in 1994, but Congress failed to renew it before it expired in 2004.}

Senate panel approves assault weapons ban

Revocation of civil rights is "Job #1" with the Khmer Rouge democrats.

Freedom of speech is fine. You would say: But I heard this one guy had this happen...

Not "one guy," sparky. But the lynch-pin in a fiasco of corruption and malfeasance by Obama. Where Obama dishonestly blamed a video for an Al Qaeda attack, then jailed the man who made it, lest the political fallout from contradiction be had.

It was a "Pol Pot" moment for your god.

Religion is one is forcing anyone to use birth control...btw if you want to believe that is "religious persecution"...I wish that someone who actually went thru religious persecution was around to smack you for using the term all willy nilly

Irrelevant. Forcing the Catholic Church to violate the tenets of their faith and provide birth control and abortion inducing drugs is pissing all over the 1st amendment - which is the M.O. of the tyrannical Obama administration.

All the democrats want to do, is end all of the rights outlined in the Constitution and Amendments therein. You don't understand why we object...

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