Top Communist Admits: Communist Party ‘Utilizes’ the Democratic Party – a Lesson for

Child labor is wrong because it exploits a human being. It is wrong because it non-consensual and serves no greater good.

So everything a parent does is wrong? Is it consensual? If I make my kid wash the dishes, am I exploiting him?

Commies like you think all labor "exploits" a human being.

Marx, along with his butt-buddy Hegel, determined that employment equals exploitation. It's the cornerstone of Marxism.

Engels, you mean. Engels who developed his beliefs from having witnessed the horrors of the 19th century Industrial Revolution in Great Britain.

And yet the far left drones still promote their religous belief that the government should tell you how to live every aspect of your life..

Who does? When did I ever say that?

Would you legalize child prostitution, too? Should the government adopt a laissez-faire approach to that?

More proof how the far left will use horrid analogies to push their religion on others.
Child labor is wrong because it exploits a human being. It is wrong because it non-consensual and serves no greater good.

Huh... really?

Of the two concepts presented below, which does the Reader feel 'serves a greater good'?


Child Labor!


The Left's Solution to Child Labor.




Reader: You pick which of the two you feel 'serves a greater good'.

So did you spend your childhood in a field, or sitting on the couch hogging down junk?

Which one?

I spent my childhood working my ass off. Every single fuckin' DAY!

lol, if that were true, the results make MY case, not yours.

Who was your employer?

ROFLMNAO! You have no 'case'.

You're an imbecile with a feeble, fecklessly advanced, bitch.

My old man was my employer... and getting fired was a fantasy with no hope of ever coming to pass.

Back sass your boss and he'll bitch and scream. Back sass my old an and he'd beat your ass. Then yell and bitch THEN you get to start over and do it all again! Every day was "Ground Hog Day", for me.
Okay, so you support legal child labor. That makes you a good conservative.

Ok... so you were clearly NOT home schooled.



Child labor is wrong because it exploits a human being. It is wrong because it non-consensual and serves no greater good.

So everything a parent does is wrong? Is it consensual? If I make my kid wash the dishes, am I exploiting him?

Commies like you think all labor "exploits" a human being.

Marx, along with his butt-buddy Hegel, determined that employment equals exploitation. It's the cornerstone of Marxism.

Child prostitution is child labor too. Do you wish to rescind your claim that child labor should all be legal?

So does that mean you run a child prostitution ring using illegals that Obama gave to you?
Child labor is wrong because it exploits a human being. It is wrong because it non-consensual and serves no greater good.

Huh... really?

Of the two concepts presented below, which does the Reader feel 'serves a greater good'?


Child Labor!


The Left's Solution to Child Labor.




Reader: You pick which of the two you feel 'serves a greater good'.

So did you spend your childhood in a field, or sitting on the couch hogging down junk?

Which one?

I spent my childhood working my ass off. Every single fuckin' DAY!

Edit: Well in fairness, it was 6 days a week. I was picked up from school and we worked until it was done. Homework was for AFTER WORK... Football and Baseball got ya NOTHIN'! Except I got picked up after practice... and if work was heavy, I was picked up after school and paid the price with the coach the next day, which was ALWAYS an 'enriching' experience. I was caught between The Devil and his BITCH! And let me tell ya, THAT PLACE: SUCKED!
So did you spend your childhood in a field, or sitting on the couch hogging down junk?

Which one?

I spent my childhood working my ass off. Every single fuckin' DAY!

lol, if that were true, the results make MY case, not yours.

Who was your employer?

Oh my the far left shows they do not understand anything beyond their programmed religious propaganda.

So you support legalizing child labor too. Great, we're racking up a good list today, for future reference.

This coming from one that supports the far left use of using illegal slave labor..

No one is forcing you to work so hard at making the biggest fool of oneself in the history of USMB.
Child labor is wrong because it exploits a human being. It is wrong because it non-consensual and serves no greater good.

So everything a parent does is wrong? Is it consensual? If I make my kid wash the dishes, am I exploiting him?

Commies like you think all labor "exploits" a human being.

Marx, along with his butt-buddy Hegel, determined that employment equals exploitation. It's the cornerstone of Marxism.

Engels, you mean. Engels who developed his beliefs from having witnessed the horrors of the 19th century Industrial Revolution in Great Britain.

And yet the far left drones still promote their religous belief that the government should tell you how to live every aspect of your life..

Who does? When did I ever say that?

Would you legalize child prostitution, too? Should the government adopt a laissez-faire approach to that?
In truly unregulated capitalism, I'd own this country because under those conditions I'd sell you whatever you wanted. Little Suzie, a human to hunt, all the drugs you can ingest, any kind of weapon you wanted, you name it The only condition would be the price...
Okay, so you support legal child labor. That makes you a good conservative.

Ok... so you were clearly NOT home schooled.



Child labor is wrong because it exploits a human being. It is wrong because it non-consensual and serves no greater good.

So everything a parent does is wrong? Is it consensual? If I make my kid wash the dishes, am I exploiting him?

Commies like you think all labor "exploits" a human being.

Marx, along with his butt-buddy Hegel, determined that employment equals exploitation. It's the cornerstone of Marxism.

Child prostitution is child labor too. Do you wish to rescind your claim that child labor should all be legal?

Your fourth concession to the SAME STANDING POINTS is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Ok... so you were clearly NOT home schooled.



Child labor is wrong because it exploits a human being. It is wrong because it non-consensual and serves no greater good.

So everything a parent does is wrong? Is it consensual? If I make my kid wash the dishes, am I exploiting him?

Commies like you think all labor "exploits" a human being.

Marx, along with his butt-buddy Hegel, determined that employment equals exploitation. It's the cornerstone of Marxism.

Engels, you mean. Engels who developed his beliefs from having witnessed the horrors of the 19th century Industrial Revolution in Great Britain.

And yet the far left drones still promote their religous belief that the government should tell you how to live every aspect of your life..
You sound like any other child, who never wants to be told what to do.
Child labor is wrong because it exploits a human being. It is wrong because it non-consensual and serves no greater good.

Huh... really?

Of the two concepts presented below, which does the Reader feel 'serves a greater good'?


Child Labor!


The Left's Solution to Child Labor.




Reader: You pick which of the two you feel 'serves a greater good'.

So did you spend your childhood in a field, or sitting on the couch hogging down junk?

Which one?

I spent my childhood working my ass off. Every single fuckin' DAY!

lol, if that were true, the results make MY case, not yours.

Who was your employer?

ROFLMNAO! You have no 'case'.

You're an imbecile with a feeble, fecklessly advanced, bitch.

My old man was my employer... and getting fired was a fantasy with no hope of ever coming to pass.

Back sass your boss and he'll bitch and scream. Back sass my old an and he'd beat your ass. Then yell and bitch THEN you get to start over and do it all again! Every day was "Ground Hog Day", for me.

So you're product of child abuse. That's a partial explanation, I guess.
Okay, so you support legal child labor. That makes you a good conservative.

Ok... so you were clearly NOT home schooled.



Child labor is wrong because it exploits a human being. It is wrong because it non-consensual and serves no greater good.

So everything a parent does is wrong? Is it consensual? If I make my kid wash the dishes, am I exploiting him?

Commies like you think all labor "exploits" a human being.

Marx, along with his butt-buddy Hegel, determined that employment equals exploitation. It's the cornerstone of Marxism.

Engels, you mean. Engels who developed his beliefs from having witnessed the horrors of the 19th century Industrial Revolution in Great Britain.

LIke a lot of Marxists, Engels was a pampered heir to a fortune who never worked a day in his life. He didn't know shit about the industrial revolution. The fact is that the industrial revolution brought a vast improvement in the quality of life for the average person.

Just take clothing, for example. Prior to the industrial revolution most people in Britain had to where scratchy woollen clothing, and they had only one suit of clothing to wear. They almost never washed their clothes.

The industrial revolution made cotton fabric cheap enough so even the poor could afford it. And they could afford to buy more than one shirt and one pair of pants, and they could afford to wash them.

But morons like you believe the industrial revolution caused only suffering. The reality is radically different.
Ok... so you were clearly NOT home schooled.



Child labor is wrong because it exploits a human being. It is wrong because it non-consensual and serves no greater good.

So everything a parent does is wrong? Is it consensual? If I make my kid wash the dishes, am I exploiting him?

Commies like you think all labor "exploits" a human being.

Marx, along with his butt-buddy Hegel, determined that employment equals exploitation. It's the cornerstone of Marxism.

Child prostitution is child labor too. Do you wish to rescind your claim that child labor should all be legal?

Your fourth concession to the SAME STANDING POINTS is duly noted and summarily accepted.

I made the case against child labor.

Where's your refutation? Where's your case why child prostitution should be legal?
Huh... really?

Of the two concepts presented below, which does the Reader feel 'serves a greater good'?


Child Labor!


The Left's Solution to Child Labor.




Reader: You pick which of the two you feel 'serves a greater good'.

So did you spend your childhood in a field, or sitting on the couch hogging down junk?

Which one?

I spent my childhood working my ass off. Every single fuckin' DAY!

Edit: Well in fairness, it was 6 days a week. I was picked up from school and we worked until it was done. Homework was for AFTER WORK... Football and Baseball got ya NOTHIN'! Except I got picked up after practice... and if work was heavy, I was picked up after school and paid the price with the coach the next day, which was ALWAYS an 'enriching' experience. I was caught between The Devil and his BITCH! And let me tell ya, THAT PLACE: SUCKED!
I spent my childhood working my ass off. Every single fuckin' DAY!

lol, if that were true, the results make MY case, not yours.

Who was your employer?

Oh my the far left shows they do not understand anything beyond their programmed religious propaganda.

So you support legalizing child labor too. Great, we're racking up a good list today, for future reference.

This coming from one that supports the far left use of using illegal slave labor..

No one is forcing you to work so hard at making the biggest fool of oneself in the history of USMB.


(I got all day here scamp... so feel free to fail as much as ya need to, to make whatever point it is that you're drivin' at.)
Ok... so you were clearly NOT home schooled.



Child labor is wrong because it exploits a human being. It is wrong because it non-consensual and serves no greater good.

So everything a parent does is wrong? Is it consensual? If I make my kid wash the dishes, am I exploiting him?

Commies like you think all labor "exploits" a human being.

Marx, along with his butt-buddy Hegel, determined that employment equals exploitation. It's the cornerstone of Marxism.

Engels, you mean. Engels who developed his beliefs from having witnessed the horrors of the 19th century Industrial Revolution in Great Britain.

LIke a lot of Marxists, Engels was a pampered heir to a fortune who never worked a day in his life. He didn't know shit about the industrial revolution. The fact is that the industrial revolution brought a vast improvement in the quality of life for the average person.

Just take clothing, for example. Prior to the industrial revolution most people in Britain had to where scratchy woollen clothing, and they had only one suit of clothing to wear. They almost never washed their clothes.

The industrial revolution made cotton fabric cheap enough so even the poor could afford it. And they could afford to buy more than one shirt and one pair of pants, and they could afford to wash them.

But morons like you believe the industrial revolution caused only suffering. The reality is radically different.

It caused horrific suffering until liberalism began to impose reforms and regulations.
Were you homeschooled?

Is my question too hard for you?

And just the record, were should have been "we're," and "home schooled" is two words, dumb ass.

Looks like you were anything but home schooled. You look more like a drop out.

I always laugh when these liberal turds use "home schooled" as an epithet. I would take it as a supreme compliment.

LOL! Right?

Our youngest is in his first year of Law School... graduated college with a 3.8 GPA and was a distinguished member of the Dean's list; and he worked his way through college, paid for it HIMSELF and this after being homeschooled from the second to the ninth grade... .

Now that's a kid who had read the COMPLETE works of Plato, Socrates and Aristotle, The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, Sun Tzu, ... and could quote you the names and dates relevant to every major historic event in world history this side of the dark ages, had a working knowledge of Algebra and Geometry and could write a cogent essay on any subject you gave him an opportunity to study, before he set foot in High School.

LOL! I will never forget the day he was elected the President of the Debate Society... (He was a Sophomore) he tells me: "Dad, these kids are idiots. They don't 'know' anything. All they do is plagiarize Wikipedia. I can't believe you forced me to work so hard when no one else did anything!" To which I replied: "You're welcome."

He literally can't STAND to read this crap... He gets SO pissed when he sees me debating these idiots.

The last time we spoke on it, he says: "They're hopeless idiots. They'll be slaves soon and you'll be able to claim "I beat them Intellectually". Who cares? Then he says... "Here Gunner! (The dog comes running over to him) he pats Gunner on the head and looks up at me and says: "Look... I beat Gunner Intellectually". Now what? He gets the cookie!"

Although he wasn't home-schooled, I could tell you a similar story about my stepson. One time I went to a parent/teacher conference when he was in 1st grade. His teacher told me she gave the students an assignment to write a paragraph and he put virtually nothing on the paper. At that point my stepson hadn't even been taught the alphabet or how to read, let alone how to write a paragraph. I was thinking, "don't you think you should teach him how to read before you give him a test on writing a paragraph?" It was obvious to me that he was not going to learn diddly squat in public school.

As a result the wife and I sat with him every night and used flash cards to teach him the alphabet. That took about two weeks. The I purchased an online service that teaches kids how to read. Whenever he got a section of that course completed I would give him some chocolate as a reward. He went through the entire course in about a month and he was reading when he was done. Then I took him down to the book store and bought him some books about stuff that little boys love to talk about- stuff about boogers and farting. He thought they were hilarious. I also gave him a reward for every book he finished. By the time he got to second grade, he was reading at a 4th grade level. He was better than all his classmates. I also taught him how to add, subtract, multiply and divide. We used to play a game in the car while I was driving. I was ask him a math question and he would answer it. He was also soon outperforming all his classmates in mathematics as well.

To make a long story short, he is about to graduate from high school with a 3.75 GPA, and he's got enough money in scholarships to almost pay for his entire education. If I had trusted the public schools to teach him, he would have been one of those kids who graduate from high school and are functionally illiterate.

I pity parents who have to rely on public schools to educate their kids.
Good, you did what you were supposed to do, for once.

ROFL! I just pointed out that public schools are entirely useless. You respond by saying that parents are the ones who are supposed to teach children the three 'R's.

Could you explain why we even have public schools?
Huh... really?

Of the two concepts presented below, which does the Reader feel 'serves a greater good'?


Child Labor!


The Left's Solution to Child Labor.




Reader: You pick which of the two you feel 'serves a greater good'.

So did you spend your childhood in a field, or sitting on the couch hogging down junk?

Which one?

I spent my childhood working my ass off. Every single fuckin' DAY!

lol, if that were true, the results make MY case, not yours.

Who was your employer?

ROFLMNAO! You have no 'case'.

You're an imbecile with a feeble, fecklessly advanced, bitch.

My old man was my employer... and getting fired was a fantasy with no hope of ever coming to pass.

Back sass your boss and he'll bitch and scream. Back sass my old an and he'd beat your ass. Then yell and bitch THEN you get to start over and do it all again! Every day was "Ground Hog Day", for me.

So you're product of child abuse. That's a partial explanation, I guess.
Sure sounds like it. One of those guys who thinks Daddy made a man out of me, by beating and abusing me. That tends towards sexual abuse as well, which would be no shock in this case.
So did you spend your childhood in a field, or sitting on the couch hogging down junk?

Which one?

I spent my childhood working my ass off. Every single fuckin' DAY!

Edit: Well in fairness, it was 6 days a week. I was picked up from school and we worked until it was done. Homework was for AFTER WORK... Football and Baseball got ya NOTHIN'! Except I got picked up after practice... and if work was heavy, I was picked up after school and paid the price with the coach the next day, which was ALWAYS an 'enriching' experience. I was caught between The Devil and his BITCH! And let me tell ya, THAT PLACE: SUCKED!
lol, if that were true, the results make MY case, not yours.

Who was your employer?

Oh my the far left shows they do not understand anything beyond their programmed religious propaganda.

So you support legalizing child labor too. Great, we're racking up a good list today, for future reference.

This coming from one that supports the far left use of using illegal slave labor..

No one is forcing you to work so hard at making the biggest fool of oneself in the history of USMB.


(I got all day here scamp... so feel free to fail as much as ya need to, to make whatever point it is that you're drivin' at.)

You need to tell us why child prostitution should be legal, since you originally made that claim and have since refused the offer to rescind your claim.
Child labor is wrong because it exploits a human being. It is wrong because it non-consensual and serves no greater good.

So everything a parent does is wrong? Is it consensual? If I make my kid wash the dishes, am I exploiting him?

Commies like you think all labor "exploits" a human being.

Marx, along with his butt-buddy Hegel, determined that employment equals exploitation. It's the cornerstone of Marxism.

Engels, you mean. Engels who developed his beliefs from having witnessed the horrors of the 19th century Industrial Revolution in Great Britain.

LIke a lot of Marxists, Engels was a pampered heir to a fortune who never worked a day in his life. He didn't know shit about the industrial revolution. The fact is that the industrial revolution brought a vast improvement in the quality of life for the average person.

Just take clothing, for example. Prior to the industrial revolution most people in Britain had to where scratchy woollen clothing, and they had only one suit of clothing to wear. They almost never washed their clothes.

The industrial revolution made cotton fabric cheap enough so even the poor could afford it. And they could afford to buy more than one shirt and one pair of pants, and they could afford to wash them.

But morons like you believe the industrial revolution caused only suffering. The reality is radically different.

It caused horrific suffering until liberalism began to impose reforms and regulations.

WOW! The far left will push any propaganda (not connected to reality) to push their religion.

Oh my... So we find that where the Left is asked to sustain their would-be "beliefs" they FAIL MISERABLY!

But that is only because the Left does not 'teach'. The Left ONLY: INDOCTRINATES!

And that isn't worth a Tinker's dam'.
Socialization is Indoctrination. All societies do that. We teach American values at Public Schools. How did you not know this and when are going to grow up? You think all those Bible-thumpers are keeping the kids at home so they won't be indoctrinated? That's the whole point, to keep them unquestioning about Jesus and the faith.

That's why public schools should be abolished. If government is doing the "socializing" then it will be indoctrinating kids with pro-government propaganda.
Child labor is wrong because it exploits a human being. It is wrong because it non-consensual and serves no greater good.

So everything a parent does is wrong? Is it consensual? If I make my kid wash the dishes, am I exploiting him?

Commies like you think all labor "exploits" a human being.

Marx, along with his butt-buddy Hegel, determined that employment equals exploitation. It's the cornerstone of Marxism.

Child prostitution is child labor too. Do you wish to rescind your claim that child labor should all be legal?

Your fourth concession to the SAME STANDING POINTS is duly noted and summarily accepted.

I made the case against child labor.

Where's your refutation? Where's your case why child prostitution should be legal?

You have made NO CASE!

Work is how one EATS! Teachin' children to WORK IS TEACHING A CHILD HOW THEY SURVIVE!

Look around this nation... do you see much potential for SURVIVAL?

As an employer, I can tell you to an absolute certainty... the United States is growing IMBECILES who are barely capable of functioning. They have NO SKILLS OF ANY KIND and they ALL WANT TO WORK FOR TOP DOLLUH!

They can't add, they can't write, they have no discipline of any kind... . And THAT is the group that at least TRIES!
So did you spend your childhood in a field, or sitting on the couch hogging down junk?

Which one?

I spent my childhood working my ass off. Every single fuckin' DAY!

lol, if that were true, the results make MY case, not yours.

Who was your employer?

ROFLMNAO! You have no 'case'.

You're an imbecile with a feeble, fecklessly advanced, bitch.

My old man was my employer... and getting fired was a fantasy with no hope of ever coming to pass.

Back sass your boss and he'll bitch and scream. Back sass my old an and he'd beat your ass. Then yell and bitch THEN you get to start over and do it all again! Every day was "Ground Hog Day", for me.

So you're product of child abuse. That's a partial explanation, I guess.
Sure sounds like it. One of those guys who thinks Daddy made a man out of me, by beating and abusing me. That tends towards sexual abuse as well, which would be no shock in this case.

I'm not accusing him of anything he is not himself offering in evidence.

I'm just enjoying the chance to debate someone who wants to put kids back in the mines.
... If so, why is child labor wrong? And again... BE SPECIFIC.

Until then, I will hereby duly note your concession to this point and summarily accept such.

Okay, so you support legal child labor. That makes you a good conservative.

Ok... so you were clearly NOT home schooled.



Child labor is wrong because it exploits a human being. It is wrong because it non-consensual and serves no greater good.

So everything a parent does is wrong? Is it consensual?

Commies like you think all labor "exploits" a human being.

A sudden outburst of RWnut support for bringing back child labor.

What about legal sex with children? Do I have to construct an elaborate argument against that too?

A little bit of work never hurt any kid. I thought working was fun when I was a kid.

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