Top Dem Donor Calls For Trump Impeachment

Top Dem Donor Calls On Lawmakers To Take Up Trump Impeachment

The base wants it. Now a big-name funder does too.

One of the Democratic Party’s top donors is urging lawmakers to begin impeachment proceedings for President Donald Trump.

Tom Steyer, the wealthy environmentalist turned super PAC funder, has penned a letter laying out the case that Trump has met the definition of obstruction of justice, and compelling lawmakers to act accordingly.

“The clear and undisputed facts about Mr. Trump’s attempt to impede an FBI investigation demand an immediate impeachment inquiry by the House of Representatives,” Steyer writes. “The facts that we know already exceed standards for presidential impeachment for obstruction of justice set in 1974 and 1998.”

Written as a plea to Republicans, Steyer’s letter is likely to fall on deaf ears. GOP lawmakers tend not to take directives from major Democratic funders. But within Democratic circles, it represents an important legitimization of the impeachment push.

To date, Democratic leadership has left impeachment talk to the far corners of the party, fearful that anything more would risk turning off voters. Indeed, operatives tasked with regaining seats in Congress have openly stated that they prefer that discussion be on health care reform rather than removing the president from office.

Steyer isn’t part of the party fringe. He is a major player within the moneyed ranks. And in stating forcefully that he believes Trump has met the standards of impeachment, he is signaling to lawmakers that there is support for the idea not just among their grassroots supporters but among the donor class too.

His full letter is both HERE and below:

More: Top Dem Donor Calls On Lawmakers To Take Up Trump Impeachment

I think it's too early to talk about impeachment until all the investigations have been completed and made public.

/---- What clear and undisputed facts? Have you been sleeping for the last few days of Comey testimony? You got nothing- nothing.

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Why is this thread even here? Steyer is the biggest loser backing politicians in the US besides Obama and Hillary..
The former FBI director admits under oath there was no collusions in regard to Trump and Russia or his firing.
How are you going to get a charge let alone a conviction with no witness and no evidence?

/---- DemocRAT Rapid Response Team reply: "We don't need no stinkin' evidence."

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Top Dem Donor Calls On Lawmakers To Take Up Trump Impeachment

The base wants it. Now a big-name funder does too.

One of the Democratic Party’s top donors is urging lawmakers to begin impeachment proceedings for President Donald Trump.

Tom Steyer, the wealthy environmentalist turned super PAC funder, has penned a letter laying out the case that Trump has met the definition of obstruction of justice, and compelling lawmakers to act accordingly.

“The clear and undisputed facts about Mr. Trump’s attempt to impede an FBI investigation demand an immediate impeachment inquiry by the House of Representatives,” Steyer writes. “The facts that we know already exceed standards for presidential impeachment for obstruction of justice set in 1974 and 1998.”

Written as a plea to Republicans, Steyer’s letter is likely to fall on deaf ears. GOP lawmakers tend not to take directives from major Democratic funders. But within Democratic circles, it represents an important legitimization of the impeachment push.

To date, Democratic leadership has left impeachment talk to the far corners of the party, fearful that anything more would risk turning off voters. Indeed, operatives tasked with regaining seats in Congress have openly stated that they prefer that discussion be on health care reform rather than removing the president from office.

Steyer isn’t part of the party fringe. He is a major player within the moneyed ranks. And in stating forcefully that he believes Trump has met the standards of impeachment, he is signaling to lawmakers that there is support for the idea not just among their grassroots supporters but among the donor class too.

His full letter is both HERE and below:

More: Top Dem Donor Calls On Lawmakers To Take Up Trump Impeachment

I think it's too early to talk about impeachment until all the investigations have been completed and made public.

This guy must be Maxine Waters's gigolo.
I now honestly believe that Trump will be impeached or criminally prosecuted - maybe BOTH.
Didn't you also tell us repeatedly that Hillary Clinton would DEFINITELY win the election?

I do remember Democrats taking all those victory laps before the voting even started.

The look on Wolf Blitzer's face the night Trump crushed Hillary was beautiful to behold.

He said to the pollster, "Where does it look good for Hillary?"

The pollster did not even look up, but continued to point at his charts and maps.

"It doesn't look good for Hillary anywhere."

Hillary DID win the election! Adolf Trump is an illegitimate occupier of the White House.

Donald Trump won 30 states, Clinton won 20.
The popular vote only proves that there are more idiots among Democrats.
I now know what Karl Marx meant by 'false consciousness'. It is when a bunch of liberals get together and agree on something that they think is true aka false consciousness.

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