Top Dem Donors Have Outspent Top GOP Donors by $486 Million in Last 25 Years


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
The REAL Party of the Rich Guys: Top Dem Donors Have Outspent Top GOP Donors by $486 Million in Last 25 Years
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, February 17, 2014, 8:50 AM

Last week The Gateway Pundit reported the “Evil” Koch Brothers Rank # 59 in political donations behind 18 different Democrat unions.

But, there’s more…
The political left always accuses the Republican Party of being the “party of rich guys.”
It’s a lie.

According to analysis from the political donation website Open Secrets:

A) Since 1989 Top DNC Donors have spent a total of $1,152,389,462.00 (With a B)
B) Since 1989 Top RNC Donors have spent a total or $736,075,110.00 (With an M)
C) Committed Democrat donors have outspent committed Republican donors by nearly $486 million since 1989
D) Overall, the top ten DNC donors outspent the top ten RNC donors by nearly 2 to 1 since 1989
E) The largest committed DNC donor group has outspent the largest committed RNC donor group by 67% since 1989
F) Committed Republican donors tend to cross-donate to Democrats 32% MORE OFTEN THAN committed Democrats cross-donate to Republicans

The REAL Party of the Rich Guys: Top Dem Donors Have Outspent Top GOP Donors by $486 Million in Last 25 Years | The Gateway Pundit
Does this include the money they funnel through PACs?

I think someone is fibbing here
Yet another thread on this bogus report???? Man, get over it already. The report is full of crap. From 1989 to 2014 the Koch brothers only gave 18 million??? Really? You're going to believe that?

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