TOP FIVE questions that Trump will be asked at the debates

So left wingers, no pay for play with Cankles as Sec of State?

Nothing yet provable there Shahsy.....Just ask Gowdy and Comey....two prominent republicans.....

With Bondi??? Well there Trump has a big problem
So, you deficient right wingers cannot seem to help Trump in answering those 5 questions...
Shame on you, Hannity will be very, very disappointed.....LOL
How about asking Hillary about her accomplishments as well? This is how she answered a question about her accomplishments. And if after reading this somebody still thinks she has any accomplishments, he's even too stupid to vote.

View attachment 88933
The "quote" within that meme was debunked by Snopes some time ago! It's steaming horseshit in a blanket!!!! Hillary Clinton's Accomplishments as Secretary of State

RHETORICAL QUESTION: Being so obvious that there was no there, there, why in the fuck would an intelligent person with intelligence not have the intelligence to smell the rotting fish!!!! That goes for the two who pumped your post also, Sassy and Gipper!

Throw some phony assed talking points to the tribe's lemming sub-faction that appears to be red meat to their warped pallets' and forget about any due diligence being performed by them!
Trumps' own words of admiration for the dictatorial strength of Putin are on record.

He won't be able to hide from them.
How about asking Hillary about her accomplishments as well? This is how she answered a question about her accomplishments. And if after reading this somebody still thinks she has any accomplishments, he's even too stupid to vote.

View attachment 88933
The "quote" within that meme was debunked by Snopes some time ago! It's steaming horseshit in a blanket!!!! Hillary Clinton's Accomplishments as Secretary of State

RHETORICAL QUESTION: Being so obvious that there was no there, there, why in the fuck would an intelligent person with intelligence not have the intelligence to smell the rotting fish!!!! That goes for the two who pumped your post also, Sassy and Gipper!

Throw some phony assed talking points to the tribe's lemming sub-faction that appears to be red meat to their warped pallets' and forget about any due diligence being performed by them!

Snopes is a is anyone using them as source
Trumps' own words of admiration for the dictatorial strength of Putin are on record.

He won't be able to hide from them.
Of course, they are also told that every R nominee for POTUS is dumb as a box of rocks.

Actually, NO.........Kasich was you retards best choice, and you mocked him instead.
yeah the left media told you that and you believe.

Kasich is a typical big government life long politician and a neocon...but you like him cause you are told to like him.

Just so you know, Kasich is not the nominee of the R party.
Those who oppose Snopes know that Snopes easily unmasks Alt Right nonsense.

If Trump refuses to release his tax records before the debate and refuses to back of his bromance for Trump before the debate, he will alienate a great majority of the undecided and some of whom had been supporting him.

He must be transparent. We know that HRC is not, so Trump must be.
So, you deficient right wingers cannot seem to help Trump in answering those 5 questions...
Shame on you, Hannity will be very, very disappointed.....LOL
Fuck Donnie. He is a disaster but compared to Cankles, he is George Fucking Washington.
Those who oppose Snopes know that Snopes easily unmasks Alt Right nonsense.

If Trump refuses to release his tax records before the debate and refuses to back of his bromance for Trump before the debate, he will alienate a great majority of the undecided and some of whom had been supporting him.

He must be transparent. We know that HRC is not, so Trump must be.
When is Jake going to stop with his weird old lady crush for Hillary?
Those who oppose Snopes know that Snopes easily unmasks Alt Right nonsense.

If Trump refuses to release his tax records before the debate and refuses to back of his bromance for Trump before the debate, he will alienate a great majority of the undecided and some of whom had been supporting him.

He must be transparent. We know that HRC is not, so Trump must be.
When is Jake going to stop with his weird old lady crush for Hillary?
Personal attack with nothing on OP reveals that you know your argument is meritless.
How about asking Hillary about her accomplishments as well? This is how she answered a question about her accomplishments. And if after reading this somebody still thinks she has any accomplishments, he's even too stupid to vote.

View attachment 88933
The "quote" within that meme was debunked by Snopes some time ago! It's steaming horseshit in a blanket!!!! Hillary Clinton's Accomplishments as Secretary of State

RHETORICAL QUESTION: Being so obvious that there was no there, there, why in the fuck would an intelligent person with intelligence not have the intelligence to smell the rotting fish!!!! That goes for the two who pumped your post also, Sassy and Gipper!

Throw some phony assed talking points to the tribe's lemming sub-faction that appears to be red meat to their warped pallets' and forget about any due diligence being performed by them!

Snopes is a is anyone using them as source
Of course Snopes is a joke to you because you don't want to accept what they reveal from time to time. But if Snopes debunked a lie about a prominent neocon nut job who gave your political libido quivers, you'd lovingly jump on that wagon I'm sure!

You'll boost Brietbart, Drudge, FreeBeacon, InfoWars, AmericanThinker, et al, fucking hog wash because they provide the fabricated propaganda that is grist for your mill and for those of your closed minded, low information ilk!! They, your minders, own your ass, Sassy. And you have won the Hollow Vessel of the Day Award!
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So,none of you mean spirited right wingers are willing to give poor Trumpster any advice on how to address these questions???

You do know that he won't just be able to say, "I'm the greatest" over and over during the debates?

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