Top Lulz: Tranny Has Epic Meltdown Over Trump Victory

I wish it's hysteria were actually justified:

These walking freakshows with psychological problems do not represent normal and healthy people, they are not the Mainstream, they never were going to be the Mainstream, so they should just STFU and get used to the beginning of the Western World becoming Post-Liberal.

Nobody wants to listen to these hysterical weirdos only other hysterical weirdos. I only watched a minute and a half, sorry I can't do 15 minutes of that thing bedwetting.
Cliff Notes: Disgusting tranny reads anti Trump speech from a cell phone.

Comments from YouTube:
Not a fucking word out of your delusional mouth is truth, you've twisted and distorted truth. Clueless buffoons like you are the exact reason a actual man like Donald Trump has been elected President. Don't let the door hit you in your pretend ass, BYE.
Wow, just fucking wow, who knew that trannies can be assholes with shit tats and completely NOT understand the situation. Trump is pro faggots ok. Get a clue
I wish it's hysteria were actually justified:

I wonder why all the quirks and jerks are "terrified" or "petrified?" Hell they have never done nuffin except bitch and moan. This one sounds like someone put a turd in his Twinkie.

"I wonder why all the quirks and jerks are "terrified" or "petrified?"

Maybe because they know that normal, healthy society has never agreed with their strange alternative lifestyle and has never appreciated it being pushed as an Agenda by the Leftist MSM and the Leftist Activists onto even schoolchildren under the motto of "Tolerance and Diversity"

When they push that there are 56 different Genders and men can have periods, normal people know these degenerates are fucked-up in the membrane.
That tranny definitely earned this award. :lol:

I love how the homosexual transvestite, declares the electorate morally bankrupt. These freak shows are just pissed that their media coverage will be relegated to tabloid rags, where it belongs; rather than front page news where serious issues belong.
Disgusting fucking tranny. Who gives a shit what this thing has to say. Liberal asswipe.
Oh I defend all Americans right to express themselves. I just don't want the government creating protected classes or diverting valuable resources to worthless causes.
I stopped listening after the first 30 seconds.

I'm very happy for he / she / it / they.

Something to cry about while visiting the gender neutral restroom.
I used to go to a "family" medical practice and there was always other trannies in there. Although you can always tell, they were all feminine and beautiful. Bitchy as hell though, but so was I.

This guy has clearly transitioned for political purposes. It'll be better when he gives up.

This shitstorm will take a couple of years to die down then we'll see who is left standing.
I love how the homosexual transvestite, declares the electorate morally bankrupt. These freak shows are just pissed that their media coverage will be relegated to tabloid rags, where it belongs; rather than front page news where serious issues belong.

"I love how the homosexual transvestite, declares the electorate morally bankrupt."

The Left in general has been morally bankrupt for many years and devoid of any moral compass.

What is happening, what has happened, this didn't just occur overnight, this pendulum shift Rightward began at least 25 years ago, it was under the radar for 20 years, we knew it was happening, the Left as always has been oblivious being encased in the Leftist Bubble.

What started this pendulum shift was the Left themselves, the Agenda they set about poisoning Western society with through the backdoor of the MSM and these Neo-Marxist teaching unions and the Leftist Activists with their NGOs infesting Western nations, all pushing the Agenda, not many, if any of this crowd has been elected to run entire nations, they've pushed this poison and degeneracy via infiltration by the backdoor.

Not being able to do Logical Thinking, what they didn't think would happen has happened and that's now they've gone too far the blowback has occurred.

Normal people do not want to be told by walking freakshows and the psychological messed-up that they're not normal because they're in a relationship with a member of the opposite sex, eat meat, own a gun, have children in the biologically normal way, that they know there are only two genders and don't accept the Leftists palpably failing, destructive and imbecilic worldview.

The Leftists arrogant and chastising tone they use against anyone who doesn't agree with the Agenda doesn't work anymore, the MAJORITY of people are not ignoramuses because they have a different philosophical perspective on how Western society should function and we think that for many, many Centuries Western society produced everything it needs, across all levels to not only sustain itself but to function perfectly.

The Left are going to have to get used to this, now the pendulum has shifted normal, sane people are not going to let the Leftists continue with their Agenda, it's over, it's finished, they might put up the usual bedwetting and limp-wristed protest mixed in with the random violent protest, however that will not be accepted for much longer and if they don't behave themselves then the whip is going to be cracked.
I love how the homosexual transvestite, declares the electorate morally bankrupt. These freak shows are just pissed that their media coverage will be relegated to tabloid rags, where it belongs; rather than front page news where serious issues belong.
I should make a video saying the opposite stuff and looking really dolled. Just swap Trumps name for Hillary's and act really relieved that hillary didn't get in. Won't have to act much lol
I used to go to a "family" medical practice and there was always other trannies in there. Although you can always tell, they were all feminine and beautiful. Bitchy as hell though, but so was I.

This guy has clearly transitioned for political purposes. It'll be better when he gives up.

This shitstorm will take a couple of years to die down then we'll see who is left standing.
Looks like the Democrats are gearing up for running a half black / half Latino transvestite as their nominee for the 2020 presidential race.
I used to go to a "family" medical practice and there was always other trannies in there. Although you can always tell, they were all feminine and beautiful. Bitchy as hell though, but so was I.

This guy has clearly transitioned for political purposes. It'll be better when he gives up.

This shitstorm will take a couple of years to die down then we'll see who is left standing.
Looks like the Democrats are gearing up for running a half black / half Latino transvestite as their nominee for the 2020 presidential race.
Nah the feminists blame transgenders for the collapse. It's over.

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