Top MIT Scientist: "New UN Report 'hilariously' flawed!!"

The IPCC and the UN are a total scam!! And the alarmist climate crusaders are the most naïve mofu's on the face of the planet!! Imagine these people doing car reviews and the manufacturer leaves out the steering wheel and two tires!!! The review from these nutters would be, "Awesome car.....great in the corners with tight on center steering feel!!":up:
I think it was an enormous WIN for climate science when deniers began admitting that the Earth HAS been warming! Maybe in 10 or 20 years they'll have admitted that it's worth studying too.
I'd plug the new understanding of the PDO into the models.


There is no new understanding...there is just different guesswork. We are in our very infancy with regard to grasping the workings of the climate. Your first mistake is believing that climate science actually knows anything. They defied physics right out of the gate and have been wrong ever since.

True understanding of the climate must first begin with accepting the laws of physics and working from there.
Basically says, "Alarmism is gay!!"......but what he actually said was, "new report...."hilariously incoherent."

'HILARIOUS": Top MIT scientist mocks newest UN climate report | The Daily Caller

More k00k losing.

I see you've made the serious - but not uncommon - mistake of believing that Richard Lindzen is actually a scientist. Tch tch tch. No... no, wait a minute. You think he's a "TOP" MIT scientist. JEEZUS H KEE-RIST, You haven't got the brains god give a rubber duck. And you're a homophobic shit to boot.
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I'd plug the new understanding of the PDO into the models.


There is no new understanding...there is just different guesswork. We are in our very infancy with regard to grasping the workings of the climate. Your first mistake is believing that climate science actually knows anything. They defied physics right out of the gate and have been wrong ever since.

True understanding of the climate must first begin with accepting the laws of physics and working from there.

You have seemed to think we know enough to have completely rejected AGW.

And you want to tell the world's scientists to accept the laws of physics?!?!? Why don't you explain to them your finely nuanced understanding of quantum mechanics, entropy and radiative heat tranfer. I'm sure they'll be enlightened. Amused and enlightened.

What a whackjob.
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Ad Hom and character assassination. The last refuge of those without an argument. Teeth gnashing and frothy spittle is all you have left.
Ad Hom and character assassination. The last refuge of those without an argument. Teeth gnashing and frothy spittle is all you have left.

Beat me to the knockout punch!!!! Exactly!! And enormously gay.......these limpwristers do it all the time.:lol:
"We need to get some broad based support,
to capture the public's imagination...
So we have to offer up scary scenarios,
make simplified, dramatic statements
and make little mention of any doubts...
Each of us has to decide what the right balance
is between being effective and being honest."

- Prof. Stephen Schneider,
Stanford Professor of Climatology,
lead author of many IPCC reports
“The data doesn't matter. We're not basing our recommendations
on the data. We're basing them on the climate models.”

- Prof. Chris Folland,
Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research
“The models are convenient fictions
that provide something very useful.”

- Dr David Frame,
climate modeler, Oxford University
Basically says, "Alarmism is gay!!"......but what he actually said was, "new report...."hilariously incoherent."

'HILARIOUS": Top MIT scientist mocks newest UN climate report | The Daily Caller

More k00k losing.

I see you've made the serious - but not uncommon - mistake of believing that Richard Lindzen is actually a scientist. Tch tch tch. No... no, wait a minute. You think he's a "TOP" MIT scientist. JEEZUS H KEE-RIST, You haven't got the brains god give a rubber duck. And you're a homophobic shit to boot.

Wow.. That's a prime example of a full-out DENIER TANTRUM... "not a scientist"????

Spare me the character assassination.. Just answer the question following...

Lindzen worked on Chapter 7 of 2001 IPCC Working Group 1, which considers the physical processes that are active in real world climate. He had previously been a contributor to Chapter 4 of the 1995 "IPCC Second Assessment." He described the full 2001 IPCC report as "an admirable description of research activities in climate science"[52] although he criticized the Summary for Policymakers. Lindzen stated in May 2001 that it did not truly summarize the IPCC report[53] but had been amended to state more definite conclusions.[54] He also emphasized the fact that the summary had not been written by scientists alone.

Was Lindzen "NOT A SCIENTIST" before or after the IPCC hired him twice as a PRIMARY contributor for his acknowledged work in atmospheric science?? Are they STUPID??

I really need answers to those question Abe.. So wipe the spit off your face --- get a grip and explain the poor judgement of the IPCC to me..

For one to make a statement like that one kiddo --- you got to be a credentialed DENIER..

Nice appeals to authority, flac. But why not discuss science, like the rational side does? Instead of gushing about how great he is because he agrees with you, tell us something that Lindzen actually predicted correctly within the past decade. Point to his good science.

I understand that will be difficult, being Lindzen is so vague on everything. His position hasn't varied since 1990, despite all the new evidence. He's a "It has to be a natural cycle, because I've been saying that for so long!" guy. Lots of handwaving, no data to back it up. And he's also a "I'm a victim because people actually want evidence from me" guy, and a "Anyone who disagrees with me is an alarmist!" guy. All favorite denialist tactics.
Nice appeals to authority, flac. But why not discuss science, like the rational side does? Instead of gushing about how great he is because he agrees with you, tell us something that Lindzen actually predicted correctly within the past decade. Point to his good science.

I understand that will be difficult, being Lindzen is so vague on everything. His position hasn't varied since 1990, despite all the new evidence. He's a "It has to be a natural cycle, because I've been saying that for so long!" guy. Lots of handwaving, no data to back it up. And he's also a "I'm a victim because people actually want evidence from me" guy, and a "Anyone who disagrees with me is an alarmist!" guy. All favorite denialist tactics.

What authority did I appeal to?? I was just pointing out that Abraham is a bigger DENIER than I am..

And you didn't answer my question.. IF Lindzen is a poor approximation of a scientist -- why did the IPCC hire him TWICE???

Don't care if he's as bad at climate science as the OTHER IPCC clowns.. That's your problem. Lindzen is a RENOWN Atmos. Physics guy.. That's the point. And when he has problems with the IPCC reports --- he's got the inside credentials to criticize.

Anyone DENYING that --- is a crank..

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