Top MIT Scientist: "New UN Report 'hilariously' flawed!!"

And you know what, the problem isn't that ALL conservatives support racist bigots. It's that the racist bigots, with all their heart and soul, believe they do.
Pointing to your own bigotry as evidence of other people's alleged bigotry proves only that YOU'RE a bigot.
Linzden isn't in the business of making predictions about that climate. That's the domain of the AGW cult wizards. You can observe a few of them working on the next IPCC report below:


LLMFAO......but hey, I wouldn't be surprised!!:lol:

And it doesn't surprise me that the lot of you should be as racist as you are. As a parallel truism to a sig we see around here frequently: Not all conservatives are racist bigots, but damn near EVERY SINGLE FUCKING RACIST BIGOT IS A POLITICAL CONSERVATIVE.

Political gay.:lol:

My Gawd.......these people. They'd sooner leap off of a 50 foot cliff than offend somebody. Does anybody know if there is a far lefty alive with a sense of humor??? Been looking for decades and have yet to find one.:lol::lol::lol:

But Bripat.....I gotta tell ya.....wondered aloud if that guy on the far right in that photo might be Mamooth's uncle or something.
Hey Dave.....I couldn't help myself. Had to throw this Photobucket gem in >>>

Still laugh my balls off when I post it up!!
Linzden isn't in the business of making predictions about that climate. That's the domain of the AGW cult wizards. You can observe a few of them working on the next IPCC report below:


LLMFAO......but hey, I wouldn't be surprised!!:lol:

And it doesn't surprise me that the lot of you should be as racist as you are. As a parallel truism to a sig we see around here frequently: Not all conservatives are racist bigots, but damn near EVERY SINGLE FUCKING RACIST BIGOT IS A POLITICAL CONSERVATIVE.

Pictures of WHITE tribal witchdoctors simply weren't handy..
Maybe I'll check my "Burning Man" photos and see if I can fix this "racist" oversight..
Another problem with conservatives is while they're not all racists, they are almost all unwilling to criticize the racists in their midst. Instead, they kiss racist ass and curse anyone who points to the racists. Not a single one of 'em has the conscience or the 'nads to call out the racists.
Another problem with conservatives is while they're not all racists, they are almost all unwilling to criticize the racists in their midst. Instead, they kiss racist ass and curse anyone who points to the racists. Not a single one of 'em has the conscience or the 'nads to call out the racists.

Haven't seen any racists (except one who should be obvious) around this forum.. Have you? Tell us more about your visions..

.... and this is how most threads end on the politics forum...
Another problem with conservatives is while they're not all racists, they are almost all unwilling to criticize the racists in their midst. Instead, they kiss racist ass and curse anyone who points to the racists. Not a single one of 'em has the conscience or the 'nads to call out the racists.

Haven't seen any racists (except one who should be obvious) around this forum.. Have you? Tell us more about your visions..

.... and this is how most threads end on the politics forum...

I bet mamooth supports affirmative action...the most racist government program ever devised...just one more liberal step in maintaining generational dependance on government within the black community.
SSDD, is there even one conservative 'tard cult belief that you don't espouse?

Of course not. You wouldn't dare contradict the cult on even a single issue.
Amazing how doubt has entered the world of the republican conservative, no need for them to think, all they need is someone with a few initials after their name and they believe like children. They believe and follow.

"On first glance, it seems just plain weird that several of the same individuals all retired physicists were involved in denying that cancer causes smoking, that pollution causes acid rain, that CFCs destroy ozone, and that greenhouse gas emissions are causing global warming. But when you put these things together tobacco regulation, banning of CFCs, delay of controls on CO2 emissions a pattern does emerge, insofar as all are expressions of a radical free market ideology opposing any kind of restriction ~!1 the pursuit of market capitalism, no matter the justification.

Throughout the literature of climate change denial, a recurrent theme is that environmentalists are motivated by a desire to bring down capitalism and to replace it with socialism or communism. There is also the implication-and sometimes the overt accusation-that the environmentalists' goal is some kind of world government.

In a 1991 piece on global warming, for example, Fred Singer suggested that the threat of global warming had been manufactured by environmentalists based on a "hidden political agenda" against "business, the free market, and the capitalistic system. "80 The true goal of those involved in the global warming issue was not so much to stop global warming-which he insisted did not exist-but rather to foster "international action, preferably with lots of treaties and protocols."

A similar argument was made by political scientist Aaron Wildavsky in a 1992 preface to a book denying global warming.F Wildavsky suggested that the true goal of the environmentalist movement was the redistribution of wealth, and that characterizing environmentalists this way was "an accurate rendition of what environmentalist-cum-post-environmentalist leaders are trying to accomplish." This, he suggests, is why environmentalists are so enamored of international treaties and regulation: they view them as levers toward achieving a new world order."

Excellent analysis on the doubting Thomas's and the whys. Quote above is from book noted below.

"The focus here is on ignorance or doubt or uncertainty as something that is made, maintained, and manipulated by means of certain arts and sciences, The idea is one that easily lends itself to paranoia: namely, that certain people don't want you to know certain things, or will actively work to organize doubt or uncertainty or misinformation to help maintain (your) ignorance. They know, and may or may not want you to know they know, but you are not to be privy to the secret. This is an idea insufficiently explored by philosophers, that ignorance should not be viewed as a simple omission or gap, but rather as an active production. Ignorance can be an actively engineered part of a deliberate plan. I'll begin with trade secrets, moving from there in the next three sections to tobacco agnotology, military secrecy, and the example of ignorance making (or maintenance) as moral resistance." Robert N. Proctor 'Agnotology'

In a 1991 piece on global warming, for example, Fred Singer suggested that the threat of global warming had been manufactured by environmentalists based on a "hidden political agenda" against "business, the free market, and the capitalistic system

Ridiculous! The environmental agenda against business, the free market, and the capitalistic system is not hidden. It's right out there in the open.
Another problem with conservatives is while they're not all racists, they are almost all unwilling to criticize the racists in their midst. Instead, they kiss racist ass and curse anyone who points to the racists. Not a single one of 'em has the conscience or the 'nads to call out the racists.

Not all conservatives are racist? That is soooo white of you. What racists in our midst? I've never met a conservative racist. Tell you what, I'll admit to some conservatives being racist when you demonstrate the courage to admit that sometimes you beat your wife.

One thing we know is that almost every libturd is a race baiting asshole. They live their entire lives anxiously waiting for an opportunity to shout "RACIST!" and thereby validate their lives.
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LLMFAO......but hey, I wouldn't be surprised!!:lol:

And it doesn't surprise me that the lot of you should be as racist as you are. As a parallel truism to a sig we see around here frequently: Not all conservatives are racist bigots, but damn near EVERY SINGLE FUCKING RACIST BIGOT IS A POLITICAL CONSERVATIVE.

Pictures of WHITE tribal witchdoctors simply weren't handy..
Maybe I'll check my "Burning Man" photos and see if I can fix this "racist" oversight..


I did a search on Google for "witch doctor" and searched through three pages of photos for a good one. Damn if there weren't any photos of white witch doctors! It turns out all the witch doctors are from black Africa. I suppose it's racist to post pictures of real witch doctors just as it's racist to point out certain other politically incorrect facts.
Another problem with conservatives is while they're not all racists, they are almost all unwilling to criticize the racists in their midst. Instead, they kiss racist ass and curse anyone who points to the racists. Not a single one of 'em has the conscience or the 'nads to call out the racists.

If you read this thread, you'll find you're wrong.

Of course, you'll never read the thread. You'd rather bitterly cling to your own bigotry.
SSDD, is there even one conservative 'tard cult belief that you don't espouse?

Of course not. You wouldn't dare contradict the cult on even a single issue.

...says a poster indistinguishable from any prog on DU or DailyKOS.

And it doesn't surprise me that the lot of you should be as racist as you are. As a parallel truism to a sig we see around here frequently: Not all conservatives are racist bigots, but damn near EVERY SINGLE FUCKING RACIST BIGOT IS A POLITICAL CONSERVATIVE.

Pictures of WHITE tribal witchdoctors simply weren't handy..
Maybe I'll check my "Burning Man" photos and see if I can fix this "racist" oversight..


I did a search on Google for "witch doctor" and searched through three pages of photos for a good one. Damn if there weren't any photos of white witch doctors! It turns out all the witch doctors are from black Africa. I suppose it's racist to post pictures of real witch doctors just as it's racist to point out certain other politically incorrect facts.

This is actually funny.. Having a leftist pull the race card on innocents.. Lemme help here..


So --- is Susan Hayward racist? All those Looney Hollywood producer elites far-lefties? Are THEY racist??

(Better question is --- are they lefties NOW because they did questionable shit like this before the Civil Rights Act???? Maybe their white guilt is overwhelming and they are still trying to atone for making White Witch Doctor and Zulu Warrior movies)

Lucky for BriPat --- I subscribe to "witch doctor" under both Google and Yahoo news alerts.
It's a hobby of mine..



I think that's Briffa in the 2nd photo at Burning Man..
Leftists are true clowns.
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If you read this thread, you'll find you're wrong.

Of course, you'll never read the thread. You'd rather bitterly cling to your own bigotry.

I read the thread. It was mostly you using your deck of well-worn race cards to declare that anyone who disagreed with you was a racist. We already know you rely on that tactic a lot.

And you saying "I think this black women is attractive" does not refute "conservatives tend to suck up to racists". So I also suggest some remedial logic training on your part.

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